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                                                                                                         Department of the Treasury
                                                                                                         Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Schedule L 

(Form 1118)

(Rev. December 2022)

Section references are to the Internal Revenue the taxpayer computed an amount of              Definitions
Code unless otherwise noted.                   foreign income taxes deemed paid.
                                                                                               Foreign tax redetermination.   A foreign 
Future Developments                            Use Part III to report foreign tax              tax redetermination means a change in 
                                               redeterminations that resulted in a change      the liability for foreign income taxes 
For the latest information about               to the taxpayer’s income inclusions, a          including if:
developments related to Schedule L             change in the amount of foreign income          Accrued foreign taxes when paid or 
(Form 1118) and instructions, such as          taxes paid, accrued, or deemed paid, or a       later adjusted differ from the amounts 
legislation enacted after they were            change in the amount of foreign tax credits     claimed as credits (including corrections 
published, go to IRS.gov/Form1118.             claimed in any relation back year.              to accrued amounts to reflect final foreign 
                                                                                               tax liability and additional payments of tax 
What’s New                                     Use Part IV to report foreign tax               that accrue after the close of the taxable 
                                               redeterminations that resulted in a change      year to which the tax relates);
Part I, column 13, now requests                in the U.S. tax liability for any relation back Accrued foreign taxes are not paid 
"Reference ID Number for Contested Tax,        year or other affected tax year(s) (for         within 24 months after the close of the tax 
if applicable" to reflect Regulations section  example, by reason of a change in               year to which they relate; or
1.905-1(d)(4) and new Form 7204.               allowable foreign tax credit carryovers).       Any foreign tax paid is fully or partially 
In Part III, new columns 12 through 15         Use Part V, beginning with the 2023 tax 
have been added to better reflect section      year, to satisfy the annual reporting           Relation back year. Relation back year 
905(b) and (c) and Regulations section         requirement under Regulations section           means the U.S. tax year in which the 
1.905-4.                                       1.905-1(d)(4)(iv) for contested foreign         foreign taxes being redetermined were 
New Part V, Annual Reporting for               income taxes for which the taxpayer             originally taken into account.
Contested Taxes, has been developed to         claimed a provisional foreign tax credit.         Example.   In U.S. taxable year 1, a 
be used by taxpayers to comply with the                                                        taxpayer took into account $2 million of 
annual notice requirement described in         Who Must File                                   Country X foreign income taxes accrued 
Regulations section 1.905-1(d)(4)(iv). For     Any taxpayer that has a foreign tax             with respect to the foreign tax year that 
each tax year following the year in which a    redetermination under section 905(c) must       ended within U.S. taxable year 1. In year 
provisional foreign tax credit election is     complete this schedule and attach it to the     3, Country X assessed an additional $1 
made on new Form 7204 (see below), up          income tax return for the taxable year in       million of foreign income taxes with 
to and including the tax year in which the     which the foreign tax redetermination           respect to the foreign taxable year that 
contest is resolved, the taxpayer must         occurs. This schedule must be submitted         ended within U.S. taxable year 1. The 
provide the information requested in this      irrespective of whether the foreign tax         relation back year is U.S. taxable year 1.
new Part V.                                    redetermination changed the taxpayer’s          Affected tax year.  Affected tax year 
                                               U.S. tax liability.                             means any tax year for which the U.S. tax 
                                                                                               liability is changed as a result of a foreign 
General Instructions                           Note. If the U.S. tax liability for any year    tax redetermination. This includes tax 
                                               changes by reason of the foreign tax            years in which the U.S. tax liability is 
Purpose of Schedule                            redetermination, the taxpayer must file an      changed as a result of a change in a 
Schedule L (Form 1118) is used to identify     amended return for the taxable year with        carryover of a tax attribute, such as a 
foreign tax redeterminations that occur in     respect to which the U.S. tax liability is      foreign tax credit carryover or a net 
the current tax year in each separate          adjusted, in addition to filing Schedule L      operating loss carryover, from a relation 
category, the years to which they relate,      for the year in which the foreign tax           back year.
and other information that satisfies the       redetermination occurs. See Foreign Tax 
taxpayer’s obligation to notify the IRS of     Redeterminations in the Instructions for        Functional currency. Functional 
foreign tax redeterminations related to        Form 1118 for additional information            currency means the dollar, or in the case 
prior years.                                   regarding foreign tax redeterminations that     of a qualified business unit (QBU), the 
                                               result in a change in U.S. tax liability and    currency of the economic environment in 
Use Part I to report foreign income tax        for the related reporting requirements.         which a significant part of such unit’s 
redeterminations that resulted in an           If a foreign tax redetermination does           activities are conducted and which is used 
increase in the amount of foreign taxes        not change the amount of U.S. tax due for       by such unit in keeping its books and 
accrued and paid by the taxpayer or by a       any taxable year, the taxpayer does not         records. See section 985(b).
foreign corporation with respect to which      need to file an amended return. The             Reference ID number for contested 
the taxpayer computed an amount of             taxpayer satisfies its reporting                tax. See the Instructions for Form 7204 
foreign income taxes deemed paid.              requirements under Regulations section          for the definition of and requirements for 
Use Part II to report foreign income tax       1.905-4(b)(1)(v) with respect to such           the reference ID number for contested 
redeterminations that resulted in a            foreign tax redetermination by filing a         foreign income tax.
decrease in the amount of foreign taxes        Schedule L with the return for the taxable 
paid or accrued by the taxpayer or by a        year in which the foreign tax 
foreign corporation with respect to which      redetermination occurs.

Dec 29, 2022                                         Cat. No. 38267T

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Reporting Exchange Rates on                  respect to pre-2018 tax years in the         (as defined under Regulations section 
                                             foreign corporation's last pooling year.     1.904-4(f)(3)(vii)) or foreign corporation 
Schedule L
                                                                                          that accrued the additional tax.
All exchange rates must be reported using    Election to account for foreign tax 
a “divide-by convention” rounded to at       redeterminations with respect to             Column 9.   Enter the exchange rate 
least four places. That is, the exchange     pre-2018 taxable years in the foreign        originally used to convert the local 
rate must be reported in terms of the        corporation’s last pooling year.      Under  currency (in which the redetermined 
amount by which the functional currency      Regulations section 1.905-5(e), an           foreign tax was paid) to U.S. dollars. See 
amount must be divided in order to reflect   irrevocable election may be made by a        Reporting Exchange Rates on 
an equivalent amount of U.S. dollars. As     foreign corporation’s controlling domestic   Schedule L, earlier, for additional 
such, the exchange rate must be reported     shareholders to account for all foreign tax  information.
as the units of foreign currency that equal  redeterminations that occur in taxable       Column 11.  Enter the U.S. dollar amount 
one U.S. dollar, rounded to at least four    years ending on or after November 2,         of foreign tax of each payor entity that was 
places. Do not report the exchange rate      2020, with respect to pre-2018 taxable       reported by the taxpayer on its original or 
as the number of U.S. dollars that equal     years of foreign corporations as if they     amended return (not taking into account 
one unit of foreign currency.                occurred in the foreign corporation’s last   the foreign tax redetermination).
                                             taxable year beginning before January 1, 
Note. You must round the result to more      2018 (last pooling year). Check the box on   Column 13.  Enter the reference ID 
than four places if failure to do so would   line d if an election under Regulations      number for contested foreign income tax, 
materially distort the exchange rate or the  section 1.905-5(e) has been made or is       if applicable, using the reference ID 
equivalent amount of U.S. dollars.           being made in the current tax year.          number reported on the Form 7204 filed 
                                                                                          with respect to the contested foreign 
Computer Generated                                                                        income tax.
                                             Part I
Schedule L                                                                                Column 14.  Check the box if the foreign 
Schedule L (Form 1118) will not be           Column 1. Enter the ending date of the 
electronically enabled for tax year 2021 or  relation back year. See definition of        tax redetermination changes the 
tax year 2022. However, for those tax        Relation back year, earlier. If an election  determination as to whether a grouping of 
years you may file Schedule L (Form          under Regulations section 1.905-5(e) has     income and related taxes of a foreign 
1118) as a PDF attachment to an              been made, report all foreign tax            corporation qualifies for the High Tax 
electronically filed Form 1118. With         redeterminations with respect to pre-2018    Exception or Exclusion described in 
respect to such PDF attachments:             taxable years under the last pooling year.   section 954(b)(4).

In cases where reporting is required for   Columns 2a through 2d.  Enter in             Part II
more than three payor entities for a         columns 2a and 2b the name and the EIN 
relation back year, attach a statement that  or reference ID number of the payor entity.  Columns 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d.      Use the 
lists all information requested on           If the payor entity is not a corporation,    instructions for Part I, columns 1, 2a, 2b, 
Schedule L for those payor entities          enter in columns 2c and 2d the name and      2c, and 2d to complete the corresponding 
following the format of Schedule L.          the EIN or reference ID number of the        columns in Part II.
In cases where reporting is required for   domestic or foreign corporation that owns    Column 3.   Enter the code for the country 
more than two relation back years, or        the payor entity. In columns 2b and 2d, do   or U.S. territory from which tax was 
there are other affected years in addition   not enter “FOREIGNUS” or “APPLIED            refunded using the country codes 
to the relation back years (Part IV), attach FOR.” Instead, if an entity does not have    provided at IRS.gov/CountryCodes.
a statement that lists all information       an EIN, the taxpayer must enter a 
requested on Schedule L for those years      reference ID number that uniquely            Columns 4 and 5.   Enter in column 4 the 
following the format of Schedule L.          identifies the payor entity or owner for     date(s) the foreign taxes were refunded or 
                                             which such number is requested. See          deemed refunded and enter in column 5 
                                             Reference ID numbers in the Instructions     the ending date of the foreign tax year to 
Specific Instructions                        for Form 1118 for requirements and           which such taxes relate. If the foreign 
Important. All information reported on       additional details.                          taxes are deemed refunded by reason of 
                                                                                          the section 905(c)(2) two-year rule 
Schedule L (Form 1118) must be in            Column 3. Enter the code for the country     described in the Note in the instructions 
English. All amounts must be stated in       or U.S. territory to which tax is paid using for Column 13, enter in column 4 the date 
U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified on  the country codes provided at IRS.gov/       that is 24 months after the close of the 
Schedule L.                                  CountryCodes.                                taxable year to which the foreign taxes 
Line a.  On line a, enter the same           Columns 4 and 5.    Enter in column 4 the    relate.
separate category code as that shown on      date(s) the additional foreign taxes were    Column 6.   Use the instructions for Part I, 
the Form 1118 to which this Schedule L       paid and enter in column 5 the ending        column 6 to complete Part II, column 6.
relates.                                     date of the foreign tax year to which such 
Line b.  If code 901j is entered on line a,  taxes relate.                                Column 7.   Enter the amount of the tax 
                                                                                          refunded or deemed refunded in the local 
enter on line b the same country code as     Column 6. Enter the payor entity’s           currency in which the tax is payable.
that shown on the Form 1118 to which this    income subject to tax in the foreign 
Schedule L relates.                          jurisdiction, as reported on the foreign tax Column 8.   Enter the amount refunded or 
Line c.  If one of the RBT codes is entered  return.                                      deemed refunded denominated in the 
                                                                                          functional currency of the taxpayer's QBU 
on line a, enter on line c the same country  Column 7. Enter the amounts of               (as defined under Regulations section 
code as that shown on the Form 1118 to       additional tax accrued in the local          1.904-4(f)(3)(vii)) or foreign corporation 
which this Schedule L relates.               currency in which the tax is payable.        that paid or accrued the refunded amount.
Line d.  Check the box on line d if an       Column 8. Enter the amounts of the           Columns 9 and 11.    Use the instructions 
election has been made under                 additional tax denominated in the            for Part I, columns 9 and 11 to complete 
Regulations section 1.905-5(e) to account    functional currency of the taxpayer's QBU    the corresponding columns in Part II.
for foreign tax redeterminations with 

                                                                 -2- Instructions for Schedule L (Form 1118) (Rev. Dec. 2022)

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Column 13. Check the box if the foreign      section 951A inclusion and enter in            Part V
tax redetermination is a result of the       column 9 the amount of section 951A 
application of the section 905(c)(2)         inclusion reported on the taxpayer’s           Important. Do not complete Part V for tax 
two-year rule.                               original or previously amended return.         year 2022. Beginning with tax year 2023, 
                                                                                            taxpayers will enter the information 
                                             Columns 10 and 11.      Enter in column 10     requested on Schedule L, Part V, using 
Note. Under section 905(c)(2), if accrued    the redetermined amount of foreign             the instructions provided below.
foreign income taxes are not paid on or      income taxes deemed paid under section 
before the date that is 24 months after the  960(d) and enter in column 11 the amount       Column 1.  For taxpayers that claim 
close of the taxable year to which they      of foreign income taxes deemed paid            credits on the accrual basis, enter the 
relate (two-year rule), there is a resulting under section 960(d) on the taxpayer’s         relation back year. For taxpayers that 
foreign tax redetermination that is          original or previously amended return.         claim credits on the cash basis, enter the 
accounted for as if the unpaid portion of                                                   year in which the contested foreign 
the foreign income taxes were refunded       Columns 12 and 13.      Enter in column 12     income tax was remitted to the foreign 
on that date. Credit may be claimed for      the redetermined taxes deemed paid             country. The tax year entered in column 1 
those taxes if and when they are ultimately  under section 960(b)(1) and enter in           should correspond with the tax year 
paid. Foreign income taxes that first        column 13 the section 960(b)(1) deemed         entered on line 1 on the Form 7204 that 
accrue after the date 24 months after the    paid taxes per original or previously          was filed in order to claim a provisional 
close of the taxable year to which such      amended return.                                credit for the contested foreign income 
taxes relate may not be claimed as a         Columns 14 and 15.      Enter in column 14     tax.
credit or added to PTEP group taxes until    the redetermined taxes deemed paid             Columns 2 and 3.  Enter in column 2 the 
paid.                                        under section 902 and enter in column 15       name of the payor entity and enter in 
Column 14. Use the instructions for Part     the section 902 deemed paid taxes per          column 3 the reference ID number for the 
I, column 14 to complete Part II, column     the taxpayer’s original or previously          contested foreign income tax that was 
14.                                          amended return.                                used on the Form 7204.
                                             Columns 16 and 17.      Enter in column 16     Columns 4 and 5.  Enter in column 4 the 
Part III                                     the total amount of foreign tax credit         code of the country or U.S. possession to 
Column 1. Use the instructions for Part I,   claimed in the separate category on the        which the tax was paid using the country 
column 1 to complete Part III, column 1.     taxpayer’s original or previously amended      codes provided at IRS.gov/CountryCodes 
                                             return and enter in column 17 the total        and enter in column 5 the amount of 
Columns 2 and 3. Enter in column 2 the       amount of foreign tax credit claimed after     contested foreign income tax that was 
redetermined direct section(s) 901 and/or    the foreign tax redetermination. Include       provisionally claimed as credit.
903 taxes paid or accrued and enter in       changes attributable to foreign tax 
column 3 the direct section(s) 901 and/or    redeterminations that affect the amount of     Columns 6 and 7.  Check the box in 
903 taxes paid or accrued per the            foreign taxes deemed paid under section        column 6 if the contest is still ongoing and 
taxpayer’s original or previously amended    902 prior to its repeal and under section      check the box in column 7 if the contest 
return.                                      960(b) in these totals.                        was resolved.
Columns 4 and 5. Enter in column 4 the                                                      Columns 8 and 9.  Enter in column 8 the 
redetermined amount of the taxpayer’s        Part IV                                        date the contest was resolved and enter in 
section 951(a)(1) inclusion (including       Column 1. Enter the ending date of the         column 9 the amount of tax refunded or 
inclusions under sections 956 and 965)       relation back year or affected year. See       additional tax paid, if any. Any portion of a 
and enter in column 5 the amount of          definitions of Relation back year and          contested foreign income tax for which a 
section 951(a)(1) inclusion on the           Affected tax year, earlier. If an election     provisional credit is claimed that is 
taxpayer’s original or previously amended    under Regulations section 1.905-5(e) has       subsequently refunded results in a foreign 
return.                                      been made, report all foreign tax              tax redetermination that must be reported 
Columns 6 and 7. Enter in column 6 the       redeterminations with respect to pre-2018      on Schedule L and, if applicable, an 
redetermined amount of foreign income        taxable years under the last pooling year.     amended return for the taxable year(s) 
                                                                                            with respect to the U.S. tax liability 
taxes deemed paid under section 960(a)       Columns 2 through 4.    Enter in column 2      changes as a result of such foreign tax 
and enter in column 7 the amount of          the total redetermined U.S. tax liability and  redemption.
foreign income taxes deemed paid under       enter in column 3 the total U.S. tax liability 
section 960(a) as reported on the            reported on the taxpayer’s original or         Additional Information
taxpayer’s original or previously amended    previously amended return. In column 4,        For more information, see section 905(c) 
return.                                      enter the difference by subtracting column     and Regulations sections 1.905-1, 
Columns 8 and 9. Enter in column 8 the       3 from column 2 for each affected tax          1.905-3, 1.905-4, and 1.905-5.
redetermined amount of the taxpayer’s        year.

Instructions for Schedule L (Form 1118) (Rev. Dec. 2022)      -3-

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