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Kansas Department of Labor Page 2 of 2
Quarterly Wage Report & Unemployment Tax Return
K-CNS 100 Web (Rev. 81 -1 )
This report can be filed online at www.KansasEmployer.gov
REIMBURSING EMPLOYERS 12. Total of Total Wages for ALL pages. This is a total of all wages you paid this quarter. Check
Items 7, 13 and 15 do NOT apply to reimbursing employers. the box ONLY if no wages were paid.
Items 12 and 14 must be the same amount. Item 13 will be zero.
13. Total of Excess Wages from ALL pages. This is a total of all wages over the $14,000 wage
base paid this quarter.
Taxes are paid on TOTAL wages. 14. Total of Taxable Wages paid this quarter. Subtract Excess Wages, item 13, from Total
Items 7 and 13 do NOT apply to rated government employers. Wages, item 12.
Items 12 and 14 must be the same amount. Item 13 will be zero.
To compute the tax due, item 15, multiply taxable wages, item 14, by your tax rate. 15. Unemployment Tax Due. Multiply Taxable Wages, item 14, by your tax rate.
16. A State Unemployment Tax Avoidance (SUTA) Penalty Rate is assigned by the agency to
1. The employer's name. If there is a change of address, or a change of ownership, please employers who violate or attempt to violate SUTA laws. A rate of no less than 2% will be
complete K-CNS 0103, Employer Account Record Change. assigned to the employer. Multiply Taxable Wages, item 14, by your SUTA Penalty Rate.
2. Your six-digit unemployment tax number. 17. A penalty of .05% of Total Wages is added for each month that your return is late. Parts of
a month are rounded up to whole months. For example, a first quarter tax return filed the
3. The quarter ending date for this tax return. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format. The quarter middle of June would be TWO months late, not one and a half. To compute your penalty if
ending March 31, 2018, the first quarter of 201 ,8would be 03/31/201 .8Please also you are beyond the last postmark date of the report due date, multiply Total Wages, item
identify the quarter with Q/YYYY. In this example, 1/2018 . To avoid penalty and interest, 12, by .05%. Multiply that result by the number of months you are late. The minimum
this tax return must be postmarked by the last day of the month after the end of the penalty is $25. The maximum penalty is $200. A delinquent tax return reporting No Wages
quarter. The last acceptable postmark date for the 1/201 8 tax return would be April 30,8201 . will have the minimum penalty assessed.
4. The Social Security number for each employee. 18. Past due taxes accrue interest at the rate of 1% a month. Parts of a month are rounded
5. The name of each employee: last name, first name, middle initial. up to whole months. If you are paying your unemployment tax late, compute the interest
by multiplying the months you are late by 1% and then by the tax due, item
6. The total amount of wages paid to each employee during this calendar quarter. Wages 15. Using the example above, an employer who shows $1,000 in taxes due in item 15,
should be reported in the quarter they are paid, not the quarter they are earned. would add $20 in interest. 2 x 1% x $1,000 = $20.
7. Unemployment taxes are paid on the first $14,000 of wages paid to each employee in a 19. If you owe taxes from a prior quarter, enter the amount due from the Statement, K-CNS
calendar year. Item 7 is the wages THIS QUARTER that are over the $14,000 taxable 210, we sent you.
wage base. This amount cannot be larger than the quarterly wages paid in item 6. For
example, an employee who is paid $7,500 each quarter would have no excess wages in 20. Taxes from a prior quarter overpaid when this report was mailed. Verify that it has not
the 1st quarter, $1,000 in excess wages in the 2nd quarter and $7,500 in both the 3rd been refunded or otherwise liquidated. If you have overpaid your unemployment taxes in a
and 4th quarters. prior quarter, complete an Adjustment, K-CNS 111, and enter the total tax overpaid.
8. Enter the totals for THIS PAGE of the Total Wages column, item 6, and the Excess 21. The Total Due is a total of items 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 minus item 20. If you owe $5 or
Wages column, item 7. Total each page separately. more, make your remittance payable to the Kansas Employment Security Fund. Send
your return to P.O. Box 400, Topeka, KS 66601-0400.
9. If you have attached continuation sheets, indicate how many are enclosed.
22. The return must be signed by the owner, partner, member/manager, corporate officer or
10. This is your NAICS Code (applicable if you receive this by mail only). designated employee. Please include your daytime voice phone number with the area
11. Tell us your mid-month employment. This is a count of all full-time and part-time workers
who worked or were paid for the payroll period that includes the 12th of the month. 23. Check this box ONLY if this is the final wage report for this entity (i.e., business no longer
paying wages, business closed, business sold, etc.).
For help in completing this tax return or filing an adjustment to a prior return, you may call your local unemployment tax office.
A list of offices can be found online at http://www.dol.ks.gov/UI/EnSec15_DBR.aspx
Assistance is also available from our administrative office in TopekaP: hone: (785)296-5027 or email: KDOL.uitax@ks.gov