PDF document
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                         STATE OF NEW YORK
                           Department of Taxation and Finance

    Letter of Intent to Develop MeF Fiduciary Income Tax  E-file 

                         Software for Tax Year 2017

If you are a software developer who plans to market or distribute software for preparation and e-filing of New York State 
fiduciary income tax forms, you must complete this form before you can begin testing.  If you have more than one product 
you need to complete and submit a separate Letter of Intent for each product; each product must have its own software ID.

 We need this information to ensure that we: 
• Have the most current vendor information on file; and
• Are able to determine the status of each vendor's progress throughout the ATS Testing process; and
• All issues in production are identified, communicated and corrected

1. Please complete all the relevant vendor information fields below.  You may choose your own New York State
Software ID.  This may be up to ten Alpha/Numeric characters.  

2.  In the Supported Forms section check the boxes that correspond to the forms that your software will provide.
Indicate any relevant information that pertains to the forms in the corresponding "Comments" section.

3.  When completed, save a copy of this file and return via email to NYSFIDMEF@tax.ny.gov

Notify us of any changes.  If, after you submit this letter, you change the forms you have included in your software 
package, you must notify us within seven days.  An updated Letter of Intent and additional testing may be required.

Type of Software Product DIY/Consumer (Web-Based)                    DIY/Consumer (Desktop) 

                         Professional/Paid Preparer (Web-Based)      Professional/Paid Preparer (Desktop) 

NYS Software ID

Product Name



NACTP Member             Yes            No       Member ID#          Paper Vendor 
                                                                     ID #  (If different 
                                                                     from NACTP #)

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Contact Information

Legal name

Firm name


City                                                              State                  Zip code


contact name

E-mail address 

Phone number                                                         Ext

contact name

E-mail address 

Phone number                                                         Ext

Please indicate if you support the following (  no,if explain why in the space provided):

Linked                   Yes       
Unlinked                Yes         No 
Foreign address         Yes         No 
PDF attachments         Yes          No 
Amended returns         Yes          No 

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          Rebranded software products

               Use this section only if this product is rebranded with the approval of the software publisher, 
               who is the original creator of the software and signer of the LOI. It is the position of the STAR 
               Working Group under the auspices of the IRS Security Summit that: 

                Rebranding where the software publisher makes all code changes to generate the rebranded
                 software and ensures that the rebranded software meets the applicable requirements (Trusted
                 Customer, Generation of Authentication Elements, Generate of LEADS reports, STAR
                 Requirements, etc) does not pose any additional risk to the tax ecosystem.
                Rebranding where the organization who rebrands the software has the capability to make
                 cosmetic changes including but not limited to color or font, but cannot make changes to the
                 applicable requirements (listed above) also does not pose additional risk to the ecosystem.

          Rebranded product name                                                 Unique identifier 

          Contact person              Email address                              Phone 

          Rebranded product name                                                 Unique identifier 

          Contact person              Email address                              Phone 

          Rebranded product name                                                 Unique identifier 

          Contact person              Email address                              Phone 

          Rebranded product name                                                 Unique identifier 

          Contact person              Email address                              Phone 

          Rebranded product name                                                 Unique identifier 

          Contact person              Email address                              Phone 

          *If there are more than five software products that have rebranded under a different name, please list
           them on a separate sheet and attach with your LOI submission.

          For Rebranded products, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has the 
          following requirements for e-file ATS approval 

                 Rebranded products are required to complete the full e-file ATS approval process 

                 Rebranded products are required to complete an abbreviated e-file ATS approval process 

                 Rebranded products are not required to complete e-file ATS approval 

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Supported Forms - XML / PDF

Please indicate your support for the following forms.  "XML" indicates support for the form in XML. "PDF" 
indicates support for the form as an attached PDF.   NOTE: If your software supports any or all of Forms 
IT-370-PF, IT-205, IT-205-T, or IT-2106 (main forms), they must be supported in XML. PDF attachment of 
main forms is not allowed.  New forms for tax year 2017 are marked with an asterisk (*).
Form         XML      PDF      Form      XML               PDF     Form  XML            PDF

Main Forms                     IT-242*                         IT-639

IT-370-PF             XML only IT-249                          IT-640

IT-205                XML only IT-256                          IT-641

IT-2106               XML only IT-2105.9                       IT-642
IT-205-T                       IT-398                          IT-643

IT-205-A                       IT-399                          IT-644

IT-205-C                       IT-601                          IT-645

IT-205-J                       IT-603                          IT-646

IT-112-R                       IT-604                          IT-647*

IT-135                         IT-606                          DTF-622*

IT-182                         IT-607                          DTF-686*

IT-212                         IT-611                          W-2                      XML only

IT-217                         IT-611.1                        W-2G                     XML only

IT-219                         IT-611.2                        1099-DIV                 XML only

IT-222                         IT-612                          1099-G                   XML only

IT-223                         IT-631*                         1099-INT                 XML only

IT-225                         IT-635*                         1099-MISC                XML only

IT-230*                        IT-637                          1099-R                   XML only

IT-241                         IT-638
                                                                                                Reset Choices

TR-376-FIDMEF (10/17)                                                                           Page 4 of 6

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National Security Summit standards and requirements

National standards have been developed to protect taxpayers from identity theft tax refund fraud.  You are agreeing to 
adhere to all IRS,  tate,s and  ndustry i ecurity s ummits      guidelines as a condition of providing tax software product(s) to 
taxpayers and tax professionals for individual income tax MeF.

Standards in this section apply to all Do  t  ourselfi y (DIY)  onsumerc and  rofessional, p aid  reparer p roducts,p taxp
professional, and volunteer (VITA) products.  

Authentication data elements

The state e-standards Authentication Header Schema has been established to identify and authenticate a taxpayer and 
prevent identity theft tax refund fraud.  Tax  oftware s        roviderspare required to transmit all data elements included in the 
state authentication data elements when available.   If you are not providing all data elements you must explain what you 
are not providing and why you are unable to provide them in the space provided below. 

                                          This area intentionally left blank

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             I acknowledge that all e-file ATS tests submitted during the approval process are 
             created in and originate from the actual software. 

             I acknowledge that all electronic returns received by New York State generated from 
             this software will be electronically filed from the initially approved product version, or a 
             subsequent product update. 

             I acknowledge that New York State will be notified immediately of any incorrect and/or 
             missing calculation or e-file data element for any electronically filed returns submitted 
             to New York State

As the representative of the above named organization, I agree, on behalf of the organization, 
to comply with all requirements listed above.  Furthermore, by signing this agreement, my 
organization is agreeing to all of the requirements listed above. The New York State 
Department of Taxation and Finance reserves the right to revoke approval acceptance of any 
company and thereby refuse to accept any additional returns from such software company 
that does not adhere to above stated requirements. 

As an approved New York State provider, I agree to provide true, accurate, current, and 
complete information about my company. I understand that if I provide any information that is 
untrue, inaccurate, obsolete, or incomplete, the New York State Department of Taxation and 
Finance has the right to deny, suspend, or terminate my account. 



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