![]() | RETURN OF EXCISE TAX BY UTILITIES - UXP FOR USE BY UTILITIES OTHER THAN RAILROADS, BUS COMPANIES, AND OTHER COMMON CARRIERS Period beginning ________-_________-________ Period ending ________-_________-________ Name: Name EMPLOYER Change n __________________________________________________________________________________________ IDENTIFICATION In Care of: NUMBEROR : __________________________________________________________________________________________ SOCIAL NUMBER: Address (number and street): Address SECURITY Change n __________________________________________________________________________________________ FEDERAL City and State: Zip: Country (if not US): BUSINESS CODE: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Business Telephone Number: Taxpayer’s Email Address 2-CHARACTER SPECIAL CONDITION CODE *70112191* IF APPLICABLE (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ): Check type of business entity: n Corporation n Partnership n Individual n Amended return n Initial return: Date business began nn nn nnnn - - n Final(Checkreturn:this box ifDateyou havebusinessceased operationsendedinnn nn nnnn NYC) - - SCHEDULE A Computation of Gross Income (See instructions) Payment Amount A. Payment Amount being paid electronically with this return............................................. A. UTILITY INCOME (without any deductions) 1. Revenue from sales or services ····················································································································································································································· 1. t MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE (without any deductions) 2. Commissions ··························································································································································································································································· 2. 3. Merchandise and jobbing ·································································································································································································································· 3. 4. Miscellaneous service ········································································································································································································································ 4. 5. Advertising ······································································································································································································································································5. 6. Licenses ···········································································································································································································································································6. 7. Miscellaneous (explain in Schedule C) ···································································································································································································· 7. 8. TOTAL (add lines 1 through 7) ······················································································································································································································ 8. NON- OPERATING INCOME 9. Interest from persons other than corporations······················································································································································································ 9. 10. Royalties ·········································································································································································································································································10. 11. Profits from the sale of securities··················································································································································································································· 11. GROSS INCOME 12. Profit from the sale of real property·············································································································································································································· 12. 13. Profit from sale of personal property (other than property of a kind which would properly be included in the inventory of the taxpayer)···························· 13. t 14 Miscellaneous (including gains or profits from any source whatsoever) (explain in Schedule C) ······················································································· 14. 15. TOTAL NON-OPERATING INCOME (add lines 9 through 14)···················································································································································· 15. 16. GROSS INCOME (add lines 8 and 15) ···································································································································································································· 16. t 17. Tax (line 16 x 2.35%) ············································································································································································································································ 17. 18. Sales and use tax refunded ······························································································································································································································ 18. 19. TOTAL TAX (add lines 17 and 18) ··············································································································································································································· 19. 20a. REAP Credit (from NYC-9.5UTX, Section I, line 11, or Section II, line 3)(attach form)ÆÆ 20a. 20b. LMREAP Credit (from Form NYC-9.8UTX, Section I, line 11, or Section II, line 3) ········· 20b. 20c. Credit for rebates and discounts of charges for energy users (attach schedule)·············· 20c. 20d. Previous payment ·················································································································································· 20d. 21. TOTAL PAYMENTS AND CREDITS (add lines 20a through 20d) ············································································································································ 21. 22. If line 19 is larger than line 21, enter balance due ·············································································································································································· 22. 23. If line 19 is smaller than line 21, enter overpayment ········································································································································································· 23. 24. Amount of line 23 to be refunded ·················································································································································································································· 24. 25. Interest(see instructions) ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ 25. COMPUTATION26. Penalty (seeOFinstructions)AMOUNTÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆDUE 26. t 27. TOTAL REMITTANCE DUE (add lines 22, 25 and 26)···································································································································································· 27. I hereby certify that this return, including any accompanying schedules or statements, has been examined by me, and is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete. Firm's Email Address t I authorize the Dept. of Finance to discuss this return with the preparer listed below. (see instructions) .................YES n ________________________________________ Preparer's Social Security Number or PTIN Signature of owner, partner or officer of corporations Titles Date s TAXPAYER Preparer's signature s Preparer’s printed name s Date s Check if self- Firm's Employer Identification Number employed 4 CERTIFICATION OF t Firm's name s Address s Zip Code s n 70112191 SEE PAGE 2 FOR MAILING AND PAYMENT INFORMATION NYC-UXP 2020 |
![]() | Form NYC-UXP Page 2 SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE C Enter below all income received during the period covered Details of miscellaneous income, lines 7 and 14 by this return and NOT reported in Schedule A. reported in Schedule A. REFER TO LINE EXPLANATION AMOUNT # ON PAGE 1 EXPLANATION AMOUNT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED A. State kind and nature of business _________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Telephone number (_____) _________ - _________________ C. If a corporation, in what state did you incorporate? ____________________________________________________________________________________ D. Does this return cover business at more than one location?......................................................................................................................................................................................................... n Yes n No (IF YES, YOU MUST ATTACH A SCHEDULE LISTING ADDRESS AND GROSS INCOME APPLICABLE TO EACH LOCATION.) E. The books of the taxpayer are in the care of: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name s Address s Telephone s F. Does this taxpayer pay rent greater than $200,000 for any premises in NYC in the borough of Manhattan south of 96th Street for the purpose of carrying on any trade, business, profession, vocation or commercial activity? .................................................................... n YES n NO G. If "YES", were all required Commercial Rent Tax Returns filed? .................................................................................................................................................................................... n YES n NO Please enter Employer Identification Number which was used on the Commercial Rent Tax Return:___________________________ MAILING INSTRUCTIONS ALL RETURNS EXCEPT REFUND RETURNS REMITTANCES RETURNS CLAIMING REFUNDS NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PAY ONLINE WITH FORM NYC-200V NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE UTILITY TAX AT NYC.GOV/ESERVICES UTILITY TAX P.O. BOX 5564 OR P.O. BOX 5563 BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-5564 Mail Payment and Form NYC-200V ONLY to: BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-5563 NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE P.O. BOX 3933 NEW YORK, NY 10008-3933 *70122191* 70122191 |
![]() | NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Instructions for Form NYC-UXP IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING FORM NYC-200V AND PAYMENT OF TAX DUE Payments may be made on the NYC Department of Finance website at nyc.gov/eservices, or via check or money order. If paying with check or money order, do not include these payments with your New York City return. Checks and money orders must be accompanied by payment voucher form NYC-200V and sent to the address on the voucher. Form NYC-200V must be postmarked by the return due date to avoid late payment penalties and interest. See form NYC-200V for more information. deemed to be from business conducted wholly within the City.) GENERAL NFORMATIONI Enter all other gross income in Schedule B, page 2. HIGHLIGHTS OF LEGISLATION GROSS INCOME For tax periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009, Utility Tax refunds Include on lines 1-7: may be claimed up to three years from the time the return is filed or two l for tax periods beginning on or after August 1, 2002, include in years from the time the tax is paid, the same as the period applying to re- Gross Income reported on Schedule A, 84 percent of ALL charges funds of General Corporation Tax, Business Corporation Tax, the Unincor- for mobile telecommunications services to customers where the porated Business Tax, and the Bank Tax. Administrative Code section place of primary use of the customer is in the City. Such receipts 11-1108(a), as amended by Chapter 201 of the Laws of 2009, section 35. are deemed to be derived from business conducted wholly within the City. See, Ad. Code §11-1102(c) as amended. For this purpose, Beginning January 1, 2006, metered sales of energy to tenants of certain co- "place of primary use" has the same meaning as in the Federal Mo- operative housing corporations are exempted from the City utility tax. The bile Telecommunications Sourcing Act of 2000. See, Ad. Code exemption applies to cooperative corporations with at least 1,500 apartments §11-1101(20) as amended. that own or operate a cogeneration facility that was in place before January l 1, 2004 (or that replaces such a facility), and that make metered sales of the all receipts from any sale made, including receipts from the sales of energy produced for the development’s tenants or occupants. See Ad. Code residuals and by-products (except sale of real property, securities and §§11-1101.25, 11-1101.26 and 11-1102(g). A return must still be filed by noninventoriable personal property) or service rendered in the City, the cooperative corporation using a tax rate of zero. including cash, credits and property of any kind or nature (whether or not the sale is made or the service is rendered for profit) without For information concerning the Relocation Employment Assistance Pro- any deduction for any cost, expense or discount paid. gram (REAP) see the Department of Finance website at: Include on lines 9-14: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/finance/benefits/business-reap.page l profit from the sale of real property; Effective for tax periods beginning on and after August 1, 2002, entities l profit from the sale of securities; that receive eighty percent or more of their gross receipts from charges for the provision of mobile telecommunications services to customers will be l profit from the sale of non-inventoriable personal property; taxed as if they were regulated utilities for purposes of the New York City l receipts from interest, dividends and royalties (other than interest Utility Tax, General Corporation Tax, Business Corporation Tax, Banking and dividends received from corporations) without deduction for Corporation Tax and Unincorporated Business Tax. Thus, such entities any expense; and will be subject to only the New York City Utility Tax. The amount of gross income subject to tax has been amended to conform to the Federal Mobile l gains or profits from any source whatsoever except as specifically Telecommunications Sourcing Act of 2000. In addition, if any such entity excluded below. is a partnership, its partners will not be subject to the New York City Util- ity Tax on their distributive share of the income of any such entity. Finally, Do not include: for tax years beginning on and after August 1, 2002, partners in any such l for tax periods beginning on or after August 1, 2002, the taxpayer’s entity will not be subject to General Corporation Tax, Business Corporation distributive share, if any, of income, gains, losses and deductions Tax, Banking Corporation Tax or Unincorporated Business Tax on their from any partnership subject to the NYC Utility Tax as a utility or distributive share of the income of any such entity. Chapter 93, Part C, of vendor of utility services, including its share of separately reported the Laws of New York, 2002. items. Ad. Code §11-1102(f)(2). (See “UTILITY” defined below.) NOTE: There have been substantial changes to the Energy Cost Savings l gross income from sales for resale other than sales of gas, electric- Program. For information, call (212) 513-6345. ity, steam, water or refrigeration or gas, electric, steam, water or re- frigeration service to a vendor of utility services for resale to tenants. Special Condition Codes At the time this form is being published, there are no special condition l rents, except those derived from facilities used in the public serv- codes for tax year 2021. Check the Finance website for updated special ice, modified as provided in Ad. Code §11-1101.4. condition codes. If applicable, enter the two character code in the box pro- vided on the form. SCHEDULE B Enter all other income in Schedule B, page 2. SCHEDULE A - COMPUTATION OF GROSS INCOME UTILITY Every person subject to the supervision of the Department of Public Serv- Enter in Schedule A that part of gross income, without any deduc- ice of the State of New York. Effective for tax periods beginning on and tions, derived from business conducted wholly within the territorial after August 1, 2002, entities that receive eighty percent or more of their limits of NYC. (See first bulleted item under “Gross Income” for a gross receipts from charges for the provision of mobile telecommunica- discussion of what income from mobile telecommunications is tions services to customers will be taxed as if they were subject to the su- |
![]() | Form NYC-UXP Page 2 pervision of the Department of Public Service of the State of New York. due for the current tax year on a semi-annual basis on or before July 25th and January 25th covering a six-month tax period of January-June Line 18 - Sales and Compensating Use Tax Refunds and July-December, respectively. If you received a refund in the current period of any sales and use taxes for which you claimed a credit in a prior period, enter the amount of Payment must be made in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank. Checks such refund on line 18. drawn on foreign banks will be rejected and returned. Make remittance payable to the order of: NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Line 20a - Credits from form NYC-9.5UTX For further information, call 311. If calling from outside the five NYC Enter on this line the credit against the Utility Tax for the relocation boroughs, call 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675). and employment assistance program. (Attach Form NYC-9.5UTX.) Preparer Authorization: If you want to allow the Department of Fi- Line 20b - Credits from form NYC-9.8UTX nance to discuss your return with the paid preparer who signed it, you Enter on this line the credit against the Utility Tax for the Lower Man- must check the "yes" box in the signature area of the return. This au- hattan relocation and employment assistance program. (Attach Form thorization applies only to the individual whose signature appears in NYC-9.8UTX.) the "Preparer's Use Only" section of your return. It does not apply to IMPOSITION/BASIS/RATE OF TAX the firm, if any, shown in that section. By checking the "Yes" box, you The tax is imposed on every utility for the privilege of exercising a fran- are authorizing the Department of Finance to call the preparer to an- chise or franchises, holding property or doing business in New York City. swer any questions that may arise during the processing of your return. Also, you are authorizing the preparer to: A utility other than a railroad, bus company or other common carrier is l Give the Department any information missing from your return, taxable at 2.35% of gross income as defined above. l Call the Department for information about the processing of your INTEREST return or the status of your refund or payment(s), and If the tax is not paid on or before the due date, interest must be paid on the amount of the underpayment from the due date to the date paid. For l Respond to certain notices that you have shared with the pre- information as to the applicable rate of interest, visit the Finance web- parer about math errors, offsets, and return preparation. The no- site at nyc.gov/finance or call 311. Interest amounting to less than $1 tices will not be sent to the preparer. need not be paid. You are not authorizing the preparer to receive any refund check, bind PENALTIES you to anything (including any additional tax liability), or otherwise rep- resent you before the Department. The authorization cannot be revoked; a) If you fail to file a return when due, add to the tax (less any pay- however, the authorization will automatically expire twelve (12) months ments made on or before the due date or any credits claimed on the after the due date (without regard to any extensions) for filing this return. return) 5% for each month or partial month the form is late, up to Failure to check the box will be deemed a denial of authority. 25%, unless the failure is due to reasonable cause. MAILING INSTRUCTIONS b) If this form is filed more than 60 days late, the above late filing penalty cannot be less than the lesser of (1) $100 or (2) 100% of the All returns, except refund returns: amount required to be shown on the form (less any payments made NYC Department of Finance by the due date or credits claimed on the return). Utility Tax c) If you fail to pay the tax shown on the return by the prescribed fil- P.O. Box 5564 ing date, add to the tax (less any payments made or any credits Binghamton, NY 13902-5564 claimed on the return) 1/2% for each month or partial month the payment is late up to 25%, unless the failure is due to reasonable Remittances - Pay online with Form NYC-200V at nyc.gov/eser- cause. vices, or Mail payment and Form NYC-200V only to: NYC Department of Finance d) The total of the additional charges in a) and c) may not exceed 5% P.O. Box 3933 for any one month except as provided for in b). New York, NY 10008-3933 e) Additional penalties may be imposed on any underpayment of the tax. Returns claiming refunds: If you claim not to be liable for these additional charges, a statement in NYC Department of Finance support of your claim should be attached to the return. Utility Tax P.O. Box 5563 SIGNATURE Binghamton, NY 13902-5563 This report must be signed by an officer authorized to certify that the statements contained herein are true. If the taxpayer is a part- T O AVOID THE IMPOSITION OF PENALTIES, your amount of the tax due must be nership or another unincorporated entity, this return must be paid in full and this return must be filed and postmarked within 25 days after signed by a person duly authorized to act on behalf of the taxpayer. the end of the period covered by the return. FILING A RETURN AND PAYMENT OF TAX Returns are due on or before the 25th day of each month, if filing on a monthly basis, covering gross income for the preceding calendar month. However, if the tax liability is less than $100,000 for the preceding cal- endar year, determined on an annual or annualized basis, returns are |