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Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
Instructions for REV-1313
REV-1313 IN (Ex) 05-17 Application for Refund of Pennsylvania Inheritance/Estate Tax
providing all taxes assessed are paidrefund. The receipt numbers listed
REFUND INSTRUCTIONSin full. Such requests should be filedmust be for payments made by
This application must be filed with the PAwith the Board of Appeals, PO BOXeither the individual who paid the tax
Department of Revenue within three yearsrg, 281021, PA 17128-1021.Harrisbu on an asset billed separately from
after payment or final determination ofmThe petition for isthe estateavailable(Joint/Transfer onatDeath
the tax, whichever is later. See Sectionwww.boardofappeals.state.pa.us.Asset or Transferee Return Type) or
2181 (d) of the Inheritance and Estate the party or party’s assignee for the
Tax Act for statutory alternatives.FORM INSTRUCTIONSestate (the executor or administrator
If the issue(s) involved in this refund of the estate; or the attorney for
Decedent Information:
application is/are similar to the issue(s) the estate) for which the refund is
Complete all fields for the decedent’s
in any litigation pending before a court of being requested.If additional space
estate for which a refund is being
law, file your refund request after final is needed, attach on a separate sheet
disposition of such pending litigation. requested. For Transferee Returns and of paper.
Joint/Transfer on Death, the ACN can be
This application cannot be used as afound on the Commonwealth AssessmentExplanation of Overpayment:
substitute for an appeal from an allegedly Notice. Provide the reason for the overpayment
erroneous appraisement, the disallowance or refund. If additional space is needed,
of deductions or an incorrect assessmentRefund Information:attach on a separate sheet of paper.
of tax. See Section 2186 of the Inheritance ●Enter the amount being requested
and Estate Tax Act for correct procedure for refund. Requestor Information:
with respect to such appeals. Enter all information of the person
●Check the box for the return type or
requesting the refund.
If all or part of the refund amountACN you are requesting a refund. A
requested within this application is separate application should be usedmustThisbeapplicationcompleted and
claimed to be as the result of an issueif you are requesting a refund onsigned by the party that paid the tax or
not previously raised, and where the more than one return or ACN. that party’s assignee, assessed individual,
statutory appeal provisions of Section the administrator or executor of the
2186 of the Inheritance and Estate Tax ●Enter each receipt number of pay- estate or the attorney or correspondent
Act have expired, a petition for refund the ments return made type orNo for other requestor isof the estate.
may be filed with the Board of Appeals are requesting ACN that ayou acceptable.
www.revenue.pa.gov REV-13131