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Form W-3                                                                    WITHHOLDING TAX RECONCILIATION RETURN
CITY OF HUBBARD – INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT                                                         FOR TAX YEAR 2017               Please change tax year if necessary
   P.O. BOX 307, HUBBARD, OH 44425-0307
   VOICE (330) 534-6299 • FAX (330) 534-6282                                MUST BE RETURNED WITH W-2’S BY THE END OF FEBRUARY
                                                                        8. January...................$_________________     14. July.........................$_________________
1. Number of W-2’s attached..............$_________________             9. February.................$_________________      15. August....................$_________________
2. Number of employees working                                          10. March/Qtr. 1...........$_________________       16. September/Qtr. 3....$_________________
   in Hubbard at year end ....................$_________________        11. April........................$_________________ 17. October..................$_________________
3. Total payroll for the year..................$_________________       12. May.........................$_________________  18. November...............$_________________
4. Less payroll not subject to tax........$_________________            13. June/Qtr. 2..............$_________________     19. December/Qtr. 4.....$_________________
   Attach explanation                                                   20. Total remitted for year.............................................................................$ _________________
5. Payroll subject to tax.......................$_________________      21. Difference between Lines 6 & 20 (amount due/overpaid).......................$ _________________
6. Withholding tax liability at                                         Non-resident Employers                                  *Refunds are NOT automatically issued.
   1.5% of Line 5.................................$_________________    Do you withhold tax as a courtesy  Courtesy             If refund of overpayment is requested
7. Total Hubbard tax withheld                                           or because the employee(s) work(s)                      please attach explantation. If additional
   per W-2’s.........................................$_________________ in the City of Hubbard?            Works in Hubbard     tax is due, enclose payment with return.

EMPLOYER NAME/ADDRESS                                                       I hereby certify that the information and statements contained herein are
                                                                            true and correct.
                                                                            Signed By_________________________________________________________
                                                                            Print Name ________________________________________________________
                                                                            Official Title________________________________________________________
                                                                                                           Owner, Partner, Member, President, Treasurer

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                                                                                                      Return to Form

                          RECONCILIATION INSTRUCTIONS 

The original of this reconciliation from must be filed with the HUBBARD CITY INCOME TAX 
  DEPARTMENT, P O Box 307, Hubbard, Ohio 44425-0307 on or before the last day of FEBRUARY, 
  unless a filing extension has been granted by the Hubbard City Income Tax Department.
Copies of all W-2 forms applicable to the reconciliation must be attached.
Also attached, should be a calculator tape or a schedule listing and totaling the amount of Hubbard 
  Ohio Income Tax withheld, as indicated by individual employee’s statements (W-2 form).
Contact the Hubbard Tax Department for questions or assistance 330-534-6299.
If the difference between lines 6 and 20 indicates a balance due, the amount should accompany 
  this return.
If the difference is an overpayment, attach an explanation and indicate to credit the account for 
  the next year or the amount of refund requested.

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