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Page 1 of 2  IT-203-TM-ATT-B (2020)

 Legal name of team                                                                                        Special NY State identification number

Schedule B Nonresident members qualifying and participating in aYonkers  group return (complete as many Schedule B forms as needed)

                    A                 B                       C            D            E                  F                    G
      Name (in either alphabetical or Member’s Social         Total        Yonkers      Yonkers allocation Total wages         Yonkers taxable
       Social Security number order)  Security number         duty days    duty days    percentage         (see instructions)   wages
           and address of             (enter here and         (see instr.) (see instr.) (divide column D                       (multiply column F
         nonresident member           in column B2 on page 2)                           by column C)                            by column E)

                                                                                                                       .00                       .00

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Totals (If you are filing more than one Schedule B, enter the grand totals from all Schedules B on the last
         sheet; leave the other total boxes blank. Submit all Forms IT-203-TM-ATT-B with Form IT-203-TM.)
       Enter on the appropriate line on Form IT-203-TM                                                                        


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                                                                                                IT-203-TM-ATT-B (2020) Page 2 of 2

 Legal name of team                                                                                Special NY State identification number

 B2                 H                      I                  J                 K                  L                   M
 Member's Social    Yonkers nonresident    Yonkers            Yonkers estimated Total payments     Balance due        Overpayment            
 Security number    earnings tax (multiply tax withheld       income tax        (add columns I     (subtract column K (subtract column H
 (same as column B  column G by .005)      (see instructions) paid/amount paid  and J)             from column H)     from column K)
 on page 1)                                                   with Form IT-370

                                 .00                    .00              .00                   .00               .00                     .00

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                                 .00                    .00              .00


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