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                                                                                                                                                                    Reset Form              Print Form

                                                                                                                                                   Department Use Only
                                           Form   2023 Corporation Underpayment                                                                    (MM/DD/YY)
MO‑2220                                           of Estimated Tax Schedule

                                                Taxable Year Beginning                                                                             Ending
                                                             (MM/DD/YY)                                                                            (MM/DD/YY)

                                           Missouri Tax I.D.                                                                          Federal Employer
                                           Number                                                                                     I.D. Number


                                           1. Enter 90% of amount of 2023 tax (Form MO‑1120, Lines 14 and 15 less approved credits for corporation income tax 
                                             or 100% of 2022 tax, whichever is smaller. (If this amount is $250 or less, do not complete this form.) ..............................                    00 
                                                                                                                                      (a)                    (b)       (c)                  (d)
                                           2.  Enter in Columns (a) through (d) the installment due dates 
                                             (that correspond to the 15th day of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th  
                                             months of the tax year)  .............................................................. 
                                           3. Enter 25% of Line 1 in Columns (a) through (d) ...................                                   00               00              00                 00
                                           4. Amount paid or credited by installment due date ..................                                   00               00              00                 00
                                           5. Overpayment of previous installment (see instructions) .......                                       00               00              00                 00
                                           6. Total of Lines 4 and 5 ...........................................................                   00               00              00                 00

Part 1 ‑ How to Figure the Underpayment    7. Underpayment (Line 3 minus Line 6) ....................................                              00               00              00                 00
                                           8. Overpayment (Line 6 minus Line 3) ......................................                             00               00              00                 00
                                           Read instructions for Lines 9 through 14 before entering an amount. If claiming Exception 2, 3, or 5, provide the Missouri taxable income for the 
                                           months needed to make the calculations by completing Part 4 of this form.
                                            9.  Total amount paid or credited from the beginning of the tax 
                                               year through the installment dates that correspond to the  
                                               15th day of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th months of the tax year.                                     00               00              00                 00
                                                                                                                                      25% of Tax         50% of Tax    75% of Tax           100% of Tax
                                             10. Exception 1, prior year’s tax (see instructions) ...................                              00               00              00                 00
                                                                                                                                      22.5% of Tax       45% of Tax    67.5% of Tax         90% of Tax
                                             11. Exception 2, tax on annualized income (see instructions) ....                                     00               00              00                 00
                                             12. Exception 3, tax on income over 3, 5, 8, and 11 month                                90% of Tax         90% of Tax    90% of Tax           90% of Tax
                                               periods (see instructions) ....................................................                     00               00              00                 00
                                             13. Exception 4, tax on prior year’s income using current                                25% of Tax         50% of Tax    75% of Tax           100% of Tax
                                               year’s rates (see instructions) .............................................                       00               00              00                 00
Part 2 ‑ Exceptions to the Addition to Tax                                                                                            22.5% of Tax       45% of Tax    67.5% of Tax         90% of Tax
                                           14. Exception 5, tax on annualized income (see instructions) ....                                       00               00              00                 00
                                             15. Enter the same installment dates from Line 2 .....................
                                           16. Amount of underpayment from Line 7 .................................                                00               00              00                 00
                                             17. Enter the payment date or the 15th day of the 4th month  
                                               after the close of the tax year, whichever is earlier .............
                                             18. Number of days from due date of installment to the  
                                               date shown on Line 17. .......................................................
                                             19. Number of days on Line 18 after 4/15/2023 and  
                                               before 1/1/2024 ...................................................................
                                             20. Number of days on Line 18 after 12/31/2023 and  
                                               before 1/1/2025 ...................................................................
                                             21. Number of days on Line 18 after 12/31/2024 and  
                                               before 3/15/2025 .................................................................
                                             22.  Number of days on Line 19
                                                              365                         X  6%  X  amount on Line 16 .........                    00               00              00                 00
                                             23.  Number of days on Line 20
                                                              366                          X  9%  X  amount on Line 16 ........                    00               00              00                 00
Part 3 ‑ How to Figure the Addition to Tax 24.  Number of days on Line 21  
                                                              365                          X  *%  X  amount on Line 16 .........                   00               00              00                 00
                                           25. Addition to tax (total of Lines 22 through 24) ......................                               00               00              00                 00
                                           26. Add Columns (a) through (d), Line 25, enter here and on Form MO‑1120, Line 29 ..............................................................            00
* For corporations with a tax year that ends after 
August 31, 2024, see the instructions for Line 24.                                               *23114010001*

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                                                                                If claiming Exception 2, 3, or 5 on the Schedule MO‑2220, provide the Missouri taxable income for the appropriate months used to make the calculations.
                                                                                   Month of  Missouri Taxable Income                  Month of             Missouri Taxable Income   Month of         Missouri Taxable Income
                                                                                Taxable Year                                    Taxable Year                                        Taxable Year

                                                                                1  First                                 00     5     Fifth                  00                    9 Ninth                                         00

                                                                                 2 Second                                00     6     Sixth                  00  10  Tenth                                                         00

                                                                                 3 Third                                 00     7     Seventh                00  11  Eleventh                                                      00

                                                                                 4 Fourth                                00     8     Eighth                 00  12  Twelfth                                                       00
                                        Part 4 ‑ Monthly Missouri Taxable Income
                                                                                Purpose of Schedule                                                        Line 11 — Exception 2, tax on annualized income — This exception 
                                                                                Form MO‑2220 is used by a corporation to determine whether it is           applies if the estimated tax payment(s) equals or exceeds 90 percent 
                                                                                subject to addition to tax for underpayment of estimated tax, and if       of the tax on the annualized Missouri taxable income for periods from 
                                                                                so, the amount of addition to tax. Estimated tax is a corporation’s        the first of the year to the end of the month preceding that in which an 
                                                                                expected income tax liability. For further information regarding           installment is due (Section 143.761.4(2), RSMo).  A corporation may 
                                                                                underpayment of estimated tax, see 12 CSR 10‑2.067. Estimated tax          annualize its income as follows:
                                                                                payments are required if Missouri estimated tax can reasonably be          (1) Compute the Missouri taxable income from the first of the tax year up 
                                                                                expected to be $250 or more.                                               to and including the month prior to that in which an installment is due.
                                                                                Large Corporation                                                          (2) Multiply the result of step (1) by 12.
                                                                                A corporation, or any predecessor corporation, that in any of the 
                                                                                three preceding taxable years had a federal taxable income of at           (3) Divide the result of step (2) by the number of months in the 
                                                                                least one million dollars and had a Missouri taxable income of at least    computation period. Computations must be attached.
                                                                                one hundred thousand dollars is a large corporation. Large corpora‑        Line 12 — Exception 3, tax on income over periods of 3, 5, 8, and 11 
                                                                                tions use Exception 2, 3, or 5. All other corporations use Exception 1,    months — This exception applies if the estimated tax payment(s) 
                                                                                2, 3, or 4 (Section 143.761.4 and 6, RSMo).                                equals or exceeds 90 percent of the tax computed, at the rate appli‑
                                                                                How to Use This Schedule                                                   cable to the current taxable year, on the basis of the actual Missouri 
                                                                                Complete Part 1 of Form MO‑2220 to find out if there is an underpay‑       taxable income for the calendar months in the taxable year preced‑
                                                                                ment for any of the four payment periods. If there is an underpayment      ing the date prescribed for payment (Section 143.761.4(3), RSMo). 
                                                                                on Line 7 (Column a, b, c, or d) go to Part 2 — Exceptions to the          Computations must be attached.
                                                                                Addition to Tax.  If no exceptions apply for a payment period, go to       Line 13 — Exception 4, tax on prior year’s income using current  
                                                                                Part 3 — How to Figure the Addition to Tax. If using Form MO‑2220          year’s rates — This exception applies if the estimated tax payment(s) 
                                                                                to show Exception 2, 3, or 5, complete Part 4.                             equals or exceeds the tax computed by using the current year’s 
                                                                                Part 1 — How to Figure the Underpayment                                    rates, but based on the facts shown on the prior year’s return and 
                                                                                Complete Part 1, Lines 1 through 8. The instructions for most of           the law that applies to the prior year (Section 143.761.4(4), RSMo).  
                                                                                these lines are on the form itself.  Follow the instructions below for     Exception 4 does not apply to large corporations.
                                                                                Lines 1, 4, 5, and 7.                                                      Line 14 — Exception 5, tax on annualized income — This exception 
                                        Instructions                            Line 1 — Approved corporation tax credits cannot exceed                    applies if the estimated tax payment(s) equals or exceeds 90 percent 
                                                                                Form MO‑1120, Line 13.                                                     of the amount the corporation would owe if its estimated tax was a 
                                                                                                                                                           tax figured on annualized Missouri taxable income for the months 
                                                                                Line 4 — A prior year’s overpayment will be applied against the earliest   preceding an installment date (Section 143.761.4(5), RSMo). A cor‑
                                                                                installment unless the corporation has requested otherwise.                poration may annualize its income as follows: 
                                                                                Line 5 — Apply as a credit against the next installment any overpay‑       (1) For the first three months if the installment was required to be 
                                                                                ment shown on Line 8 that is greater than all prior underpayments.         paid in the fourth month.
                                                                                Line 7 — If Line 7 shows an underpayment, complete Part 2 to see if        (2) For the first three months or the first five months if the installment 
                                                                                any of the exceptions apply.                                               was required to be paid in the sixth month.
                                                                                Part 2 — Exceptions to the Addition to Tax                                 (3) For the first six months or for the first eight months if the installment 
                                                                                The corporation will not be liable for addition to tax if the tax payments was required to be paid in the ninth month.
                                                                                (amounts shown on Line 9) equal or exceed any amount determined            (4) For the first nine months or for the first 11 months if the installment 
                                                                                for the same period under the following exception provisions. However,     was required to be paid in the 12th month.
                                                                                filing an estimated tax payment, amended estimated tax payment, or 
                                                                                                                                                           To annualize, multiply Missouri taxable income for the period by 12 
                                                                                payment on the last installment date of the taxable year will not relieve 
                                                                                                                                                           and divide the result by the number of months in the period (3, 5, 6, 
                                                                                the corporation of addition to tax for failure to pay by the designated 
                                                                                                                                                           8, 9, or 11 as the case may be). Only a large corporation may use 
                                                                                due dates. A different exception may be applied for each underpay‑
                                                                                                                                                           this exception. Computations must be attached.
                                                                                ment, but a separate computation page must be attached.  If none of 
                                                                                the ex cep tions apply, complete Lines 15 through 26.                      Part 3 — How to Figure the Addition to Tax
                                                                                                                                                           If no exception applies, complete Lines 15 through 26 to determine 
                                                                                Line 10 — Exception 1, prior year’s tax — This exception applies if 
                                                                                                                                                           the amount of addition to tax.
                                                                                the current year estimated tax payment(s) equals or exceeds the tax 
                                                                                shown on the prior year return. The prior year tax return must cover       Line 24 — For underpayments after January 1, 2024, a corporation 
                                                                                a period of 12 months and show a tax liability (Section 143.761.4(1),      must use an interest rate that the Department of Revenue will announce 
                                                                                RSMo). If there was no tax liability see Exception 4. Exception 1 does     by November 1, 2024.
                                                                                not apply to large corporations.
Attach to Form MO‑1120 and mail to the Missouri Department of Revenue.                                                                                                                                Form MO‑2220  (Revised 12‑2023)
Balance Due:                                                                                                                    Refund or No Amount Due:                        
P.O. Box 3365                                                                                                                   P.O. Box 700                                    
Jefferson City, MO 65105‑3365                                                                                                   Jefferson City, MO 65105‑0700

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