PDF document
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  Missouri Department of Revenue

  Offer in 


 This book includes all of the following to guide taxpayers 
  through the Offer in Compromise process.

   Offer in Compromise policy statement.

    Information you need to know before submitting an  
  Offer in Compromise. 

    Instructions for completing the Offer in Compromise.

    Offer in Compromise Application MO-656.

    Terms and Conditions for the Offer in Compromise.

    Offer in Compromise documentation checklist.  


- 2 -
What is an Offer in Compromise?
The Department is authorized to consider an Offer in Compromise under Section 32.378, RSMo. An Offer in Compromise 
allows qualifying taxpayers an opportunity to settle unpaid tax accounts for less than the full amount that is owed. The goal 
of the Offer in Compromise program is to resolve a liability in a way that is in the best interest of both the State of Missouri 
and the taxpayer.
An offer based on doubt as to collectibility or severe economic hardship is not automatically accepted due to an immediate 
financial inability to pay. The Department will review the taxpayer’s financial situation and will estimate how much can be  
collected over time if the offer is not accepted.  
If taxpayers are unable to pay their taxes in full, there are other payment options, such as monthly installment agreements, 
that must be explored before an Offer in Compromise is submitted.
What can an Offer in Compromise do for me?
- Provide a “fresh start” towards tax compliance
- Resolve tax debt for less than the amount owed
- Remove economic burdens of state tax liens and levies
What can an Offer in Compromise not do for me?
- Delay or cancel existing collection actions. If it is determined that the offer was filed to delay collections, the offer will  
  likely be rejected. 
- Void or abate existing tax liabilities without any offer of payment or reason for a compromise.      
- Release of lien, levy or other enforced collection until the offer is accepted.
What are some reasons an offer may be rejected?  
- An offer of ‘zero’ or ‘none’ will not be considered for doubt as to collectibility.
- The taxpayer fails to make full financial disclosure, including all household income.
- There is evidence that assets were transferred or sold for less than the market value.
- The taxpayer submits false or misleading information.
- The taxpayer has not fully filed all tax types.
- The taxpayer has repeated noncompliance or attempts to avoid paying tax obligations.
- The offer does not include a statement supporting the reason for the offer.
- The offer includes an amount already collected.
- The tax liability sought to be compromised directly relates to a crime for which the taxpayer has plead guilty or was  
  found guilty.
What is the criteria for submitting an offer?
1. Doubt as to liability:
    a.) Must complete Section 1 of the MO-656
    b.) Must provide a written statement explaining why the liability is not owed
2. Doubt as to Collectibility:
    a.) Must be fully filed on all required years for all tax types.
    b.) Must not have an open bankruptcy proceeding.
    c.) Must be current on all estimated tax payments if the taxpayer is required to make estimated tax payments.
    d.) Offer in Compromise payment plans must be through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or credit card.
    e.) The taxpayer must submit all required information listed on the Offer in Compromise checklist.
    f.) Must complete Sections 1 through 5 of the MO-656. If self-employed or own a business; must complete 
     Sections 1, 2, and 4 through 8.
3. Effective Tax Administration; Severe Economic Hardship:
    a.) Must be fully filed on all required tax years for all tax types.
    b.) Must not have an open bankruptcy proceeding.
    c.) Must be current on all estimated tax payments if the taxpayer is required to make estimated tax payments.
    d.) Offer in Compromise payment plans must be through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or credit card.
    e.) Must complete Sections 1 through 5 of the MO-656.  If self-employed or own a business; must complete  
     Sections 1, 2,and 4 through 8.
4. Effective Tax Administration; Exceptional Circumstances:
    a.) Must complete Section 1 of the MO-656.
    b.) Must provide a written statement explaining circumstances.


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Is professional assistance required to submit an offer?
Taxpayers are welcome to seek tax assistance from a tax professional, but it is not a requirement.

How does the Offer in Compromise process work?
When the Department receives a taxpayer’s offer, it is reviewed to determine if all of the required documentation has been 
submitted and all criteria for submitting an offer have been met. If all documentation is not submitted, documentation is not 
complete, or if the MO-656 forms are not signed and dated, a letter will be sent requesting additional information. Each 
offer is considered on an individual basis and can be submitted for one of the following reasons:
1. Doubt as to Liability (I do not believe I owe this tax.): The taxpayer or entity must provide sufficient documentation  
  to establish that there is substantial doubt regarding the taxpayer’s liability and reasonable cause for failure to produce  
  such documentation earlier in the collection process. 
2. Doubt as to Collectibility (I agree I owe the tax, but cannot pay.): The taxpayer or entity must provide documentation 
  that demonstrates an inability to pay the liability in full. The amount offered must be the maximum amount the 
  taxpayer can pay, taking into consideration future earning potential and total equity in all assets.
3. Effective Tax Administration:  
    (a) Severe Economic Hardship - Collection of the full liability will result in severe economic hardship to  the taxpayer. 
      If the Offer in Compromise is based on this reason, the Offer in Compromise Application (MO-656) with the  
     applicable sections completed must be included.
    (b) Exceptional Circumstances - Regardless of the taxpayer’s financial circumstances, exceptional circumstances  
     exist that make collection of the full amount detrimental to voluntary compliance include, but are not limited to;
     (i) the taxpayer failed to pay because of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the taxpayer and not the 
      result of negligence on the part of the taxpayer or;
     (ii) a reasonable person would not expect the assessment based on previous policy of the Department of Revenue 
      or information provided to the taxpayer by the Department of Revenue.

What happens when a decision is made?
When a decision is made, the taxpayer will be notified in writing. If the offer is accepted, the taxpayer must remain  
compliant on all Missouri tax filings and payment requirements for three years from the date the offer is accepted.  If the 
taxpayer does not remain compliant, the negotiated amount will be retracted and the original balance due plus additional 
interest, less payments made, will then be owed. The Department will also offset state and federal refunds for tax periods 
through the tax year that the offer is accepted. An offset does not reduce the accepted Offer in Compromise amount.
Once an offer is accepted and paid according to the terms of the offer, any enforced collection activity such as liens and 
levies issued against the taxpayer who submitted the offer will be released. Failure to remain in compliance will result in 
the default of the offer and the Department will require payment of the original balance due plus additional interest, less 
payments made.
The law does not provide for an appeal of a rejected offer. The taxpayer must make payment arrangements to pay the 
debt.  If this is not done, the case will be referred for further collection actions to collect the debt in full. 

Where do I submit the offer?
  Collections Enforcement 
  P.O. Box 1646 
  Jefferson City MO 65105-1646
  Phone (573) 751-7200 
  Fax (573) 522-3218


- 4 -
Before completing MO-656, please make sure you are                                    The Offer 
eligible for the Offer in Compromise based on one of the           Enter the amount you can offer. Offer must be more than 
reasons listed below.                                              zero if the offer is based on doubt as to collectibility.  
If you require additional pages for any information you are        Check cash offer if the amount is to be paid within 30 days  
providing, attach them as needed.                                  after written notice of acceptance of the offer. Check short-
                                                                   term deferred payment offer if the amount will be paid in 
              Section 1: Personal Information                      more than 30 days. 
Print or type your name(s), social security number(s), date        Indicate if you are borrowing the settlement offer. If so, 
of birth, dependent information, and address in the spaces         provide the lender’s information in the spaces provided. 
                                                                   If you choose doubt as to collectibility or severe economic 
A reason this offer is being submitted must be indicated by        hardship for the reason for your offer, you must include an 
checking a box.                                                    explanation of why you are unable to pay your balance in full.
                Doubt as to Liability
A legitimate doubt exists that the assessed liability is correct.  Section 3: Employment Information
Possible reasons to submit a doubt as to liability offer include:  Enter name of employer(s), phone number(s), address, year 
  1. You dispute the existence or amount of the correct tax        or months employed, occupation(s), number of  allowances 
   liability.                                                      claimed on W-4, and how often you are paid. 
 2. Your evidence was not considered.                              If you or your spouse are self-employed or own your own 
                                                                   business also complete sections 6-8.
 3. You have new evidence.
If doubt as to liability is chosen, only Sections 1 and 2 are      Section 4: Personal Financial Information
required.                                                                             Bank Accounts
                Doubt as to Collectibility                         Include IRA’S, other retirement plans, certificates of deposit, 
Doubt exists that you could ever pay the full amount of tax        etc. Attach all pages of the most recent three months of 
liability owed. If the offer in compromise is made for this        bank statements for all accounts of each person in the 
reason, you must complete Sections 1 through 5 for an              household. If you owe more than $50,000, attach the most 
individual or if self-employed or you own a business               recent six months of bank statements.  
complete Sections 1, 2 and 4 through 8.                            Enter the name of the institution(s), address, type of account(s), 
                Effective Tax Administration                       (checking, saving, IRA, etc.), date the account was opened, 
(a) Severe Economic Hardship - Collection of the full liability    account number(s), and the balance of the account. 
   will result in severe economic hardship to the taxpayer.                           Personal Property
   If the Offer in Compromise is made for this reason, you         Include boats, automobiles, ATV’s, motorcycles, recreational    
   must complete Sections 1 through 5 for an individual or         vehicles, airplanes, machinery, etc, not used in your business.  
  if self-employed or you own a business complete                  Attach additional pages as needed.
    Sections 1, 2 and 4 through 8. 
                                                                   Enter year, make, model or style, license number, lender or 
(b) Exceptional Circumstances - Regardless of your financial  
                                                                   lien holder, current market value, current payoff, and  available 
  circumstances, exceptional circumstances exist such  
                                                                   equity. Enter zero if equity is less than zero. Attach copies of 
   that collection of the full liability will be detrimental to  
                                                                   loan statements including the current payoff. 
   voluntary compliance by the taxpayer. Such exceptional  
    circumstances include, but are not limited to:                                    Real Property 
                                                                   For each property enter description, county, parcel number, 
    (i)  Instances where the failure to pay the taxes assessed 
                                                                   mortgage lender’s name and address, current market value,       
     is the result of circumstances beyond your reasonable 
                                                                   loan balance, and available equity. Include name of owner as  
     control and is not the result of negligence on your part  
                                                                   it appears on the deed, purchase price, and the date.  Attach 
                                                                   supporting documentation of the loan balance and your most 
   (ii) Instances in which a reasonable person would not           recent real personal property tax receipt for each property. 
     expect the assessment based onprevious policy of  
     the Department of Revenue or information provided                              Other Valuable Items
     to you by the Department of Revenue.                          Include artwork, guns, collectibles, jewelry, and any other 
                                                                   valuable items not previously listed. Enter item, description, 
If exceptional circumstances is chosen, only Sections 1 and 
                                                                   and current market value. 
2 are required. 
                                                                   Credit Cards and Unsecured Lines of Credit
              Section 2: Payoff Information                        Enter type of credit, name of creditor, record owner, balance 
                      Tax Type                                     owed, and available credit. Attach supporting documentation 
Indicate each tax type with a balance due by checking              of balances owed.
the box. Enter social security number or business tax iden-
tification number and  periods for each tax type marked.      
All Missouri tax debt must be included in the settlement offer.


- 5 -
                   Life Insurance                                                 Real Property 
Enter name of insurance company, agent name and                    For each property, enter description, county, parcel  number, 
telephone number, policy number, type of insurance, face           mortgage lender’s name and address, current market value, 
amount, and loan or cash surrender value. Include copies of        loan balance, and available equity.
life insurance policies.                                           Include name of owner as it appears on the deed, purchase 
                                                                   price, and date. Attach supporting documentation of loan  
                                                                   balance and most recent property tax receipt for each property.  
Include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money market funds  
and 401(k), not previously listed. Enter type of security,                        Other Valuable Items 
location, record owner, quantity or denomination, and current      Include cash, accounts receivable, artwork, collectibles, and 
value. Attach supporting documentation showing current             any other valuable items not previously listed. Enter item, 
value of each.                                                     description, and current market value.
               Other Financial Information
                                                                   Include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money market funds and 
Indicate no or yes for the options in this section.  If “yes” is 
                                                                   401(k), not previously listed. Enter the type of security, location, 
checked provide dates, explanation, and documentation. 
                                                                   record owner, quantity or denomination, and current value. 
Transferred assets may include any vehicles, equipment, 
                                                                   Attach supporting documentation and additional pages as 
and property sold, given away, donated, or repossessed in 
the last 12 months.
                                                                   Business Credit Cards and other Lines of Credit 
Section 5: Personal Income and Expense Analysis                    Enter the type of credit, name of the  creditor, record owner, 
Enter gross monthly income.  Under other, include income           balance owed, and available credit. Attach supporting 
contributed by others in the household. Enter monthly              documentation of balances owed.
expenses for each category that applies. Attach proof of 
                                                                                  Other Financial Information 
monthly living expenses such as receipts, utility bills, tax 
                                                                   Indicate no or yes for the options in this section. If “yes” is 
payments, etc. Subtract total living expenses from total 
                                                                   checked provide dates, explanation, and documentation. 
monthly income to obtain total disposable income.
                                                                   Transferred assets include vehicles, equipment, and  
                         Stop Here!                                property sold, given away, donated, or repossessed in the 
Complete sections 6-8 only if you own a business or you are        last 12 months.
self employed.  Otherwise skip to Section 9. 
                                                                   Section 8: Business Income and Expense Analysis
        Section 6: Business Information
                                                                   Choose the accounting method used and enter the 
Enter business name, Missouri tax identification number,           dates for income and expenses. Enter gross monthly  
business address, telephone number, and website. Select            income and monthly business expenses for each category 
the type of business and give a description of the business.       that applies. Attach proof of monthly business expenses  
Enter the average gross monthly income and average                 and total monthly income.
number of employees for the past 12 months. If you or 
                                                                   Before submitting your offer read the terms and conditions 
your spouse own additional businesses, complete an 
                                                                   in Section 9.
additional attachment with the information for each business. 
                                                                                  Section 9: Signatures
        Section 7: Business Financial Information
                                                                   Signatures and dates are required for your offer to be 
                   Bank Accounts 
                                                                   considered. If the MO-656 is sent without signatures and 
Include certificates of deposit, etc. Attach all pages of the  
                                                                   dates the offer will be deemed invalid.
most recent three months bank statements for each account. 
If you owe more than $50,000, attach the most recent six 
months of bank statements. Attach additional pages as 
                   Personal Property 
Include automobiles, boats, ATV’s, motorcycles, recreational 
vehicles, airplanes, machinery,  and  equipment owned by or 
used in your business. 
Enter year, make, model or style, license number, lender or  
lien holder, current market value, current  payoff, and  
available equity. Enter zero if equity is less than zero.  Attach 
copies of  loan statement including current payoff.  


- 6 -
      0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 80 
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      0 0 0  4 4 4 4 0                                                                                          Department Use Only
      0 0 0  5 5 5 5 0     Form         Missouri Department of Revenue                                          (MM/DD/YY)
      0 0 0  6 6 6 6 0     MO-656       Offer in Compromise Application
      0 0 0  7 7 7 7 0 
      0 0 0  8 8 8 8 0 
      0 0 0  9 9 9 9 0 
      1 1 1  0  0  0  0  1 
      1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1 
      1 1 1  2 2 2 2 1 
      1 1 1  3 3 3 3 1     Taxpayer                                                                 Social Security
      1 1 1  4 4 4 4 1     Name                                                                     Number
      1 1 1  5 5 5 5 1 
      1 1 1  6 6 6 6 1                                                                              Spouse’s Social 
                           Spouses                                                                  Security  
      1 1 1  7 7 7 7 1     Name                                                                     Number
      1 1 1  8 8 8 8 1 
      1 1 1  9 9 9 9 1 
      2 2 2  0 0 0 0 2     Business
      2 2 2  1 1 1 1 2     Name
      2 2 2  2 2 2 2 2 
      2 2 2  3 3 3 3 2     Missouri Tax I.D.                                                        Federal Employer
      2 2 2  4 4 4 4 2     Number                                                                   I.D. Number
      2 2 2  5 5 5 5 2 
      2 2 2  6 6 6 6 2     Charter
      2 2 2  7 7 7 7 2     Number
      2 2 2  8 8 8 8 2 
      2 2 2  9 9 9 9 2 
      3 3 3  0 0 0 0 3     Taxpayer Date of Birth(MM/DD/YYYY)      Spouse’s Date of Birth(MM/DD/YYYY)         Marital Status
      3 3 3  1 1 1 1 3     ___ ___ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___     ___ ___ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___              Married          Unmarried (Single, Divorced, or Widowed)
      3 3 3  2 2 2 2 3     Other Names or Aliases Used                                       Spouses Other Names or Aliases Used
      3 3 3  3 3 3 3 3 
      3 3 3  4 4 4 4 3 
      3 3 3  5 5 5 5 3 
      3 3 3  6 6 6 6 3     Provide information for all other persons in the household and claimed as a dependent.  Attach additional pages as needed.  (This information is 
                           optional if offer is based on doubt as to liability or exceptional circumstances).
      3 3 3  7 7 7 7 3 
      3 3 3  8 8 8 8 3     Section 1 - Personal InformationName                   Age                  Relationship            Claimed as a Dependent    Contributes to  
                                                                                                                                on your Form 1040?      Household Income?
      3 3 3  9 9 9 9 3 
      4 4 4  0 0 0 0 4                                                                                                               Yes No                  Yes No
      4 4 4  1 1 1 1 4 
      4 4 4  2 2 2 2 4                                                                                                               Yes No                  Yes No
      4 4 4  3 3 3 3 4 
      4 4 4  4 4 4 4 4                                                                                                               Yes No                  Yes No
      4 4 4  5 5 5 5 4     Your Current Street Address                            City                                         State     ZIP Code       County
      4 4 4  6 6 6 6 4 
      4 4 4  7 7 7 7 4     E-Mail Address                                                                Phone Number                        Secondary Phone Number
                            (__ __ __)__ __ __-__ __ __ __                                                                                   (__ __ __)__ __ __-__ __ __ __
      4 4 4  8 8 8 8 4     Your Mailing Address (If Different From Above)                                City                                     State  ZIP Code 
      4 4 4  9 9 9 9 4 
      4 4 4  0 0 0 0 4     Name of your Tax Representative (CPA, Attorney, Etc.)  Attach POA Form 2827   Phone Number                    Fax Number
      5 5 5  1 1 1 1 5      (__ __ __)__ __ __-__ __ __ __                                                                               (__ __ __)__ __ __-__ __ __ __
      5 5 5  2 2 2 2 5     Tax Representative’s Address                                                  City                                     State      ZIP Code
      5 5 5  3 3 3 3 5 
      5 5 5  4 4 4 4 5     I submit this offer for the reason selected below:  See instructions for explanation of reasons.  (select one)
      5 5 5  5 5 5 5 5                 Doubt as to Liability       Doubt as to Collectibility          Severe Economic Hardship              Exceptional Circumstances
      5 5 5  6 6 6 6 5 
      5 5 5  7 7 7 7 5 
      5 5 5  8 8 8 8 5 
      5 5 5  9 9 9 9 5 
      5 5 5  0 0 0 0 5 
      6 6 6  1 1 1 1 6 
      6 6 6  2 2 2 2 6                                                    *17400010001*
      6 6 6  3 3 3 3 6                                                                       17400010001
      6 6 6  4 4 4 4 6 
      6 6 6  5 5 5 5 6                                                                             6
      6 6 666 6 6 6 

- 7 -
Tax Type Social Security Number or Tax Periods
Business Identification Number

Personal Income Tax

Business Tax (Withholding, Sales, Use, Corporate)
Other (Explain)
I offer to pay $ _________________________________.  (Must be more than zero if offer is due to doubt as to collectibility)
Select one of the following:      Cash offer    Balance to be paid in:     10  day    30 days
   Short-term deferred payment offer (monthly payments beginning within 30 days of acceptance of the offer)
$ ____________________ within 30 days
$ ____________________ on the ____________________ day of each month starting the second month after written notice of acceptance of 
the offer for a total of ____________________ months.
Will you borrow the settlement offer amount?      Yes     No
If yes, provide the lender’s name, address, phone; list all collateral, if any, pledged to secure the loan.

Lender Information
Name  Phone Number 
   (__ __ __)__ __ __-__ __ __ __ 
Mailing Address City  State ZIP Code  
Section 2 - Payoff Information  
Collateral  Is lender a member of your household or immediate family?
   Yes  No

Include an explanation of why you are requesting an offer in compromise.

If self employed or own a business, complete Sections 6-8.
Name of Employer (Taxpayer) Phone Number How Long Employed
 (__ __ __)__ __ __-__ __ __ __ _______ Years    _______ Months
Address City State ZIP Code 

Occupation Number of Allowances  Paid  Weekly Every 2 Weeks     Monthly Twice Monthly 
 Claimed on Form W-4     (e.g., 1st & 15th)
Name of Employer (Spouse) Phone Number How Long Employed
 (__ __ __)__ __ __-__ __ __ __ _______ Years    _______ Months
Address City State ZIP Code 

Occupation Number of Allowances  Paid Weekly Every 2 Weeks     Monthly Twice Monthly 
 Claimed on Form W-4     (e.g., 1st & 15th)

Additional Employment
Name of Employer  Phone Number How Long Employed
Section 3 - Employment Information 
 Taxpayer  Spouse (__ __ __)__ __ __-__ __ __ __ _______ Years    _______ Months
Address City State ZIP Code 

Occupation Number of Allowances  Paid Weekly Every 2 Weeks   Monthly Twice Monthly   
 Claimed on Form W-4      (e.g., 1st & 15th)


- 8 -
Bank Accounts: Include IRA’s, other retirement plans, certificates of deposit, etc. Attach all pages of the most recent three months bank  
statements for all accounts of each person in the household. Attach additional pages as needed. If you owe more than $50,000, six months 
bank statements are required.
Provide information for all persons in the household or claimed as a dependent.
Name of Institution Address Type Date Opened Account Number Balance

Total of all bank accounts with positive balance .....................................................

Personal Property: Include automobiles, boats, ATV’s, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, airplanes, machinery, etc., not used in your 
business. Attach additional pages as needed. Attach supporting documentation of payoff.
Available Equity
Year Make Model License Number Lender or Lienholder Current Market Value Current Payoff (cannot be less than 0)

Total equity of all personal property ........................................................

Real Property: For each property, include copies of deed, homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy with riders, supporting documentation of 
loan balance, and most recent property tax statement. Attach additional pages as needed.
Property 1
Section 4 - Personal Financial Information Physical Address and Description County Parcel Number
(Single Family Home, Multi-Family Home, Bare Lot, Acreage, etc.)

Mortgage Lender’s Name and Address Current  Loan Value  Available
Market Value Balance Equity

Name(s) of Owners on Deed Purchase Price Purchase Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

__ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __

Property 2
Physical Address and Description County Parcel Number
(Single Family Home, Multi-Family Home, Bare Lot, Acreage, etc.)

Mortgage Lender’s Name and Address Current  Loan Value  Available
Market Value Balance Equity

Name(s) of Owners on Deed Purchase Price Purchase Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

__ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __


- 9 -
Other Valuable Items: Include items such as artwork, guns, collectibles, jewelry.  Attach additional pages as needed.
Item Description Current Value

Total value of all other valuable items .........................................................

Personal credit cards and unsecured lines of credit.
Type Name of Creditor Record Owner Balance Owed Available Credit

Total unsecured credit balance amount .......................................................

Life Insurance: Attach additional pages as needed.  Attach supporting documentation.
Name of  Agent’s Name and  Policy Number Type Face Amount Loan or Cash 
Insurance Company Telephone Number Surrender Value

Total value of all life insurance policies ........................................................

Securities: Include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money market funds, 401(k), etc. Attach additional pages as needed.  
Attach supporting documentation for the most recent three months.
Type Location Record Owner Quantity or  Current Value

Section 4 - Personal Financial Information 
Total value of all securities .................................................................

Other Financial Information. If you check “yes”, provide dates, an explanation, and documentation. Attach additional pages as needed.

Court proceedings (litigation, probate, etc.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Yes  ______________________________________

Anticipated increase in income .............................. No Yes  ______________________________________

Bankruptcies or receiverships ............................... No Yes  ______________________________________

Transfer of assets in last 12 months .......................... No Yes  ______________________________________

Beneficiary to trust, estate, profit sharing, etc ................... No Yes  ______________________________________

Taxes owed to the IRS (provide proof). ........................ No Yes  ______________________________________

Taxes owed to other states, counties, districts, agencies, etc. . . . . . . No Yes  ______________________________________

Other debt (explain) ....................................... No Yes  ______________________________________


- 10 -
Monthly household disposal income. Attach documentation.
Gross Monthly Income Monthly Living Expenses
Source Taxpayer Spouse Source Amount
Salary, Wages, Commissions, Tips House or Rent Payment
Self-Employment Income Income Taxes (Federal, State, FICA)
Pensions, Disability & Social Security Estimated Tax (If Applicable)
Dividends & Interest Groceries
Gift or Loan Proceeds Medical Expenses & Prescriptions
Rental Income Utilities:
Estate, Trust & Royalty Income Electric  $ ____________ + Gas $ ____________ +
Workers’ Comp. & Unemployment Water $ ____________ + Phone  $ ____________ =
Alimony & Child Support Insurance:
Seller Carried Contracts Life $ ____________ + Health  $ ____________ +
Sales Auto $ ____________ + Home  $ ____________ =
Other (Specify) Court Ordered Payment
Court Ordered Settlement Personal Loan Payment
Restitution Clothing & Personal Grooming
Legal Fees
Transportation Expense
Vehicle Loan or Lease Payment
Property Taxes
Child Care
Installment & Credit Card Payments
Section 5 - Personal Income and Expense Analysis 
Tuition Payment
Other (Specify)

Combined Monthly Income Total Monthly Living Expenses
Net Monthly Household Disposable Income
(“Combined Monthly Income” minus “Total Monthly Living Expenses”) ......................................................

Complete sections 6 through 8 only if you own a business or are self-employed.

Business Name Missouri Tax Identification Number Average Gross Monthly Income Total Employees

Business Address Business Telephone Number Business Website
 (__ __ __)__ __ __–__ __ __ __
City State  ZIP Do you or your spouse have any other business interests? 
Type of Business (Select One)  Yes  No
 Sole Ownership      Partnership       LLC      Corporation    Other If Yes, complete additional attachment for each 
business interest. 
Description of Business

Section 6 - Business Information


- 11 -
Bank Accounts: Include certificates of deposit, etc. Attach all pages of the most recent three months bank statements for all accounts. 
Attach additional pages as needed. If you owe more than $50,000, six months bank statements are required
Name of Institution Address Type Date Opened Account Number Balance

Total of all bank accounts with positive balance .....................................................

Personal Property: Include automobiles, boats, ATV’s, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, airplanes, machinery, etc., not used in your business. 
Attach additional pages as needed. Attach supporting documentation of payoff.
Available Equity
Year Make Model License Number Lender or Lienholder Current Market Value Current Payoff (cannot be less than 0)

Total equity of all personal property ........................................................

Real Property: For each property, include copies of deed, homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy with riders, supporting documentation of 
loan balance, and most recent property tax statement. Attach additional pages as needed.
Property 1
Physical Address and Description County Parcel Number
(Single Family Home, Multi-Family Home, Bare Lot, Acreage, etc.)

Mortgage Lender’s Name and Address Current  Loan Value  Available
Market Value Balance Equity

Name(s) of Owners on Deed Purchase Price Purchase Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Section 7 - Business Financial Information __ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __

Property 2
Physical Address and Description County Parcel Number
(Single Family Home, Multi-Family Home, Bare Lot, Acreage, etc.)

Mortgage Lender’s Name and Address Current  Loan Value  Available
Market Value Balance Equity

Name(s) of Owners on Deed Purchase Price Purchase Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

__ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __

Other Valuable Items: Include cash, accounts receivable, artwork, collectibles, business equipment, and any other valuable items. 
Attach additional pages as needed. Attach supporting documentation.
Type Location Record Owner Quantity or  Current Value

Total value of all valuable items .............................................................


- 12 -
Securities: Include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money market funds, 401(k), etc. Attach additional pages as needed.  
Attach supporting documentation for the most recent three months.
Type Location Record Owner Quantity or  Current Value

Total value of all securities .................................................................

Business credit cards and unsecured lines of credit.
Type Name of Creditor Record Owner Balance Owed Available Credit

Total unsecured credit balance amount .......................................................

Other Financial Information. If you check “yes”, provide dates, an explanation, and documentation. Attach additional pages as needed.

Court proceedings (litigation, probate, etc.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Yes  ______________________________________

Anticipated increase in income .............................. No Yes  ______________________________________
Section 7 - Business Financial Information 
Bankruptcies or receiverships ............................... No Yes  ______________________________________

Transfer of assets in last 12 months .......................... No Yes  ______________________________________

Beneficiary to trust, estate, profit sharing, etc ................... No Yes  ______________________________________

Taxes owed to the IRS (provide proof). ........................ No Yes  ______________________________________

Taxes owed to other states, counties, districts, agencies, etc. . . . . . . No Yes  ______________________________________

Other debt (explain) ....................................... No Yes  ______________________________________

Accounting Method Used     Cash      Accural
Income and expenses during the period (MM/DD/YYYY)  __ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __  to  __ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __
Total Monthly Business Income Total Monthly Business Expense
Source Gross Monthly Expense Items Actual Monthly
Gross Receipts from Sales and Services Materials Purchased
Gross Rental Income Inventory Purchased
Interest Income Gross Wages & Salaries
Dividends Rent
Cash Supplies
Other Income (specify below) Utilities and Telephone
Vehicle Gasoline and Oil
Repairs & Maintenance
Current Taxes
Section 8 - Business Income and Expense Analysis
Other Expenses (specify)
Total Income Total Expenses


- 13 -
                                           1. I will remain in compliance with all tax types for three years after acceptance of the offer.
                                           2. The offer remains pending until an authorized Department official issues notification of acceptance  
                                            or rejection, or until the offer is withdrawn by me.
                                           3. I understand that I voluntarily submit any payment made with this offer.
                                           4. If the Department rejects the offer or if the offer is withdrawn, the Department will treat any paid  
                                            amount with the offer as payment toward the outstanding tax liability.
                                           5. Collection activity is normally suspended while an offer is pending, but such suspension is not  
                                            required by law. I further understand that collection activity may continue if it is determined to be in 
                                            the state’s best interests, or if it is otherwise determined that the filing of the offer has not been made  
                                            in good faith.
                                           6. The Department will retain any payment(s) toward the liability for which the offer is made if such 
                                            payment was made prior to receipt of the offer by the Department. The Department will retain and 
                                            apply all amounts due to refund offset when such amounts are received prior to full payment of an  
                                            accepted offer. An offset does not reduce the accepted Offer in Compromise amount.
                                            7. I understand that the tax I owe is, and will remain, a tax liability until I meet all the terms and conditions 
                                            of the offer. If I file bankruptcy before the terms and conditions of the offer are completed, any claim  
                                            the Department files will be for the full amount less any payments.
                                           8. Once the Department accepts the offer in writing, I have no right to contest, in court or otherwise, 
                                            the amount of tax liability.
                    Terms and Conditions
                                           9. I the taxpayer shall bear all of my own costs, including attorney fees.
                                            10. If I fail to meet the terms and conditions of an accepted offer, the compromise will be considered 
                                            null and void. Updated interest and penalties will be added to the total balance due until paid in full.
                                          In addition the Department may:
                                            •  Immediately issue and record any tax liens necessary to protect the state’s legal interest;
                                            •  Proceed with enforced collection of the total outstanding liability;
                                            •  Apply amounts already paid under the offer to the total liability.

                                        I agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions set forth in this offer. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have 
                                        examined this offer, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, 
                                        correct, and complete. I also declare under penalties of perjury that I employ no illegal or unauthorized aliens as defined under 
                                        federal law and that I am not eligible for any tax exemption, credit, or abatement if I employ such aliens.

                                        Taxpayer Signature                                                                                                    Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 
                                                                                                                                                       __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ 
                                        Signature of Taxpayer Spouse or Partner                                                                                           Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 
                                                                                                                                                       __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ 

                                        On behalf of the Missouri Department of Revenue, I accept the offer to pay for the reasons listed in Section 2.
                                        Signature of Authorized Department Official         Title                                                      Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
                    Office USe Only                                                                                                                    __ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __
                                                                                                                                                       Form MO-656 (Revised 08-2017)
Mail to: Taxation Division                                                          Phone: (573) 751-7200 
                                           P.O. Box 1646                            Fax:  (573) 522-3218          Visit http://www.dor.mo.gov/
                                           Jefferson City, MO 65105-1646            TTY:  (800) 735-2966          for additional information.
                                                                                    E-mail: collections@dor.mo.gov


- 14 -
Offer in Compromise Checklist

  Form MO-656 Offer in Compromise (enclosed)

  Third Party Affirmation – Power of Attorney Form 2827 (If Applicable)
For all Offers
  Supporting Documentation

  Proof of gross earnings, pension, social security, and other income, including statements showing  
 deductions for the past three months

  Copies of bank statements for all checking and savings accounts, personal and business, for the 
 most recent three months (If balance owed is $50,000 or more include most recent six months of  
 bank statements)

  Copies of federal income tax return for the two most recent years

 Copies of expenses including rent, insurance, and property taxes for the most recent three months 

  Copies of statements for all mortgages of real estate you own or have interest in

 Copies of statements showing the value of your interest in all retirement accounts, pensions, and  
 profit sharing plans for the most recent three months

  A list of all stocks, bonds, and other securities you own, along with the current market value for each

  A statement from the insurance company for each life insurance policy showing the current cash  
 loan value, accumulated dividends and interest, date, and amount of policy, and the amount if there  
 is a loan or cash surrender value

  A statement from lending institutions and other creditors that clearly indicates current balances  
 owed, and payment schedules on all notes payable and revolving accounts

For Offers of Doubt ss to Collectibility and Economic Hardship   Copies of any judgments or legal decrees (excluding bankruptcies) for the most recent two years

  A list of all accounts receivable, showing the payer, amount due, age, and status of each business  

  Copies of medical bills showing a balance still owed not covered by insurance and documentation  
 from the insurance company indicating the items not covered

  List of all business equipment and other business assets, including current market value of each item


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