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StateJohn R. Ashcroft,of MissouriSecretary of State
Corporations Division
PO Box 778 / 600 W. Main St., Rm. 322
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Statement of Correction for a
General Business or Nonprofit Corporation
(Submit with filing fee of $10.00)
1. Thenameofthecorporationis Charter#:
2. Thestate/countryunderwhoselawsitwasorganizedis:
3. Typeofdocumentbeingcorrected(orfiledcopyattached):
4. Theerroriscorrectedasfollows:
5. Thereasonforsuchcorrectionis:
6. DatetheoriginaldocumentwasfiledwiththeMissouriSecretaryofState:
In Affirmationthereof,thefactsstatedabovearetrueandcorrect:
(T heundersignedunderstandsthatfalsestatementsmadeinthisfilingaresubjecttothepenaltiesprovidedunderSection575.040,RSMo)
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City, State,andZipCode:
Corp.60 (01/2017)