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                2024 Credit for Income Taxes Paid to 
MO-CR           Other States or Political Subdivisions

Complete this form if you or your spouse have income from another state or political subdivision. If you had multiple credits, complete a 
separate form for each state or political subdivision. Attach Form MO-CR and all income tax returns for each state or political 
subdivision to Form MO-1040.
Name                                                                                    Social Security Number 

                                                                                                     -         -
Spouse’s Name                                                                           Spouse’s Social Security Number

                                                                                                     -         -

If you are claiming a resident credit as a shareholder of an S corporation with income earned in a non-taxed jurisdiction, complete
MO-CR, Schedule 1 and see Instructions.

                                                                                        Yourself (Y)                   Spouse (S)
            1. Claimant’s total adjusted gross income (Form MO-1040,
                Line 1Y and Line 1S) ................................               1Y               . 00      1S                    00

            2. Claimant’s Missouri income tax (Form MO-1040, Line 30Y and
                30S). Use the two letter abbreviation for the state or name of
                political subdivision. See the table on back for the two letter
                abbreviation, or enter the name of the political subdivision below.     State of:                      State of: 

                ________________________________________________                    2Y               . 00      2S                  . 00

            3. Wages and commissions.............................                   3Y               . 00      3S                  . 00

            4. Other income (Describe nature _______________________ )              4Y               . 00      4S                  . 00

             5. Total - Add Lines 3 and 4.............................              5Y               . 00      5S                  . 00

             6.  Minus, related adjustments (Federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, 
                Line 10) ..........................................                 6Y               . 00      6S                  . 00

Form MO-CR   7.  Net amounts - Subtract Line 6 from Line 5 ..............           7Y               . 00      7S                  . 00

            8. Percentage of your income taxed - Divide Line 7 by Line 1...         8Y                 %       8S                  %

            9. Maximum credit - Multiply Line 2 by percentage on Line 8 . . .       9Y               . 00      9S                  . 00

           10.  Income tax imposed by another state or political
                subdivision. This is not income tax withheld. The income tax
              must generally be reduced by all credits, except withholding
                and estimated tax. (See instructions.) ...................          10Y              . 00      10S                 . 00

           11.  Credit - Enter the smaller amount of Line 9 or Line 10 here
                and on Form MO-1040, Line 31Y or Line 31S.............              11Y              . 00      11S                 . 00

                Note:  If you have completed Form MO-CR for credits in multiple states, add the amounts on Line 11 from each Form MO-CR  
                and the amounts on Line 5, from each Form MO-CR, Schedule 1, before entering on Form MO-1040. The cumulative amount  
                of credit reported on MO-1040, Line 31Y and 31S cannot exceed the Missouri tax liability.  

                                       For Privacy Notice, see Instructions.                                           Form MO-CR (Revised 12-2024)

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              Resident Credit For Tax on Pro Rata Share of 
 MO-CR        S Corporation Income Earned From a Non-Taxed Jurisdiction
   Schedule 1

Name                                                                         Social Security Number 

                                                                                              -     -
Spouse’s Name                                                                Spouse’s Social Security Number

                                                                                              -     -

Complete Form MO-CR, Schedule 1, if you are a Missouri resident S corporation shareholder who has S corporation income from 
sources in another state(s) or the District of Columbia that is not subject to an income tax imposed in that jurisdiction.

State abbreviation - List all states from which the non-taxed S corporation income is sourced:

                                                                             Yourself (Y)                   Spouse (S)
  1.  Claimant’s federal adjusted gross income (Form MO-1040, Line
    1Y and Line 1S) ......................................                1Y                  . 00  1S                      .  00
  2.  Income earned from an S corporation in a non-taxed jurisdiction ..  2Y                  . 00  2S                      .  00

  3.  Divide Line 2 by Line 1. Enter as a percent. If greater than 100%, 
   enter 100% ...........................................                 3Y                    %   3S                      %

  4.  Claimant’s Missouri income tax (Form MO-1040, Line 30Y and 30S)     4Y                  .  00 4S                      .  00

  5.  Multiply Line 4 by the percentage on Line 3. Enter here and
   include on Form MO-CR, Line 10 .........................               5Y                  .  00 5S                      .  00

 Note:  If you have completed Form MO-CR, Schedule 1 for credits in multiple states, add the amounts on Line 11 from each Form 
 MO-CR and the amounts on Line 5, from each Form MO-CR, Schedule 1, before entering on Form MO-1040.  The cumulative 
 amount of credit reported on MO-1040, Line 31Y and 31S cannot exceed the Missouri tax liability.

              For Privacy Notice, see Instructions.                                                         Form MO-CR (Revised 12-2024)

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                                            Information to Complete Form MO-CR
 Complete this form if you are a: 
  •  Missouri resident, resident estate, or resident trust with income from another state(s) within the United States, political  
      subdivision therein, or District of Columbia, or
  •  Missouri resident who is a direct or indirect member in a partnership or S corporation (pass-through entity), which  
      voluntarily elected to be subject to and pay an income tax at the pass-through entity level in another state through a  
      program substantially similar to the Missouri SALT Parity Act (Section 143.436 of the Missouri Revised Statutes). A  
      pass-through entity level tax program of another state or the District of Columbia is substantially similar to the Missouri  
      SALT Parity Act if:
      -  The partnership or S corporation only pays the tax if it voluntarily elects to be subject to that pass-through entity level tax;
      -  The tax is imposed directly on the income of the partnership or S corporation;
      -  The partner or shareholder receives an individual income tax credit for all or part of the partner or shareholder’s pro   
        rata share of the tax paid by the partnership or S corporation; and
      -  The tax is not the mere payment, withholding, or composite payment of an income tax imposed on the partners or    
        shareholders of the partnership or S corporation.
A part-year resident may elect to use this form to determine his or her tax as if he or she were a resident for the entire taxable 
If you or your S corporation or partnership referenced above pay tax to more than one state, you must complete a separate Form 
MO-CR for each state. Before you begin:
  •  Complete your Missouri return, Form MO-1040 (Lines 1 through 30).
  •  Complete the other state’s return(s) to determine the amount of income tax you paid to the other state(s).
Line-By-Line Instructions
Note: If you are claiming a resident credit as a shareholder of an S corporation with income earned in a non-taxed jurisdiction, 
complete Form MO-CR, Schedule 1 and see Instructions.
Compute the Missouri Resident Credit as follows:
Line 1 - Enter the amount from Form MO-1040, Line 1Y and 1S.
Line 2 - Enter the amount from Form MO-1040, Line 30Y and 30S.
Lines 3 & 4 - Enter the total amount of wages, commissions, and other income you or your spouse received from the other             
         state(s) or District of Columbia, as reported on the other state(s) return.
Note: The computation completed using MO-CR Lines 1, 3 and 4 assumes that the ratio of the taxpayer’s federal adjusted gross 
income derived from the other state over total federal adjusted gross income equals the ratio of the taxpayer’s Missouri adjusted 
gross income derived from the other state over the taxpayer’s Missouri adjusted gross income derived from all sources. If this is 
not the case for this taxpayer, attach a schedule(s) containing the information that would be found on Form MO-1040 Lines 1-5 
and Form MO-A, completed as though the taxpayer’s federal adjusted gross income only includes federal adjusted gross income 
derived from the other state. (Pro forma Forms MO-1040 and MO-A may also be submitted for this purpose.)”
Line 5 - Add Lines 3 and 4; enter the total on Line 5.
Line 6 - Enter any federal adjustments from:
        •   Federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, Line 10
Line 7 - Subtract Line 6 from Line 5. Enter the difference on Line 7.
Line 8 - Divide Line 7 by Line 1. If greater than 100 percent, enter 100 percent. Round in whole percent, such as 91 percent 
      instead of 90.5 percent. If percentage is less than 0.5 percent, use exact percentage. Enter percentage on Line 8.
Line 9 - Multiply Line 2 by percentage on Line 8. Enter amount on Line 9.
Line 10 - Enter your income tax liability as reported on the other state(s) income tax return. This is not income tax withheld. Your  
      income tax liability must be reduced by all credits, except withholding and estimated tax. If the other state allows 
      Missouri residents to take a credit against that state’s income tax for the amount of Missouri income tax prior to the 
      application of all tax credits, then you do not need to reduce your tax liability by all credits for that state. If both you and  
      your spouse paid income tax to the other state(s) or District of Columbia, each must claim his or her own portion of the  
      tax liability. Also add on this line the following item:
        •   You and your spouse’s pro rata share of pass-through entity level income tax actually paid to another state of the  
         United States or the District of Columbia through a program substantially similar to the Missouri SALT Parity Act.
        •   If you or your spouse are a resident S corporation shareholder, you or your spouse’s pro rata share of net income  
         tax actually paid by your S corporation to the other state, but only if that other state does not measure the income  
         of S corporation shareholders by reference to the income of the S corporation. Note: If an amount or share of the  
         S corporation’s income is included in the shareholder’s taxable income in that state, then that state measures the  
         income of S corporation shareholders by reference to the S corporation’s income.
        •   If you or your spouse are a resident S corporation shareholder and your S corporation is an out-of-state bank, see  
         Section 143.081.4 of the Missouri Revised Statutes to determine the pro rata share of the net tax actually paid by  
         the bank to include on Line 10.
                                                                                                         Form MO-CR (Revised 12-2024)

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                                               Information to Complete Form MO-CR Continued
Line 11 - Enter the smaller amount from Form MO-CR, Line 9 or Line 10. This is your Missouri resident credit. Enter the amount  
       on Form MO-1040, Line 31Y and 31S. (If you have multiple credits, add the amounts on Line 11 from each MO-CR).  
       Your total credit cannot exceed the percent of tax due to Missouri on that part of your income, and also cannot exceed  
       the income tax imposed by the other jurisdiction(s).

                                          Information to Complete Form MO-CR, Schedule 1
 Complete Form MO-CR, Schedule 1, if you are a Missouri resident S corporation shareholder who has S corporation income from 
 sources in another state(s) or the District of Columbia not subject to an income tax imposed on you or the S corporation in that 
 jurisdiction or the political subdivision of that jurisdiction from which the income was derived. If you received S corporation income, 
 which meets this description, from multiple non-taxing states, you may include all non-taxed S corporation income on one  
 Schedule 1.  
 Attach Form MO-CR, Schedule 1 and supporting documentation, including Federal K-1 and a statement detailing the calculation 
 of your share of the income earned in each state (or D.C.) that are non-taxing jurisdictions, to Form MO-1040.
 State abbreviation - Use the two letter abbreviation for each state or the District of Columbia. If you have S corporation income 
 from multiple non-taxing states, enter an abbreviation for each state. See the table below for the two letter abbreviations.
 Line 1 – Enter the amount from Form MO-1040, Line 1Y and 1S.
 Line 2 – Enter pro rata share of S corporation income that was derived from the non-taxed jurisdiction.
 Line 3 – Enter the amount from Line 2 divided by the amount from Line 1. Enter as a percentage. Round in whole percent, such  
                as 91 percent instead of 90.5 percent. If percentage is less than 0.5 percent, use exact percentage. 
 Line 4 – Enter your and your spouse’s Missouri income tax from Form MO-1040, Line 30Y and 30S.
 Line 5 – Multiply Line 4 by the percentage on Line 3; enter the amount on Line 5 and include on Form MO-CR Line 10.

                                                    State Abbreviations

 AL  - Alabama                     GA   - Georgia   MD  - Maryland                    NM  - New Mexico      SD   - South Dakota
 AK  - Alaska                      HI   - Hawaii    MA  - Massachusetts               NY   - New York       TN   - Tennessee
 AZ   - Arizona                    ID   - Idaho     MI   - Michigan                   NC   - North Carolina TX   - Texas
 AR   - Arkansas                   IL   - Illinois  MN  - Minnesota                   ND   - North Dakota   UT   - Utah
 CA   - California                 IN   - Indiana   MS  - Mississippi                 OH  - Ohio            VT   - Vermont
 CO  - Colorado                    IA   - Iowa      MT   - Montana                    OK   - Oklahoma       VA   - Virginia
 CT   - Connecticut                KS   - Kansas    NE   - Nebraska                   OR  - Oregon          WA  - Washington
 DC   - District of Columbia KY   - Kentucky        NV   - Nevada                     PA   - Pennsylvania   WV  - West Virginia
 DE   - Delaware                   LA   - Louisiana NH   - New Hampshire              RI   - Rhode Island   WI   - Wisconsin
 FL   - Florida                    ME  - Maine      NJ   - New Jersey                 SC   - South Carolina WY  - Wyoming

Ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?  
If yes, visit dor.mo.gov/military/ to see the services and benefits DOR offers to all eligible military  
individuals, or complete the survey at mvc.dps.mo.gov/MoVeteransInformation/Survey/DOR to  
receive information from the Missouri Veterans Commission. A list of all state agency resources 
and benefits can be found at 
                    veteranbenefits.mo.gov/state-benefits/.                                                          Form MO-CR (Revised 12-2024)

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