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   Assessor, Greene County, MO                      940 N Boonville Ave Rm 37 Dear Business Owner / Manager: You are required by law to provide a list, indicating type, 
   940 North Boonville Ave., Rm. 37                                               year purchased and original cost, for all tangible personal property, e.g. Vehicles, Computers & 
   Springfield, MO 65802-3802                       Springfield, MO 65802-3802Office Equipment, Furniture, Fixtures, Manufacturing Equip. & Tooling, etc., belonging to you or 
                                                                                  under the control of your company in Greene County, Missouri, on Jan. 1st. Complete this form, sign 
   Phone: 417-868-4892   BusinessProperty@greenecountymo.gov                      and return it before March 1st to avoid penalty. 
   Fax:  417-829-6193   greenecountymo.gov/assessor                                           Follow instructions below and on back.

       AVOID PENALTY Return by March 1st


                                                                                  BRENT JOHNSON
   City, State, Zip:                                                              GREENE COUNTY ASSESSOR
                                                                                  940 NORTH  BOONVILLE AVE  RM 37
                                                                                  SPRINGFIELD MO  65802-3802
If you report under any other name, write that name above.                        File Online:   
If business was closed or sold, give date _____________________.
Using a PO Box?  If so, please list physical location below.
HAS YOUR ADDRESS CHANGED?    M NO    M YES  New Address         ___________________________________________________________________ * Date Moved ________________
                                                                Street                 City      State       Zip

 IMPORTANT: Last year you reported the property shown below.                                     HOW TO REMOVE AN ITEM:
 1. Please draw a line through items you did NOT own on                        Jan. 1 , 2022.                                      EXAMPLE      
 2. List ANY items NOT SHOWN in this box in the areas below or attach additional sheets.

                                                                               Please add VIN if missing from items shown in this box.  Add 
                                                                               VIN to any newly purchased items you list below or on back. 
                                                                               This 17-digit number can be found on your insurance card.
           Please place an      in one of these boxes after completing front and back of form.  Sign before returning.
                        CHANGES                                 NO CHANGES                       NO PROPERTY
                        MADE                                    MADE                             OWNED

   Sign & Return this ORIGINAL form along with asset listings to the Assessor’s Office.
              To save time, you may submit a copy of your amortization schedule along with your signed form.
Attention! Under each category below enter the total cost (rounded to the nearest dollar) of all assets of like kind that were acquired in the year indicated at left. The amount you 
enter in each box should be the combined total original cost for all property of the same kind acquired that year. Refer to the CLASS LIFE SCHEDULE on back for examples of how to 
classify assets based on their expected life. If you need another account set up, or help filing, please call (417) 868-4892. If additional space is needed, please list on a separate sheet.
       3 Year Recovery Period  (See back for Class Life Schedule)                 10 Year Recovery Period  (See back for Class Life Schedule)
Purchase Year  100% of Acquisition Cost             % Good      Assessed Value  Purchase Year 100% of Acquisition Cost               % Good        Assessed Value
   2021                                        75.00% x 33.33%                    2021                                             92.50% x 33.33%
   2020                                        37.50% x 33.33%                    2020                                             78.62% x 33.33%
   2019                                        12.50% x 33.33%                    2019                                             66.83% x 33.33%
 2018 & prior                                    5.00% x 33.33%                   2018                                             56.81% x 33.33%
                                                                                  2017                                             48.07% x 33.33%
       5 Year Recovery Period  (See back for Class Life Schedule)                 2016                                             39.33% x 33.33%
Purchase Year  100% of Acquisition Cost             % Good      Assessed Value    2015                                             30.59% x 33.33%
   2021                                        85.00% x 33.33%                    2014                                             21.85% x 33.33%
   2020                                        59.50% x 33.33%                  2013 & prior                                       15.00% x 33.33%
   2019                                        41.65% x 33.33%
   2018                                        24.99% x 33.33%                    15 Year Recovery Period  (See back for Class Life Schedule)
 2017 & prior                                  10.00% x 33.33%                  Purchase Year 100% of Acquisition Cost               % Good        Assessed Value
                                                                                  2021                                             95.00% x 33.33%
       7 Year Recovery Period  (See back for Class Life Schedule)                 2020                                             85.50% x 33.33%
Purchase Year  100% of Acquisition Cost             % Good      Assessed Value    2019                                             76.95% x 33.33%
   2021                                        89.29% x 33.33%                    2018                                             69.25% x 33.33%
   2020                                        70.16% x 33.33%                    2017                                             62.32% x 33.33%
   2019                                        55.13% x 33.33%                    2016                                             56.09% x 33.33%
   2018                                        42.88% x 33.33%                    2015                                             50.19% x 33.33%
   2017                                        30.63% x 33.33%                    2014                                             44.29% x 33.33%
   2016                                        18.38% x 33.33%                    2013                                             38.38% x 33.33%
 2015 & prior                                  10.00% x 33.33%                    2012                                             32.48% x 33.33%
                                                                                  2011                                             26.57% x 33.33%
                                                                                  2010                                             20.67% x 33.33%
                                                                                 2009 & prior                                      15.00% x 33.33%

                                                                CONTINUED ON BACK                                                     GREEI2-102 (Rev 10/21} 039

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Any new improvements to Real Estate in the past year?  (Check appropriate box)    M New Building      Remodeling    M                                                Additions     M           OtherM
   (DO NOT LIST                YEAR   MAKE(Chev, Ford)     MODEL(Impala, Focus) SERIES(SL, SE)       # DOORS# DRV WHEELS(Circle)    TONS     CAB TYPE(Circle)             VIN                  (Vehicle ID Number)
AUTOS, VANS  SUVs,                                                                                               2WD    4WD    AWD           REG   EXT  CREW
 JEEPS, PICKUPS                                                                                                  2WD    4WD    AWD           REG   EXT  CREW
                                                         Submit a copy of the Missouri mileage form for reciprocity to be applied.
                               YEAR              MAKE               MODEL  / TYPE                      GVW             MO MILES              TOTAL MILES                                       VIN (Vehicle ID Number)
                               YEAR         MAKE / MODEL        TYPE (Reefer, Flat, Van, Tanker, Etc.)       AXLES     LENGTH     MO MILES        TOTAL MILES                                  VIN (Vehicle ID Number)
COMMERCIAL                     YEAR   MAKE (Chevy, Ford)      MODEL  / TYPE     BED TYPE           AXLES     GVW               ADDITIONAL EQUIP. COST                                          VIN (Vehicle ID Number)
                                                                                                                               (excluding Cab & Chassis)
(List Semi-Tractors
MOTOR HOMES,                   YEAR              MAKE                       MODEL & SERIES                   TYPE (Circle One)                   LENGTH                                        VIN (Vehicle ID Number)
CAMPERS & RVs                                                                                          5TH WHEEL  UPRIGHT    FOLD DOWN
PERMANENT TAGS                                                                                         5TH WHEEL  UPRIGHT    FOLD DOWN
   TRAILERS                    YEAR              MAKE           TYPE (Stock, Flat, Boat, Horse,        HITCH (Circle One)        AXLES WGT/TON       LENGTH                                    VIN (Vehicle ID Number)
                                                                    Cargo, Enclosed, Utility)
    (including                                                                                          GOOSENECK      BUMPER
PERMANENT TAGS)                                                                                         GOOSENECK      BUMPER
                               YEAR         MAKE / CHASSIS                           MODEL / SERIES                            LENGTH      # PASSENGERS                                        VIN (Vehicle ID Number)
MOTORCYCLES, YEAR                                MAKE                         MODEL                    # OF WHEELS             TYPE (Circle One)     CC                   VIN (Vehicle ID Number)
   ATVs & UTVs                                                                                                            MC        ATV        UTV
 (Mules, Gators, 
    Rangers)                                                                                                              MC        ATV        UTV
                               YEAR         MAKE                MODEL                        TYPE (Riverboat, Bass, Jon)         MATERIAL (Circle)   LENGTH                                    VIN / SERIAL NUMBER
   BOATS &                                                                                                                     Fiber   Alum.   Wood
                                                                                                                               Fiber   Alum.   Wood
 AIRPLANES                     YEAR             MAKE           MODEL & SERIES          MAX. CERTIFIED GROSS       (Circle One) HOURS FLOWN       PURCHASE PRICE                                VIN / SERIAL NUMBER
                                                                                          TAKEOFF WEIGHT                          LAST YEAR
 (Including Historic                                                                                             COMMERCIAL
    and Kit)                                                                                                 NON-COMMERCIAL                      $
 GRAIN/HAY                     Bushels on Hand,
   For Resale                  Stored or Sealed:       Corn __________      Soy Beans __________       Wheat __________       Milo __________       Oats __________       Other: _____________________________
                               Calves (300-600 lbs.)      No.       Sows/Boars        (400 lbs.)       No.             Slaughter Lambs (120 lbs.)No.                 Horses/Colts                          No.
 LIVESTOCK                     Yearlings (600 lbs. & over)No.       Barrows/Gilts      (250 lbs.)      No.             Replacement Ewes (150 lbs.)No.                Chicken/Poultry                       No.
                               Cows/Bulls                 No.       Pigs      (90 lbs.)                No.             Feeder Lambs (80 lbs.)        No.
   PORTABLE                    YEAR        WIDTH x LENGTH      PURCHASE PRICE            LANDOWNER                                                                        HOW LONG AT THIS LOCATION?
   STORAGE                                                     $
                               YEAR              MAKE          WIDTH x LENGTH                                        LOCATION:
   HOMES                       Do you own                     If not, please
                               real estate that   YES      NO list land owner:
                               home sits on?
                                      * List Construction Machinery / Heavy Equipment / Farm Machinery purchased during the last year.
   MACHINERY                           DESCRIPTION             YEAR                  MAKE                    MODEL                 4X4            HP   ENGINE (circle)    YR. PURCHASED                 PURCHASE PRICE
*      &                                                                                                                          YES    NO          Gas     Diesel                                     $
    OTHER                                                                                                                        YES    NO           Gas     Diesel                                     $
   EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                     YES    NO           Gas     Diesel                                     $
                               YR. ACQUIRED          ACQUISITION COST         ASSESSOR USE                               LEASED BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY SUMMARY
   LEASED                      2021                                                                   Please list below any leased or rented equipment in your possession.  The terms of your lease 
                                                                                                      or rental contract may determine tax liability. This section is designed to ensure that the property 
EQUIPMENT                      2020                                                                   is assessed to the proper owner.  You may wish to attach a separate list or a copy of your lease.
                               2018                                                                   Item:
                               2017                                                                   Date of Lease:              
                               2016                                                                   Lessor’s Name,
                               PRIOR YEARS                                                            Addr. & Phone #:
Enterprise Zone: If your facility is located in an Enterprise Zone, please provide a list showing acquisition date by year and cost for tools and equipment used for pollution 
control, and for tools and equipment used in retooling to introduce new product line or to make improvements to an existing product line. 
List your Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code: ___________________________________________
 APARTMENTS                     Apartment/Motel Owners Only:     Address of Apartment/Motel: ________________________________________________________________________________
    MOTELS                                                                            Please List Total Number of Furnished Rooms # _________________________________
 Class Life Schedule:  Purchases apply to the following IRS Cost Recovery Tables as specified in RSMO 137.122. Refer to the following class life schedule.  Depreciable Assets - illustrative  
 IRS/MACRS TABLES FOUND AT http://www.irs.gov.  
 CLASS:                        Special tools and devices used in manufacturing of rubber, plastic, glass, motor vehicles, foundry, and primary steel or fabricated metal products such as dies, jigs, molds, patterns, 
 3 Years          fixtures, or gauges.
 5 Years          Information systems, computers, adding machines, calculators, copiers, telephone central office switching equip., computer-based construction equipment, timber-cutting   
                  equipment, manufacture equipment used in production of knitted goods, carpets, textile yarn, apparel, chemicals, electronics, nonferrous metals, and boats. 
 7 Years          Office furniture, fixtures, files, communication equipment, printing or publishing equip., transmitters, receivers, antenna structures, cooling systems, control equipment, satellite  
                  equipment, equipment used in the production of beverages, furniture, pulp & paper, rubber, plastic, primary steel, metal, mechanical, aerospace products, jewelry and other goods.
 10 Years         Telephone central office equipment switching & related equipment, manufacturing equipment used in the production of grain, feeds, flours, cereals, sugar, vegetable oil and etc. 
 15 Years         Manufacturing equipment used in the production of concrete, bulldozers, unloaders, bobcats, ditchwitch, cell towers, etc.  
 Reciprocity: Companies involved in interstate trucking must submit list of road equipment and a copy of the Missouri Mileage Registration Form If they want reciprocity to 
 be applied. Please specify length on trailers for proper assessment. 
 Unsigned or incomplete forms: An unsigned or incomplete assessment list cannot be accepted and will be returned for completion.
 Extensions: With a written request received by March 1st, you may receive an extension until May 1st.
AGENT OR PREPARER’S NAME (Please Print)                                                                ADDRESS (NOT a P.O. Box)

CITY, STATE, ZIP                                                                                                  TELEPHONE                                  EMAIL ADDRESS                     
I, ___________________________________________________________________,   Print)     M President     M Treasurer     M Owner     M Manager     M Other ___________________________
of  __________________________________________________________________,  do hereby certify that the foregoing list contains a true and correct statement of all the tangible personal property made taxable by the 
laws of the state of Missouri, which I owned or which I had under my charge or management on the first day of January, 2022. I further certify that I have not sent or taken or caused to be sent or taken any property 
out of this state to avoid taxation. Any person who refuses to make the certification to the list, when required so to do by the assessor or the assessor’s deputy, shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor 
and no property shall be exempt from executions issued on judgments in prosecutions pursuant to this section.
                                                                                                                       DATE:                                    Federal Tax ID:   
 SIGN              HERE +
                                                                                                                                                                                               GREE2 - 102 (Rev 10/21)   039

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