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Form MO-NRP of the partnership return is provided to aid the partnership in computing the information required to be reported to each nonresident partner, and is
required to be completed only when the partnership has (1) a nonresident partner, and (2) income from Missouri sources.
Form MO-NRP must be completed and a copy (or its information) supplied to the nonresident partner. An individual partner who is a nonresident of
Missouri must report his or her share of the Missouri income indicated on Form MO-NRP and his or her Missouri source modifications on his or her
Missouri Individual Income Tax Return ( Form MO-1040),Form MO-NRI .
Nonresident Share of Missouri Source Items
The instructions for Parts 1 and 2 are based upon the nonresidents ratably sharing Missouri source income, deductions, and modifications. Attach a detailed
explanation (including extracts from the partnership agreement) if a nonresident partner is allocated a disproportionate share. The explanation must include
the nontax purposes and effects of the allocation methods.
Note: At the time the Department finalized their tax booklets, the Internal Revenue Service had not finalized the federal income tax forms.
Part 1
1. Nonresident Partner’s Name. Copy the name from Federal Form 1065, Schedule K-1 for each nonresident. Omit Form MO-NRP if all partners are
residents of Missouri. Use additional Forms MO-NRP if more than one nonresident partner.
2. Column (a) — Copy amounts from Federal Form 1065, Schedule K. Form MO-NRP, Part 1, Column (a), Lines 1 through 13e are derived from the
corresponding lines of Federal Form 1065, Federal Schedule K.
3. Columns (b) and (c) — Each amount in Column (a) must be analyzed to determine whether it is derived from Missouri sources. See instructions on
Missouri source income. Enter both the Missouri amount in Column (b) and the Missouri percentage in Column (c). Column (c) is determined by
dividing Column (b) by Column (a).
4. Column (d) — Copy amounts from Federal Form 1065, Schedule K-1 for each nonresident partner.
5. Column (e) — Enter in Column (e) the portion of the amount in Column (d) that is derived from Missouri sources. Generally, this is determined by
multiplying each partner’s Column (d) amount by the percent in Column (c). Attach a detailed explanation if any other method is used.
6. Example: Assume $20,000 income from a business deriving $16,000 (80%) from Missouri and a single 60% nonresident partner. Columns will
appear: (a) $20,000, (b) $16,000, (c) 80%, (d) $12,000, and (e) $9,600.
Part 2
1. Column (a) — Copy amounts from Form MO-1065, Partnership Adjustments section. Omit Form MO-NRP, Part 2 if you are not required to
complete Form MO-1065, Partnership Adjustment section and Allocation of Missouri Partnership Adjustment to Partners section.
2. Column (b) — Indicate the portion of each amount in Column (a) that is related to items in Partnership Adjustment section, Column (b), Missouri
Source Amounts. Total the column.
3. Column (c) — Divide amount in Column (b) by amount in Column (a). Enter percentage in Column (c).
4. Column (d) — Copy amount of each nonresident partner’s part nership adjustment from Form MO-1065, Allocation of Missouri Partnership
Adjustment to Partners section, Column 5 Column (d) and Column 6.
5. Column (e) — Enter in Column (e) the portion of the amount in Column (d) that is derived from Missouri sources. Generally, this is determined by
multiplying each partner’s Column (d) amount by the percent in Column (c). Attach a detailed explanation if any other method is used.
Part 3
Items of partnership income, gain, loss, and deduction that enter into a nonresident’s federal adjusted gross income must be analyzed to determine, if part
or all is from Missouri sources. These include amounts attributable to the ownership or disposition of any Missouri property and business income that is
attributable to Missouri sources. Whether nonbusiness income is attributable to Missouri sources is often determined by whether the property sold or
producing income is located in Missouri.
Business or ordinary income is wholly attributable to Missouri, if the business is only carried on in Missouri. If not carried on only in Missouri, the income must
be divided between Missouri and other states. Part 3, Allocation of Income and Deductions, is provided for use if accompanying records clearly reflect income
from Missouri sources. Part 3, Line 13, indicates the Missouri source amount that is equal to the total of Part 1, Lines 1 and 5, Column (b). The Missouri
percentage is then computed and entered in Part 1, Column (c).
When Part 3 is not applicable, all business income should be apportioned by using Method Two A Receipts Factor Apportionment. The apportionment factor
per centage from Form MO-MSS, Part 1, Line 3 is entered on Form MO-NRP, Column (c). Line 1, Column (b) is computed by multiplying the percentage in
Column (c) by the amounts in Column (a). The percentage is also entered on other lines in Column (c) if the items are integral parts of the business.
The Federal Privacy Act requires the Missouri Department of Revenue Multistate Tax Commission (Chapters 32 and 143, RSMo). In addition, statutorily
(department) to inform taxpayers of the department’s legal authority for requesting provided non-tax uses are: (1) to provide information to the Department of
identifying information, including social security numbers, and to explain why the Higher Education with respect to applicants for financial assistance under
information is needed and how the information will be used. Chapter 173, RSMo and (2) to offset refunds against amounts due to a state
agency by a person or entity (Chapter 143, RSMo). Information furnished to
Chapter 143 of the Missouri Revised Statutes authorizes the department to other agencies or persons shall be used solely for the purpose of administering
request information necessary to carry out the tax laws of the state of Missouri. tax laws or the specific laws administered by the person having the statutory right
Federal law 42 U.S.C. Section 405 (c)(2)(C) authorizes the states to require to obtain it as indicated above. (For the department’s authority to prescribe forms
taxpayers to provide social security numbers. and to require furnishing of social security numbers, see Chapters 135, 143, and
The department uses your social security number to identify you and pro- 144, RSMo.)
Federal Privacy Notice cess your tax returns and other documents, to determine and collect the You are required to provide your social security number on your tax return.
correct amount of tax, to ensure you are complying with the tax laws, and to Failure to provide your social security number or providing a false social security
exchange tax information with the Internal Revenue Service, other states, and the number may result in criminal action against you.
Form MO-NRP (Revised 12-2023)
Mail to: Taxation Division E-mail: income@dor.mo.gov
P.O. Box 3000 Visit dor.mo.gov/taxation/business/tax-types/partnership/ for additional information.
Jefferson City, MO 65105-3000
Ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?
Phone: (573) 751-1467 If yes, visit dor.mo.gov/military/ to see the services and benefits we offer to all eligible
Fax: (573) 522-1762 military individuals. A list of all state agency resources and benefits can be found at