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                                                                                                                                                          Reset Form                                                   Print Form
                                                                Form                                                         r  Amended Return - Select if filing an amended return.
                                                                     2023 Credit Institution Tax Return                      r  Federal Extension - Select this box if you have an approved 
                                                                                                                                   federal extension. 

2024 Taxable year based on the 2023 calendar year income period.                                                                                          Due date April 15, 2024
Name                                                                                                                                    Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
                                                                                                                                              |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        

City                                                                                                                                    State                                                                                  Zip Code

During this taxable year, have you been notified of a change in your federal net income or federal income 
taxes for any period?  (If yes, submit schedule of changes) .........................................................................................                                                                  r  Yes     r  No
                                                                     A copy of the federal return and supporting schedules must be attached to this return.
                                                                  1. Federal taxable income (loss) from Federal Form 1120, Line 28 or 1120S, Line 21 or
                                                                  Form 1065, Line 22 or Schedule C, Line 31 ............................................................................                           1                   00
                                                                  2. Income from state or political subdivision obligations not included in federal income
                                                                  (explain if different from tax-exempt interest on the federal return) .........................................                                  2                   00
                                                                  3. Income from federal government securities not included in federal income ............................                                         3                   00
                                                                  4. Charitable contribution claimed on federal return (attach schedule) ........................................                                  4                   00
                                                                  5. Bad debt claimed on federal return ( r Reserve method r Direct write-off method 
                                                                 r Other _____________________) .......................................................................................                            5                   00
                                                                  6. Net bad debt recoveries ...........................................................................................................           6                   00
                                                                  7. Missouri Credit Institution tax deducted on federal return ........................................................                           7                   00
                  Part 1 - Additions
                                                                  8. Taxes deducted on federal return, claimed as credits on this return
                                                                   (must be detailed on Schedule A or attachment) ....................................................................                             8                   00
                                                                  9. Other additions (attach detailed schedule)...............................................................................                     9                   00
                                                                  10. Total of Lines 1 through 9 ........................................................................................................  10                          00
                                                                  11. Net bad debt charge offs ..........................................................................................................  11                          00
                                                                  12. Federal income tax deduction (see instructions)......................................................................  12                                        00
                                                                  13. Other deductions (attach detailed schedule)............................................................................  13                                      00
                                                                  14. Total of Lines 11, 12, and 13....................................................................................................  14                            00
                                                                  15. Total income before charitable contribution deduction (Line 10 less Line 14) .........................  15                                                       00
                                                                  16. Charitable contribution deduction (limit is 5% of Line 15) ........................................................  16                                          00
                                                                  17. Port Cargo Expansion deduction  ............................................................................................  17                                 00
                                    Part 2 - Deductions           18. International Trade Facility deduction  .....................................................................................  18                                00
                                                                  19. Qualified Trade Activities deduction (limit is 50% of Line 10) ..................................................  19                                            00
                                                                  20. Taxable income (Line 15 less Line 16, 17, 18, and 19) ...........................................................  20                                            00
                                                                  21. Tax at 4.48% of Line 20 ...........................................................................................................          21                  00
                                                                  22. Less credits from Line 8 ...........................................................................................................         22                  00
                                                                  23. Tax due .................................................................................................................................... 23                  00
                                                                  24A. Less tentative payment or amount previously paid ..................................................................  24A                                        00
                                                                  24B. Overpayment of previous year’s tax.........................................................................................  24B                                00
                                                                  24C. Miscellaneous credits complete Tax Credit Schedule, page 2 (attach approved authorizations) ..   24C                                                            00
                                                                25. Subtotal (see instructions) ..........................................................................................................         25                  00
                                                                Skip lines 26 through 28 if you are not filing an amended return.
                                                                  26.  Amended return only - Amount paid on original return. ..........................................................                            26                  00 
                                                                  27.  Amended return only - Overpayment, if any, shown on original return  ..................................                                     27                  00
                                    Part 3 - Computation of Tax   28.  Amended return only - (Line 26 less line 27)  .........................................................................                     28
                                                                  29. Balance due or overpaid. (line 25 less line 28 or Enter Line 24 if not an amended return) .....                                              29                  00
                                                                  30. Interest for payment after the original due date (see instructions) ...........................................                              30                  00
                                                                  31. Total amount due or overpayment (see instructions for overpayment). (Line 29 plus Line 30)  31                                                                   00

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                                                                                                           Description (Do not list tangible personal property tax on leased property)                                                         Amount

             Schedule A - 

                                                                                  Taxes Claimed As Credits                                                         Total (Enter on Lines 8 and 22, Page 1)

                                                                                                           Benefit Number                                          Credit Name                            Amount Claimed




                                                              Tax Credit Schedule                                                                                                                                                                          00

                                                                                                                                                                    Total (Enter on Line 24C, Page 1)                                                      00

                                                                                                           1. List all Missouri offices or locations for which this return is made. Indicate the complete physical address, including city,          
                                                                                                               state, zip code and county of each office or location in which the address is located. If there are more than 30 locations, 
                                                                                                               please email a list of the locations in a spreadsheet, along with this return, to the Department at the e-mail shown below.     
                                                                                                               Include the percentage of gross income of each office or location to the total income of the company in Missouri. (Attach a   
                                                                                                               separate page if additional space is needed.)

                                                                                                           2. Is this return made on the basis of actual receipts and disbursements? If not, describe fully what other basis or method  
                                                                                                               was used in computing net income. 

                               Complete Additional Information
                                                                                                           3. What is the principal source of income?

                                                                                                           4. If the business is a pawnbroker, what percent of the total business is your loan business? 

                                                                                                           I authorize the Director of Revenue or delegate to discuss my return and attachments with the preparer or any 
                                                                                                           member of his or her firm, or if internally prepared, any member of the internal staff ............................................ r  Yes    r No
                                                                                                           Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to 
                                                                                                           the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, complete, and correct. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on 
                                                                                                           all information of which he or she has any knowledge.
                                                                                                           Signature                                               Printed Name
                                                                                                           of Officer                                              of Officer
                                                                                                           Telephone                                                                   Date Signed
                                                                                                           Number                                                                      (MM/DD/YY)
                                                                                                           Preparer’s Signature                                    Preparer’s FEIN,
                                                                                                           (Including Internal Preparer)                           SSN, or PTIN
                          Authorization and Signature                                                      Telephone                                                                   Date Signed
                                                                                                           Number                                                                      (MM/DD/YY)
Make check or money order payable to “Missouri Department of Revenue”. Mail completed form and attachments to the address below.  
If you pay by check, you authorize the Department of Revenue to process the check electronically. Any returned check may be presented 
again electronically.  
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Form 2823 (Revised 12-2023)
Mail to:  Taxation Division                                                                                                                          E-mail: fit@dor.mo.gov
                                                                                                                P.O. Box 898                         Visit http://dor.mo.gov/business/finance for additional information.
                                                                                                                Jefferson City, MO 65105-0898
                                                                                                                                                     Ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?
Phone: (573) 751-2326                                                                                                                                If yes, visit dor.mo.gov/military/ to see the services and benefits we offer to all 
Fax: (573) 522-1720                                                                                                                                  eligible military individuals. A list of all state agency resources and benefits can be found 
TTY: (800) 735-2966                                                                                                                                  at veteranbenefits.mo.gov/state-benefits/.

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                 General Instructions - 2023 Credit Institution Tax Return

                                        Section148.120148.230, RSMo
                 This information is for guidance only and does not state the complete law.
The Form 2823 must be completed and filed by April 15, 2024            as security for or in payment of the purchase price of consumer 
(tax becomes delinquent after this date and is subject to interest).   goods exercising such franchise within the state of Missouri, 
An extension of time to file this return may be obtained from          but shall not include real estate mortgage loan companies, 
the Department of Revenue upon written request. Such                   banks, trust companies, credit unions, insurance companies, 
request should indicate the extension period requested,                mutual savings and loans associations and savings and loan  
the reason for the request and must be accompanied by a                associations.
tentative  return  and  payment  for  the  estimated  tax  due.        Credit Institution Tax Return  — If any taxpayer shall operate 
An  extension  of  time  to  file  the  return  does  not  extend  the more than one office in Missouri, the taxpayer shall file one 
time for payment of the tax. An  extension  of  time  may  not         return giving the physical address of each such office and allo-
exceed 180 days from the original due date pursuant to                 cating to each office its share of the net income of the taxpayer 
Regulation 12 CSR 10-10.090.                                           in the ratio that the gross receipts of that office bears to the total 
Filing Requirement — Every person, firm, partnership, or               gross receipts of the taxpayer. For each address include the 
corporation engaged principally in the consumer credit or loan         county in which the address is located in. If there are more than 
business in the making of loans of money, credit, goods,               30 locations, please email a list of the locations in a spread-
or things in action, or in the buying, selling or discounting of,      sheet,  along  with  this  return,  to  the  Department  at  the  e-mail 
or investing in, negotiable or non-negotiable instruments given        shown at the bottom of the return. 

Amended Return: Select the box at the top of the form if filing an     on this return. All taxes paid directly to the state of Missouri or 
amend ed return.                                                       any political subdivision thereof are eligible except taxes on real 
                                                                       estate, unemployment taxes, credit institution tax, and taxes on 
Federal Extension: Select the box at the top of the form indi-         tangible personal property owned by the taxpayer and held for 
cating you have an approved federal extension. Attach a copy of        lease or rental to others. Show detail on Schedule A.
the extension to this return.                                          Attach schedule of taxes deducted on Federal Form 1120, Line 
                                                                       17 or Form 1120S, Line 12 or Form 1065, Line 14 or Form 1040, 
                              Part 1                                   Schedule C, Line 23 for verification purposes.
Line 1 Taxpayers that are members of an affiliated group filing        An accrual basis taxpayer that is a member of an affiliated group 
a consolidated federal income tax return shall compute federal         filing a consolidated Missouri income tax return shall allocate a 
taxable income as if a separate federal tax return had been            portion of the consolidated  Missouri income tax liability  for the 
filed.  A pro forma federal return or appropriate schedules should     year by multiplying such liability by a fraction, the numerator of 
then be attached together with a copy of pages 1 through 4 of the      which is the separate Missouri taxable in come of such member, 
consolidated federal income tax return.                                and the denominator of which is the sum of the separate Missouri 
Line 2 Enter all income received on state or political subdivision     taxable incomes of all members having Missouri taxable income 
obligations  excluded  from the federal return. This income is         for the year.
taxable on this return. Explain if different from tax-exempt interest  A  cash  basis  taxpayer  that  is  a  member  of  an  affiliated  group 
shown on the federal return.                                           filing  a  consolidated  Missouri  income  tax  return  shall  allocate 
Line 3 Enter all income received on federal securities excluded        each component of  the consolidated  Missouri income tax  paid 
from the federal return (e.g., non-taxable portion Federal Reserve     (or refunded)  during  the year by multiplying  each component 
Bank dividends). This income is taxable on this return.                by a fraction, the numerator  of which  is the separate  Missouri 
                                                                       taxable income of such member for the applicable year, and the 
Line 4 Enter the charitable contribution deduction claimed on the      denominator of which is the sum of the separate Missouri taxable 
federal return.                                                        incomes of all members having Missouri taxable income for the 
Line 5  Enter the bad debt claimed on the federal return or any        applicable year.
additions to a bad debt reserve claimed as a de duc tion on the        In  the computation of  separate Missouri taxable income, each 
federal return. (The reserve method is not a permissible method        member  of  a  group  filing  a  consolidated  Missouri  income  tax 
on this return.) In the appropriate  box, indicate  the bad debt       return shall start  with its separate federal taxable income as 
method used on the federal return.                                     computed pursuant to the method applicable to the group under 
Line 6  Enter  the  excess,  if  any,  of  recoveries of bad debts     Treasury Regulation 1.1552-1. The amount of the federal income 
previously  charged off over current year charge offs.  Attach         tax deduction of each member under Section 143.171.1, RSMo, 
schedule of bad debt computation.                                      shall be that portion of the actual federal consolidated income tax 
Line 7  Enter any Missouri Credit Institution tax deducted on the      liability of the group as is required to be allocated to such member 
federal return. This is not an allowable deduction on this return.     under Internal Revenue Code Section 1552 without regard to any 
                                                                       additional allocations under Treasury Regulation 1.1502-33(d).
Line 8  Enter here and on Line 22 taxes to be claimed as credits 
                                                                       Line 9  Enter deductions claimed on the federal return which are 
                                                                       not allowable on this return and income not included on the

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 federal return which is required to be included on this return (attach         Development.  Attach  a  copy  of  the    certificate  authorizing  the 
 schedule). Include all income shown on Federal Form 1120S,                     deduction.
 Schedule K, Lines 2-10. The environmental tax under Section 59A                Line 19  Enter  the  amount  of  the  Qualified  Trade  Activities 
 of the Internal Revenue Code must be added back to income.                     deduction  approved by the Missouri Department of Economic 
 Line 10   Enter the total of Lines 1 through 9.                                Development.  Attach  a  copy  of  the  certificate  authorizing  the 
                                                                                deduction.  The  amount  of  the  deduction  cannot  exceed  fifty 
                                                                                percent (50%) of Line 10. 
                                         Part 2
 Line 11 Enter the excess, if any, of bad debt charge offs over 
 current year recoveries.  Attach schedule of bad debt computation.             Line 20 Subtract Line 16, 17, 18 and 19 from Line 15 and enter 
 Line 12 Enter the current year deduction for federal income tax                amount.
 related to the Credit Institution tax.  The current year deduction will                                  Part 3
 be the amount actually accrued (if an accrual basis taxpayer) or               Line 21 Multiply the taxable income amount on Line 20 by 4.48% 
 paid (if a cash basis taxpayer) during the year. Attach a schedule             and enter the amount.
 of the computation.
                                                                                Line 22  Enter the amount from Line 8.
 Accrual basis taxpayers that are members of an affiliated group 
 filing  a  consolidated  federal  income  tax  return  shall  allocate  a      Line 23 Subtract Line 22 from Line 21 and enter amount. If amount 
 portion of the consolidated federal tax liability for the year by using        on Line 22 exceeds amount on Line 21, enter “none”.
 the same method used by the group  under Internal Revenue                      Line 24A  Enter the amount of tentative payment, if applicable.
 Code Section 1552 without regard to any additional allocations 
 under Treasury Regulation 1.1502-33(d).                                        Line 24B  Enter overpayment of previous year’s tax. 
 Cash  basis  taxpayers  that  are  members  of  an  affiliated  group          Line 24C Enter the amount of tax credits claimed from the list on 
 filing a consolidated federal income tax return shall allocate each            the following page. Attach a schedule listing the amounts for each 
 component  of the consolidated  federal tax paid (or refunded)                 tax credit. A copy of the approved authorization must be attached 
 during  the year by using the same method used by the group                    to the return.  
 under  Internal Revenue  Code Section 1552  for the applicable                 Line 25 Subtract Lines 24A through 24C from Line 23.
 year without regard to any additional allocations under Treasury 
                                                                                Line 26 Amended return only: Enter payment(s) applied to your 
 Regulation 1.1502-33(d).
                                                                                original filed return, including payments applied to penalties and 
 Line 13 Enter the total amount of any deduction claimed on this                interest. If not filing an amended return, go to line 28.
 return and not included on the federal return. These deductions 
                                                                                Line 27 Amended return only: Enter the overpayment claimed or 
 must be itemized on a schedule attached to this return.
                                                                                adjusted on your original return.
 Line 14 Enter the total of Lines 11 through 13.
                                                                                Line 28 Subtract Line 27 from Line 26. If this is not an amended 
 Line 15  Subtract Line 14 from Line 10 and enter amount. If “loss”,            return, enter zero.
 indicate by brackets “(  )” and enter “none” on Line 21.
                                                                                Line 29 Subtract Line 28 from Line 25.
 Line 16 Enter the charitable contribution claimed on this return.  
                                                                                Line 30 Calculate interest for period which tax payment is 
 The contribution deduction  is limited to 5% of taxable income 
                                                                                delinquent.  Interest should  be  calculated  from the original  due 
 before the contribution deduction. Only current year contributions 
                                                                                date of April 15 through date of payment at the annual rate. The 
 are allowed.  Attach a schedule.
                                                                                annual interest rate can be obtained from the Department’s website 
 Line 17  Enter the amount of the Port Cargo Expansion deduction                at: dor.mo.gov/taxation/statutory-interest-rates.html.
 approved by the Missouri Department of Economic Development. 
                                                                                Line 31  Enter the total of Lines 29 and 30. If a balance due, submit 
 Attach a copy of the  certificate authorizing the deduction.
                                                                                this amount. If an overpayment, submit a completed Application 
 Line  18 Enter the amount of the International  Trade  Facility                for Financial Institution Tax Credit or Refund (Form 1141) with 
 deduction  approved by the Missouri Department of Economic                     this return indicating whether the overpayment is a refund or a 
                        Affordable Housing Assistance          Family Farms Act                       Rebuilding Communities and 
                        Agricultural Products Utilization      Historic Preservation                    Neighborhood Preservation Act 
                        Bond Enhancement                       Infrastructure Development             Remediation 
                        Brownfield “Jobs and Investment”       Innovation Campus                      Research Expense Credit
                        Business Use Incentives for            Intern and Apprentice Recruitment      Residential Treatment Agency
                          Large-scale Development (BUILD)      Maternity Home                         Shelter for Victims of Domestic 
                        Capitol Complex - Artifact Donation    Missouri Low Income Housing              Violence 
                        Capitol Complex - Monetary Donation    Missouri Quality Jobs                  Small Business Incubator 
                        Development                            Missouri Works                         Special Needs Adoption 
                        Development Reserve                    Neighborhood Assistance                Sporting Contribution
                        Developmental Disability Care Provider New Enhanced Enterprise Zone           Sporting Event
 Available Tax Credits  Export Finance                         New Generation Cooperative             Youth Opportunities 
                        Family Development Account             Pregnancy Resource  
                                                                                                                 Form 2823 Instructions (Revised 12-2023)
Mail to:   Taxation Division                                   E-mail:  fit@dor.mo.gov
                         P.O. Box 898                          Visit dor.mo.gov/taxation/business/tax-types/finance/ for additional information.
                         Jefferson City, MO 65105-0898
                                                               Ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?  
 Phone:                 (573) 751-2326                         If yes, visit dor.mo.gov/military/ to see the services and benefits we offer to all eligible 
 Fax:                   (573) 522-1720                         military individuals. A list of all state agency resources and benefits can be found at 
 TTY:   (800) 735-2966                                         veteranbenefits.mo.gov/state-benefits/.

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