- 2 -
Have you or will you pay $1,000 or more in a calendar quarter for domestic
service in a private home, college club, fraternity or sorority? If yes, enter the Yes No _ __ /__ _/ _
date this occurred or will occur. MM DD YYYY
19. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: (Attach a copy of Federal Letter of Exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code.)
Have you or will you employ four or more workers in 20 different calendar weeks
during a calendar year? If yes, enter the date this occurred or will occur. Yes No _ _ /__ / _ _
20. GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY: (check one type below)
Federal State Local Other: __ ______________________________________
21. If you are not otherwise subject to the unemployment tax law under one of the preceding criteria (Items 15-
20), do you wish to voluntarily cover your employees for unemployment insurance? Yes No
22. Have you ever paid Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)? Yes No
If yes, for what year(s)? _ _ _ ____ __ ___ __ ___ __
23. If you have acquired, transferred assets or merged with another business, or made any other changes in the ownership of the
business, including changes, such as from a sole proprietorship to a corporation or a partnership, complete the following:
a. Name of Former Owner: _ ____________________________________________________________________________
(Full Organizational Name, including Trade Name)
b. Former Owner’s N.C. UI Tax Number: __ _____________________________________
c. Former Owner’s Address: __________ ______________ _________ _________ _ __ __ ____
Street or P.O. Box City State Zip Code
d. On what date did you acquire or change the business? ___ ___ /__ __/ __ _____
e. Did you acquire all or a portion of the former owner’s North Carolina business? All Portion (Specify) %_
f. Was the business in operation at the time you acquired it? Yes No Date Closed __ _ / _ _/ __ _____
g. Was the business in bankruptcy at the time you acquired it? Yes No
h. Does the former owner continue to have employees in North Carolina? Yes No
24. Do you have workers who perform services for your business whom you consider to be self-employed or
independent contractors? If yes, see instructions for list to be attached. Yes No
25. List owners (parent corporation, sole proprietor, ALL general partners, principal corporate officers, or members.) Attach a list of
those for which there is no space below.
__ _____________ _ _____________________ __ _____________________ __ ________ _ _______________
First Name Middle Name Last Name Title SSN or FEIN
________________ _________________________ _________ ______________ _ __ __ _______ ( ) _ -
Street or P.O. Box City State Zip Code Phone
_______ ______________ ___ ________________ ___ ____________________ __ ________ ___ _____________
First Name Middle Name Last Name Title SSN or FEIN
______________________ ___________________ ____________ ___________ _ __ __ _____ ( ) _ _- _
Street or P.O. Box City State Zip Code Phone
___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ _____________________ _____ _____ ___ ___________
First Name Middle Name Last Name Title SSN or FEIN
____________________ _____________________ ___________ ____________ _ _ ____ ______ ( ) _ - _
Street or P.O. Box City State Zip Code Phone
Be Sure That All Applicable Items Are Completed Before Signing
I certify that the information entered on this form is true and accurate, and that I am authorized by the named employing unit to
complete this report for determining unemployment tax liability.
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________ ______ /______/ ________
Signature Title MM DD YYYY
NCUI 604 (Rev 02/2012)