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North Carolina Department of Commerce For Agency Use Only
Division of Employment Security
Post Office Box 26504 Timely (TL01)
Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Untimely (TL02)
Liable Acquiring Liable (TL03)
Application for Partial Transfer of Experience
Date of Transfer:
Rating Account
Date of Rate:
The information requested on this form is to assist in Rates: C P1 P2
determining whether the experience rating account of
P3 P4 P5
the predecessor employer may be partially transferred to
the successor employer as provided in Section 96-11.7 FY
of the Employment Security Law of North Carolina. Approved By: Date:
Type or Print in Black Ink
1. Date part of organization, trade, or business was transferred:
2. Enter the percent of payroll related to the:
Portion Transferred: % Portion Retained: % = 100%
In calculating these percentages use the three fiscal year period which ended on June 30 immediately preceding the
date in Item 1. The payroll, benefit charges, and the experience rating account balance shown on form NCUl 104 as of
July 31 immediately preceding the transfer; the payroll and tax from such July 31 to the date of transfer; and also any
benefit charges which are made based on wages paid prior to such transfer, will be transferred to the successor and the
retained portion on the basis of the percentage shown above.
3. During the calendar year or the previous five calendar years the portion being transferred from the predecessor paid at
least $1500 in wages in North Carolina during the calendar quarter or employed at least one North Carolina worker in
any part of 20 different calendar weeks during a calendar year.
4. All taxes, penalties, and interest based on wages paid by the predecessor employer prior to the date of transfer have
been paid.
5. The predecessor and successor employers do hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true
and accurate and mutually consent to and hereby request the transfer of the aforementioned portion of the predecessor's
experience rating account in accordance with Section 96-11.7 of the Employment Security Law of North Carolina.
Note: This application must be signed by the respective employers; by sole proprietor if the employer is/was a
proprietorship; by a partner if the employer is/was a partnership; and by a duly elected corporate officer if the
employer is/was a corporation. The signatures must be witnessed.
Predecessor Account Number Retained Portion Successor Account Number or Federal I.D. Number
Employer Name Employer Name
Signature OF Owner / Partner / Corporate Officer Signature OF Owner / Partner / Corporate Officer
Title Date Title Date
Witness Witness
Mail this application to the Division of Employment Security at the above address.
NCUI 603 (Rev. 06/2013)