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1. The filing fee is $5.00. Make checks payable to SECRETARY OF STATE
2. The formmust be signed by the association's presiding officer of the board of directors, or the
association’s president or other officer. However, if the board of directors has not been selected
or the association has not been formed, the document must be signed by an incorporator of the
association. If the association is under the control of a person acting as a fiduciary of the
association, including a trustee or receiver, the document must be signed by the fiduciary.
3. Onecopyof thedocumentistobedeliveredtotheSecretaryofStateforfiling.
4. If the business entity was administratively dissolved due to failure to comply with biennial
reporting requirements, the business entity must file all delinquent biennial reports and pay all
delinquent fees. The biennial reports and fees must accompany the application.
5. If the business entity was administratively dissolved due to failure to maintain a registered agent
or registered office, the business entity must name a registered agent and office at the time of
filing this application. The Statement of Change and fees must accompany the application.
6. If the business entity was administratively dissolved due to the expiration of the business entity's
duration, the business entity must file articles of amendment or restated articles. The articles of
amendment or restated articles and fees must accompany the application.
7. The reinstatement relates back to the effective date of the administrative dissolution.
8. The information you provide will be open to public inspection under Iowa code chapter 22.11.
Business Services Division
Lucas Building, 1st Floor
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: (515) 281-5204
FAX: (515) 242-5953
Website: sos.iowa.gov