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                                                              COMBINED CITY AND BOROUGH                                    IF CHANGE OF OWNER, FIRM NAME OR ADDRESS:
REPORT FOR: QUARTER                   YEAR:                   SALES TAX REPORT                                             Name:
                                                              KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH                                    Address:
                                                              1900 FIRST AVENUE, SUITE 118                                 City:                                    State              Zip
ACCOUNT__________________                                     KETCHIKAN, ALASKA 99901                                      IF THIS IS A FINAL RETURN:
                                                              PHONE (907) 228-6609                                         Date Business discontinued:
                                                              FAX (907) 228-6698                                           Reason:
                                                              http://www.kgbak.us                                          Location of Records:
                                                              A                                       B                            C                                  D                          E
                                                              Non-taxable Sales                       Borough                   Inside City                  Inside City                         Total Sales
1. Gross receipts (not including tax)                         Outside City & Borough                  Outside Cities            of Saxman                 of Ketchikan                           A+B+C+D
 # of Apartments(s) rented ____/ $_____ per month                                                                                                                                                           0.00
2. Less returns and allowances                                                                                                                                                                              0.00
3. Gross receipts (not including tax)                           0.00                                          0.00                          0.00                                          0.00              0.00
4. Deduction: A) Sales to government agencies (*)                                                                                                                                                           0.00
 B) Single unit sales & Commercial rents over $2,000 (*)                                                                                                                                                    0.00
 C) Senior citizen exemptions (*)                                                                                                                                                                           0.00
 D) Non-profit organizations exemption (*)                                                                                                                                                                  0.00
 E) Sales for resale (wholesale sales) (*)                                                                                                                                                                  0.00
 F) Other claimed exemptions (*)                                                                                                                                                                            0.00
 G) Residential rents over $1,000 (*)                                                                                                                                                                       0.00
5. Total exemptions claimed                                                                                   0.00                          0.00                                          0.00              0.00
6. Net taxable receipts (line 3 less line 5)                                                                  0.00                          0.00                                          0.00              0.00
 Apply these percentages to obtain tax due                                                                    x .025 0.025           0.065x .065                        0.065x .065
7. Total tax due on net taxable receipts                                                                      0.00                          0.00                                          0.00 $            0.00
8. Combined tax due cities of Ketchikan, Saxman, and Ketchikan Gateway Borough (add lines 7B, 7C, 7D)                                                    Total tax due:                        $            0.00
 Full payment must accompany this report
NOTE: Quarterly and monthly returns may be accepted based upon a timely postmark only if the return receives a United States Postal Service cancellation on 
or before the due date.(1)  Unless required to file monthly under KGBC 4.50.080(b) or subsection (c) of this section, the tax levied by this title is due and payable 
at the expiration of each quarter of each calendar year. The completed executed return, together with remittance in full for the amount of the tax due, shall be 
transmitted to and received by a borough employee working in the finance department on or before 5:00 p.m., local time, on th e last day of the month succeeding 
the end of each said quarter. If the last day of the month succeeding the end of a quarter is a Saturday, Sunday or borough h oliday, the completed executed 
return and amount of the tax due shall be transmitted and received by 5:00 p.m. local time on the next business day.

9. Penalty: 1% of tax due the first 7 workings days delinquent, 15% thereafter, plus 5% per month until 25% has accrued.                                                                       $
10. Interest: 12% per annum from date of delinquency until paid (of line 8) - 1% per month                                                                                                     $
11. Total amount remitted herewith                                                                                                                                                             $            0.00
Note to Borough staff:
___ This is a seasonal business.  Please file no activity returns on our behalf for the following quarters:   ___________       __________
I understand that I must file amended returns if sales occur during the quarters listed.

I declare, subject to the penalties prescribed in the ordinances of the Cities of Ketchikan and Saxman, and the Ketchikan Gateway Borough, that this return, (including any accompanying statement) has been by me, and to 
the best of my knowledge and belief, is a true, correct and complete return.  In accordance with KGB Code 5.120.050 any misuse of Sale Tax will be cited.
By/Title ____________________________________________ Contact No. ________________________Date ______________

                                                                                                                     FilewithNoActivity                                 Print/PayLater


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Single Unit 0.00

Out of Town 0.00

Resale Sales
Date Completed

Total Amount of Sale
Non-Profit Sales

G:\Admin Services\FORMS\Record of Sales Tax Exemptions.xls

Gov Sales 0.00

Sen Citizen 0.00

Business Name



Exemption Card 

Customer:  Please have the sales clerk complete all information before signing. Ketchikan Gateway Borough 344 Front Street Ketchikan, AK  99901 907-228-6609

Transaction Date

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