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                                  KENAI  PENINSULA BOROUGH 
                                           144 N. BINKLEY · SOLDOTNA, ALASKA · 99669-7520            
                                     (907) 714-2175 or 1-800-478-4441ext 2175 (within the KPB) 
                                                     EMAIL: SALESTAX@KPB.US 
                                                 WEB SITE: http://www.kpb.us/salestax 

              Sales Tax Return Instructions                          C)  Government Agencies:  Sales to Federal, state, or 
                                                                         local government agencies are exempt. Report all 
 Please read all instructions.  Incomplete or improperly                 sales to such entities here. The entity’s name should 
   prepared Sales Tax Returns cannot be processed and                    be noted on the invoice. 
        may result in late penalties and interest.                   D)  Excess of individual sales over  $500: Enter the 
                      General Information                                amount of individual sales in excess of $500.  
Request to  Pre-file:   If your  business is  NOT conducting             Example:  If an individual sale is $900, the excess 
business  for a short period  of  time (less than  one-year)  and        over $500 is $400.      Note: This does not apply to 
your account is in compliance with KPB 5.18, you may pre-                recreational sales. 
file no sales figures for future periods.  To do so, you  are        E) Nonprepared Food:        If sales have been made within 
required to specify the From – Thru  Periods: (MM/YYYY).                 a jurisdiction   AND the city exempts nonprepared 
Enter the first and last  period you  will    not be  conducting         food, enter the total sales  made within that 
business.                                                                jurisdiction  under the appropriate jurisdiction 
Business Sold/Closed: If you have sold or permanently closed             column.  If the jurisdiction does     NOT exempt 
your  business, please check the  box.   Indicate the  date the          nonprepared  food, no sales will be entered  as a 
business was sold or closed (MM/DD/YYYY).  If the business               deduction for that jurisdiction.      This exemption 
was sold, please indicate to whom you sold the business.                 only applies for sales made from September 1  – 
Return Has No Sales: A return      must be filed even if there           May 31 . 
were no sales for the reporting period.  If you had no sales for     F)  Other: If there are other items not specifically listed 
the reporting period, please check the box.  It is not necessary         in A-E, and are  deemed non-taxable  per  KPB 
to write zeros in sales areas.  Please do not write across the           5.18.200, enter the amount here and specify the 
front of return.                                                         exemption in the space provided.  
Filing Period/Registration #/DBA:  If you are using a blank          G)  Total Non-Taxables: Add lines 2(A) through 2(F). 
form, complete the Filing Period, Registration #, and Business    3. Taxable  Sales:    Gross sales  (line 1) minus Total Non-
Name for both front   and back page.  If boxes are prefilled, do     Taxable Sales (line 2(G)). 
not alter in any way.                                             4. Tax Rates: Refer to the jurisdiction code box to find the 
                                                                     corresponding tax rate for each jurisdiction.  Enter the rate 
  Reporting your Sales To the Kenai Peninsula Borough                here.  Note:   Rates are split to represent city portion 
ALL Sales MUST be entered under Jurisdiction 99.  This               separately from borough rate of 3%.  
includes sales both  within  and  outside of city limits  and      
outside of the borough.                                           DO NOT ROUND ANY FIGURES BEYOND THIS POINT. 
If sales have been made within city jurisdiction(s):  refer to                                   
the Jurisdiction Code Box to enter sales for each city under the  5. Sales Tax: Multiply line 3 times line 4. 
remaining columns provided. Additional columns are provided       6. Total Sales Tax: Enter the total of all Sales Tax  due 
on the back of the form.                                             (total of line 5 for all jurisdictions, front and back). 
Jurisdiction Code:   In each column, enter the jurisdiction       7. Adjustments:  
code  for  which you will  be reporting  sales. Indicate the         A)  Credit for Prompt Remittance: If a return is filed 
“Jurisdiction  Code” and “Sales Tax Rate” using the table                and paid by the due date and your sales tax account 
provided on the form.                                                    does not have a balance due  or missing  filing, 
1.   Gross Sales: All sales made during the reporting period.            multiply the tax  on line  6  by 5% (not to exceed 
                                                                         $1,000 per quarter). 
     •  This figure should not include the sales tax collected.   
                                                                     B)  Penalty for Late Remittance: If the return is late a 
     •  Round only Sales figures to nearest dollar 
                                                                         penalty of 5% per month of line 5 will be assessed, to 
        Round $.50 up to $1.00 and $.49 down to $0.00 
                                                                         a maximum of 10%. 
2. Non-Taxable Sales: These are sales which are included 
                                                                     C)  Interest/Other: If the return is more than one month 
     in the gross sales figure (line 1) and are exempt from the 
                                                                         late, interest on line 5 is due at a rate of .833% per 
     tax for the following reasons:  
                                                                         month. Other adjustments to the tax  should be 
     A)   Sales outside the Borough: Report those sales that 
                                                                         reported here along with a detailed explanation. 
          originated and ended outside the Kenai Peninsula 
                                                                     D)  Previous Balance Due: Enter prior balance due here. 
                                                                  8. Total  Due:      From line 6 subtract line 7A, add lines 7B, 
     B)   Sales for  Resale: Goods and services sold  to 
                                                                         7C, and 7D, if applicable. 
          another business, which will resell the same goods 
                                                                  9. Total Remitted:  Total amount of payment remitted.
          or services.  Note: The buyer    must present a resale 
          card when the sale occurs. 

        Rev. 11/2014    If you have any questions, please contact the Kenai Peninsula Borough Sales Tax Department 
                                                     at the numbers provided above. 

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                           KENAI  PENINSULA BOROUGH 
                           144 N. BINKLEY · SOLDOTNA, ALASKA · 99669-7520                        
                           (907) 714-2175 or 1-800-478-4441ext 2175 (within the KPB) 
                                           EMAIL: SALESTAX@KPB.US 
                                     WEB SITE: http://www.kpb.us/salestax 

                           CHANGES TO THE SALES TAX RETURN FORM 
  ¾ The format of the form has been changed from landscape to portrait layout.   
  ¾ Location of Pre-file Box:  This box has moved from the upper right to the top left portion of the return form. 
  ¾ Location of Business Sold/Closed Boxes:  Closed business and business sold boxes are now located just below the 
    pre-file box on the upper left side of the form. 
  ¾ Corrected and Amended  Boxes:  These boxes are now  located below the  No Sales checkbox.  NOTE:  A 
    CORRECTED return is one that replaces a previously filed return for a specific period.  An AMENDED return is 
    one that adjusts a previously filed return for a specific period. 
  ¾ The DUE BY: MM/DD/YYYY  field has been moved from the upper left side of the form to the upper right side 
    of the form, directly  below the DBA: field.  The filing frequency (annually, quarterly, or monthly) will be 
    displayed directly below the due date. 
  ¾ The Jurisdiction Code and Rate Table has moved from the lower center section on the front of the form to the 
    lower left corner of the form on both the front and back.  
  ¾ The Notes box has moved from the back of the form to the lower right section on the front of the form. 
    Rev. 11/2014    If you have any questions, please contact the Kenai Peninsula Borough Sales Tax Department 
                                     at the numbers provided above. 

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