Postmark Date: 2023 Business License Application Expiration Date: 12/31/2023 Fee: $50 (Section 7) City of Dillingham PO Box 889 Dillingham, AK 99576 Phone: 907-842-5211 Fax: 907-842-5691 DMC 4.16, in order to operate a business within the city it is necessary to obtain a Dillingham business license. “Business” means: A. A person (as defined in Section 4.20.020), partnership, corporation or company of any sort providing goods or services within the city for a profit, unless the goods or services consist entirely of casual or isolated sales (as defined in Section 4.20.050) B. A person, partnership, corporation or company of any sort providing the service of operating a taxicab or vehicle-for- hire and required to have a business license and remit sales tax regardless of the amount of sales. Application is for: ☐ New Business (Date started or Expected to start operating in Dillingham) ☐ Renewal ☐ Change in Ownership SECTION 1: OWNERSHIP TYPE (Check Only One) ☐ Corporation ☐ Partnership ☐ Limited Liability Company (LLC) ☐ Other: ________________ ☐ Individual / Sole Proprietor ☐ Non Profit [IRS 501c(3) or 501c(4) Documents required] SECTION 2: BUSINESS CONTACT AND LOCATION INFORMATION Business Name Additional DBA Business Mailing Address City State Zip Code Phone Fax Business Contact Business Email Business Physical Address (no PO Boxes) City State Zip Code Federal Tax ID or SSN 2 ndBusiness Physical Address (attach an additional page if necessary) City State Zip Code Federal Tax ID or SSN Business Location is If outside City limits, is your business ☐ Inside City Limits ☐ Coming into the City to provide services or sell products ☐ Online Vendor ☐ Temporary vendor located at ______________________ SECTION 3: CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP (if needed) Previous owner name Previous Owner Address City State Zip Code Phone SECTION 4: OWNER/REGISTERED AGENT INFORMATION Name Driver’s License Date of Birth 1 Mailing Address Social Security Number City State Zip Code Phone Business License Application Rev 12/13/2022 Page 1 |
SECTION 4: OWNER/REGISTERED AGENT INFORMATION (Cont.) Name Driver’s License Date of Birth 2 Mailing Address Social Security Number City State Zip Code Phone Name Driver’s License Date of Birth 3 Mailing Address Social Security Number City State Zip Code Phone Name Driver’s License Date of Birth 4 Mailing Address Social Security Number City State Zip Code Phone SECTION 5: BUSINESS DESCRIPTION AND LICENSING Briefly Describe Business Conducted Past Dillingham BL No. Expiration Date Other Business Licenses and I.D’s (Any required license must be issued before a City license can be issued) State of Alaska No. Expiration Date Occupational No. Expiration Date Required if working in a specialty occupation. Must be 2023 expiration or greater Permit No. Expiration Date SECTION 6: SALES TAX COLLECTION DMC 4.20.090 ☐ Request Authority to Collect Sales Tax (one per physical location needed)________________ DMC 4.20.115 Select preferred method to receive sales tax packet: Reporting Frequency: ☐ Already received sales tax pack ☐ Monthly ☐ Please mail sales tax packet ☐ Quarterly, must be remitting less than $100 per month ☐ Please email sales tax packet Remittance Type: ☐ 6% Sales Tax ☐ 6% Gaming Sales Tax Email if different than below: ☐ 10% Alcohol Tax ☐ 10% Lodging Tax Contact information for the person or service preparing sales tax filings: Name Title Email Phone SECTION 7: BUSINESS LICENSE FEE AND PENALTIES Check all that apply: ☐ $50 Business License Application Fee ☐ Non-profit Fee Waiver (business license fee ONLY) ☐ $75 Late Fee (applies to renewals received after January 1 or new business who fail to apply within 45 days of start This is in ADDITION to the $50 Business License Application Fee for a total of $125 Business License Application Rev 12/13/2022 Page 2 |
SECTION 8: RESALE AND SALES TAX EXEMPTION CARD REQUEST (DMC 4.20.050) ☐ Sales Tax Exemption ☐ Non Profit [IRS 501c(3) or 501 c(4] ☐ Government Sales, services, and rentals to organizations that have obtained a 501c(3) or 501 c(4) exemption certificate from the Internal Revenue Service, and which are made in the normal conduct of activity, but not to individual members or employees thereof for their own personal consumption, use or accommodation; the exemption does not apply where such organizations are engaged in business for profit or savings, or competing with other persons engaged in similar business: ☐ Resale Sales of goods to a wholesaler, retailer, or other purchaser if such purchaser resells the same good, in the same or altered form, and the resold goods will not be exempt from the tax levied under this chapter. To obtain the exemption provided for in this subsection, the purchaser shall display or provide to the seller at the time of the sale a copy of the exemption card. If the purchaser buys goods for personal use at the same time of the sale only the goods that are sales tax exempt or for resale (as described above) are exempt. Supplies, services, tools, repair serviced, equipment or other goods or services purchased to support a business but not for resale are not exempt. SECTION 9: AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE I, the undersigned applicant, do swear (or affirm) that the foregoing statements are true, full and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also agree to comply with all applicable city ordinances regarding conduct of business, sales tax reporting and use of sales tax exemption/resale. Should anything change during the calendar year the city will be notified. ______________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant or Authorized Agent ______________________________________________________ Printed name and title ____________________________________ Date FINANCE DEPARTMENT USE ONLY This business has been ☐ Approved ☐ Denied ☐ N/A a business license for the period beginning_____________ This business has been ☐ Approved ☐ Denied ☐ N/A the authority to collect sales tax for each location. (section 6) This business has been ☐ Approved ☐ Denied ☐ N/A a sales tax exemption card. (section 8) This business has been ☐ Approved ☐ Denied ☐ N/A a resale exemption card (section 8) Additional notes or comments; Finance Director Date Finance Department Use Only ☐ Visa ☐ Cash Fee Paid $ ________________ Receipt No. ___________________ Check No. __________________ Business License Application Rev 12/13/2022 Page 3 |