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Reports must be filed by the last day of the calendar month of collection following the month
of collection, or not later than the first day City Hall is open for regular business. A postmark will be accepted as
proof of timely filing.
Please type or print legibly
Business Name Busin ess ID No.
Mailing Address FIN, EIN or SSN
Type of Report: Gaming Last Report for Season Final Report
Monthly Quarterly Period Ending: Month Year
1. Gross Sales (Do not include sales tax collected.) _______________________(1)
Receipts from all sources including, but not limited to, retail sales of merchandise,
services rendered, including material furnished, rental of property and equipment.
2. Less All Non-Taxable Sales (Include Sales Tax Exemption Log.) _______________________(2)
a. Sales to Exempt Organizations `
b. Exempt Sales (e.g. Food Stamps, WIC, Resale)
c. Sales in Excess of $3,500 (Enter amount of excess only and attach log.)
3. Net Taxable Sales (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1) (3)
4. Amount of Tax Due (6% of Line 3) (4)
5. Penalty (Late Filing - 10% of tax due Line 4, per DMC 4.20.220.B) (5)
6. Interest (Late Filing - 6% per annum from date of delinquency per DMC 4.20.220) (6)
7. Total Penalty and Interest (Total of lines 5 and 6) (7)
8. Adjustments from Previous Month (8)
9. Total Lines 4, 7 and 8 (9)
10. Less Collection Discount (May withhold 1% of Line 4 not to exceed $100 if paid on time, (10)
and if past due sales tax or penalties are not due, and there are no existing sales tax related
delinquencies per DMC 4.20.150.)
11. Total Due (Subtract line 10 from line 9) (11)
12. Total Amount Remitted (12)
I declare, subject to the penalties prescribed in the City of Dillingham ordinances, that this report (including any accompany log) has been
examined by me, and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete report.
Date Signature
This section is to be completed by City of Dillingham Finance Department. Visa Cash
Employee Initials Postmark Date Enter Date Check #
141 Main Street PO Box 889Dillingham, Alaska 99576
Finance Department (907)842-5211 Fax (907)842-5691