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                                          REGULAR SALES TAX RETURN 

                       For Period Ending                                     , 20     

Business:                                                                  Business License:                


Gross Revenue from Business Sales/Services:                                  $                              
Include both regular and exempted sales but do not include any tax 
Exemptions as authorized in CMC 5.40.030:                                    ($                                     ) 
           Attach an itemized list of individual exemptions  no generalized groupings         
                                Do not include operating expenses or sales tax 
Net Taxable Revenue:                                                         $                              
Subtract Exemptions from Gross Revenue     
Sales Tax Due:                                                               $                              
6% of Net Taxable Revenue 
                                PAYING LATE 
 Failure to File Timely Penalty:        $                                          
 $25 for first late filing; $50 for subsequent late filings within one year        

 10% - 20% Late Filing Penalty:         $                                          
 10% of Sales Tax for first month late 
 15% second month late 
 20% third month or more late                                                
 15% Annual Interest:                   $                                          
 15% of Sales Tax  interest calculated over 365 days                               

 Total Penalties:                       $                                          
                                                             Total Tax Due: $                               
I declare, under penalty of making a false statement, that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the 
statements made herein are true and correct.  
Signed                                 Printed                               Title             Date 

601 First Street    P.O. Box 1210    Cordova, Alaska 99574    Phone (907) 424-6200    Fax (907) 424-6000 

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