THE STATE BUS of FOR DIVISION USE ONLY ALASKA Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing Business Licensing Section 333 Willoughby Avenue, 9 thFloor, Juneau, AK 99801 PO Box 110806, Juneau, AK 99811-0806 Phone: (907) 465-2550 • Fax: (907) 465-2974 Email: BusinessLicense@Alaska.Gov Website: BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov Business License: Owner’s Legal Name Change 12 AAC 02.900(c) This form is ONLY to notify the Business Licensing Section when there is a LEGAL name change of the owner of the business license. Per 12 AAC 02.900(c), notification of an owner’s name change must be submitted to this office within 30 days of the change. NOTE: A legal name change means there has been a LEGAL change of the name of the business owner due to a LEGAL event such as, but not limited to: marriage, divorce, court-approved legal name change, or if the owner is an entity and the entity has amended (legally changed) its name on record with the Corporations Section. This form is NOT for a change in ownership (who owns the business license). A business license is NOT transferable or assignable. A change in the ownership in the business requires a new business license. For more information regarding business licensing, go to: www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov IMPORTANT: Separate notification may be required to notify the Corporations Section and Professional Licensing Section. For more information, go to: www.Corporations.Alaska.Gov www.ProfessionalLicense.Alaska.Gov Online filing is not available for this form. Submit this form by fax or mail. Do not email this form or payment. Processing Time: Standard processing time from March-September is 10-15 business days. During heavy business license filing seasons, October-February, the processing time will be delayed. 12 AAC 02.105(3) and AS 08.01.010(10) Required Fee: Non Refundable Filing Fee (BUS1) $5.00 Mail or fax this form and the non-refundable $5 filing fee in U.S. dollars to the letterhead address. Make the check or money order payable to the State of Alaska, or use the attached credit card payment form. 1. Business License Name: (must match name on the business license certificate. Business License Name: Business License Number (mandatory): 08-4104 Rev. 10/01/17 BL Owner’s Legal Name Change Page 1 of 2 |
2. Current Name of Owner: The owner’s name as it currently appears on the business license prior to this filing. CURRENT Owner’s Name: 3. New Name of Owner: The owner’s name as it will appear on the business license as a result of this filing. CURRENT Owner’s Name: If the owner is an entity (corporation, LLC, etc.), then provide its Alaska Entity Number: Not Applicable Alaska Entity Number: 4. Evidence of Legal Name Change: I have attached a copy of the legal name change document supporting the owner’s legal name change. 5. Signature: The request to change the owner’s legal name for this business license must be signed by the owner of the business. If the business is a sole proprietor, then the sole individual owner must sign. If the business is a partnership, then one of the owning partners must sign. If the business is owned by an entity, then the signer must be on the record with this office as an authorized signer for the owning entity and identify their signing authority, such as: corporation President or LLC member. Example: John Doe, President of owning entity XYZ Incorporated. By my signature below, I declare under the penalty of perjury that the information provided on the application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge: Signature of Owner: Date: Printed Name of Owner: Title of Owner: (Provide title based on the type of organization, such as; Sole Proprietor, Partner, or President of <owner entity name>, etc.) Additional Fee: $5 per copy If you want this office to mail a copy of the updated business license, Select one of the Submit to this office, Business License: Certificate Copy Request following options (form 08-4080), along with the appropriate fees. for after the filing has been processed: Free: Print a copy of the updated business license from the web at: www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov Address Change: If the businesses physical and/or mailing addresses have changed, submit Business License Change of Address Form (08-4054) along with the appropriate fee. 08-4104 Rev. 10/01/17 BL Owner’s Legal Name Change Page 2 of 2 |
THE STATE FOR DIVISION USE ONLY of ALASKA Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing State of Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing 333 Willoughby Avenue, 9th Floor, Juneau, AK 99801 PO Box 110806, Juneau, AK 99811 Phone: (907) 465-2550 • Fax: (907) 465-2974 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT For security purposes please do not email credit card information. Fax or mail this credit card payment form to the Division. Completion of this form is not proof of payment until the Division processes the information. If any information on this form is illegible, the form will be rejected. Name of Applicant or Licensee: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Type of License: _____________________________________________________ License Number (if applicable): ____________________________________ I wish to make payment by credit card for the following (check all that apply): Amount Application Fee: __________________________________________________________________ _______________________ License or Renewal Fee: __________________________________________________________________ _______________________ Other (name change, wall certificate, fine, duplicate license, exam, etc.): 1. __________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ _______________________ Total: _______________________ Name (as shown on credit card): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________ Email (optional): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Type: VISA — or — Mastercard Signature of Credit Card Holder: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ VISA or Mastercard Number: __________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________________________ This section below the dotted line will be destroyed upon processing of the payment. 08-4438 Rev. 12/22/16 Credit Card Payment Form |