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                    THE  TATES
                                                  Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 
                                                  Division              of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing 
                                               Business Licensing Section 
                             Street: 333 Willoughby Avenue, 9th Floor, Juneau, AK 99801 
                                     Mail: PO Box 110806, Juneau, AK 99811-0806 
                                     Phone: (907) 465-2550   •              Fax: (907) 465-2974 
                                           Website: BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov 

  Alaska Business License And Endorsements Instructions
This application is only to purchase a NEW Business License (with or without a new Endorsement). 
If you want to purchase a new endorsement for an existing business license, then you must apply using the hardcopy 
(paper) New Endorsement on an Existing Alaska Business License (form 08-4730), along with the appropriate fees. 
FOR IMMEDIATE PROCESSING: file online at www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and print your new 
business license immediately.  
If you file hardcopy (paper): applications are processed in date order received. Submit this hardcopy, along with 
payment, via in-person, fax, or U.S. Mail. For security reasons, DO NOT EMAIL forms and/or payments. 
      Tip: If faxing, print a confirmation page from your fax machine that all pages were successfully faxed.
PROCESSING TIME: Standard processing time from March-September is 10-15 business days. During heavy business 
licensing filing seasons, October–February, the processing time will be delayed. Filings are reviewed in date order 
received. We do not offer expediting services. 
IMPORTANT: The status of your professional license and/or entity may directly affect your business license. Per AS 
43.70.020(d) you must comply with any regulatory provisions (i.e. professional licensing and/or registering your entity) 
to be entitled to a business license.To check the status of your professional license and/or entity go to, 
www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov, under CBPL Quick links click License Search.   
TIP: To avoid delays do not leave any applicable portion of the new business license application incomplete. 

Select your business name carefully. Business names cannot be changed once the business license has been issued.  
Business license fees are non-refundable once the business license has been issued. For more information, go to 
www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and click Selecting a Name for Your Business. 
  • Conduct a thorough search of business names before applying for your business license. Companies that have
    used a business name for a long period of time may have created a common law right to the use of the name.
    Places to search include, but are not limited to: the internet; business license records; corporations registration
    records; professional license records; telephone directories; trade magazines; trademark records; and catalogs.
  • You must operate and advertise in the exact name listed in the Business Name section (Part I) on this application.
  • A separate business license is required for each different business name.
  • Check your spelling. Special characters and symbols are not valid and will not be accepted.
  • Do not use the acronym “DBA” in your official business name unless you intend to advertise in the exact full name
    on the business license including the “DBA”. Example: “James K. Smith DBA Smith Auto Shop”.
  • If the name you wish to use on a business license (Part I) has an entity indication (such as: INC, LLC, LLP, or LP)
    then the same name must be used for the owner name (Part III) and must match the entity name on record with
     the Corporations Section.
  • If the owner of the business license is an entity, then the owner entity will appear on the business license. Who
     owns the entity (i.e. shareholder or member) may be found on the corporate record, not on the business license.
  • If you have branch offices, then one business license may cover all branch offices of the same business if all
    branches engage in the same line of business (based on the six-digit NAICS code) AND use the exact same
    name. If the branch offices sell products requiring an Endorsement, then each branch location will require its own
       *For more information go to: www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and click on Endorsement FAQs.

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Business license fees are non-refundable once the business license has been issued. Business License fees are $50 
per year and may be purchased for 1 year ($50) or 2 years ($100). All business licenses expire on December 31st 
regardless of the date of purchase. The expiring year depends on your choice of an annual (1 year) or biennial (2 year) 
license. Payment can be made by check, money order, or major credit card. Make checks payable to the State of 

DISCOUNTS: only a sole proprietorship (a business license owned by one individual) may qualify for a Senior Discount 
or a Disabled Veteran Discount business license fee of $25.00 per year. The discounted fee is not available to other 
types of businesses; such as Partnerships (two or more people no matter their age), Corporations, LLCs, LLPs, or LPs. 
Only one qualified discount may be applied to a business license fee. 
• Senior Discount: if you are 65 years or older or will turn 65 during the licensing period to which you are applying
  and you are willing to provide your date of birth. Online filing is available for a Senior Discount.
• Disabled Veteran Discount: if you are a service connected disabled veteran and you are willing to provide a copy
  of your "service connected" disability determination letter or ID from Veteran Affairs. Online filing is not available at
  this time for Disabled Veteran Discount. For additional information go to www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and
  click Disabled Veteran Discount FAQs.

ENDORSMENT FEES: $100 per location, in addition to the Business License fee, is non-refundable once the 
endorsement has been issued.Endorsements expire on the same date as the business license to which they are 
attached. For more information see the instructions on the Endorsement page and go to 
www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov, click Endorsement FAQs. The Endorsement page must be completed and submitted 
with the business license application if you are purchasing an Endorsement.  

  TIP: The endorsement fee is a flat rate of $100 per location, whether you purchase a one or two-year business 
  license. For a better bargain, purchase your business license with endorsement(s) for a two-year period. 

Provide the type and name of the organization which will own the business license.  For more information, go to    
www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and click Business Structure FAQs. Sole Proprietor – One (1) natural individual. The State of Alaska defines a sole proprietor as one (1) natural
  individual. This is different from the IRS, which allows a husband and wife (married couple) to file taxes as a sole
  proprietor. If the business is owned by a sole proprietor (one natural individual) then list on the Alaska Business
  License application only one (1) individual’s name.

• Partnership – Two or more persons (natural individuals or entities). List all partners’ names and attach a
  separate sheet if necessary. If one or more of the partners is an entity then you must, per AS 43.70.020(d),
  provide the entities’ Alaska Entity Number(s). For more information, including how to register an entity and check
  its status, go to: www.Corporations.Alaska.GovLLC, LLP, LP, PC, Non-profit, Cooperative, or Corporation – An entity on record with the Corporations
  Section. List the registered entity name (for example: XYZ L.L.C. or XYZ Inc.) and, per AS 43.70.020(d), you must
  provide its Alaska Entity Number. For more information, including how to register an entity and check its status,
  go to:  www.Corporations.Alaska.GovOther – Such as a trust, tribe, village, municipality, etc. If the organization is not one of the above and you select
  this option, you must provide the legal name of the organization AND a description of the type of organization this
  business will operate as.

NOTE: Business licenses are not transferable. A change in ownership will require a new business license. 

Provide the six-digit NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code(s) which best describe your primary 
and/or secondary lines of business activities. For more information, including how to determine your business’ six-digit 
NAICS Code(s) go to www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and click Line of Business/Alaska NAICS Code.   

  IMPORTANT: The State of Alaska uses the 2007 six-digit NAICS Codes. The first two digits of the six-digit 
  NAICS Code(s) identify your Line(s) of Business and will appear on your business license certificate 
You may provide up to ten (10) NAICS Codes. 

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Any line of business, based on the six-digit NAICS Code(s), subject to a professional license, per AS 43.70.020(d), must 
be listed as the primary and/or secondary line of business, per 12 AAC 12.030(2), on the business license application.  

  IMPORTANT: If a line of business is subject to a professional license then you must obtain and provide a current 
  Alaska professional license number prior to obtaining an Alaska Business License. For more information go to 
  To determine if the six-digit NAICS code for your business activity requires a professional license go to 
  www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and click Line of Business/Alaska NAICS Code. If the six-digit NAICS code 
  you choose is listed in italicized, bold print then you may require professional licensing.   

Provide the owner’s name as it appears on the professional license. Note: owner for the following professional licenses 
may be an individual or an entity: Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors; Construction Contractors; Public 
Accountancy; Collection Agency; or Big Game Guides and Transporters. 
If using a DBA name on a professional license then the business license name (Part I) must exactly match the 
professional license DBA. 
In addition, if you will be practicing one of the following professions then check the appropriate box to identify if you are  
renting a chair from a Shop Owner or if you are the Shop Owner: 
      •     Barber                    •         Body Piercing
      •     Esthetician (skin care)   •         Tattooing
      •     Hairdresser               •         Permanent Cosmetic Coloring
      •     Manicurist
For more information go to www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and click on Barber and Hairdressers FAQs. 


Provide the printed name, title, signature, date, phone number and email. 

Effective 1/1/2019: an endorsement is required to sell: 
 Tobacco products;
 Electronic smoking products; or
 Products containing nicotine.
If you sell products requiring an Endorsement, then you must have an Endorsement. An Endorsement cannot stand on 
its own: it must be attached to a current business license. 
• Location: A separate endorsement is required for each physical location where products requiring an
  endorsement will be sold.
• Endorsement Fee(s): $100 per location in addition to the business license fee.
• Expiration Date: Endorsements will expire on the same date as the business license to which they are attached.
  Endorsements must be renewed at the same time as the business license to which they are attached.
  TIP: The endorsement fee is a flat rate of $100 per location, whether you purchase a one or two-year 
  business license. For a better bargain, purchase your business license with endorsement(s) for a two-year 
• Required Signage: A person who holds an Endorsement must post on the licensed premises a warning sign.
  This sign must be displayed in a conspicuous location to a person purchasing or consuming products requiring
  an Endorsement. There are significant penalties for improper sales of products requiring an Endorsement. It is
  the licensee’s responsibility to be familiar with the proper sale of products requiring an Endorsement.
For more information go to: www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and click on Endorsement FAQs

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                                 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 

Multiple Business Licenses: If you have multiple business licenses with the exact same business name and the exact 
same owner then you may be able to consolidate these into one business license. For more information go to 
www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and click on Multiple Lines of Business FAQs. 

Business Licensing Exemptions: You may not have to purchase a business license if your business activity is an 
Investment Club or if you hold one of the following licenses from another agency:  

• Fisheries business licenses issued by Alaska Department of Revenue or Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
• Liquor licenses issued by Alaska Department of Revenue for alcohol sales only.
• Insurance licenses issued by State of Alaska Division of Insurance.
• Mining licenses issued by Alaska Department of Revenue.

NOTE: An exemption may exist under business licensing statutes; however it may not exist under another agency’s 
statutes which may require an Alaska Business License: 
• For example: Alaska Department of Fish and Game requires Sport Fish businesses to have an Alaska Business
  License issued by the Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing in addition to the Sport Fish

Companies that hold the above licenses from other agencies are clearly exempt from business licensing requirements if 
they are operating only within the activities outlined by the other State Agency’s license requirements; however, if the 
business engages in additional activities beyond the scope of the other agency’s Industry License, then they will need an 
Alaska Business License.  
• For example: a liquor store is exempt from business licensing if it only sells liquor; however, if it sells anything else,
  such as ice, cups, non-alcoholic mixes, sundries, etc., then it must have an Alaska Business License.

If you think you are exempt from business licensing, please consult a Business Licensing Examiner about your specific 

IMPORTANT: an exemption to register with another agency or under other statutes and regulations (such as, an 
exemption to register your entity with the Corporation Section under Title 10) does not exempt you from business 
licensing requirements unless you also qualify for a business licensing exemption under Business Licensing Statutes & 

Protect your business name: The purchase of a business license does not automatically register the business name 
under Title 10 (corporation statutes) and does not give you exclusive rights to the name. Business Licensing Statutes 
and Regulations do not limit the number of business licenses with the exact same name. To obtain exclusive rights to 
your business name you may register your business name under Title 10 with the Corporations Section.  

  IMPORTANT: Exclusive rights are exercised through the court system, not through this Division. For more 
  information about registering your business name to obtain exclusive rights, go to 
  www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and select Reserve or Register a Business Name. 

For additional Business Licensing information, such as some of the following, go to 
www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov: Business Structures FAQs;How To Get Licensed;Business Licensing FAQs;Endorsement FAQs;Reserve or Register a Business Name (for exclusive rights which you may exercise through the courts);Allowable Changes to a Business License FAQs;Business Licensing Statutes and Regulations;Resources (where you may go for additional help or assistance) .

For additional Professional Licensing information, go to www.ProfessionalLicense.Alaska.Gov 

For additional Corporation information, go to www.Corporations.Alaska.Gov 

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                    THE  TATES                                                                          BUS/END 
                                                                                            FOR DIVISION USE ONLY 


                      Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 
                      Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing 
                      Business Licensing Section 
                      Street: 333 Willoughby Avenue, 9 thFloor, Juneau, AK  99801 
                      Mail: PO Box 110806, Juneau, AK  99811-0806 
                      Phone: (907) 465-2550    • Fax: (907) 465-2974 
                      Website: BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov 

  Business License:  NEW Application Only 
                                                                                    AS 43.70 and 12 AAC
For immediate processing you may file online and print your business license at: BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov 
This form is for a NEW Alaska Business License application.  
Per AS 43.70.020(d) if you are an entity you must be in compliance (good standing) with the Corporations Section and if 
you have a professional license it must be current to purchase your new business license. To check the status of your 
entity or professional license go to: www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov    , under CBPL quick links select License Search. 
   Submit this filing hardcopy via fax or U.S. Mail, along with its payment.
        Tip: if faxing, print a confirmation page from your fax machine that all pages were successfully faxed.
        For security reasons, DO NOT EMAIL forms and/or payments.
   Processing Time: Standard processing time from March-September is 10–15 business days. During heavy
    filing seasons, October – February, the processing time will be delayed. Filings are reviewed in the date order
    received. We do not offer expediting services.
Fees are nonrefundable once the Business License and/or Endorsement has been issued. 

    PART I         Business Information                                      AS 43.70.020(a)(4) and 12 AAC 12.030(1) 

  Business Name: Enter the exact name you will be conducting business as. 
  Per 12 AAC 12.020(g), you must operate and advertise only in the exactname listed below: 

  Previous Business License Number (if applicable) :

                         Address or PO Box 
  Mailing Address 
                         City                                                  State                      ZIP Code   
  12 AAC 12.030(4) 
                         Physical/Street Address 
  Physical Address 
  (No PO Boxes)          City                                                  State                      ZIP Code   
  12 AAC 12.030(4) 

  Business Phone                                            Business Email 

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PART II     Fees                                                (Select ONLY ONE of the below fee options) 

REGULAR FEE                             $0 - fees suspended                                           12 AAC 12.010(a) 

                               One-Year REGULAR Fee Business License Expiring 12/31/202  1            $0 
  License Term: 
                               Two-Year REGULAR Fee Business License Expiring 12/31/202  2            $0 

DISCOUNT FEES  (if qualified sole proprietor)         12 AAC 12.010(b), 12 AAC 12.030(9) and AS 43.70.030(a) 

  ONLY if you are a sole proprietor (one (1) natural individual) you may qualify for only one of the two discounts 
  (senior or disabled veteran) below. 
  Only one qualified discount fee may be applied to a business license fee. 

  Senior Discount  (all three checkboxes must apply): 

            I am sole proprietor (one (1) natural individual) 

            I will be at least 65 years of age during this licensing period  (Dec 31, 202 1or 2022) 

            My birthdate is Month:                    Day:                    Year:    

  Disabled Veteran Discount  (both checkboxes must apply): 

            I am a sole proprietor (one (1) natural individual) 

            I have attached a copy of my service-connected ID or disability determination letter from Veterans 
            Affairs along with this hardcopy business license application 

                               One-Year DISCOUNT Business License Expiring 12/31/202 1                $ 0
  License Term: 
                               Two-Year DISCOUNT Business License Expiring 12/31/202 2                $ 0

ENDORSEMENT FEES   (if applicable)                         Fees not suspended                         12 AAC 12.010(d) 
To sell tobacco products, electronic smoking products, or products containing nicotine: 
$100 FEE PER ENDORSEMENT, PER LOCATION, in addition to the appropriate business license fee. 
Endorsements will expire on the same date as the business license to which they are attached and are 
renewable with the business license. One endorsement is required for each location. Provide each location on 
the endorsements portion of this application.     

Number of Endorsement Locations:                                              x   $100 Fee  =  Total: 


Business License Fees Total             $  0                    Pay by: 
                                                                               Make checks payable to “State of Alaska”; or
Endorsement Fees Total                                                         Use the attached credit card payment form.
                                                                Once the license and endorsements have been 
Total Fees Enclosed                                             issued, the fees are non-refundable. 

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PART III    Ownership Information                                    AS 43.70.020(a)(1) and 12 AAC 12.030(3) 

               Sole Proprietorship     — One (1) natural individual. 
               The State of Alaska defines a sole proprietor as one (1) natural individual. This is different from 
               the IRS, which allows a husband and wife (married couple) to file taxes as a sole proprietor. 
               Provide the full legal name of the one (1) natural individual who will own this business: 

                      First Name                Middle Initial                 Last Name 

—  OR  —

               Partnership  —  Two or more persons who are natural individuals and/or entities. 
               •  If any partner(s) is a natural individual, provide their full legal name:

                      First Name                Middle Initial                 Last Name 

                      First Name                Middle Initial                 Last Name 

               •  If any partner(s) is an entity (i.e. LLC, LLP, LP or corporation), provide the entity’s legal
                  name and Alaska Entity Number. If more than one entity is a partner, then at least one
                  entity must have an Alaska Entity Number on record with the Corporations Section:

                                   Entity Name                                             Alaska Entity Number 

                                   Entity Name                                             Alaska Entity Number 

               If necessary, attach additional sheets to name all the partners.

—  OR  —

               Corporation                Non-Profit                       Cooperative 
               LLC                        LLP                              LP                                   PC 

                                   Entity Name                                 Alaska Entity Number      (mandatory) 

—  OR  —

               Other  —  (trust, tribe, village, municipality, etc.) 

               Legal name of the organization that will own this business: 

               Description of the organization: 

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PART IV             Six-digit NAICS Codes                                AS 43.70.020(a)(2) and 12 AAC 12.030(2) 

Provide the six (6) digit NAICS code(s) which best describes this business’ primary and secondary lines of business 
activity. The State of Alaska uses the 2007 NAICS codes. 
Note: Any line of business subject to regulatory provision (i.e., professional license required) must list those lines of 
business as the primary and/or secondary line(s) of business. 
You may provide up to ten (10) NAICS Codes. Use a separate sheetif necessary. 

Primary NAICS Code: 

Secondary NAICS Code: 
(if applicable) 

PART V              Alaska Professional License Number                   AS 43.70.020(d) and 12 AAC 12.030(2) 
Any line of business subject to regulatory provisions (based on the six-digit NAICS codes in Part IV) must provide an 
associated current and valid Alaska Professional License Number as evidence this provision has been met. 
Provide the owner’s name as it appears on the professional license. Note: owner for the following professions may 
be an individual or an entity: Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors; Construction Contractors; or Public 
Accountancy; Collection Agency; or Big Game Guides or Transporters. 

PRIMARY Professional License Number (if applicable): 

Name on Professional License: 

SECONDARY Professional License Number (if applicable): 

Name on Professional License: 

IF your professional license is for one of the following professions:    
Barber; Esthetician; Hairdresser; Manicurist; Body Piercing; Tattooing; and/or Permanent Cosmetic Coloring; 
THEN check the appropriate box below: 

        I am renting a chair to practice my profession and own my own business. I do not own the shop where I 
        will practice my profession. I am not an employee of the Shop Owner from whom I am renting a chair.  

        I am a Shop Owner and my Shop Owner’s professional license number is: 

PART VI              Signature
By signing this application I declare, under penalty of perjury, that this application is true and complete, including 
any information provided in the endorsement section. 

Signature of Applicant: 

Title of Applicant (based on type of organization, such as; Sole 
Proprietor, Partner or President of <owner entity name>, etc.): 

Print Name of Applicant:                                         Date: 

Phone:                                                           Email: 

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PART VII    NEW Endorsement Application                                                      AS 43.70.075 

Effective 1/1/2019: an Endorsement is required to sell tobacco products, electronic smoking products, or products 
containing nicotine. 
Complete this form if your business will sell products requiring an Endorsement. 
An Endorsement is required for each location or outlet where products requiring an Endorsement are sold. An 
Endorsement cannot stand on its own; it must be attached to a business license.  

ENDORSEMENT FEE: $100 per location, in addition to the business license fee, per AS 43.70.075(b) and 12 AAC 
Endorsements expire on the same date as the business license to which they are attached. Endorsements must be 
renewed at the same time as the business license to which they are attached. 
TIP: The endorsement fee is a flat rate of $100 per location, whether you purchase a one or two-year business 
license. For a bargain, purchase your business license with an endorsement(s) for two years. 

REQUIRED SIGNAGE:  A person who holds an Endorsement must post on the licensed premises a warning sign. This 
sign must be displayed in a conspicuous location to a person purchasing or consuming products requiring an 
Endorsement. There are significant penalties for improper sales of products requiring an Endorsement. It is the 
licensee’s responsibility to be familiar with the proper sale of products requiring an Endorsement.  AS 43.70.075(f) 
For more information regarding Endorsements go to: www.BusinessLicense.Alaska.Gov and click 
Endorsement FAQs

                          This must be the EXACT same name as in Part I of your Business License Application. 
    Business Name: 

List the PHYSICAL address of EACH location where you will be selling products requiring an Endorsement. 

Location 1, Fee: $100        Fees are not refundable once the license and endorsements have been issued.              

City                                        State                                  ZIP Code 

Location 2, Fee: $100        Fees are not refundable once the license and endorsements have been issued.

City                                       State                                    ZIP Code 

Location 3, Fee: $100        Fees are not refundable once the license and endorsements have been issued. 

City                                        State                                  ZIP Code 

Location 4, Fee: $100        Fees are not refundable once the license and endorsements have been issued. 

City                                         State                                  ZIP Code 

Copy this form or attach additional pages to purchase more endorsements. 

08-4181     Rev 11/16/2020     New END on New BL 

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              THE  TATE S                                                                                                  FOR DIVISION USE ONLY 
              Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 
              Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing 

        State of Alaska 
        Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 
        Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing 
        PO Box 110806, Juneau, AK 99811 
        Phone: (907) 465-2550 

Credit Card Payment Form 

All major credit cards are accepted. For security purposes, do not email credit card information. 
Include this credit card payment form with your application.  

Name of Applicant or Licensee:      _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Program Type:   ________________________________________________________       License Number (if applicable):                      ________________________________ 

 I wish to make payment by credit card for the following(check all that apply):                                                                    AMOUNT    

        Application Fee:  _________________________________________________________________________________________________                __________________________ 

        License or Renewal Fee:     _________________________________________________________________________________                      __________________________ 

        Other (name change, wall certificate, fine, duplicate license, exam, etc.):        

           1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 

           2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________        __________________________

                                                                                               TOTAL:            ___________________________ 

Name (as shown on credit card):   ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Mailing Address:            ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Phone Number:   ________________________________________________________      Email (optional):               _______________________________________________________ 

Signature of Credit Card Holder:              _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

 08-4438                   Rev 12/26/18                   Credit Card Payment Form (all major cards accepted) 

   CREDIT CARD INFO:  Your payment cannot be processed unless all fields are completed! 

   1.    Account Number:                                                                                      All four fields MUST 
                                                                                                                                    be completed! 
   2.    Expiration Date:
                                                                                                              This section will be 
   3.    Billing ZIP Code:
                                                                                                              destroyed after the 
   4.    Security Code:                                                                                       payment is processed. 

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