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                          Instructions For Form 6900

         2023 Alaska Partnership Information Return
What’s New .................................................................................1     A waiver will not be granted to a partnership if that partnership is
Avoid Common Mistakes ............................................................. 1             required to file its federal return electronically.

         GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS                                                                     Avoid Common Mistakes
                                                                                                  To facilitate the processing  of your return, be sure to do the 
Adoption of the Internal Revenue Code ...................................... 1                    following:
Attribution Rule ............................................................................1
Limited Liability Company (LLC).................................................. 1               1)  Do not file Form 6900 if you are not required to file. See Who
Purpose of Form ..........................................................................2            Must File section on page 2.
Who Must File..............................................................................2
How Income is Shared Among Partners...................................... 2                       2)  Income is not apportioned at the partnership level. The partner 
Publicly Traded Partnerships ....................................................... 2            itself is treated as if it had directly conducted the activities in 
When to File ................................................................................2    the state.
Extension of Time to File ............................................................. 2
Who Must Sign ............................................................................2       3)  If amounts are entered on Schedule A, Column A, enter the 
Where to Send Return ................................................................. 2          distributable percentage or “various” in Column B, and enter 
Other Related Forms ...................................................................2          the distributable portion in Column C. Amounts should not be 
Amended Returns........................................................................2          entered in Column A only.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Audit .......................................... 2
Penalties ......................................................................................3 4) If  the partnership has nexus in  Alaska and corporate or 
Paid Preparer Authorization......................................................... 3            partnership  partners  listed  on  Schedule  B,  line  1,  fill  out 
If You Need Help..........................................................................3       Schedules A and K-1.
Required Attachments ................................................................. 3
                                                                                                  5)  List all partners on Schedule B, lines 1 and 3. If all partners do 
         SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS                                                                    not fit on one Schedule B, use multiple Schedules B. Do not 
                                                                                                  attach a statement listing the partners.
Partnership Identification ............................................................. 3
Contact Person ............................................................................3      6)  Do  not  attach Schedule K-1 for any partners that are natural 
Return Information .......................................................................3       persons or effectively treated as natural persons and listed on 
Other Information.........................................................................3       Schedule B, line 3.
Schedule A...................................................................................4
Schedule B ..................................................................................5    GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS
Form 6900, Schedule K-1............................................................ 6
                                                                                                  Adoption of the Internal Revenue Code
                 WHAT’S NEW                                                                       Under AS 43.20.021, Alaska adopts the Internal Revenue Code, 
                                                                                                  Sections 1-1399 and 6001-7872, with full force and effect, unless 
                                                                                                  excepted to or modified by provisions of Alaska law. This includes 
Electronic Filing
Electronic filing is available for the Alaska Partnership Information                             federal provisions applicable to partnerships. In addition, AS
Return  (Form  6900).  The  division’s  portal  for  filing  returns  and                         43.20.160 and AS 43.20.300 require the Department of Revenue 
reports, Revenue Online, is at online-tax.alaska.gov.                                             (DOR) to apply,  as far  as practicable, the administrative and 
                                                                                                  judicial interpretations of the federal income tax law.
A taxpayer is required to electronically file any return or report, 
unless a waiver is granted by the Department of Revenue (DOR).                                    Attribution Rule
Amended  returns for tax periods ending  after July 1, 2016  are                                  Under Alaska Regulation 15 AAC 20.320, the tax attributes of     a 
required to be electronically filed and fall under the definition of a                            partnership, including  apportionment  factors,  are attributed to 
“return”. Failure to file electronically may result in a penalty. The                             the partners on the basis of their respective ownership interests, 
penalty is (the greater of) $25 or 1% of the total tax due before                                 as modified by the partnership agreement. This means that the 
application of payments. (See AS 43.05.045 and AS 43.05.220(f).)                                  partner itself is treated as if it had directly conducted the activities 
                                                                                                  in the state. Income is not apportioned at the partnership level.
A taxpayer may apply for a waiver if the taxpayer does not have 
the capability of submitting Form 6900 electronically. The taxpayer                               Limited Liability Company (LLC)
must submit an Electronic Filing Waiver Application (Form 773) at                                 An  LLC  doing  business  in  the  state  must  file  an Alaska  return 
least 30 days before the return is due. The waiver application is                                 consistent with its federal tax status. If the LLC is characterized as 
online at tax.alaska.gov, or call (907) 334-2524 to have one mailed                               a partnership for federal income tax purposes, the LLC must file 
to you.                                                                                           Form 6900. If the LLC is characterized as a corporation for federal 
                                                                                                  income tax purposes, the LLC does not file Form 6900, but must 
The taxpayer will be notified by mail whether the waiver application                              file Form 6000, 6100, or 6150 (corporation net income tax return).
is approved or denied.   If the waiver application is approved, it   
is valid for five years after the first tax filing due date after it is 
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Purpose of Form                                                             Publicly Traded Partnerships
Form 6900 is an information return reporting certain partnership            Generally, a Publicly  Traded  Partnership  (PTP) is taxed as a 
information, and includes  Form 6900, Schedule  K-1 to report               corporation, under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 7704, for 
information to partners classified as corporations or partnerships          federal and Alaska purposes. A PTP must file Form 6000, 6100 or 
for federal tax purposes.  Form  6900,  along  with  Schedule               6150 (Alaska corporation net income tax return). A PTP does not 
K-1,  reports apportionment factor  information, certain income             file Form 6900.
modifications, and activities that may generate tax credits for the 
partners.                                                                   If a PTP meets the exception  under  IRC Section 7704(c),  it is 
                                                                            treated as a partnership for federal and Alaska purposes and is 
Who Must File                                                               required to file Form 6900. Both the Tax Division’s online portal, 
A partnership or an LLC treated as a partnership for tax purposes           Revenue Online, and the Internal Revenue Service’s MeF Program 
(hereafter “partnership”),  which  conducts business  in the state          are capable of accepting Form 6900 for a PTP with a high volume 
(also known as having “nexus” with the state) is required to file           of partners.
Form 6900. If all of the partners or LLC members (hereafter 
“partners”) are natural persons or are effectively treated as natural       When to File
persons,  the  partnership  is  not  required  to  file  Form  6900. The    The Alaska partnership return must be filed within 30 days of the 
partnership must file Form 6900 if any partner is a corporation or          date on which  the partnership’s federal  return is required  to be 
another partnership.                                                        filed. Thus, the due date is not necessarily the 15th day of the 
                                                                            month following the federal due date.
A natural  person  is a real human  being,  as opposed  to a legal 
person. Natural persons file individual income tax returns for U.S.         Extension of Time to File
tax purposes.  Alaska treats partners that are not corporations             A  federal  extension  automatically  extends  the Alaska  filing  due 
or partnerships  for federal  tax purposes  as natural  persons             date to 30 days after the federal extended due date. This is also 
(“effectively  treated  as  natural  persons”.)  Partners  effectively      true if the Internal Revenue  Service (IRS) extends a due date 
treated as natural  persons  are entities, including  trusts, which         because of an event such as a natural disaster situation. Be sure 
report their items of income, deductions, and credits directly on           to check the appropriate box on page 1, under Return Information, 
a federal  individual  income  tax return, as well  as tax-exempt           and attach a copy of the federal extension to the Form 6900.
organizations not required to file an Alaska return.
                                                                            Who Must Sign
A partnership is required to file Form 6900, even if the partnership        A general partner or LLC member manager must sign the return.
itself does not conduct business in the state, but owns a partnership 
interest in a lower-tier  partnership  doing  business in the state,        Where to Send Return
because of the attribution rule.                                            Mail the return with attachments to:

Nexus                                                                       TAX DIVISION
Nexus is sometimes referred to as “doing  business”  within the             ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE
state. It is the act of conducting business activity within the state       PO BOX 110420
during the tax year. It may exist as a result of an entity’s direct         JUNEAU AK 99811-0420
activity,  the activity  of  its  employees or agents, or through its 
interest in a lower-tier partnership or LLC. A partnership registered       Note: filing a paper return may result in assessment of penalties 
outside of Alaska can still have nexus in Alaska. Nexus-creating            for  failure  to  file  electronically.  See  electronic  filing  requirement 
activities may include, but are not limited to:                             above.

1)   owning    or    using    property   in   the   state,   including      Other Related Forms
leased   or mobile property;                                                A corporation, or an LLC that is treated as a corporation for tax 
                                                                            purposes (hereafter “corporation”), must file a Form 6000, 6100 
2)    presence of employees in the state for business purposes;             or 6150 (corporation net income tax return), if the corporation is a 
                                                                            partner in a partnership doing business in the state.
3)    making sales into the state; or
                                                                            Amended Returns
4)     the generation of income from sources within the state without       An  amended  return  must  be  filed  as  a  complete  return.  All 
regard to whether there is a physical presence in the state.                versions of Form 6900 have a checkbox on page 1, under Return 
                                                                            Information, to indicate “amended return.” If the federal return was 
How Income is Shared Among Partners                                         also amended, a complete copy must be attached. An amended 
Allocate income and expense items subject to Alaska modification,           Alaska return is required if the federal return is amended, or 
apportionment  data, and Alaska credit-related  items among  the            adjusted by the IRS.
partners according  to the partnership agreement for sharing 
income or loss generally. The partnership agreement may contain 
                                                                            Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Audit
provisions  allocating  specific  items  in  a  ratio  different  from  the A partnership is required to file an amended Alaska partnership 
ratio for sharing income or loss (IRC §704 provisions). Use the             return to report any amendment of the taxpayer’s federal 
checkbox  on Schedule  B, Column  E, to identify  partners  with            partnership return, or any adjustment made by the IRS.  The 
specific allocations. On Schedule K-1, report the amount actually           Alaska amended return must be filed within 60 days after the final 
allocated to partners.                                                      determination of the federal adjustment to avoid assessment of a 
                                                                            penalty for failure to file. If the date that the adjustment is finalized 

                                                                                                     0405-6900i  Rev 02/14/2024 - page 2

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is later than the date on the federal Revenue Agent’s Report, the         SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS
reason must be satisfactorily explained to avoid assessment of a 
penalty for failure to file.
                                                                          Partnership Identification
                                                                          Enter the legal name and federal Employer Identification Number
Note:  The partnership’s obligation  to report any IRS audit 
                                                                          (EIN) of the partnership.
adjustment  is  not  affected  by  the  expiration  of  the  statute  of 
limitations period for the partnership’s original Alaska partnership 
return.                                                                   Contact Person
                                                                          Provide the name, email address, and telephone number of an 
                                                                          individual to whom correspondence regarding this return should be 
Penalties                                                                 directed. This must be a general partner, LLC member manager, 
A partnership that does not file a complete partnership return by 
                                                                          or  employee  authorized  to  receive  confidential  tax  information. 
the due date, including extension, is subject to a penalty for failure 
                                                                          Generally, we cannot discuss tax  matters  with  an  outside  
to file a partnership return, under Alaska’s adoption of IRC Section 
                                                                          party unless we have a Power of Attorney (see Paid Preparer 
6698. The penalty imposed is calculated by multiplying $195 by 
                                                                          Authorization above).
the number of required Schedules K-1 (excluding any partner that 
is a natural person or is effectively treated as a natural person). 
The penalty  applies  for each month (or fraction thereof) during         Return Information
which such failure continues, for a maximum of 12 months.                 Check all boxes that apply.

Additional penalties may apply if the partnership does not furnish        □    Final Alaska  return:  Check  this  box  if    you  do  not  expect  to 
the Form 6900, Schedule K-1 to a partner.                                    have nexus in Alaska after this tax year. Also check this box on 
                                                                             Schedule K-1.

Paid Preparer Authorization                                               □   Amended  return:  Check this box if this return is an amended 
If the partnership wants to allow the DOR to discuss its tax return 
                                                                             return. You must file a complete return to amend. Be sure to 
with the paid preparer who signed it, check the applicable box in 
                                                                             attach  a  statement  explaining  the  changes being reported. 
the signature area of the return. This authorization applies only to 
                                                                             (See instructions for related checkbox below.) Also check this 
the preparer whose signature appears at the bottom of the return. 
                                                                             box on Schedule K-1.
It does not apply to the firm.
                                                                          □   A federal extension automatically extends the Alaska filing due 
If  the  applicable  box is checked, the  partnership is authorizing 
                                                                             date. If a federal extension is in effect for the taxpayer, check 
DOR to contact the paid preparer to answer any questions that 
                                                                             “yes” here and attach a copy of Form 7004 to the return.
arise during the processing of the return. The partnership is also 
authorizing the paid preparer to:
                                                                          □  Oil and gas tax partnership: for co-owners operating through 
                                                                             joint  operating  agreements  and  filing  a  federal  partnership 
1)   Contact  the  DOR  for   information   about   the   processing   of 
                                                                             return. If this box is checked, Other Information, line 2 must 
 the  return or the status of any related refund or payment, and
                                                                             also be checked.
2)   Respond  to certain  DOR  notices  about  math  errors, offsets,
                                                                          □    Partnership agreement contains Section 704 provisions: Check 
      and return preparation.
                                                                             this box if a special allocation is made to any partner under
                                                                                I.R.C. §704.
The partnership  is not authorizing  the paid  preparer  to receive 
any refund check, bind the partnership to anything (including any 
                                                                          □  Public Law 86-272 applies (P.L. 86-272): Check this box if the 
additional tax liability), or otherwise represent the partnership before 
                                                                             partnership is claiming protection under P.L. 86-272.
the DOR. If the partnership wants to revoke the authorization, the 
partnership must file a Form 774, Power of Attorney
                                                                          □  If this is an amended return filed to report audit changes by 
                                                                             the Internal Revenue Service, check the appropriate additional 
If You Need Help                                                             box.  You must  attach  a  complete copy of  the  federal audit 
If you have questions, need additional information or require other          report “RAR” showing federal changes by company.
assistance, see our web site at www.tax.alaska.gov, or call:
Juneau: 907.465.2320                                                      Other Information
                                                                          Question 1: The purpose of this series of questions is to identify a 
Anchorage: 907.269.6620
                                                                          partnership that is required to file a return in Alaska. A partnership 
                                                                          is not required to file, if any of the following three situations apply:
Required Attachments
A copy of the signed  federal Form 1065, pages 1-5 must be                1)    All  of  the  partners  are  natural  persons  or  are  effectively 
attached to Form 6900 to constitute a complete filing.                       treatedas  natural  persons;  or

If the partnership is reporting any activities that may generate a        2)    The partnership is a “publicly traded partnership” that does not 
potential credit (to be claimed by a partner), then the appropriate          meet the exception under IRC Section 7704(c); or
form for that credit must be attached. These forms are available on 
our web site at www.tax.alaska.gov.                                       3)    The partnership
                                                                             a)  Does not conduct business in Alaska, and
                                                                             b)  Has no property in Alaska, and
                                                                             c)  Does not own an interest in a lower-tier partnership that
                                                                                  is  required to file Form 6900.
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Nested Partnerships: Question  1c:  If  you answered yes  to            General Instructions for Schedule  A: Enter in Schedule  A, 
question 1c on page 1 of the Form 6900, then answer questions           column A the relevant information for the entire partnership. Enter 
2-5 to include activities attributed to the partnership from lower-     in Schedule  A,  column B  the amount from  Schedule B,  line 2  
tier partnerships. A lower-tiered partnership is required to file Form  (see instructions for Schedule B). This is the total percentage of 
6900 if it has nexus in Alaska and any partner is a corporation         ownership held by partners, other than natural persons or those 
or another partnership, even if the partners of the higher-level        effectively treated as natural persons. Enter in Schedule A, column 
partnership are all natural persons or those effectively treated as     C  the  distributable portion of  the  items in column  A  (multiply 
natural persons.                                                        column A by the percentage in column B). This is the portion of 
                                                                        items attributable to partners, other than natural persons or those 
Attach Form 6900, Schedule K-1 from any lower-tiered partnership        effectively  treated  as  natural  persons.  The  amount  of  items  in 
in which the partnership for which this return is being filed has an    Schedule A, column C will be reported on Form 6900, Schedules 
interest.                                                               K-1 for the partners, other than natural persons or those effectively 
                                                                        treated as natural persons.
Question 1d: If all partners are natural persons or are effectively 
treated as natural persons, answer question 1d “no.”  The               Nested Partnerships
partnership  does  not  need  to  file  Form  6900.  If  one  or  more  If  you answered yes to question 1c on page 1 of  Form 6900,  
partners is a natural person or is effectively treated as a natural     then the amounts in Schedule A, column A must include amounts 
person, and one or more additional partners is a corporation or         attributed to the partnership from lower-tier partnerships.
partnership, answer “yes” to question 1d. A Form 6900, Schedule 
K-1 is not required  for partners  that are natural  persons  or are    Special Allocations
effectively treated as natural persons.                                 If a special allocation box is checked  on Schedule  B, line  1, 
                                                                        column E for any partner, leave the percentage blank on all lines of 
Question  2: If the partnership  engages  in the production  or         Schedule A, column B. Instead, check the “various” box in columnB. 
transportation of oil or gas in Alaska, then any corporation that is    In Schedule A, column C, enter the total amount distributable to 
a partner (directly, or through a high-tier partnership), is subject to partners, other than natural persons or those effectively treated as 
AS 43.20.144, the rules applicable to oil and gas producers and         natural persons.
pipelines. For the partnership, this affects the information required 
on Schedule A.                                                          Income/Expense Items Subject to Alaska Modification: A corporate 
                                                                        partner  must  report  certain  income  modifications  for  purposes 
Question 3: Indicate whether the partnership has an ownership           of  Alaska corporate income tax,  under  AS  43.20.031(c) or  AS 
interest in any foreign  corporation.  Attach a schedule  showing       43.20.144(b).  Under  15  AAC 20.320, income  and expenses  of 
the name, EIN, country of incorporation,  and the ownership             the partnership are attributed to the partner, as if the partner had 
percentage  held  of each foreign  corporation.  If the partnership     directly engaged in those activities itself.
has an ownership interest in a foreign corporation, the ownership 
is attributed to any corporate partner, and may affect the Alaska       Certain potential modification items are not required to be reported 
corporate income tax reporting of that partner.                         on Form 6900. Generally, this is true where an item is separately 
                                                                        stated on  federal  Form 1065,  Schedule  K, such as dividends, 
Question 4: If you answered yes to question 3 on page 1 of the          charitable contributions, capital gains, and IRC §965 inclusion 
Form 6900, then indicate whether any of the foreign corporations,       amounts, deductions, and credits, because those items retain their 
in which an ownership interest  was held, are a “tax haven              character and are separately reported on the corporate partner’s 
corporation” as defined in 15 AAC 20.900(b)(4). If the partnership      federal Form 1120.
has an interest in a “tax haven corporation,” the ownership  is 
attributed  to  any  corporate  partner,  and  may  affect  the  Alaska Note:  If  a  partner is  subject to  AS  43.20.144 (oil and gas 
corporate income tax reporting of that partner,  if the partner is      producers and pipelines), then the partner will be required to report 
subject to water’s edge combined reporting under AS 43.20.145.          modifications  to  depreciation,  depletion,  and  intangible  drilling 
                                                                        costs under AS 43.20.144(b). This would include modification of 
Question 5: Indicate whether the partnership has an ownership           the corporate partner’s share of costs incurred by the partnership. 
interest in any foreign partnership. Attach a schedule showing the      Since such costs are subject to certain elections by the corporate 
name, EIN, and the ownership percentage held of each foreign            partner, the partnership is not required to report those items on 
partnership. If the foreign partnership has an ownership interest       Form 6900. In these circumstances, the corporate partner should 
in a foreign corporation, the ownership is attributed to the upper-     contact the partnership to gather the relevant information.
tier partnership, including all tax attributes such as apportionment 
factor. This affects the reporting of apportionment factor information  Apportionment Data: This information will be used to calculate  
on Schedule A. See instructions for Schedule A below.                   a corporate partner’s apportionment factor. In addition to general 
                                                                        regulations  cited below,  special industry rules may apply.  See 
Schedule A                                                              Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) Title 15, Chapter 19 for further 
Schedule  A  is  used  to  report  relevant  income  modifications,     information.
apportionment data, and potential credits, and to attribute those 
items to partners, other than natural persons or those effectively      Line 3: If the qualified oil and gas service industry expenditure 
treated as natural persons. It is similar in concept to the federal     credit is being  allocated  to partners, then Form 6327 must be 
Form 1065, Schedule K.                                                  completed and attached to the partnership return. Enter on line   
                                                                        3 the amount from Form 6327, line 2. See instructions for line 14.

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Lines 5a–5b: Report the average value of owned property in Alaska         the partnership  return. Enter on line 14 the amount from Form 
(line 5a) and everywhere (line 5b). Owned property is valued at           6327,  line  3. The  credit  will  then  flow  through  to  the  applicable 
its original cost, which is the unadjusted basis for federal income       Schedule K-1. The partnership must attach a copy of the Form 
tax purposes  at the time of acquisition  adjusted  by subsequent         6327 to the Form 6900 Schedule K-1 provided to the partner.
additions, improvements, or partial dispositions. Owned property 
does not include construction in progress. Owned property does            Line 15: You must complete and attach Form 665 to the partnership 
not include intangible personal property. See 15 AAC 19.141-181           return. Enter on line 15 the amount from Form 665, line 1.
for further details.
                                                                          Line 16:  You must complete  and attach Form 6325  to the 
Rented property is valued at eight times the annual rents paid. See       partnership return. Enter on line 16 the amount from Form 6325, 
15 AAC 19.191 for further details.                                        line 5.

Lines 6a–6b: Report gross receipts derived during the tax year            Line 18:  You must complete  and attach Form 6310  to the 
from transactions and activities attributable to Alaska (line 6a) and     partnership return.  Enter on line 18 the sum of Form 6310, line 2, 
everywhere  (line 6b) in the regular  course of the partnership’s         Columns D 
regular  trade or business.  See  15  AAC 19.251-302  for further 
details.                                                                  Line 20: Enter the amount of credit you are claiming under AS
                                                                          43.20.052. In order to claim the credit, you are required to attach 
Lines 7a–7b: Report compensation paid in Alaska (line 7a) and             a statement to the return providing the information described in AS 
everywhere (line 7b). Do not complete lines 7a-7b, if you answered        43.20.052(c).
yes to question 2 on page 1 of Form 6900.
                                                                          Line 21: If the LNG storage facility credit or the gas storage facility 
The term “compensation”  means  wages, salaries,  commissions             credit was originally  allocated  to partners, then the increase  to  
and any other form of remuneration paid directly to employees for         tax for cessation of operations recapture must be reported. For 
personal services. Payments made to an independent contractor,            recapture of the Alaska LNG Storage Facility Credit, Form 6323 
or  to  any  person  not  properly  classified  as  an  employee,  are    must be completed and attached to the partnership return. Enter 
excluded. See 15 AAC 19.211-241 for further details.                      on line 21 the amount from Form 6323, line 4. See instructions 
                                                                          for Form 6323 and 6324 for further information. If the gas storage 
Lines 8a–8b: Report tariffs paid in Alaska (line 8a) and everywhere       facility tax credit was originally  allocated  to partners, then the 
(line  8b).  “Tariffs”  are  amounts  received  by  the  partnership  for increase  to tax for cessation  of operations  recapture  must be 
transporting  oil or gas by pipeline,  regardless  of whether  the        reported  on line  20. If the gas storage  facility  tax credit  was 
tariffs are paid by third parties or by a related party. See 15 AAC       originally claimed by the partnership, then a claim for refund must 
20.500(a) for further details.                                            be made on Form 6322. See instructions for Form 6322 for further 
Lines 9a-9b: Report cumulative intangible drilling costs incurred in 
Alaska (line 9a) and everywhere (line 9b). See 15 AAC 20.500(b)           Schedule B
for further details.                                                      All partners must be fully accounted for on Schedule B. If additional 
                                                                          lines are necessary,  attach additional Schedules  B,  completing 
Lines 10a-10b: Report the number of barrels of oil or natural gas         lines 2 and 4 only on the first Schedule B.
liquids (NGLs), net of royalty to an unrelated party, produced in 
Alaska (line 10a) and everywhere (line 10b). See 15 AAC 500(c)            Line  1: List the legal name of all partners, other than natural 
for further details.                                                      persons or those effectively treated as natural persons, in column
                                                                          A. Enter in column B the percentage  ownership  held  by each 
Lines 11a-11b: Report one-sixth of the number of Mcf of gas, net          partner.  This should  agree  to the partner’s proportionate  share   
of royalty to an unrelated party, produced from properties in Alaska      of income and loss, according to the partnership agreement, and 
(line 11a) and everywhere (line 11b). See 15 AAC 20.500(c) for            used for federal income tax purposes.
more details.
                                                                          Enter in column D the appropriate entity code from the following:  
Alaska Credit-Related Items: Form 6900 is used to report the                      C  corporation
allocation  of certain  Alaska incentive  credits, and recapture  of              P  partnership, or LLC treated as a partnership for   
credit for cessation of operations under AS 43.20.046(h) and AS                       federal tax purposes
43.20.047(h).  The  film  production  tax  credit  is  not  reported  on 
Form 6900 because the taxpayer (corporation)  must produce a              Indicate in column E if a special allocation is made to the partner 
credit certificate issued by the DOR directly to, and in the name of,     under Internal Revenue Code Section 704. If any box in column E 
the corporation claiming the credit.                                      is checked, see the Schedule A instructions for Special Allocations.

Line 12: Report the alternative tax credit for oil and gas exploration    Line 3: List the names  of all  partners  that are  natural  persons    
under AS 43.55.025  if the credit is for exploration  expenditures        or  effectively  treated  as  natural  persons,  in  column A.  Enter  in 
against the corporate income tax.                                         column B the percentage ownership held by each partner. Indicate 
                                                                          in column C if a special allocation is made to the partner under 
Line 14: If the qualified oil and gas service industry expenditure        Internal Revenue Code Section 704.
credit is being allocated to partners, according to the partnership 
agreement, then Form 6327 must be completed and attached to               The sum of lines 2 and 4 must equal 100%, unless “various” or 
                                                                          “special allocation” is checked.

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Form 6900, Schedule K-1
A partnership is required  to prepare  and give a Form 6900, 
Schedule K-1 to each partner that is not a natural person or is not 
effectively treated as a natural person. A Form 6900, Schedule K-1 
should not be attached for partners who are natural persons or are 
effectively treated as natural persons.

Complete a Schedule K-1 for each partner that is not a natural 
person  or  effectively  treated  as  a  natural  person,  to  report  that 
partner’s distributive share of amounts reported on Schedule A.

Check all boxes that apply.
See How Income is Shared Among Partners, on page 2, for more 

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