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 Instructions for Form 6750 Alaska Application for 

                                         Voluntary Disclosure
Introduction                                                              •    fails to file returns or pay taxes for the periods covered by  the 
The purpose of the Department of Revenue’s (DOR) Voluntary                 agreement;
Disclosure Program (VDP) is to encourage corporations and other           •  reneges on an installment payment arrangement;
business entities that may have incurred an unpaid Alaska income          •   understates  the  tax  liability  for  any  year covered by the 
tax liability and/or have an unfulfilled tax return filing requirement     agreement and cannot show good faith effort to accurately 
to disclose their liability voluntarily. Qualified business entities that  compute the tax liability; or
choose to participate in the VDP will be required to disclose their       •  fails to continue to comply with Alaska tax law.
Alaska tax liability only for the immediately preceding five income 
years. DOR may waive penalties associated with the return filings.        Common Forms 
                                                                          Form 6000 Corporate Net Income Tax Return (standard)
General Information                                                       Form 6100 Oil & Gas Corporate Net Income Tax Return 
AS 43.05.010 and AS 43.05.080 permit the DOR to enter                     Form 6900 Partnership Information Return
into  voluntary  disclosure  agreements  with  any  qualified 
business entity in order to obtain voluntary compliance                   You may download, view, and print Alaska income tax forms and 
with the tax laws of the State of Alaska. Qualified business              publications listed above. Our internet address is:
entities that participate in the VDP are required to file returns 
for the five income years ending immediately prior to the                 www.tax.alaska.gov
date the agreement is signed. DOR may waive penalties 
                                                                          You may call the number below or send an email request if you 
associated with the return filings. As part of the agreement,             would like the forms sent to you by mail.
DOR will waive its authority to assess taxes, additions to 
taxes, or penalties for the income years ending prior to                  Need Help? Contact us at 907-269-6620 or email 
the five income years covered by the voluntary disclosure                 dor.tax.disclosure@alaska.gov.
                                                                          Instructions  for  Filing  Form  6750  Application  for 
Qualified Business Entities                                               Voluntary Disclosure
Only qualified business entities are eligible to participate in the        
Voluntary Disclosure Program. A “qualified business entity” is an         Completing the Form
entity that meets all of the following criteria. It must:                 Qualified  business  entities  that  choose  to  participate  in  the 
•    Be a corporation, entity taxed as a corporation, S corporation,      Voluntary Disclosure Program must use Form 6750, Application 
 partnership, or limited liability company;                               for Voluntary Disclosure, to apply. To remain anonymous, program 
•    Have never filed a return with the DOR;                              applicants may have a representative contact the Department of 
•    Have not been the subject of an inquiry by the DOR with              Revenue. Company representatives should not reveal the name 
 respect to liability for income taxes; and                               of the company or any information that could readily identify the 
•   Have voluntarily come forward, prior to any unilateral contact        company to the DOR until the agreement is executed. DOR will 
 from the DOR, and completed both an application for voluntary            assign program applicants an identifying number, such as VDA 
 disclosure agreement and a full and accurate statement of its            16-01, which should be used in subsequent correspondence once 
 activities in Alaska for the five immediately preceding taxable          DOR receives the application.
 or income years.
                                                                          Part I
Penalties Waived                                                          Enter the name, address, and phone number of the qualified 
If the qualified business entity fully complies with the voluntary        business entity’s representative. The representative must be 
disclosure agreement, the DOR may not assess any or all of the            authorized to represent the entity in the Voluntary Disclosure 
following penalties for the income years covered by the agreement:        Program. Note: You are not required to disclose the name, address 
•  AS 43.05.220(a) – failure to make and file a return;                   or telephone number of the entity choosing to participate in the 
•  AS 43.05.220(a) – failure to pay tax;                                  VDP on the application. The entity may remain anonymous until 
•  AS 43.05.220(b) – negligence or intentional disregard;                 the agreement is executed.
•  Internal Rev. Code §6655 failure to pay estimated tax;
•    Internal Rev. Code §6698 – failure to file a partnership 
 return; and/or                                                           Part II
                                                                          1.  Indicate the type of business entity applying to participate in the 
•    Internal Rev. Code §6699 – failure to file an S-
                                                                          Voluntary Disclosure Program.
 corporation return.
                                                                          2.  State each tax year to be covered by the agreement.
Violation of the Agreement
Certain events will nullify the voluntary disclosure agreement if the     3.   Answer the questions in Part II. If the entity answers yes to 
qualified business entity:                                                any of the questions in Part II, stop. The entity does not qualify to 
•  misrepresents material facts relevant to the agreement;                participate in the Voluntary Disclosure Program.
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Part III
Include the following information in Exhibit 1:
•  a description of the entity’s business activities;
•  the facts giving rise to the offer to enter into the Voluntary 
 Disclosure Program;
•  the settlement terms proposed; and
•   the number of corporate partners or members if the entity 
 applying for VDP is an LLC or is a partnership. Note: partnerships 
 or LLCs that have only individual partners/members, are not 
 required to file in Alaska and are not eligible to participate in the 

Part IV
On Exhibit 2, include a statement with your estimate of taxes 
due. Show the estimate by year, along with the accompanying 

Part V
An authorized representative must sign the application.

The Department of Revenue will contact the representative if 
additional information is required. DOR may accept the entity’s 
proposed settlement, modify the proposed settlement, or reject the 
proposed settlement based on the information available.

If DOR determines that there are any material misstatements 
of fact or tax liability, or the entity fails to file any returns or pay 
any tax as required by the agreement, the voluntary disclosure 
agreement will be null and void.
Note: At present, the VDP is only available for corporate net 
income tax.

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