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Instructions For Form 6300
2023 Alaska Incentive Credits
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Credits Originating from a Partnership
A corporation may claim Alaska incentive credits generated by a
Purpose of Form partnership in which the corporation is a partner. The partnership
Form 6300 orders and limits Alaska incentive credits, based on tax is required to report the partner’s share of any credits on Form
liability. This form is required if such credits are to be claimed on 6900, Schedule K-1. In order to claim the credit and offset Alaska
Form 6000, 6100, or 6150. income tax, the taxpayer will include the creditable amounts shown
on the Schedule K-1 on the applicable line of Form 6300. For
Form 6300 is not required to be filed when creditable activities are example, a corporation will include on Form 6300, line 8 (income
reported by a partnership filing Form 6900. tax education credit) its share of the credit shown on Form 6900,
Schedule K-1, line 18.
Other Related Forms
Alaska Incentive Credits Carryforward of Unused Credit
To claim Alaska incentive credits on Form 6300, you must also Certain credits may be carried forward if the credits cannot be
attach specified supplementary credit forms as follows: used because of the tax liability limitation, as shown below.
• Income tax education credit (AS 43.20.014) ..........Form 6310 Credit Alaska Carryforward
• Exploration incentive credit (AS 43.20.044) .............Form 665 Statute Period
• Veteran employment tax credit (AS 43.20.048) .....Form 6325
• Qualified oil and gas service industry In-state manufacture of urea, AS 43.20.052 None
ammonia or gas-to-liquids credit
expenditure credit (AS 43.20.049). ........................Form 6327
Qualified oil and gas service
To claim the veteran employment tax credit, you must maintain industry expenditure credit AS 43.20.049 5 years
certain records, including properly completed Form(s) 6326 Qualified in-state refinery AS 43.20.053 5 years
Certificate of Qualifying Veteran. Do not send in Form 6326 with expenditures credit
your tax return. Exploration incentive credit AS 43.20.044 15 years
Veteran employment tax credit AS 43.20.048 No limit
To claim the film production tax credit, you must attach the original
tax credit certificate issued by the Department of Revenue (DOR). Film production tax credit AS 43.98.030 See Inst.
Alt. oil and gas exploration credit AS 43.55.025 No Limit
Federal-based Credits
You may be eligible to claim certain federal-based credits, based Form 6300 is required to be filed to claim credits generated in an
on Alaska’s adoption of the Internal Revenue Code under AS earlier year. Form 6300 must be accompanied by a schedule for
43.20.021. These credits are claimed on Alaska Form 6390 each credit, showing the amount of credit generated and used, by
Federal-based Credits. See Form 6390 and related instructions. year.
Passive activity credit limitations are calculated on an as-if Alaska
basis, using Alaska Form 6395 Passive Activity Limitation.
If You Need Help Line 5: Enter the tentative in-state manufacture of urea, ammonia
If you have questions, need additional information or require other or gas-to-liquids products credit from your attached schedule.
assistance, see our website at www.tax.alaska.gov, or call:
Line 8: Enter the tentative income tax education credit from Form
Juneau: 907-465-2320 6310 line 4.
Anchorage: 907-269-6620
Line 11: Enter the amount of the qualified oil and gas service
Complete Form 6300 to claim any Alaska incentive credit on the industry expenditure credit from Form 6327, line 3.
corporation’s net income tax return (Form 6000, 6100, or 6150).
Line 12: Enter the amount of qualified oil and gas service industry
Form 6300 accounts for all Alaska incentive credits, including the expenditure credit carried from a previous year. You must attach
income tax education credit, the film production tax credit, and a schedule showing the credit generated and used, by year, and
various other credits. The form also accounts for any refundable by company.
credits. The credits are grouped on Form 6300 and then carried
to, and claimed on, lines 7 or 12 of the corporation net income tax Enter the amount of qualified in-state oil refinery
Line 17:
return (Form 6000, 6100, or 6150). expenditures credit carried from a previous year. This credit must
be applied first to tax. Any excess may be either refunded or
In general, Alaska incentive credits may be used to offset the carried forward for five years.
general Alaska income tax imposed under AS 43.20.011, as well
as certain other taxes imposed through Alaska’s adoption of the Enter the lesser of line 15 or line 18 here and on line 44.
Line 19:
Internal Revenue Code. This is the amount that will be applied to tax.
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