Specifications for Withholding Tax Deposit/Payment Voucher (9/1/23) Ink Color: Minnesota Tax ID: Scan Line: Black 100% • Must be seven digits • Must be 66 digits • Colon required after title: 2 in. from right edge • Courier or Courier New 12pt Voucher Size: • Last digit: 1/2 in. from right edge • Starts: 7 3/4 in. from right edge 8 1/2 in. wide x 3 2/3 in. high • Baseline: 2 in. from bottom • Baseline: 1/2 in. from bottom Font: Federal ID: • See additional scan line specs Calibri 10pt (or similar sans-serif) unless otherwise indicated. • Must be nine digits Graphics: Copy example exactly. • Colon required after title: 2 in. from right edge Graphics available from our website at www.revenue.state.mn.us. Voucher Payment Type Title: • Last digit: 1/2 in. from right edge • Calibri 12pt bold • Baseline: 1 3/4 in. from bottom Send samples to: • See table on page 2 for voucher type Period End Date: Email (PDF): Efile.FormApproval@state.mn.us Your 4-Digit Vendor ID: • Must be 6 digits Mail: Minnesota Department of Revenue • Last digit: 3 1/2 in. from right edge • Colon required after title: 2 in. from right edge Tax Operations - Form Approval • Baseline: 3 in. from bottom • Last digit: 1/2 in. from right edge Mail Station 4100 • Baseline: 1 1/2 in. from bottom Preparer Tax Identification Number: 600 N. Robert St. • Must be nine digits (may have leading character) Amount of Check: St. Paul, MN 55146-4100 • Colon required after title: 2 in. from right edge • Courier or Courier New 12pt • Last digit: 1/2 in. from right edge • Colon required after title: 2 in. from right edge • Baseline: 2 1/2 in. from bottom • Last cents field: 1/2 in. from right edge with one space separating cents from dollars • Baseline: 1 in. from bottom • No commas or decimals Cut carefully along this line to detach. Your check authorizes us to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account. 3 1/4 in. 1234 3 in. Preparer Tax Voucher Title Identification Number: P23456789 2 1/2 in. TAXPAYER NAME Minnesota Tax ID CONTACT NAME AND PHONE (required): 3456789 2 in. ADDRESS CITY, STATE ZIP CODE Federal ID: 987654321 1 3/4 in. Period End Date: mmddyy 1 1/2 in. Make check payable to: Minnesota Revenue Voucher type address Amount of Check: 00000000 00 1 in. SAMPLE 1/2 in. 004000000000000000000012312300000034567891000000000000000000001234 8 in. 7 3/4 in. 4 1/2 in. 3 1/2 in. 2 in. 3/4 in. 1/2 in. 0 |
Withholding Voucher Type Any fields not listed on this table remain constant. Voucher Title Voucher Mailing Address Scan Line Tax Type Scan Line Extension Withholding Tax Deposit/Payment P.O. Box 64439, St. Paul, MN 55164-0439 004 00 Required Voucher Approval Scenarios You must receive approval before reproducing vouchers. Submit 3 samples of the voucher listed on the table above with fictitious names, Minnesota tax ID numbers, period end dates, check amounts and scan lines for testing. Required scenario: Minnesota tax ID number begins with a leading zero. Fictitious information must be different on each sample. Please test and verify that invalid data cannot be entered. Make sure the scan line cannot have an invalid period end date, or blank space for the ID field. Note: Form must be placed at bottom of 8½ x 11 inch page with instructions at the top. SUBMIT CONTENT OF ENTIRE PAGE. See the sample form on page 4. |
Scan Line Specifications for Withholding Tax Deposit/Payment Vouchers Field element Number of digits Description Tax type 3 004 Extension code 2 00 Filler 17 00000000000000000 Period end date 6 MMDDYY Filler 6 000000 Minnesota tax ID 7 Minnesota tax ID (field must have 7 digits AND cannot be masked) Check digit 1 See “How to calculate the check digit” below Filler 20 00000000000000000000 Vendor ID code 4 Your 4-digit vendor ID TOTAL 66 Scan line must be 66 digits Sample scan line for withholding tax deposit/payment voucher: 004000000000000000000012312300000034567891000000000000000000001234 Note: The scan line is the most important part of the voucher. If any part of the scan line is masked, processing may be delayed. How to Calculate the Check Digit To calculate the check digit, start with the Minnesota tax ID (seven digits). Then do the following steps: Step 1. Multiply the left-most digit and every alternate position of the Minnesota tax ID by two. Step 2. Add the digits from Step 1 to the digits in the basic key field not multiplied by two. Step 3. Subtract the total in Step 2 from the next higher number ending in zero. The difference is the check digit. (Note: If the difference equals 10, the check digit is zero.) Example Minnesota tax ID = 3456789 Basic key field = 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Alternate digits (starting with left-most digit) = 3 5 7 9 Step 1. Multiply alternate digits by two 6 10 14 18 Step 2. Add digits in Step 1 to the digits not multiplied by two 6 + 4 + (1+0) + 6 + (1+4) + 8 + (1+8) = 39 Step 3. Subtract total in Step 2 from the next higher number ending in zero 40 – 39 = 1 The check digit is 1. |
Withholding Tax Deposit/Payment Pay by Checkeck If you are not required to pay electronically, you can use this voucher to pay by check. • Make your check payable to “Minnesota Revenue.” • Print your Minnesota Tax ID number in the memo line of your check. • Mail your payment and the voucher below to the address on the voucher. Note: Your payment may be delayed if your voucher information is missing or incorrect. When printing the voucher, set your printer to “Actual size” (not “Shrink oversized pages”). Scan Line The scan line is the most important part of the voucher. When submitting your voucher make sure the scan line: • Is printed with 66 digits – characters, symbols, or masking are unacceptable. • Is not cut off or missing. Pay Electronically • Pay electronically from your bank account. Go to www.revenue.state.mn.us and type make a payment into the Search box. Choose Bank Account from the menu. We do not charge for this service. • Pay by credit card or debit card. Go to www.revenue.state.mn.us and type make a payment into the Search box. Choose Credit or Debit Card from the menu. A third party processes these payments and charges a fee for this service. • Pay by ACH credit transfer through your financial institution. Go to www.revenue.state.mn.us and type ACH Credit into the Search box. Cut carefully along this line to detach. Your check authorizes us to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account. 1234 Preparer Tax Withholding Tax Deposit/Payment Identification Number: P23456789 TAXPAYER NAME Minnesota Tax ID CONTACT NAME AND PHONE (required): 3456789 ADDRESS CITY, STATE ZIP CODE Federal ID: 987654321 Period End Date 123123 Make check payable to: Minnesota Revenue P.O. Box 64439, St. Paul, MN 55164-0439 Amount of Check: 00000000 00 SAMPLE 004000000000000000000012312300000034567891000000000000000000001234 |