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2023 Schedule M1PR-AI, Additions to Income
Complete Schedule M1PR-AI, Additions to Income, to report amounts for line 5 of Form M1PR, Homestead Credit Refund (for Home-
owners) and Renter’s Property Tax Refund. Enter the type of income that was received in Column A and the amount in Column B.
See instructions to determine which types of income to include.
Your First Name and Initial Last Name Your Social Security Number
If a Joint Return, Spouse’s First Name and Initial Spouse’s Last Name Spouse’s Social Security Number
Column A — Type of Income Received Column B —Amount
1a 1b
2a 2b
3a 3b
4a 4b
5a 5b
6a 6b
7a 7b
8a 8b
9a 9b
10a 10b
11a 11b
12a 12b
13a 13b
14a 14b
15a 15b
16a 16b
17a 17b
18a 18b
19a 19b
20 Total of Column B. Add all amounts in Column B. Enter here and on line 5 of Form M1PR .... ..... ....... ..20
You must include this schedule with your Form M1PR. If you had more than 19 items, include a statement with the type of income
and amounts received.