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                                                            STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA                                   SC1040 
                                               DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                                  (Rev. 4/18/23) 
     dor.sc.gov                      2023 INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN                                                3075

     Your Social Security Number 
                                     Check if 

     Spouse's Social Security Number 
                                     Check if 

For the year January 1 - December 31, 2023, or fiscal tax year beginning __________, 2023  and ending __________, 2024
First name and middle initial                                   Last name                                             Suffix

Spouse's first name, if married filing jointly                  Last name                                             Suffix

Check if         Mailing address (number and street, PO Box)                                                          County code
new address  
City                                                            State ZIP              Daytime phone number with area code

Check if address Foreign country address including postal code
is outside US  

Amended Return: Check if this is an Amended Return. (Attach Schedule AMD) .............................. 
• Check this box if you are a part-year or nonresident filing an SC Schedule NR ................................ 
• Check this box only if you are filing a composite return on behalf of a Partnership or 
  S Corporation. Do not check this box if you are an individual .............................................. 
• Check this box if you have filed a federal or state extension................................................. 
• Check this box if you served in a military combat zone during the filing period ...................................  
  Name of the combat zone: _________________________________

CHECK YOUR                       (1) Single                 (3) Married filing separately - enter spouse's SSN: __________________
FEDERAL FILING STATUS            (2) Married filing jointly (4) Head of household (5)  Qualifying surviving spouse

Number of dependents claimed on your 2023 federal return  ......................................
Number of dependents claimed that were under the age of 6 years as of December 31, 2023  .........
Number of taxpayers age 65 or older as of December 31, 2023  ...................................  

First name       Last name                     Social Security Number     Relationship   Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)


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INCOME AND ADJUSTMENTS                                                                 Your SSN _____________                 2023
1  Enter federal taxable income from your federal form. If zero or less, enter zero here                               Dollars
   Nonresident filers: complete Schedule NR and enter total from line 48 on line 5 below ...........              1           00
   a State tax addback, if itemizing on federal return (see instructions) .......                  a            00
   b Out-of-state losses    Type: _________________ ....................                           b            00
   c Expenses related to National Guard and Military Reserve Income .......                        c            00
   d Interest income on obligations of states and political subdivisions other than South Carolina d            00
   e Other additions to income (attach explanation - see instructions) ........                    e            00
2 Total additions (add line a through line e)  .............................................                      2           00
3  Add line 1 and line 2 and enter the total here ...............................................                 3           00
   f State tax refund, if included on your federal return....................                      f            00
   g Total and permanent disability retirement income, if taxed on your federal return             g            00
   h Out-of-state income/gain (do not include personal service income)
     Check type of income/gain:      Rental      Business     Other ___________                    h            00
   i 44% of net capital gains held for more than one year..................                        i            00
   j Volunteer deductions (see instructions) Type: _____________________                           j            00
   k Contributions to the SC College Investment Program (Future Scholar)
     or the SC Tuition Prepayment Program ............................                             k            00
   l Active Trade or Business Income deduction (see instructions) ..........                       l            00
   m Interest income from obligations of the US government................                         m            00
   n Certain nontaxable National Guard or Reserve pay ...................                          n            00
   o Social Security and/or railroad retirement, if taxed on your federal return . .               o            00
   p Retirement Deduction (see instructions)
     p-1 Taxpayer (date of birth: _____________) .......................                           p-1          00
     p-2 Spouse (date of birth: _____________) ........................                            p-2          00
     p-3 Surviving spouse (date of birth of deceased spouse: _____________)                        p-3          00
     Military Retirement Deduction (see instructions)
     p-4 Taxpayer (date of birth: _____________) .......................                           p-4          00
     p-5 Spouse (date of birth: _____________) ........................                            p-5          00
     p-6 Surviving spouse (date of birth of deceased spouse: _____________)                        p-6          00
   q Age 65 and older deduction (see instructions)
     q-1 Taxpayer (date of birth: _____________) .......................                           q-1          00
     q-2 Spouse (date of birth: _____________) ........................                            q-2          00
   r Negative amount of federal taxable income .........................                           r            00
   s Subsistence allowance (multiply ______ days by $8) .................                          s            00
   t Dependents under the age of 6 years on December 31 of the tax year ....                       t            00
   u Consumer Protection Services ...................................                              u            00
   v Other subtractions (see instructions) ..............................                          v            00
   w South Carolina Dependent Exemption (see instructions) ...............                         w            00
4 Total subtractions (add line f through line w) ...........................................                      4  <        00 >
5  Residents: subtract line 4 from line 3 and enter the difference. Nonresidents: enter amount from Schedule NR,
   line 48. If less than zero, enter zero here. This is your SOUTH CAROLINA INCOME SUBJECT TO TAX                 5           00
6  TAX on your South Carolina Income Subject to Tax (see SC1040TT).......                          6            00
7  TAX on Lump Sum Distribution (attach SC4972) .......................                            7            00
8  TAX on Active Trade or Business Income (attach I-335) .................                         8            00
9  TAX on excess withdrawals from Catastrophe Savings Accounts ..........                          9            00
10 Add line 6 through line 9 and enter the total here. This is your TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA TAX           .......    10          00


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                                                                                                   Your SSN _____________                                             2023
NON-REFUNDABLE CREDITS                                                                                                                                                       
11 Child and Dependent Care (see instructions) ..........................                               11                          00
12 Two Wage Earner Credit (see instructions)  ...........................                               12                          00
13 Other nonrefundable credits. Attach SC1040TC and other state returns .....                           13                          00
14 Total nonrefundable credits (add line 11 through line 13)  ....................................                                    14                              00
15 Subtract line 14 from line 10 and enter the difference. If less than zero, enter zero here  ..............                         15                              00
16 SC income tax withheld (attach W-2 or SC41) .........................                                16                          00
17 2023 Estimated Tax payments .....................................                                    17                          00
18 Amount paid with extension  .......................................                                  18                          00
19 Nonresident sale of real estate (paid on I-290) .........................                            19                          00
20 Other SC withholding (attach 1099)  .................................                                20                          00
21 Tuition tax credit (attach I-319) .....................................                              21                          00
22 Other refundable credits:                                                                                       
   22a  Anhydrous Ammonia (attach I-333)  .............................                                 22a                         00
   22b  Milk Credit (attach I-334)  .....................................                               22b                         00
   22c  Classroom Teacher Expenses (attach I-360) ......................                                22c                         00
   22d  Parental Refundable Credit (attach I-361)  ........................                             22d                         00
   22e  Reserved for future use  ......................................                                 22e                         00
   Total refundable credits (add line 22a through line 22d)...................................                                        22                              00
   AMENDED RETURN: Use Schedule AMD for line 23 calculation.
23 Add line 16 through line 22 and enter the total here ..........  These are your TOTAL PAYMENTS                                     23                              00
24 If line 23 is larger than line 15, subtract line 15 from line 23 and enter the overpayment  ..............                         24                              00
25 If line 15 is larger than line 23, subtract line 23 from line 15 and enter the amount due  ...............                         25                              00
   AMENDED RETURN: Enter the amount from line 24 on line 30. Enter the amount from line 25 on line 31.
26 USE TAX due on online, mail-order, or out-of-state purchases  ............                           26                          00       
   Use Tax is based on your county's Sales Tax rate. See instructions for more information.
   If you certify that no Use Tax is due, check here . . . .
27 Amount of line 24 to be credited to your 2024 Estimated Tax  .............                           27                          00
28 Total Contributions for Check-offs (attach I-330)  .......................                           28                          00
29 Add line 26 through line 28 and enter the total here  ..........................................                                   29                              00
30 If line 29 is larger than line 24, go to line 31. Otherwise, subtract line 29 from line 24 and enter the 
   amount to be refunded to you (line 35 check box entry is required)  ................... REFUND                                     30                              00
31 Add line 25 and line 29. If line 29 is larger than line 24, subtract line 24 from line 29, enter the total. This is your tax due 31                                00
32 Late filing and/or late payment:  Penalties___________  Interest __________ ...... Enter total here                                32                              00
33 Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Tax (attach SC2210)
   Enter exception code from instructions here if applicable ______ .............................                                     33                              00
34 Add line 31 through line 33 and enter your balance due (select payment option on line 36)  BALANCE DUE                             34                              00
      REFUND OPTIONS Getting a refund? Direct deposit is fast, accurate, and secure!  
35  Select one:                Direct Deposit (line 37 required) (for US accounts only)                    Paper Check 
      PAYMENT OPTIONS Have a balance due? Pay electronically! It's quick and easy!
36  Select one:           MyDORWAY (pay at dor.sc.gov/pay)                     ACH Debit (enter your US bank information on line 37)
      For payments only:     Withdrawal Date                                                   Withdrawal Amount                      00
37  Type of Account:              Checking                 Savings         
       Routing                                                                                   Bank Account                                                         1-17 
       Number  (RTN)                                     Must be 9 digits. The first two numbers Number (BAN)                                                         digits
                                                         of the RTN must be 01 through 32.   
I declare that this return and all attachments are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge. If prepared by a person other 
than the taxpayer, this declaration is based on all information of which the preparer has any knowledge.
Your signature                                                             Date                         Spouse's signature (if married filing jointly, BOTH must sign)
I authorize the Director of the SCDOR or delegate to discuss this return,                               Preparer's printed name
attachments, and related tax matters with the preparer.                       Yes          No      
Paid           Preparer                                                    Date                         Check if self- PTIN
Preparer's     signature                                                                                employed
Use            Firm name (or yours if self-                                                                            FEIN
Only           employed), address, ZIP                                                                                 Phone
               REFUNDS OR ZERO TAX: SC1040 Processing Center, PO Box 101100, Columbia, SC 29211-0100 
               BALANCE DUE: Taxable Processing Center, PO Box 101105, Columbia, SC 29211-0105

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