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                                          UBT PAID CREDIT                                                                                                                                                                    2022
                   -9.7B                  SUBCHAPTER S B ANKING CORPORATIONS
                                          ATTACH TO FORM NYC-1 or NYC-1A
                                          For CALENDAR YEAR 2022 or FISCAL YEAR beginning ____________________ 2022 and ending ____________________________
 Print or Type    t
Name as shown on NYC-1 or NYC-1A:                                                                                                 EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 

1a.  Add total of amounts from Schedule B, line 10 for all partnerships 
     with respect to which you are claiming a credit (see instructions) ....................................................................  1a. 
1b.  Enter amount from Schedule C, line 9 .................................................................................................................................1b. 
1c.  Total of 1a and 1b.............................................................................................................................................................................1c. 
  t   FOR TAXPAYERS LIABLE FOR THE BASIC TAX  t                       
2.   Tax from Form NYC-1 or NYC-1A, Schedule A, line 1      ...............................................................................................  2. 
3.   Multiply line 2 by 4/9 .......................................................................................................................................................................  3. 
4.   UBT PAID CREDIT - Enter the lesser of line 1c and line 3 and transfer amount to 
     Form NYC-1, Schedule A, line 6 or Form NYC-1A, Schedule A, line 8   ........................................................... 4.
5.   Multiply line 1c by .75      ......................................................................................................................................................................5. 
6.   Tax from Form NYC-1 or NYC-1A, Schedule A, line 2      ...............................................................................................  6. 
7.   UBT PAID CREDIT - Enter the lesser of line 5 and line 6 and transfer amount to 
     Form NYC-1, Schedule A, line 6 or Form NYC-1A, Schedule A, line 8   ...........................................................  7.
If more than one Schedule B is used, please state number of additional schedules attached: _________
    t    Name of partnership from which you received a distributive share or guaranteed payment  (distributing partnership)     t EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OF DISTRIBUTING PARTNERSHIP 

  1. Unincorporated business tax paid by distributing partnership (from Form NYC-204, line 23) .............  1. 
  2. Credits taken by distributing partnership on its own return (from Form NYC-204,  
     lines 20 and lines 22a through 22e) (see instructions) ......................................................................................................  2. 
  3. Total of lines 1 and 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................  3. 
  4. Your distributive share percentage with respect to the distributing partnership  
     (Attach copy of distributing partnership’s NYC-204, Schedule C)  ............................................................................  4. 
  5. Multiply line 3 by the percentage on line 4 ..................................................................................................................................  5. 
  6. Tax from Form NYC-1 or NYC-1A, Schedule A, line 1 (modified if necessary - see instructions)......  6. 
  7. Tax from pro forma Form NYC-1 or NYC-1A, Schedule A, line 1 (see instructions)                                               ...................................  7. 
  8. Subtract line 7 from line 6 .......................................................................................................................................................................  8. 
  9. Multiply line 8 by 4/9 ...................................................................................................................................................................................  9. 
10.  Enter lesser of line 5 and line 9 here .............................................................................................................................................. 10.
         APPLICABLE YEAR                    COLUMN A                                      COLUMN B                                                                                                                  COLUMN C 
                                            Credit Available in 2022                                                                                                                                                Credit Carryforward to 2023. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Column A Minus Column B  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (if less than zero, enter “0”) 
 1. Current year                                                         
 2. 7th preceding year                     
 3. 6th preceding year                     
 4. 5th preceding year                     
 5. 4th preceding year                     
 6. 3rd preceding year                     
 7. 2nd preceding year  
 8. 1st preceding year 
 9. Total Column A, lines 2 through 
    8 (enter on Schedule A, line 1b) ..9.                                                                                                                                                                                    NYC-9.7B  2022

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Form NYC-9.7B - 2022                                                                                                                                       Page 2
INSTRUCTIONS                                               copy of the distributing  partnership’s Form NYC-        umn B, line 1, the amount from Schedule A, line 7, 
                                                           204, Schedule C.  Attach taxpayer’s K-1 from the         divided by .75.  Taxpayers liable for the tax on Tax-
A corporation subject to the Banking Corporation           distributing partnership.                                able Assets or Capital Stock or the minimum tax, 
Tax (BCT) that is a partner in a partnership that is                                                                enter zero on Column B, line 1. 
subject to the Unincorporated Business Tax (UBT)           LINE 6                                                    
may claim a credit against its liability for the BCT       If your answer to BOTH of the following questions        COLUMN A, LINE 2 
if the corporation is required to include its distrib-     is “no,” enter on line 6 the amount from your NYC-       Enter amount from last year’s Form NYC-9.7B, 
utive share of the income, gain, loss and deductions       1, or NYC-1A, Schedule A, line 1.                        schedule C, column C, line 3.   
of, or guaranteed payments from, the partnership in        1.    Was the sum of your net distributive share of       
its own tax base subject to the BCT.                             income, gain, loss, and deductions of, and         COLUMN B, LINE 2 
                                                                 guaranteed payments from, any unincorpo-           Enter the excess if any, of that amount from Col-
SCHEDULE A                                                       rated business less than zero (a “net loss dis-    umn B, Line 1 over the amount from Column A, 
                                                                                                                    Line 1.  If less than zero, enter “0”. 
Taxpayers liable for the basic tax should fill out               tributive share”)?                                  
lines 1a through 4 of Schedule A.  Taxpayers liable        2.    Was your entire net income less than zero be-      COLUMN A, LINE 3 
for the alternative tax should fill out lines 1a                 fore taking into account any distributive share    Enter amount from last year’s Form NYC-9.7B, 
through 1c and lines 5 through 7 of Schedule A.                  or guaranteed payments from any partner-           Schedule C, Column C, line 4.  
Taxpayers liable for the tax on taxable assets or cap-           ships (“separate ENI”)?                             
ital stock or for the fixed dollar minimum tax may                                                                  COLUMN B, LINE 3  
not take a credit in the current year but should fill      If your answer to EITHER of these questions is           Enter the excess if any, of the amount from Column 
out lines 1a through 1c of Schedule A.                     “yes”, you must fill out a modified NYC-1 or 1-A         B, Line 2 over the amount from Column A, line 2.  
                                                           on which you make the following adjustments:             If less than zero, enter "0". 
LINE 1a                                                    a.    treat all net loss distributive shares as zero;     
                                                                                                                    COLUMN A, LINE 4 
10.  If you are claiming credits with respect to more 
Enter on line 1a, the amount from Schedule B, line               (see question 1) and                               Enter amount from last year’s Form NYC-9.7B, 
than one partnership, add the amounts on line 10 on        b.    if your separate ENI is less than zero, treat it   Schedule C, Column C, line 5.   
all attached Schedules B and enter the sum on this               as zero. (see question 2)                           
                                                                                                                    COLUMN B, LINE 4 
line.                                                      Enter on line 6 the amount from your modified            Enter the excess if any, of the amount from Column 
LINE 1b                                                    Form NYC-1 or NYC-1A, Schedule  A, line 1.               B, line 3 over the amount from Column A, line 3.  If 
Before completing Schedule A, line 1b, you must            (“modified BCT liability.”)  Attach modified form        less than zero, enter “0”. 
have completed Schedule C, Column A.                       NYC-1 or NYC-1A.                                          
                                                                                                                    COLUMN A, LINE 5 
LINE 2                                                     LINE 7                                                   Enter amount from last year’s Form NYC-9.7B, 
Enter the product of allocated entire net income and .09.  If your answer to BOTH questions in the instruc-         Schedule C, Column C, line 6.   
                                                           tions for line 6 is “no,” fill out a pro forma Form       
LINE 3                                                     NYC-1 or NYC-1A in which you calculate your              COLUMN B, LINE 5 
To account for the difference in tax rates between the     banking corporation tax liability for the basic tax      Enter the excess, if any, of the amount from Col-
Unincorporated Business Tax and the Banking Corpo-         without taking into account your distributive share      umn B, line 4, over the amount from Column A, 
ration Tax, multiply line 2 by a fraction, the numerator   of income, gain, loss and deductions of, or guaran-      line 4.  If less than zero, enter “0”. 
of which is 4 and the denominator of which is 9.           teed payments from, the distributing partnership          
                                                           with regard to which you are claiming a credit on        COLUMN A, LINE 6 
SCHEDULE B                                                 this form.  Enter on line 7 the amount from the pro      Enter the amount from last year’s Form NYC-9.7B, 
The UBT Paid Credit may be “taken” only by a tax-          forma Form NYC-1 or NYC-1A, Schedule A, line             Schedule C, Column C, line 7.   
payer in a year that it is actually liable for the basic   1.  Attach pro forma Form NYC-1 or NYC-1A.                
tax or for the alternative tax on alternative entire net                                                            COLUMN B, LINE 6 
income.  However, the UBT Paid Credit is “al-              If your answer to any of the questions in the instruc-   Enter the excess if any, of the amount from Column 
lowed” to banking corporations regardless of the           tions for line 6 is “yes,” fill out a modified pro forma B, line 5, over the amount from Column A, line 5.  
basis on which they are liable for the banking cor-        Form NYC-1 or NYC-1A, taking into account the            If less than zero, enter “0”. 
poration tax.  The credit that is “allowed” is always      modifications required at a and b of the instructions     
calculated as if the taxpayer were liable for the basic    for line 6 above and recalculating your modified         COLUMN A, LINE 7 
tax on entire net income.  The difference between          BCT liability for the basic tax without taking into ac-  Enter the amount from last year’s Form NYC-9.7B, 
the credit that is “allowed” and the credit that may       count your distributive share of income, gain, loss      Schedule C, Column C, line 8.   
be “taken” is eligible to be carried forward for up to     and deductions of, or guaranteed payments from, the       
seven years.  (See instructions for Schedule C).  The      distributing partnership with regard to which you are    COLUMN B, LINE 7 
UBT Paid Credit does not alter the basis upon which        claiming a credit on this form.  Enter on line 7 the     Enter the excess, if any, of the amount from Col-
a taxpayer must pay tax (e.g., on the basis of entire      amount from the modified pro forma Form NYC-1            umn B, line 6, over the amount from Column A, 
net income, alternative entire net income, taxable         or NYC-1A, Schedule A, line 1.  Attach modified          line 6.  If less than zero, enter “0”. 
assets, or fixed minimum tax) even if the credit re-       pro-forma form NYC-1 or NYC-1A.                           
                                                                                                                    COLUMN A, LINE 8 
duces the tax liability below the liability calculated     LINE 9                                                   Enter the amount from last year’s Form NYC-9.7B, 
on another basis.                                          To account for the difference in tax rates between the   Schedule C, Column C, line 1.   
LINE 2                                                     Unincorporated Business Tax and the Banking Corpo-       COLUMN B, LINE 8 
If the distributing partnership has taken credits on       ration Tax, multiply line 8 by a fraction, the numerator Enter the excess, if any, of the amount from Col-
its own Form NYC-204, lines 20 and lines 22a               of which is 4 and the denominator of which is 9.         umn B, line 7, over the amount from Column A, 
through 22e, enter on line 2 the sum of such cred-                                                                  line 7.  If less than zero, enter “0”. 
its but only to the extent that they do not reduce  the    SCHEDULE C                                                
distributing partnership’s unincorporated business                                                                  COLUMN C 
tax below zero.  The amount entered on line 2 may          COLUMN A, LINE 1                                         For each of lines 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, enter the ex-
not exceed the amount on Schedule A, line 19, on           Enter on Column A, line 1 the amount from Sched-         cess, if any, of the amount in Column A, over the 
the distributing partnership’s Form NYC-204.               ule A, line 1a.                                          amount in Column B.  If less than zero, enter “0”.  
                                                                                                                    This is the amount available as a carryforward to 
LINE 4                                                     COLUMN B, LINE 1                                         next year.
Enter here the percentage of total distributive shares     Taxpayers liable for the basic tax enter on Column 
reported for you in column 4 of Schedule C of the          B, line 1 the amount from Schedule A, line 4.  Tax-
distributing partnership’s Form NYC-204.  Attach a         payers liable for the alternative tax enter on Col-

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