PRIOR NET OPERATING LOSS CONVERSION -2.3 (PNOLC) SUBTRACTION You MUST attach this form to Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A for each tax period for which you or any member of the combined group claim a PNOLC subtraction or carry a PNOLC subtraction balance. Name as shown on NYC-2 or NYC-2A: Employer Identification Number *31812091* A. NYC-2A filers: Enter the total number of members in the combined group in the current tax period (see instructions).........................................................A . B. NYC-2A filers: If there have been any changes to the composition of the group of corporations included in this Combined Business Corporation return from the prior tax period, check “YES” and complete schedules Schedule D and/or E on page 2 providing the name, EIN and amount of PNOLC that any corporation which has entered the group brought with them or the name, EIN and amount of PNOLC that any corporation which has left the group has taken with them. ...............................................................B. n YES n NO SCHEDULE A - PNOLC subtraction pool detail and tax period allotment (see instructions) All filers: Complete all information for each tax period. NYC-2A filers: Enter all requested information in each column for each combined member that was in the group for the tax period. (see instructions) ABCDEFGH NYC-2 filers or NYC-2A combined members Base year Tax PNOLC PNOLC Tax period PNOLC Remaining PNOLC Name EIN end date period UNOL subtraction pool subtraction subtraction allotment subtraction pool count allotment % (column E X [column E - (column C column F) X column G)] A B C D E F G H Totals from attached sheet(s)............................................................................................... 1. Totals ........................................................................................................................... SCHEDULE B - Overall limitation on PNOLC subtraction (see instructions) 1. Allocated business income after addback for the current tax period (from Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule B, line 32a or line 32b; if zero or less, enter 0 on line 5) .................................... 1. 2. Multiply line 1 by your appropriate business income base tax rate for the current tax period from Schedule H Determination of Tax Rate in Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A (round the result up to the next highest whole dollar) .......................................................................................................................... 2. 3. Greater of the capital base tax or the minimum tax for the current tax period (from Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule A, line 2 or 3) ....................................................................................... 3. 4. Subtract line 3 from line 2 (if zero or less, enter 0 ) ............................................................................ 4. 5. Maximum amount of the PNOLC subtraction to be deducted in the current tax period (if line 4 is zero, enter 0 ; otherwise divide line 4 by the same business income base tax rate used for line 2) .. 5. 31812091 NYC-2.3 - 2020 |
Form NYC-2.3 - 2020 NAME: ______________________________________ EIN: __________________________________ Page 2 SCHEDULE C - Computation of PNOLC subtraction used and unused amount carried forward (see instructions) 1. Tax period PNOLC subtraction allotment (from Schedule A, line 1, column G) ...........................................1. ________________________________ 2. Unused PNOLC subtraction carried forward from prior tax period (see instructions) ................................. 2. ________________________________ 3. PNOLC subtraction available for use this tax period (add lines 1 and 2) .................................................... 3. ________________________________ 4. PNOLC subtraction used in the current tax period (see instructions).......................................................... 4. ________________________________ 5. Unused PNOLC subtraction to be carried forward to future tax periods (see instructions)......................... 5. ________________________________ 6. Remaining PNOLC subtraction pool (from Schedule A, line 1, column H) ................................................. 6. ________________________________ 7. Unexhausted PNOLC subtraction (add lines 5 and 6) ................................................................................. 7. SCHEDULE D - FORM NYC-2A FILERS ONLY: ENTITIES NOT INCLUDED IN PRIOR COMBINED RETURN Are any entities included in the Combined Business Corporation Tax Return that were not included in the return for the prior period? n YES n NO Complete this schedule for each corporation included in the Combined Business Corporation Tax Return that was not included in the Combined Business Corporation Tax Return for the prior tax period. ABCDEF Name of Employer Identification NOL available at the beginning Beginning date Ending date Amount of PNOLC that entity corporation Number of this tax period of this tax period of this tax period brought with them (mm-dd-yy) (mm-dd-yy) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If additional space is required, please use this format on a separate sheet and attach to this page. SCHEDULE E - FORM NYC-2A FILERS ONLY: ENTITIES NOT INCLUDED IN CURRENT COMBINED RETURN Are any entities excluded from the Combined Business Corporation Tax Return that were included in the return for the prior period? n YES n NO Complete this schedule for each corporation excluded from the Combined Business Corporation Tax Return that was included in the Combined Business Corporation Tax Return for the prior tax period. ABCDEF Name of Employer Identification NOL available at the beginning Beginning date of this Ending date of this Amount of PNOLC that entity corporation Number of this tax period of this tax period of this tax period took with them (mm-dd-yy) (mm-dd-yy) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If additional space is required, please use this format on a separate sheet and attach to this page. *31822091* 31822091 |