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              Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration 
              2022 Specifications for Filing Forms W-2/1099 Electronically 
 General Information 
 There are no changes for the 2022 Magnetic Media Specifications. 
  •   2022 State of Arkansas W-2 information must be submitted on or before January 31st, 2023. 
  •   Mail electronic media to Withholding Tax Section, P. O. Box 8055, Little Rock, AR 72203. 
  •   Employers with 250 or more W-2’s are required to file electronically. 
  •   Accepted media for the transmission of electronic W-2 information will be: 
           Arkansas W-2 submission website,  https://www.ark.org/w2ffv/app/newSubmission.html 
           ATAP users, https://atap.arkansas.gov/ 
 Required Records 
 Arkansas follows the data formats as outlined in the EFW2 formats for submitting W-2 information to the Social 
 Security Administration.  All federal required fields should be submitted along with the state portion of the record 
 designated as the Code RS Record. 
 Required records are: 
  •   Code RA        Submitter Record 
  •   Code RE        Employer Record 
  •   Code RW        Employee Wage Record 
  •   Code RS        State Record 
  •   Code RT        Total Record 
  •   Code RF        Final Record 
  •   Code RCS       Corrected State Record 
 Not Required/Optional records are: 
  •   Code RO        Employee Wage Record 
  •   Code RU        Total Record 
 Not Allowed Record: 
  •   Code RV        State Total Record - Do not submit RV record 

                                    Electronic Media Specifications for submittal 
                                    of State of Arkansas W-2/1099 Information 
                                             Page 1 of 6 
                                                                                          /2020 Revised: 11/08/2022 

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 Data Format 
 • Any file name can be used but end with the file extension .TXT 
 • Data must be recorded in the ASCII-1 character set. 
 • These are fixed length records.   Records must be     exactly 512 characters   long with a delimiter of  a 
   carriage-  return/line  feed  (CR/LF)  immediately  following  character  position  512.      Typically,  this  is 
   accomplished by pressing the “Enter” key at the end of each record (i.e., after position 512). 
 • The ASCII-1 hexadecimal value for the carriage return character is 0D (zero and letter D); the ASCII-1 
   hexadecimal value for the line feed is 0A (zero and letter A).   The ASCII-1 decimal values for the two 
   characters are 13 and 10 respectively. 
 • Do not place a record delimiter before the first record of a file. 
 • Do not place a record delimiter after a field within a record. 
 • Records that are not in this format will be rejected. 
 CODE RS Record - General 
 • The Code RS record as outlined in the EFW-2 formats is required for State of Arkansas W-2 electronic 
   transmission.  Not all fields are required but the submission will not be rejected if these fields have data 
   in them.  If no data is reported in the non-required fields, fill the field with blanks/spaces or zeros when 
   the field is numeric. 
 • Supplemental Data Field 1 (Position number 338 – 412) of the Code RS record is required.  This field 
   should contain the FEIN of the company as reported in the Code RE Record.  Report the number in the 
   first nine places (left justify) and blank fill the rest (9 +66). 
   Do not include hyphens in the FEIN number. 
 • Supplemental Data Field 2 (Position number 413 – 487) of the Code RS record is required.  This field 
   should contain the eleven (11) digit State of Arkansas ID number (ex 12345678whw). Report the account 
   ID in the first eleven places (left justify) and blank fill the rest (9 +66).  Do not include hyphens in the ID 
 CODE RS – Layout 
 • This is a fixed length record.  Even if the State of Arkansas does not require a field, placeholders, (blanks 
   or zeros - depending on the field) must be used in order to fill the 512 length record.  Carriage returns 
   and line feeds must be used (see previous section).  If data is available and it is easier to go ahead and 
   populate the non required fields, do so according to the federal specifications.   The State of Arkansas 
   will not reject the file unless required records are not in the proper format. 

                             Electronic Media Specifications for submittal 
                             of State of Arkansas W-2/1099 Information 
                                          Page 2 of 6 
                                                                                  /2020 Revised: 11/08/2022 

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                FIELD NAME      LENGTH                             SPECIFICATIONS 
 1-2       Record Identifier    2       Constant “RS”              
 3-4       State Code           2       Enter the appropriate postal NUMERIC Code as defined in 
                                        Appendix F of the SSA’s Specifications for Filing Forms W- 
                                        2 Electronically (EFW2). 
                                        (ex: Arkansas is 05) 
 5-9       Taxing Entity Code   5       Fill with blanks.          
 10-18     Social Security      9       Enter the employee’s SSN as shown on the 
           Number (SSN)                 original/replacement SSN card issued by SSA. 
                                        If no SSN is available, enter zeros. 
 19-33     Employee First Name  15      Enter the employee’s first name as shown on the SSN 
                                        Left justify and fill with blanks. 
 34-48     Employee Middle      15      If applicable, enter the employee’s middle name or initial 
           Name or Initial              as shown on the SSN card. 

                                        Left justify and fill with blanks. 

                                        Otherwise, fill with blanks. 
 49-68     Employee Last Name   20      Enter the employee’s last name as shown on the SSN 
                                        Left justify and fill with blanks. 
 69-72     Suffix               4       If applicable, enter the employee’s alphabetic suffix. 
                                        For example: SR, JR 

                                        Left justify and fill with blanks. 

                                        Otherwise, fill with blanks. 
 73-94     Location Address     22      Enter the employee’s location address (Attention, Suite, 
                                        Room Number, etc.). 
                                        Left justify and fill with blanks. 
 95-116    Delivery Address     22      Enter the employee’s delivery address. 
                                        Left justify and fill with blanks. 
 117-138   City                 22      Enter the employee’s city. 
                                        Left justify and fill with blanks. 
 139-140   State Abbreviation   2       Enter the employee’s State or commonwealth/territory. 
                                        Use a postal abbreviation as defined in Appendix F of the 
                                        SSA’s Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically 
                                        For a foreign address, fill with blanks. 
                              Electronic Media Specifications for submittal 
                               of State of Arkansas W-2/1099 Information 
                                       Page 3 of 6 
                                                                                  Revised: 11/08/2022 

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 141-145 ZIP Code            5   Enter the employee’s ZIP code. 
                                 For a foreign address, fill with blanks. 
 146-149 ZIP Code Extension  4   Enter the employee’s four-digit extension of the ZIP code. 
                                 If not applicable, fill with blanks. 
 150-154 Blank               5   Fill with Blanks.  Reserved for SSA use. 
 155-177 Foreign             23  If applicable, enter the employee’s foreign state/province. 
                                 Left justify and fill with blanks. 

                                 Otherwise, fill with blanks. 
 178-192 Foreign Postal Code 15  If applicable, enter the employee’s foreign postal code. 

                                 Left justify and fill with blanks. 

                                 Otherwise, fill with blanks. 
 193-194 Country Code        2   If one of the following applies, fill with blanks: 
                                 •        One of the 50 States of the U.S.A. 
                                 •        District of Columbia 
                                 •        Military Post Office  (MPO) 
                                 •        American Samoa 
                                 •        Guam 
                                 •        Northern Mariana Islands 
                                 •        Puerto Rico 
                                 •        Virgin Islands 
                                 Otherwise, enter the employee’s applicable Country Code 
                                 (see Appendix G of the SSA’s Specifications for Filing 
                                 Forms W-2 Electronically (EFW2). 
 195-196 Optional Code       2   Fill with blanks. 
 197-202 Reporting Period    6   Enter the last month and four-digit year for the calendar 
                                 quarter for which this report applies; e.g., “032021” for 
                                 January Through March of 2021. 
                                 Applies to unemployment reporting. 
 203-213 State Quarterly     11  Right justify and zero fill. 
         Insurance  Total        
         Wages                   Applies to unemployment reporting. 
 214-224 State Quarterly     11  Right justify and zero fill. 
         Insurance Total         
         Taxable Wages           Applies to unemployment reporting. 
 225-226 Number of Weeks     2   Defined by State/local agency. 
                                 Applies to unemployment reporting. 
 227-234 Date First Employed 8   Enter the month, day and four-digit year; e.g., “01312021”. 
                                 Applies to unemployment reporting. 
 235-242 Date of Separation  8   Enter the month, day and four-digit year; e.g., “01312021”. 
                                 Applies to unemployment reporting. 
 243-247 Blank               5   Fill with Blanks.  Reserved for SSA use. 

                             Electronic Media Specifications for submittal 
                             of State of Arkansas W-2/1099 Information 
                                Page 4 of 6 
                                                                           Revised: 11/08/2022 

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 248-267 State Employer       20  Enter the EIN of the company as reported in the Code RE 
         Account Number           Record. 
                                  •        Only numeric characters 
                                  •        Omit hyphens 
                                  Left justify and fill with blanks. 

 268-273 Blank                6   Fill with Blanks.  Reserved for SSA use. 
 274-275 State Code           2   Enter the appropriate postal NUMERIC      Code as defined in 
                                  Appendix F of the SSA’s Specifications for Filing Forms W- 
                                  2 Electronically (EFW2). 

 276-286 State Taxable Wages  11  Right justify and zero fill. 
 287-297 State Income Tax     11  Right justify and zero fill. 
 298-307 Other State Data     10  Fill with blanks. 
 308     Tax Type Code        1   Fill with blanks. 
 309-319 Local Taxable Wages  11  Fill with blanks. 
 320-330 Local Income Tax     11  Fill with blanks. 
 331-337 State Control Number 7   Fill with blanks. 
 338-412 Supplemental Data 1  75  This is a required field. 
                                  Enter the EIN of the company as reported in the Code RE 
                                  •        Only numeric characters 
                                  •        Omit hyphens 
                                  Left justify and fill with blanks. 
 413-487 Supplemental Data 2  75  This is a required field. 
                                  Enter the eleven (11) digit State of Arkansas ID number 
                                  (ex 12345678WHW). 
                                  •        Omit hyphens 
                                  Left justify and fill with blanks. 
 488-512 Blank                25  Fill with Blanks.  Reserved for SSA use. 
                             Electronic Media Specifications for submittal 
                              of State of Arkansas W-2/1099 Information 
                                 Page 5 of 6 
                                                                            Revised: 11/08/2022 

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  • Due date for filing 1099’s electronically is January 31, 2023. 
  • The transmittal form is a photocopy of the Federal Form 1096. 
  • Electronic media will only be accepted by CD and DVD. 
  • Mail electronic media to Withholding Tax Section, P. O. Box 8055, Little Rock, AR 72203. 
  • Arkansas participates in the combined Federal/State 1099 filing program.  Electronic media 
    specifications and layouts are presented in Publication 1220 manual published by the Internal 
    Revenue Service. 
  • All 1099 record types required to be filed with the Internal Revenue Service are required to be filed 
    with the State of Arkansas. 
  • The dollar threshold for filing, provided there is no Arkansas income tax withheld, is  2,500.00.   If 
    Arkansas  taxes  are  withheld,  filing  is  required  regardless  of  the  threshold  amount  or  current 

 State data should be reported in the following fields from the Payee “B” record: 

        Description                                                 Position 
        Special Data Entries                                        663-722 
        Arkansas State Income Tax Withheld                          723-734 
        Combined Federal/State Code (enter the code                 747-748 
        assigned to the state which to receive the 
        information) Refer to Part A, Sec 10, Table 1) 
        These numeric fields should be right justified and zero filled.  Do not include dollar signs, decimal 
        points or commas. 

                                Electronic Media Specifications for submittal 
                                of State of Arkansas W-2/1099 Information 
                                           Page 6 of 6 
                                                                                  Revised: 11/08/2022 

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