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REV-1504 EX+ (10-15)
Instructions for REV-1504 Schedule C
Closely-Held Corporation, Partnership or Sole-Proprietorship
2.List of principal stockholders at the interest. Complete a separate report
GENERAL INFORMATION date of death, number of shares held for each interest in a closely-held
and their relationship to the decedent. corporation and/or partnership held
PURPOSE OF SCHEDULE by a decedent.
3.List of officers, their salaries, bonuses
Use Rev-1504 Schedule C to report all
and any other benefits received from
business interests, including a sole- For sole-proprietorships, a supple-
the corporation. mental schedule is not necessary.
proprietorship held by the decedent.
4.Statement of dividends paid each However, the estate must submit the
year. List those declared and unpaid. following information with the return:
FORM INSTRUCTIONS 5.If the corporation owned real estate, 1.Detailed calculations used in the
ESTATE OF submit a list showing the complete valuation of the decedent’s propri-
Enter the complete name of the estate as address(es) and estimated fair market etorship interest.
shown on the REV-1500, Pennsylvania value(s). If real estate appraisals have 2.Real property owned by the decedent
Inheritance Tax Return. been secured, attach copies. and used by the proprietorship must
6.Complete copies of financial state- be reported on REV-1502, Schedule
FILE NUMBER ments or Federal Corporate Income A. Identify such real property as used
Enter the file number of the estate Tax returns (Form 1120) for the year in the proprietorship.
assigned by the Register of Wills as of death and four preceding years. 3.A breakdown of liquidation distri-
shown on the REV-1500, Pennsylvania 7.Any other information relating to the butions, if the proprietorship was
Inheritance Tax Return. valuation of the decedent’s stock. dissolved or liquidated after the
decedent’s death.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The verification data which must be 4.Complete copies of financial state-
submitted for partnership interests ments or copies of the decedent’s
DESCRIPTION includes: Federal Income Tax returns, including
Report a general description and the 1.Detailed calculations used in the val- REV-1504, Schedule C and support-
value at date of death of the business uation of the decedent’s partnership ing schedules, for the year of death
interest. interest. and four preceding years. If financial
2.Partnership information. statements are unavailable, include
Note.You must submit the appro- abalance sheet as of the date of
priate supplemental schedule 3.If the partnership owned real estate,
(REV-1505, Schedule C-1 or REV-1506, submit a list showing the complete death.
Schedule C-2) and all information relative address(es) and estimated fair market TOTAL
value(s). If real estate appraisals have
to establishing the true value of the Total all items in the Value at Date of
been secured, attach copies.
decedent’s interest. Death column and enter here. Enter this
4.Complete copies of financial state- value on Line 3, Page 2 of the REV-1500.
The verification data which must be ments or Federal Partnership Income
submitted for closely-held corporate Tax returns (Form 1065) for the year Caution.All jointly owned business
stock interests include: of death and four preceding years. interests with the right of survivor-
1.Detailed calculations used in the 5.Any other information relating to the ship must be reported on REV-1509,
valuation of the decedent’s stock. valuation of the decedent’s partnership Schedule F.
www.revenue.pa.gov REV-1504 1