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Instructions for REV-1507 Schedule D
REV-1507 EX (02-15) Mortgages and Notes Receivable
Note.This is an asset of the
PURPOSE OF SCHEDULEDESCRIPTION the person receiving the payments.
Use Rev-1507 Schedule D to report allWhen reporting the mortgages includeVALUE AT DATE OF DEATH
mortgages and notes receivable owed tothe face value and unpaid balance, dateThe taxable amount is the unpaid
the decedent. of mortgage, date of maturity, name ofbalance on the date of death.
maker, property mortgaged, mortgage
book reference, schedule of payments,TOTAL
interest dates and rate of interest.Total all items in the Value of Date of
ESTATE OF Death column and enter value here.
When reporting the note receivableEnter this value on Line 4, Page 2 of the
Enter the complete name of the estate asinclude the face value and unpaid REV 1500.
shown on the REV-1500, Pennsylvaniabalance, date of note, date of maturity,
Inheritance Tax Return.name of obligor, schedule of payments,
FILE NUMBER interest dates and rate of interest.
Enter the file number of the estate
assigned by the Register of Wills as
shown on the REV-1500, Pennsylvania
Inheritance Tax Return.
www.revenue.pa.gov REV-15071