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Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
Instructions for REV-1509
rEv-1509 In (EX+) 03-19 schedule F – Jointyl Ow edn P oper tyr
GENERAL INFORMATION When reporting the assets indicate the date the asset was
PURPOSE OF SCHEDULE placed into joint ownership, the exact balance or market
Use REV-1509 Schedule F to report all property in which value at date of death, and the value of the taxable interest.
the decedent held an interest as joint tenants with right of
survivorship. Each description must show the exact registration of the
asset and the appropriate letter, A. B. C. etc., to indicate the
name, address, and relationship of each of the surviving
joint tenants to the decedent.
Enter the complete name of the estate as shown on the If the jointly held asset is a rollover from a previously jointly
REV-1500, Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax Return. held account, that information should be reported, including
date originally issued and the date the rollover occurred.
Enter the file number of the estate assigned by the Register IMPORTANT: If the surviving joint owner of any asset
of Wills as shown on the REV-1500, Pennsylvania has received a separate assessment notice from the
Inheritance Tax Return. department and paid the tax due on a specific joint asset,
the value of that asset should not be included in the total for
this schedule.
SURVIVING JOINT TENANT(S) INFORMATION An estate representative may request that the department
Enter the surviving joint tenant’s name, address and rela- issue a separate tax notice for tax due on jointly owned
tionship to decedent. assets directly to the surviving owner by filling in the oval
JOINTLY OWNED PROPERTY below Line 6 of the REV-1500. All information requested on
Enter the letter corresponding with the joint tenant, last 4 REV-1509, Schedule F must be completed, including the
digits of bank account #, date asset was made joint, surviving joint owner’s address, in order for the department
description of property, date of death value, percentage of to issue a notice. This option should only be used when the
decedent’s interest and the value of decedent’s interest. estate representative does not wish to pay the tax on the
jointly-owned assets from estate funds and if the dece-
If applicable, enter the last four digits of the bank account dent’s will does not have a stipulation stating that all taxes
number or similar identifying number for the account being from whatever conveyance shall be paid out of the probate
reported. estate.
Report all property of whatever kind or character, whether Total all items in the Value at Date of Death column and
real estate is situated in the Commonwealth of enter value here. Enter this value on Line 6, Page 2 of the
Pennsylvania or personal property in which the decedent REV-1500.
held an interest as a joint tenant with a right of survivorship.
CAUTION: Assets made joint within one year of
NOTE: Assets held jointly with right of survivorship death are reported on REV-1510, Schedule G.
between spouses are not reportable for inheritance
tax purposes. Do not report a retained life interest on this schedule.
www.revenue.pa.gov REV-15091