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Instructions for REV-1512 Schedule I
REV-1512 EX (02-15) Debts of Decedent, Mortgage Liabilities & Liens
as those filed while the decedent isunpaid at the time of death, are not de-
GENERAL INFORMATIONunder bankruptcy. ductible if they will be paid, or the estate
PURPOSE OF SCHEDULEIMPORTANT:When a tax is im-will be reimbursed for their payment,
Use REV-1512 Schedule I to report allposed upon a transfer of jointlyfrom other sources such as medical
valid debts of the decedent owed atowned property by right of survivorshipinsurance. Include only expenses,
the time of death. (see REV-1509, Schedule F) or a which will not be paid or reimbursed by
taxable inter-vivos transfer (see medical insurance.
REV-1510, Schedule G), the deduc-
FORM INSTRUCTIONStions will be allowed to the transfereeDebts incurred by the decedent prior to
only to the extent that the transfereedeath with respect to real property held
Estate of has actually paid the deductible itemsin the decedent's name alone, such as
Enter the complete name of the estateand either the transferee was obligatedmortgages, repairs, and utilities, are al-
as shown on REV-1500, Pennsylvaniato pay the deductible items or the estatelowed. However, when the decedent
Inheritance Tax Return.subject to administration by a personalheld title jointly with another or others,
File Number representative is insufficient to pay thewith rights of survivorship, or as a
Enter the file number of the estate as-deductible items. The transferee musttenant-in-common, debts incurred prior
signed by the Register of Wills asshow that the same debts are not alsoto the decedent's death are only al-
shown on REV-1500, Pennsylvania In-claimed by an executor, administrator,lowed to the same extent as the dece-
heritance Tax Return. or other personal representative han-
dent's fractional interest in the real
dling the administration of the dece-
property. Proof of mortgage liabilities
dent’s estate.
must always be provided. If the dece-
Examples of obligations which shoulddent transferred title to real property
Description be itemized on REV-1512, Schedule Iwithin one year prior to the date of
Unless otherwise noted, debts of theinclude property taxes due and owingdeath, deductions will be limited to
decedent including mortgages and liensprior to decedent’s death, securedthose for which the decedent was actu-
on real estate are deductible regardlessloans, liabilities and claims based
ally liable at the date of death.
of whether or not assets comprising theon a promise or agreement, provided
taxable estate are employed in the pay-that the liability was contracted Total
ment or discharge of the deductiblebona fide and for an adequate and fullTotal all items in the Value at Date
items. However, uncollectible liens are of Death column and enter value here.
not allowable as a debt of the decedent.Expenses incurred in treating the Enter this value on Line 10, Page 2
These would include invalid liens such decedent’s last illness, which are of REV-1500.
www.revenue.pa.gov REV-15121