Enlarge image | of PENNSYLVANIA UNEMPLOYEMENT COMPENSATION CORRECTION REPORT (To Amend Quarterly UC-2/2A Tax Reports) (A separate form must be submitted for each quarter) 1. EMPLOYER ACCOUNT NUMBER 3. QUARTER/YEAR (A separate form must be submitted for each quarter) - - R or M CHECK DIGIT 1, 2, 3 or 4 4. Reason For Correction (Check all that apply): 2. Employer Name and Address: Incorrect Gross Wages. *Please explain: Exempt Wages Reported in Error. *Please explain: Incorrect Employee Withholding Rate Used Calculation Error. Please explain: List Rate Used Incorrect Taxable Wages. Please explain: Other Error. Please explain: Incorrect Employer Contribution Rate Used *PROVIDE INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE CORRECTION List Rate Used FORM (UC-2AX). IF NECESSARY. Wages Reported to wrong State* PLEASE CHECK IF EMPLOYEE WAE DETAIL WAS CORRECTED ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA 5. Was the employee withholding correctly withheld? Yes No Not applicable (Please see instructions on reverse side.) TAX RATE AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY CORRECT AMOUNT DIFFERENCE (OVER) UNDER REPORTED 6. GROSS WAGES 7. EMPLOYEE WITHHOLDING 8. TAXABLE WAGES 9. EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION 10. TOTAL (REFUND/CREDIT) OR TAX DUE (ADD LINES 7 AND 9) IN THE DIFFERENCE COLUMN REFUNDS/CREDITS SHOULD BE IN PARENTHESE ( ) 11. Please check one: Refund Credit Not applicable (Please see instructions on reverse side.) 11. Employer Certification: I certify that the information on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. No part of the amount of employer contributions reported on taxable wages was deducted or is to be deducted from the employees’ wages. SIGNATURE OF OWNER, PARTNER, RESPONSIBLE OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT TITLE DATE PHONE NUMBER PLANT NUMBER ........................................................... DEPARTMENT USE ONLY (DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE) ...................................................... CORRECTION REPORT JOURNAL VOUCHER BASIC CONTRIBUTION INTEREST PENALTY A SY MO YR QTR YR (K) WAGES RATE DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT 4 TOTALS COMMENTS: TOTAL REMITTANCE Rate Verificaion Certification: Date Contribution Received Date Report Received B.I. Audit Needed Yes No N/A Benefit Charges Yes No N/A FSD CERTIFICATION/DATE TAX AGENT DATE TAX TECHNICIAN DATE OTHER REQUIRED SIGNATURE DATE Year No Charge Rate Revised From to Year No Charge Rate Revised From to UC-2AX REV 09-23 (Page 1) COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY OFFICE OF UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION TAX SERVICES |
Enlarge image | INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF FORMS UC-2X AND UC-2AX Purpose of Forms Questions Use Form UC-2X to make changes to Gross and/or Taxable wages Questions regarding the processing of your correction form(s) (increase or decrease) from those wages reported on the original should be referred to the Employer Tax Services, PA FoRMUC-2. Monday through Friday :30 a.m. to 4: 0 p.m. Eastern Time at 7 0 866-403-6163. Use Form UC-2AX to correct wage records or credit weeks from that reported on the original PA Form UC-2A. This Photocopying includes correcting Social Security Numbers (SSN) or credit The Forms UC-2X and UC-2AX may be photocopied. weeks previously reported; adding SSN’s or credit weeks not previously reported to our agency; adding or increasing Quarters wages or credit weeks previously reported in correctly; or Quarter One-January, February, March (due April 30) deleting or decreasing wages or credit weeks previ ously Quarter Two-April, May, June (due July 31) reported incorrectly. Quarter Three-July, August, September (due October 31) Quarter Four-October, November, December (due January 31) If you are changing Gross and/or Taxable wages and individual employee wages or credit weeks, you will be required to submit Adjusting Wage Information Electronically both Forms UC-2X and UC-2AX. For information on adjusting wage information online or by file upload, call the Employer Tax Services at 866-403-6163. Where to File Send completed forms to the PA Department of Labor & SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR UC-2X Industry, Office of Unemployment Compensation Tax Services, 1. Enter your PA Unemployment Compensation account number. PO Box 68568, Harrisburg, PA 17106-8568. (Only complete the shaded box if you are “R”- reimbursable or “M”- municipality.) Overpayment Corrections 2. Complete your business name and address. Refund requests may not always result in the refund of the 3. Complete the quarter and year using four digits. A separate exact amount of your calculation. Offsets of the refund form must be submitted for each quarter being corrected request will be processed and the net check will be sent to 4. Check the appropriate box to indicate the reason for the you with an explanation for the reduction or increase in the adjustment. refund amount requested. Examples where this offset may 5. Check the appropriate box to indicate the correct employee happen are: contribution amount was calculated and withheld from your employees on the original report (employee withholding 1. Taxable wage reductions along with reduction in the rate times gross wages). This applies only on a request for contributions paid cause an increase in rates subsequent refund or credit of employee withholding. IF ANY to year of adjustment. PORTION OF THE OVERPAYMENT IS DUE TO EXCESSIVE 2. Correction of exempt employment previously reported EMPLOYEE WITH HOLDING, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY where these indivictuals were paid UC benefits because of TO DISTRIBUTE TO THE EMPLOYEES THE APPLICABLE this reported employment. AMOUNT ERRONEOUSLY WITHHELD. 3. A calculation error was made in the requested refund 6. Enter the amount of gross wages previously reported, the amount. corr ected amount and the net difference between the two 4. You owe contribution, interest, penalty and/or court costs columns. on your account or have past due unfiled quarterly reports 7. In the tax rate column, enter the employee withholding in another quarter. rate applicable for the year of adjustment. Enter the amount of employee withholding previously reported, Underpayment Corrections the correct amount and the net difference between For any corrections made by you that result in additional tax due, the two columns. our agency must have a check attached for the additional 8. Enter the amount of taxable wages previously reported, contribution due (unless an overpayment was also made). the corrected amount and the net difference between Do not include any penalty or interest that may be due. We the two columns. will bill you for these amounts due, if any. Make all checks 9. In the tax rate column, enter your contribution rate for the payable to the PA UC Fund. year of adjustment. Enter the amount previously reported, the corrected amount and the net difference between the Statute of Limitations on Refunds two columns. The PA UC Tax Law specifies certain limitations on refunds. 10. Enter in the difference column, the total (refund) or tax In general, your request for refund must be submitted due by adding lines 7 and 9. within four (4) years from the date the original tax report 11. Check appropriate box. Refunds will be sent to the address was due. of record when approved. Credits will be applied to your next quart erly report. Documentation Requirements 12. Complete employer certification by signing, and entering You may be contacted for documentation depending on the title, date and phone number. reason for the adjustments. For this reason, we ask that your form be complete and accurate and that you include a phone NOTE: Billing errors may occur due to credits not being posted number in the event we must contact you. at the time the report is filed. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Equal Opportunity Employer/Program UC-2AX REV 09-23 (Page 2) |