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                                 (EX+) MOD 03-19 (FI)
                   REV-1510                                             SCHEDULE G 
                   BurEau OF InDIvIDual TaXEs               INTER-VIVOS TRANSFERS AND 
                   PO BOX 280601 
                   HarrIsBurg Pa  17128-0601              MISC. NON-PROBATE PROPERTY
START  ESTATE OF:                                                                                                      FILE NUMBER:
      ITEM LAST 4 DIGITS                 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY                             DATE OF DEATH % OF        EXCLUSION     TAXABLE 

                                                                    TOTAL (Also enter on Line 7, Recapitulation)    $                0.00
                                          If more space is needed, use an additional Schedule G.

                             1510019105                                                                    1510019105

 Reset Entire Form                                                                                         Return to top of page.    PRINT FORM

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                                                                Pennsylvania Department of Revenue 

                                                                Instructions for REV-1510 
rEv-1510 In (EX+) 03-19  schedule g Inter-vivo sTrans rsfe an                    d Misc. non-Pr    obate Property

            GENERAL INFORMATION                                       TRANSFERS SUBJECT TO TAX

PURPOSE OF SCHEDULE                                             IRAs, ANNUITIES AND PENSION PLANS 
Use REV-1510, Schedule G to report all transfers made by        IRAs are fully taxable if the decedent was 59½ years of age 
decedent during life, by trust or otherwise, to the extent that or older or considered disabled at any age. 
they were made without valuable and adequate considera-
tion in money or money’s worth at the time of the transfer.     If the decedent was younger than 59½ years of age, the 
                                                                IRA is taxable only if he or she was disabled and not sub-
            FORM INSTRUCTIONSject to the 10 percent penalty imposed by the IRS for a pre-
                                                                mature withdrawal. 
Enter the complete name of the estate as shown on the           Annuities are fully taxable. 
REV-1500, Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax Return.                  Employer-sponsored retirement and/or pension plans are 
FILE NUMBER                                                     exempt from tax if the decedent, during his lifetime, did not 
Enter the file number of the estate assigned by the Register    have the right to possess, enjoy, assign or anticipate the 
of Wills as shown on the REV-1500, Pennsylvania                 payments made. A pension plan where the decedent’s only 
Inheritance Tax Return.                                         rights were to designate a beneficiary and receive a regular 
                                                                monthly payment are not subject to tax. 
            GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS                                IMPORTANT:When a retirement and/or pension 
                                                                plan is reported as being exempt, a copy of the plan 
LAST FOUR DIGITS OF ACCOUNT ID                                  summary is required. 
Enter the last four digits of the account number or similar 
identifying number of the property being reported.              JOINT TENANCY 
                                                                Any assets made joint with another person within one year 
                                                                of death are fully taxable. The transferee may claim a 
Report the name of the transferee, transferee's relationship 
                                                                $3,000 exclusion. 
to the decedent and the date of the transfer. 
                                                                RETAINED REVERSIONARY INTEREST 
Supply a copy of the deed for real estate. 
                                                                Transfers where the decedent reserved the right to regain 
DATE OF DEATH VALUE                                             or reassert control of the asset are taxable if the reversion-
Transfers should be valued as of the date of death and not      ary interest exceeds 5 percent of the value of the trans-
the date of transfer. Include all transfers in the gross estate ferred property. 
on this schedule. 
                                                                LIFE ESTATE 
% OF DECEDENT’S INTEREST                                        Transfers in which the decedent reserved a life interest are 
Report the percent of the decedent’s interest that is subject   fully taxable. This includes transfers where the decedent 
to tax.                                                         expressly or impliedly reserved for life or any period which 
EXCLUSION                                                       does not, in fact, end before death, the income or enjoy-
Transfers made within one year of death are eligible for a      ment of the property. 
$3,000 exclusion to the extent they exceed $3,000 in value. A   For example, a reservation of a life interest includes the 
$3,000 exclusion may be taken per transferee, per calendar      right to use or occupy the property or receive rents. 
year.                                                           Continued occupancy without the payment of rent would 
For example, if the decedent transferred $10,000 within         subject the property to tax. 
one year of death, $7,000 would be subject to tax.              PROMISES BY TRANSFEREE 
TAXABLE VALUE                                                   Transfers in which the transferee promises to make pay-
Enter the taxable amount of the decedent’s interest less        ments to or care for the transferor during the remainder of 
any exclusion if applicable. This is the amount subject to      the transferor’s life may be subject to tax. 
                                                                REVOCABLE AND TENTATIVE TRUSTS 
TOTAL                                                           Trusts include transfers under which the decedent had the 
Total all items in the Taxable Value column and enter value     power to alter, amend, or revoke the interest of the benefi-
here. Enter this value on Line 7, Page 2 of the REV-1500.ciary, e.g. In trust for (ITF) accounts.
www.revenue.pa.gov                                                                                           REV-15101
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  IMPORTANT: When a trust is reported, a copy of the      Schedule G must be completed and the address of the 
  instrument creating the trust is required as well as a  transferee included. This option should be used only when 
valuation of the assets contained in the trust.           there is no tax clause requiring the estate to pay the tax. 
An estate representative may request separate billing for IMPORTANT: Life insurance proceeds on the life of 
non-probate assets. All information on REV-1510,          the decedent are not subject to inheritance tax.

2 REV-1510                                                           www.revenue.pa.gov
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