PA P-S KOZ (12-15) START FEIN 9 DIGIT - NO DASH Ü 20___ SCHEDULE P-S KOZ REVENUE ID (PA S CORP) COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE CALCULATION OF PA KEYSTONE OPPORTUNITY ZONE (KOZ) AND STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT AREA (SDA)- EXEMPT INCOME FOR PARTNERS AND SHAREHOLDERS Partnership/PA S Corporation Name KOZ EXEMPTION OF INCOME CALCULATION SDA EXEMPTION OF INCOME CALCULATION NOTE: Check the appropriate box for the type of income exemption. The SDA-exempt income calculation is the same as the KOZ-exempt income calculation unless otherwise indicated in the instructions. An SDA entity should substitute SDA whenever/wherever KOZ is referenced in these instructions for the calculation of its exempt income, unless separate SDA instructions are included. Additionally, all references to Keystone Opportunity Zones (KOZ) in this document encompass and are synonymous with Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zones (KOEZ), Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zones (KOIZ) and Additional Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zones (AKOEZ). Unlessotherwise noted in these instructions, all singular references to KOZ include KOEZ, KOIZ and AKOEZ. The KOZ income exemption also encompasses the extension of the expiration dates for unused parcels within each of the previously mentioned zones as well as the expansion and/or addition of Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zones as per Act 16 of 2012. Generally, partners and shareholders do not claim exemptions for theexempt income in each PA class of income. Subtract Column B from partnership’s or PA S corporation’s KOZ source income on individualColumn A for each line and enter the amounts in Column C. income tax returns. Exceptions may apply if a partner or shareholder is a resident of a KOZ, in which case the individual should call 717-787-1064For Column D, carry over the amounts from Column C that are taxable to inquire about Schedule KOZ Supplemental Instructions. The partnershipto PA resident owners. For Column E, carry over the amounts from or PA S corporation (entity) must use Schedule P-S KOZ to calculateColumn C that are taxable to nonresident owners. KOZ-exempt income. The entity then excludes each partner or share-Attach the completed PA Schedule P-S KOZ (with supporting worksheets) holder’s (owner’s) share of the KOZ-exempt income from the incometo the entity’s PA 20-S/PA-65 Information Return. reported on each owner’s PA Schedule RK-1 or NRK-1. IMPORTANT:If the entity does not have nonresident owners, comple- Enter the classified income from the PA-20S/PA-65 information return intion of Lines 2, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 15 is not required, nor are Column A. Enter the KOZ-exempt income in Column B. Use thecorrespondingappropriateworksheets. instructions and worksheets on the following pages to determine KOZ- Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E PA-ReportableKOZ/SDA-PA-Taxable IncomePA Resident OwnerPA Nonresident Owner Income Exempt Income(Col. A – Col. B)Taxable IncomeTaxable Income Line 1– Total Adjusted Business Income or Loss from the Operation of a Business, Profession or Farm Line 2– Total Adjusted/Apportioned Net Operating Income or Loss Line 3– PA Taxable Interest Income Line 4– PA Taxable Dividend Income Line 5 – Net Gain or Loss from the Sale, Exchange or Disposition of Property Line 6 – Allocable Net Gain or Loss from the Sale, Exchange or Disposition of Tangible Personal or Real Property Line 7 – Net Income or Loss from Rents, Royalties, Patents and Copyrights Line 8– Allocable Net Income from Rents, Royalties, Patents and Copyrights in PA Line 9– Estate or Trust Income Line 10– Allocable Estate or Trust Income Line 11– Gambling and Lottery Winnings Line 12– Allocable Gambling and Lottery Winnings Line 13– Guaranteed Payments for Capital or Other Services Line 14– All Other Guaranteed Payments for Services Rendered (Resident Partners) Line 15– Allocable All Other Guaranteed Payments for Services Rendered (Nonresident Partners) Line 16 – Distributions of Cash, Marketable Securities and Property DO NOT ENTER AMOUNTS IN SHADED AREAS. Reset Entire Form NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM 1 |
COLUMN A INSTRUCTIONS Line 1. Total Adjusted Business Income or Loss from theA. Operation Wholly Inside a KOZ. If the operation of a qualified Operation of a Business, Profession–orEnterFarm business is wholly inside the KOZ, the entity allocates its net the amount from Line 1e on Form PA-20S/PA-65.profit or loss exclusively to the KOZ. The operation of a business Line 2.Total Adjusted/Apportioned Net Operating Incomeis wholly inside the KOZ if during the entire taxable year: or Loss– Enter the amount from Line 2h on Form 1. The entity or its representative maintained or operated PA-20S/PA-65. inside the KOZ an office, shop, store, warehouse, factory, Line 3. PA Taxable Interest Income – Enter the amount fromagency or commercial establishment where it systematically Line 3 on Form PA-20S/PA-65. and regularly conducted or managed such business; and Line 4. PA Taxable Dividend– EnterIncomethe amount from2. The entity or its representative did not maintain or operate Line 4 on Form PA-20S/PA-65. outside the KOZ any office, shop, store, warehouse, factory, agency or commercial establishment where it systematically Line 5.Net Gain or Loss from the Sale, Exchange orand regularly conducted or managed such business. The Disposition of Property – Add the amounts from Lines 5aentity or its representative also did not: employ individuals and 5b on Form PA-20S/PA-65 and enter the total here.who solicited sales outside the KOZ; make installations of Line 6. Allocable Net Gain or Loss from the Sale, Exchangeor repairs to the products sold outside the KOZ; repair, or Disposition of Tangible Personal or Real Propertyimprove or service real or personal property of the cus- – Enter the amount from Part I, Line 18 on PA-20S/PA-65tomer at a location outside the KOZ; or provide services to Schedule DI. a customer or client when the income-producing activity Line 7. Net Income or Loss from Rents, Royalties, Patentswas performed outside the KOZ. and Copyrights – Add the amounts from Lines 6a and 6bFor a qualified business wholly operated inside a KOZ that on Form PA-20S/PA-65 and enter the total here.has no taxable income from other entities (Line 1b of Form Line 8.Allocable Net Income from Rents, Royalties,PA-20S/PA-65 is blank), all of the PA-reportable business Patents and Copyrights in PA – Enter the amountincome is KOZ-exempt income. Enter the amount from from Line 6b on Form PA-20S/PA-65.Column A, Line 1 in Column B, Line 1. The entity must also Line 9. Estate or Trust Income – Add the amounts from Linescomplete Worksheet 1 to calculate the exempt business 7a and 7b on Form PA-20S/PA-65 and enter the total here.income under KOZ law. Line 10. Allocable Estate and Trust–IncomeEnter the amount If the entity receives business income from other entities, do from Line 7b on Form PA-20S/PA-65.not include the income from other entities in the amount shown Line 11. Gambling and Lottery Winnings– Add the amounts in Column B, Line 1. In such cases, a partnership enters in Col- from Lines 8a and 8b on Form PA-20S/PA-65 and enter theumn B, Line 1 the amount from Line 1a of Form PA-20S/PA-65, total here. and a PA S corporation enters in Column B, Line 1 the amount from Line 1e of Form PA-20S/PA-65, less the amount from Line Line 12. Allocable Gambling and Lottery Winnings– Enter the 1b of Form PA-20S/PA-65. amount from Line 8b on Form PA-20S/PA-65. Line 13.Guaranteed Payments for Capital or Other– ServicesB. Operation Wholly Outside a. IfKOZthe operation of the Enter the amount from Line 16 of PA-20S/ is wholly outside a KOZ, the entity cannot allocate or apportion to the KOZ any item of revenue, loss, cost or expense Line 14.All Other Guaranteed Payments for Servicesit derives or incurs. The operation of a business is wholly out- Rendered(Resident Partners) – Enter the amount fromside a KOZ if during the taxable year the entity is not a qualified Line 17 of PA-20S/PA-65. business, because it does not own or lease an office, shop, Line 15.Allocable All Other Guaranteed Payments forstore, warehouse, factory, agency or commercial establishment Services Rendered (Nonresident Partners)– Enter the within the geographical boundaries of a KOZ. In this situation, total amount of the nonresident partners guaranteed pay-do not enter any amount in Column B, Line 1. ments included in Line 17 of the PA-20S/PA-65. C. Operation Partly Inside a KOZ. An entity that operates a Line 16.Distributions of Cash, Marketable Securities andqualified business, profession or farm neither wholly inside nor Property – Enter the amount from Line 15 or 20 on Formoutside a KOZ is defined as partly inside a KOZ. The entity must PA-20S/PA-65 for partnership and S corporations,then determine if the business income is derived only from respectively. sources within PA or derived from sources inside and outside PA. Follow the instructions for determining the sources of income: COLUMN B INSTRUCTIONS Line 1. Total Adjusted Business Income or Loss from the1. Business Income Derived only from Sources Inside Operation of a Business, Profession or– DetermineFarm the PA. An entity must complete Worksheet 1 to determine amount of income exempt from taxation. If an entity realizes a netthe exempt portion of business income under KOZ law. loss, do not calculate KOZ-exempt income. Enter a zero in Column B,Worksheet 1 uses the apportionment method for deter- Line 1. If the entity has no guaranteed payments reportable inmining the exempt business income. Use the instructions Column A, Lines 14 and 15, proceed to the instructions for Column B,for the accompanying Worksheet 1 to calculate the exempt Line 2. Partnerships with guaranteed payments may be required tonet profits under the KOZ law. complete Worksheet 1. See the instructions for Column B, Lines2.14Business Income Derived from Sources Both Inside and 15, for additional information. and Outside PA. An entity receiving income from sources Also determine if the entity operates wholly within a KOZ, whollyinside and outside PA must complete PA-20S/PA-65 outside a KOZ or partly within a KOZ. In addition, determine if theSchedule H to apportion its income to PA before determining entity’s business income is derived only from sources inside PA orthe amount of business income derived from sources from sources inside and outside PA. If the entity owned and operatedA-sourceinside PA. Useincomethe apportionedfromP a qualified business profession or farm inside a KOZ, you must applyPA-20S/PA-65 Schedule H in conjunction with Worksheet 1 the rules under sections A, B or C below to determine the portionto determine the exempt portion of the business income of the business operation inside the KOZ and to calculate theunder KOZ law. Enter the income amount from Line 7 of KOZ-exempt income. PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule H on Line 6 of Worksheet 1. 2 RETURN TO PAGE ONE NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM |
COLUMN B INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Use the instructions for the accompanying Worksheet 1 tocontrolled is not in any location in which some part of the calculate the exempt net profits under the KOZ law.service is performed but the person’s residence is inside Include PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule H along with the PA the KOZ. Schedule P-S KOZ. Divide the amount in Box ii by the amount in Box i and enter the NOTE: Separate accounting may only be used upon writtenresult in Box iii. Calculate the factor to six decimal places. request to and approval by the PA Department of Revenue. Line 3. Sales Factor. Line instructions for Worksheet 1NOTE:As a result of Act 79 of 2008, the sales factor is not required Line 1. Property Factor. The property factor is a fraction deter-to be calculated for KOZ, KOEZ, KIZ or AKOEZ entities for tax years mined by dividing the average historical cost of property locatedbeginning after Dec. 31, 2008. Worksheet 1, Line 3 should be left inside the KOZ by the average historical cost of property locatedblank for all such entities. Amended returns for tax years ending on inside all of PA. In Box i, enter the average value of the entity’s realor before Dec. 31, 2008, must include this factor. The sales factor and tangible personal property owned or rented by and used in PAmust be calculated for SDA entities only. during the tax period. In Box ii, enter the average value of the entity’s real and tangible personal property owned or rented by and usedThe sales factor is a fraction determined by dividing the amount of inside the KOZ during the tax period. Rental property is valued bysales inside the SDA by the amount of sales in all of PA. Enter in multiplying the gross rents paid during the taxable year by 8. DivideBox i, the total sales of the entity in PA during the tax period. Enter the amount in Box ii by the amount in Box i and enter the result inin Box ii, the total sales of the entity inside the SDA during the tax Box iii. Calculate the factor to six decimal places.period. Sales inside an SDA include sales of tangible personal prop- Line 2. Payroll Factor. The payroll factor is a fraction determinederty and other property if: by dividing the amount of payroll inside the KOZ by the amounta.Theof sales of tangible personal property are delivered to a payroll in all of PA. In Box i, enter the total compensation paid inpurchaser inside the SDA regardless of the F.O.B. point or other PA during the tax period by the entity. In Box ii, enter the totalconditions of sale; compensation paid in the KOZ during the tax period by the entity.b.The sales of property other than sales of tangible personal Compensation is paid in a KOZ if: property are from an income-producing activity performed a. The person’s service is performed entirely inside theinsideKOZ;the SDA; or b. The person’s service is performed inside and outsidec.Thethesales of property other than sales of tangible personal KOZ but the service performed outside the KOZ is incidentalproperty are from an income-producing activity performed to the service inside the KOZ; inside and outside the SDA and a greater proportion of the c. Some of the service is performed inside the KOZ and theincome-producing activity is performed inside the SDA than in base of operations or, if there is no base of operations, theany other location, based upon costs of performance. place from which the service is directed or controlled is inside the KOZ; or Divide the amount in Box ii by the amount in Box i and enter the result in Box iii. Calculate the factor to six decimal places. d. Some of the service is performed inside the KOZ and the base of operations from which service is directedLinesor4, 5, 6 andSee7. the instructions on Worksheet 1. WORKSHEET 1 (for Column B, Line 1) QUALIFIED BUSINESS, PROFESSION OR FARM Factors i ii iii Inside PennsylvaniaInside KOZ/SDAApportionment Factors (ii divided by i) 1. Enter the average value of real and tangible personal property. . 2. Enter the amount of wages, salaries and compensation paid. . 3. Enter the amount of sales. (SDA only) . 4. TOTAL - Add the decimals from 1, 2 and 3 in Box iii. . 5. Apportionment Factor - Divide Line 4 by 3 if all three factors apply; by 2 if only two factors apply; or by 1 if only one factor applies. Express in a decimal. . 6. For partnerships, enter net profits from Line 1a of PA-20S/PA-65 or Line 7 of PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule H (if required to apportion to PA). For PA S corporations, enter net profits from Line 1e of PA-20S/PA-65 less Line 1b of PA-20S/PA-65, or Line 7 of PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule H less Line 1b of PA-20S/PA-65 (if required to apportion to PA). 7. Exempt KOZ/SDA Business Income. Multiply Line 6 by Line 5. Enter this amount on Column B, Line 1 of this schedule. Line 2. Apportioned Net Qualified Business Income. orLineLoss3. PA Taxable Interest Income. Under the provisions of KOZ Determine income attributable to PA sources and exempt from tax-law, interest is exempt for PA personal income tax only if received ation. If the entity realized a net loss in Column A, Line 1, andby a resident of a KOZ. Do not enter any amount in Column B, Line Column A, Line 2, or if the entity has no nonresident owners, the3. The KOZ resident owner claims an exemption for this income upon entity does not need to calculate KOZ-exempt income from PAfiling a PA individual income tax return (PA-40 KOZ). sources and may enter zeros on Line 2 for Columns B, C and E. If the entity realized a net profit, enter the amount from Column B,Line 4. PA Taxable Dividend Income. Under the provisions of KOZ Line 1 of this schedule in Column B, Line, dividends are exempt from PA personal income tax only if received by a resident of a KOZ. Do not enter any amount in Column B,Line 4. NOTE: Separate accounting may only be used upon written requestThe KOZ resident owner claims an exemption for this income upon to and approval by the PA Department of Revenue.filing a PA individual income tax return (PA-40 KOZ). Reset Entire Form RETURN TO PAGE ONE NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM 3 |
COLUMN B INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Line 5. Net Gain or Loss from the Sale, Exchange or Dispositionof the date of ownership or eligibility. If an entity makes a sale, of Property. An entity must determine if the property sold, exchangedexchange or disposition of such property that straddles a KOZ, or disposed of was tangible personal property, real property or intangibleinclude a statement showing the method that reasonably and accu- property. Generally, an entity may only exempt income from the sale ofrately reflects the value of the property inside and outside the KOZ tangible personal or real property. However, owners who are residentsand provides the amount of gain or loss attributable to the property of a KOZ may also exempt the income from the sale of intangibleinside and outside the KOZ. If the entity reported a gain in Column B, property. See the rules relating to intangible property below forLine 5, Worksheet 2 must be completed for each sale of tangible additional information regarding exemption of gains from intangiblepersonal or real KOZ property. property. If an entity realized a net loss in Column A, Line 5, do not calculate KOZ-exempt income. Enter a zero in Column B, Line 5, andIntangible Personal Property. Under the provisions of the KOZ proceed to the instructions for Column B, Line 6. If the entity realizedlaw, only residents of a KOZ are entitled to claim exemptions a net gain, see the following rules relating to tangible personal oragainst net gains (less net losses) from the sale, exchange or real property and intangible property to determine what portion ofdisposition of intangible property. Do not exclude gain or loss for the net gains reported during the tax period may be exempted:this income item when reporting each owner’s share of income on Tangible Personal or Real Property. Net gains from the sale,Form PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule RK-1. Each owner who satisfies the exchange or disposition of tangible personal or real property ownedresidency requirements under the KOZ law will be able to claim the by the entity must be physically located inside a KOZ to be exemptexemption for this income upon filing of a PA individual income tax under KOZ law. Whenever an entity makes a sale, exchange orreturn (PA-40 KOZ). The entity will be required (upon request by a disposition of such property, it must calculate the exempt portion ofKOZ resident owner) to provide all information necessary for the the gain for the period when the property was owned and locatedowner to report the sale and calculate the exempt portion of the inside a KOZ during the effective date of the KOZ law from the laternet gains from the entity’s sale of the intangible property. WORKSHEET 2 (for Column B, Line 5) SALE, EXCHANGE OR DISPOSITION OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL OR REAL KOZ PROPERTY Complete a separate worksheet for each sale. Description and/or address of the KOZ property sold, including its tax parcel ID number: a. If the property was acquired after the date(s) in parenthesis for the type of zone and was located inside: a KOZ (12/31/98); a KOEZ (12/31/00 or 12/31/09); a KOIZ (12/31/02 or 12/31/09); an SDA (12/31/06); or an AKOEZ (12/31/09 or 12/31/13), and was eligible for KOZ benefits for the entire time it was owned, enter the gain or loss here. a. b. If the property was acquired prior to 1/1/99 (KOZ), 1/1/01 or 1/1/10 (KOEZ), 1/1/03 or 1/1/10 (KOIZ), 1/1/07 (SDA) or 1/1/10 or 1/1/14 (AKOEZ), or if it was located outside of a KOZ/KOEZ/KOIZ/SDA/AKOEZ during the ownership period, follow the steps below. 1. Enter the number of days the property was owned from the later of the date of ownership or eligibility inside a KOZ since 1/1/99, inside a KOEZ since 1/1/01 or 1/1/10, inside a KOIZ since 1/1/03 or 1/1/10, inside an SDA since 1/1/07, or inside an AKOEZ since 1/1/10 or 1/1/14.1. 2. Enter the total number of days the property was owned.2. 3. Apportionment Factor. Divide Line 1 by Line 2. Calculate the factor to six decimal places. 3. . 4. Enter the gain or loss on the sale of the property. 4. 5. Multiply Line 4 by Line 3. 5. If the entity sold only one article of KOZ property, enter the amount from this worksheet in Column B, Line 5. If a loss, enter zero in Column B, Line 5. If the entity sold more than one article of real or tangible personal property located in a KOZ, first total the amounts from all Worksheet 2 forms, then enter the net result in Column B, Line 5. If a net loss, enter zero in Column B, Line 5. NOTE: When reporting the distributive share of income on Formbeing sold, add the amounts from each Worksheet 2, Line 5 and enter PA-20S/PA-65Schedule RK-1 for each owner, only exclude the KOZ-the amount in Column B, Line 5 of the Schedule P-S KOZ. exempt income from each particular owner’s income if the propertyLine 6. Allocable Net Gain or Loss from the Sale, Exchange or was held by the entity during the period of time the ownerDispositionheld anof Tangible Personal or Real.PropertyDetermine ownership interest in the entity. If the asset sold, disposed ofthe net gain or loss attributable to the sale, exchange or disposition or exchanged was purchased by an entity before the owner held anof tangible personal or real property from PA sources that is exempt ownership interest in the entity and the asset sold, disposed of orfrom taxation. If the entity realizes a net loss in Column A, Line 5 exchanged was purchased before or after the entity became eligibleand Column A, Line 6, or if the entity has no nonresident owners, the under the requirements of the KOZ law, the exempt portion of any gainentity does not need to calculate KOZ-exempt income from PA or loss for the owner must be adjusted to reflect only the exemption ofsources and may enter zeros on Line 6 for Columns B, C and E. If the net gain or loss attributable for the owner’s period of ownership inthe entity has nonresident owners and realizes net gains from the the KOZ entity. sale, exchange or disposition of tangible personal or real property, enter the amount from Column B, Line 5, of this schedule in Column A separate Worksheet 2 is required for each property sold located inB, Line 6. If the entity realizes a net loss in Column A, Line 5 but a KOZ. Enter the amount from Line 5 of Worksheet 2 in Column B,realizes a net gain in Column A, Line 6, calculate the exemption by Line 5 of the Schedule P-S KOZ. If more than one Worksheet 2 wascompleting a separate Worksheet 3 for each sale of tangible personal completed as a result of more than one property located inorarealKOZKOZ property. 4 Reset Entire Form RETURN TO PAGE ONE NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM |
COLUMN B INSTRUCTIONS (continued) WORKSHEET 3 (for Column B, Line 6) SALE, EXCHANGE OR DISPOSITION OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL OR REAL KOZ PROPERTY Complete a separate worksheet for each sale. Description and/or address of the KOZ property sold, including its tax parcel ID number: a. If the property was acquired after the date(s) in parenthesis for the type of zone and was located inside: a KOZ (12/31/98); a KOEZ (12/31/00 or 12/31/09); a KOIZ (12/31/02 or 12/31/09); an SDA (12/31/06); or an AKOEZ (12/31/09 or 12/31/13), and was eligible for KOZ benefits for the entire time it was owned, enter the gain or loss here. a. b. If the property was acquired prior to 1/1/99 (KOZ), 1/1/01 or 1/1/10 (KOEZ), 1/1/03 or 1/1/10 (KOIZ), 1/1/07 (SDA) or 1/1/10 or 1/1/14 (AKOEZ), or if it was located outside of a KOZ/KOEZ/KOIZ/SDA/AKOEZ during the ownership period, follow the steps below. 1. Enter the number of days the property was owned from the later of the date of ownership or eligibility inside a KOZ since 1/1/99, inside a KOEZ since 1/1/01 or 1/1/10, inside a KOIZ since 1/1/03 or 1/1/10, inside an SDA since 1/1/07 or inside an AKOEZ since 1/1/10 or 1/1/14.1. 2. Enter the total number of days the property was owned.2. 3. Apportionment Factor. Divide Line 1 by Line 2. Calculate the factor to six decimal places.3. . 4. Enter the gain or loss on the sale of the property. 4. 5. Multiply Line 4 by Line 3. 5. If the entity sold only one article of KOZ property, enter the amount from this worksheet in Column B, Line 6. If a loss, enter zero in Column B, Line 6. If the entity sold more than one article of real or tangible personal property located in a KOZ, first total the amounts from all Worksheet 3 forms, then enter the net result in Column B, Line 6. If a net loss, enter zero in Column B, Line 6. NOTE: When reporting the distributive share of income on Formproduction orcollection of such rents are allocable to a KOZ only PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule RK-1 for each owner, only exclude theif the rental property is inside a KOZ. KOZ-exempt income from each particular owner’s income if the property was held by the entity during the period of time the ownerTangible Personal Property Rents. The entity apportions the held an ownership interest in the entity. If the asset sold, disposedrental income it derives from tangible personal property to a KOZ or exchanged was purchased by an entity before the owner held anonly for the periods the lessee used the tangible personal property ownership interest in the entity and the asset sold, disposed orinside a KOZ. Costs, expenses and liabilities the entity incurs in the exchanged was purchased before or after the entity became eligibleproduction or collection of such rents are allocable to a KOZ only if under the requirements of the KOZ law, the exempt portion of anythe rental property is inside a KOZ. gain or loss for the owner must be adjusted to reflect only the exemption of the net gain or loss attributable for the owner’s periodIf the entity receives rents from real estate or tangible personal of ownership in the KOZ entity. property that straddles a KOZ, include a statement showing the A separate Worksheet 3 is required for each property sold located in method that reasonably and accurately reflects the value of the a KOZ. Enter the amount from Line 5 of Worksheet 3 in Column B,property inside and outside the KOZ and provides the amount of Line 6, of the Schedule P-S KOZ. If more than one Worksheet 2 wasrental income or loss attributable to the property inside and outside completed as a result of more than one property located inthea KOZKOZ. being sold, add the amounts from each Worksheet 3, Line 5 and enter the amount in Column B, Line 6 of the Schedule P-S KOZ.If the entity derives net rental income from real estate or tangible personal property located inside a KOZ during the tax period, complete Line 7. Real Estate Rents or Tangible Personal PropertyWorksheet 4. If the entity derives income from renting tangible Rents. Determine real estate rents or tangible personal propertypersonal property leased for use inside and outside a KOZ during the rents separate from other rents. An entity may only exempt the income from real estate rents and tangible personal property rentstax period, it can only claim an exemption for the net rents attributable (as further outlined below) of property located or leased for useto the time the property was leased and used inside a KOZ. A separate inside a KOZ. Under KOZ law there is no exemption for income fromWorksheet 4 is required for each property and each type of property. patents, royalties or copyrights. If an entity realized a net loss inEnter the amount from Line 1 or Line 2e of Worksheet 4 in Column B, Column A, Line 7, do not calculate KOZ exempt income. Enter a zeroLine 7 of Schedule P-S KOZ. If more than one Worksheet 4 was in Column B, Line 7, and proceed to the instructions for Column B,completed as a result of more than one property being located within Line 8. a KOZ or leased for use in a KOZ, add the amounts from each Real Estate Rents. Rental income the entity derives from realWorksheet 4, Line 1 and/or Line 2e and enter the amount in Column B, estate and costs, expenses and liabilities the entity incursLinein theS7 ofKOZ.Schedule P- Reset Entire Form RETURN TO PAGE ONE NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM 5 |
COLUMN B INSTRUCTIONS (continued) WORKSHEET 4 (for Column B, Line 7) RENTAL OF REAL OR TANGIBLE PERSONAL KOZ PROPERTY Complete a separate worksheet for each rental property. Description and/or address of the KOZ rental property: Real Property 1. Net rental income or loss from real property inside a KOZ.1. Tangible Personal Property 2a. Net rental income or loss from tangible personal property rented inside a KOZ.2a. 2b. Days during taxable year tangible personal property was rented inside a KOZ.2b. 2c. Total days rented during the taxable year. 2c. 2d. Apportionment Factor. Divide Line 2b by Line 2c. Calculate the factor to six decimal places. 2d. 2e. Multiply Line 2a by Line 2d for the tangible personal property rented during the taxable year. 2e. If the entity derived rental income from only one KOZ property, enter this amount in Column B, Line 7. If a loss, enter zero in Column B, Line 7. If the entity derived rental income from multiple KOZ properties, first total the amounts from all Worksheet 4 forms, then enter the net result in Column B, Line 7. If a loss, enter zero in Column B, Line 7. Line 8. Allocable Real Estate Rents or Tangible Personal Prop-zeros on Line 8 for Columns B, C and E. If the entity realizes net erty Rents. Determine the real estate rents or tangible personalincome in Column A, Line 7 and Column A, Line 8, enter the amount property rents attributable to PA sources. Under KOZ law, there is nofrom Column B, Line 7, in Column B, Line 8. If an entity realizes a exemption for income from patents, royalties or copyrights. If thenet loss in Column A, Line 7 but realizes net income in Column A, entity realizes a net loss in Column A, Line 7 and Column A, Line 8,Line 8, calculate the exempt income by completing a separate or if the entity has no nonresident owners, the entity does not needWorksheet 5 for each rental property. See the instructions for to calculate KOZ-exempt income from PA sources and may enterColumn B, Line 7 for further information. WORKSHEET 5 (for Column B, Line 8) RENTAL OF REAL OR TANGIBLE PERSONAL KOZ PROPERTY Complete a separate worksheet for each rental property. Description and/or address of the KOZ rental property: Real Property 1. Net rental income or loss from real property inside a KOZ.1. Tangible Personal Property 2a. Net rental income or loss from tangible personal property rented inside a KOZ.2a. 2b. Days during taxable year tangible personal property was rented inside a KOZ.2b. 2c. Total days rented during the taxable year. 2c. 2d. Apportionment Factor. Divide Line 2b by Line 2c. Calculate the factor to six decimal places. 2d. 2e. Multiply Line 2a by Line 2d for the tangible personal property rented during the taxable year. 2e. If the entity derived rental income from only one KOZ property, enter this amount in Column B, Line 8. If a loss, enter zero in Column B, Line 8. If the entity derived rental income from multiple KOZ properties, first total the amounts from all Worksheet 5 forms, then enter the net result in Column B, Line 8. If a loss, enter zero in Column B, Line 8. Line 9. Estate or Trust Income. Under KOZ law, estate or trustLine 11. Gambling and Lottery Winnings. Gambling and Lottery income is only exempt from PA personal income tax when distributedwinnings are not exempt for any taxpayers under KOZ law. Do not to a resident of a KOZ. Do not enter any amount on Column B, Line 9.enter any amount in Column B, Line 11. Report each resident The KOZ resident owner claims the exemption for this income uponowner’s distributive share of this income on Form PA-20S/PA-65 filing a PA individual income tax return (PA-40 KOZ).Schedule RK-1 without any deductions. Do not enter any amount in Column B, Line 11. Report each resident owner’s distributive share Line 10. Allocable Estate or Trust Income. Under KOZ law,of this income on Form PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule RK-1 without any estate or trust income is only exempt from PA personal when distributed or credited to a resident of a KOZ. Do notLineenter12.anyAllocable Gambling and Lottery Winnings. Gambling amount in Column B, Line 10. and Lottery winnings are not exempt for any taxpayers under KOZ 6 Reset Entire Form RETURN TO PAGE ONE NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM |
COLUMN B INSTRUCTIONS (continued) law. Do not enter any amount in Column B, Line 12. Report eachWorksheet 7 must be completed based upon whether the entity has nonresident owner’s distributive share of this income on Formincome from the operation of a business located wholly within a PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule NRK-1 without any deductions.KOZ, wholly outside a KOZ or partly within a KOZ. If the entity is Line 13. Guaranteed Payments for Capital or Other Services.wholly within a KOZ or partly within a KOZ, the entity must complete Guaranteed payments for return of capital or for any other servicesWorksheet 6 and/or Worksheet 7. If the entity operates wholly are generally not taxable for PA personal income tax purposes. Eachoutside a KOZ, there is no exemption of guaranteed payments by the partner should determine separately if any guaranteed payments forpartnership, and Worksheets 6 and 7 need not be completed. The return of capital exceed the partner’s basis in the partnership byentity must also classify the guaranteed payments as business or completing REV-999 PT. Any payment determined to be in excess ofrental income. The entity must then determine separately for each basis (taxable) for PA personal income tax purposes on REV-999 PTpartner if net income will be greater than zero when combining the is considered the sale of an intangible asset by the partner. A partneramount of each partner’s guaranteed payments with the business who satisfies the residency requirements under KOZ law will be ablepartner’s income or loss from the operation of a business, profession to claim the exemption for this income based upon the ownershipor farm or the rental income or loss from rents, royalties, patents period of the partnership upon the filing a PA individual tax returnand copyrights for each partner. For each partner whose income is (PA-40 KOZ). Do not enter any amount in Column B, Line 13.greater than zero, the guaranteed payments are then reduced by the Lines 14 and 15. All Other Guaranteed Payments for ServicesKOZ-exempt portion of the income. Use Worksheet 6 to calculate the Rendered - Resident and Nonresident Partners.When deter- exemption for partnerships with resident partners. Use Worksheet 7 to mining what guaranteed payments are exempt from taxation for acalculate the exemption for partnerships with nonresident partners. KOZ-based partnership entity, there are four issues the entity mustUse both worksheets when a partnership has both resident and resolve. First, the entity must determine if Worksheet 6 and/ornonresident partners. WORKSHEET 6 (for Column B, Line 14) ALLOCABLE ALL OTHER GUARANTEED PAYMENTS FOR SERVICES RENDERED (Resident Partners) Complete a separate column for each resident partner. Include additional worksheets if necessary. Partner A B C Totals Income Tests: 1. Amount of resident partner’s share of income (loss) from Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 1. 2. Amount of resident partner’s portion of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 14 classified as business income. 3. Add Lines 1 and 2. See instructions. 4. Amount of resident partner’s share of income (loss) from Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 7. 5. Amount of resident partner’s portion of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 14 classified as rental income. 6. Add Lines 4 and 5. See instructions. Guaranteed Payment Type: Business Income: 7. Amount of resident partner’s portion of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 14 classified as business income. 8. PA apportionment factor from Line 5 of PA Schedule H. . 9. PA KOZ apportionment factor from Line 4 of Worksheet 1. . 10. Multiply Line 7 by Line 8, and the result by Line 9, and enter result. Rental Income: 11. Amount of resident partner’s portion of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 14 classified as real estate rents from property located inside a KOZ. 12. Amount of resident partner’s portion of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 14 classified as tangible personal property rents. 13. PA KOZ apportionment factor from Line 2d of Worksheet 4. . 14. Multiply Line 12 by Line 13 and enter result. 15. Total Exempt Guaranteed Payments by Partner - Add Lines 10, 11 and 14 for each resident partner. 16. Add Lines 2 and 5 and subtract Line 15. Enter the result here and on each resident partner’s Schedule RK-1. 17. Total Exempt Guaranteed Payments - add the amounts in the Totals Column for Lines 10, 11 and 14. Enter the result here and in Column B, Line 14 of Schedule P-S KOZ. Reset Entire Form RETURN TO PAGE ONE NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM 7 |
COLUMN B INSTRUCTIONS (continued) IMPORTANT:For Worksheets 6 and 7, the Income Tests SectionsLine 10.For each partner with an amount on Line 7, multiply Line 7 must be completed by all partnerships with guaranteed paymentsby the factor on Line 8, and the result by the factor on Line 9. This regardless of whether or not any of the guaranteed payments areis the amount of guaranteed payments attributable to a partner exempt from taxation as determined by the worksheets.from the operation of business, profession or farm located within a Classifying Guaranteed Payments as Business or RentalKOZ. Add the amounts for each partner with an amount on Line 10 Income.Partnerships that have guaranteed payments paid toand enter the result in the Totals Column. partners will classify the income as net income or loss fromLinethe 11.If the entity reports its guaranteed payments as rental operation of a business, profession or farm or net income or lossincome and the rental property is real estate, enter the amount of from rents, royalties, patents and copyrights depending upon whatSchedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 14 guaranteed payments attrib- type of income the partnership reports. Partnerships reporting bothutable to any KOZ-exempt rental income reported on Schedule P-S types of income must classify the guaranteed payments according to whether the services provided were related to the operation ofKOZ, Column A, Line 7, where Line 6 for a partner is greater than a business or related to services provided for the rental propertyzero. If the entity has more than one real estate property and or both. If the guaranteed payments are classified as both businesssome properties are located inside the KOZ and some properties income and rental income, complete all lines of the Income Testsare located outside the KOZ, the guaranteed payments must be Sections on Worksheet 6 and Worksheet 7 (if applicable). If theprorated based upon the gross rents of the properties unless the guaranteed payments are classified only as business income or onlyguaranteed payments are specifically associated with or attributable as rental income, complete the appropriate lines for the appropriateto the real estate properties located in the KOZ. Enter only the classes of income in the Income Tests Sections and enter zeros onKOZ-exempt portion of the guaranteed payments. Add the amounts the lines for other class of income in the Income Tests sections.for each partner with an amount on Line 11 and enter the result in the Totals Column. Worksheet 6 Instructions Line 1.For each resident partner, enter the partner’s shareLineof 12.If the entity reports its guaranteed payments as rental income or loss from Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 1.income and the rental property is tangible personal property, enter NOTE:Multiple copies of Worksheet 6 may be required for entitiesthe amount of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 14 guaranteed with more than three partners. Complete additional Worksheets 6payments attributable to the KOZ-exempt exempt tangible personal for entities with more than three partners and include the totals forproperty reported Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 7, where all partners in the entity on the first Worksheet 6 only.Line 6 for a partner is greater than zero. If the entity has more than one item of tangible personal property, and some properties Line 2.Enter the amount of each resident partner’s portion ofare located and used inside the KOZ and some properties are guaranteed payments from Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 14located or used outside the KOZ, the guaranteed payments must classified as businessincome. be prorated based upon the gross rents of the propertiesunless the Line 3.Add Lines 1 and 2 for each resident partner. If the result isguaranteed payments are specifically associated with or attributable zero or less for any partner, enter a zero on Line 10 for that the specific items of tangible personal property located and used Complete Lines 7 through 10 as required for any partner with ainside the KOZ. Enter only the KOZ-exempt portion of the guaranteed result greater than zero. payments for a single property. Complete a separate Worksheet 6 for each property. Line 4.For each resident partner, enter the partner’s share of income or loss from Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 7. Line 13.Enter the PA KOZ apportionment factor from Line 2d of Worksheet 4 for each partner with an amount on Line 12. Complete Line 5.Enter the amount of each resident partner’s portion of guaranteed payments from Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 14a separate Worksheet 6 for each property. classified as rental income. Line 14.Multiply Line 12 by Line 13 for each partner with an Line 6.Add Lines 4 and 5 for each resident partner. If the resultamount on Line 10 greater than zero and enter the result here. Add is zero or less for any partner, enter a zero on Lines 11 and 14 forthe amounts for each partner with an amount on Line 14 and enter that partner. Complete Lines 11 through 14 as required for anythe result in the Totals Column. partner with a result greater than zero.Line 15.Add the amounts on Lines 10, 11 and 14 for each resident NOTE:If Line 3 shows zero or less total income for the businesspartner.class of income, there is no exempt portion of the guaranteed payments classified as business income. Likewise, if Line 6 shows zeroLineor less16.Add the amounts on Lines 2 and 5, subtract Line 15 and income for the rental class of income, there is no exempt portionenter the result here. Report the result on each partner’s Schedule of the guaranteed payments classified as rental income.RK-1. If multiple Worksheets 6 were completed, add the amounts from any other Worksheets 6 for each partner and then subtract Line 7.If the entity reports its guaranteed payments as businessthe result from the resident partner’s total guaranteed payments income, enter the amount of each resident partner’s portion ofbefore reporting the result on the resident partner’s Schedule RK-1 Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 14 guaranteed paymentsfrom the partnership entity. Add the amounts for each resident classified as business income where Line 3 is greater than zero.partner and enter the total in the Totals Column. This amount Line 8.Enter the PA apportionment factor from PA Schedule H,should also be reported on Schedule P-S KOZ, Column D, Line 14. Line 5 for each partner with an amount on Line 7. If the entityLine 17.Add the amounts in the Total Column for Lines 10, 11 and operates wholly within Pennsylvania, enter 1.0 on Line 8.14. Enter the result here and on Schedule P-S KOZ, Column B, Line 9.Enter the KOZ apportionment factor from Line 4 ofLine 14. If multiple Worksheets 6 were completed, add the amounts Worksheet 1 for each partner with an amount on Line 7. If thefrom any other Worksheets 6 for each line 17 before reporting the entity’s PA operations are wholly within a KOZ, enter 1.0 on Line 9.result on Schedule P-S KOZ, Column B, Line 14. 8 RETURN TO PAGE ONE NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM |
COLUMN B INSTRUCTIONS (continued) WORKSHEET 7 (for Column B, Line 15) ALLOCABLE ALL OTHER GUARANTEED PAYMENTS FOR SERVICES RENDERED (Nonresident Partners) Complete a separate column for each resident partner. Include additional worksheets if necessary. Partner A B C Totals Income Tests: 1. Amount of nonresident partner’s share of income (loss) from Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 2. 2. Amount of nonresident partner’s portion of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 15 classified as business income. 3. PA apportionment factor from Line 5 of PA Schedule H. . 4. Multiply Line 2 by Line 3 and enter result. 5. Add Lines 1 and 4. See instructions. 6. Amount of nonresident partner’s share of income (loss) from Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 8. 7. Amount of nonresident partner’s portion of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 15 classified as rental income from PA properties. 8. Add Lines 6 and 7. See instructions. Guaranteed Payment Type: Business Income: 9. Amount of nonresident partner’s portion of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 15 classified as business income. 10. PA apportionment factor from Line 5 of PA Schedule H. . 11. PA KOZ apportionment factor from Line 4 of Worksheet 1. . 12. Multiply Line 9 by Line 10, and the result by Line 11, and enter result. Rental Income: 13. Amount of nonresident partner’s portion of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 15 classified as real estate rents from property located inside a KOZ. 14. Amount of nonresident partner’s portion of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 15 classified as tangible personal property rents. 15. PA KOZ apportionment factor from Line 2d of Worksheet 5. . 16. Multiply Line 14 by Line 15 and enter result. 17. Total Exempt Guaranteed Payments by Partner - Add Lines 12, 13 and 16 for each nonresident partner. 18. Add Lines 4 and 7 and subtract Line 17. Enter the result here and on each nonresident partner’s Schedule NRK-1. 19. Total Exempt Guaranteed Payments - add the amounts in the Totals Column for Lines 12, 13 and 16. Enter the result here and in Column B, Line 15 of Schedule P-S KOZ. Worksheet 7 Instructions Line 5.Add Lines 1 and 4 for each nonresident partner. If the Line 1.For each nonresident partner, enter the partner’s share ofresult is zero or less for any partner, enter a zero on Line 12 for income or loss from Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 2. that partner. Complete Lines 9 through 12 for any partner with a result greater than zero. If the result for Line 5 is greater than Line 2.Enter the amount of each nonresident partner’s share ofzero, Worksheet 1 must be completed. the guaranteed payments included in Schedule P-S KOZ, ColumnLine 6.ForA,each nonresident partner, enter the partner’s share of Line 15 classified as business income.income or loss from Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 8. Line 3.Enter the PA apportionment factor from Line 5 of PALine 7.Enter the amount of each nonresident partner’s share Schedule H. of the guaranteed payments included in Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 15 attributable only to rental property located Line 4.Multiply Lines 2 and 3 and enter result here.inside Pennsylvania. Reset Entire Form RETURN TO PAGE ONE NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM 9 |
COLUMN B INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Line 8.Add Lines 6 and 7 for each nonresident partner. If theLineresult16.Multiply Line 14 by Line 15 for each partner with an is zero or less for any partner, enter zeros on Lines 13 and 16.amount on Line 15 and enter the result here. Add the amounts for Complete Lines 13 through 16 for any partner with a result greatereach partner with an amount on Line 16 and enter the result in the than zero. If the result is greater than zero for any partner,Totals Column. Worksheet 1 must be completed Line 17.Add the amounts on Lines 12, 13 and 16 for each NOTE:If Line 5 shows zero or less total income for the businessnonresident partner. class of income, there is no exempt portion of the guaranteedLinepay-18.Add Lines 4 and 7 and subtract Line 17 from the result. ments classified as business income. Likewise, if Line 8 shows zeroEnter the result here and on Schedule NRK-1 for each nonresident or less income for the rental class of income, there is no exemptpartner. Add the amounts for each nonresident partner and enter portion of the guaranteed payments classified as rental income.the total in the Totals Column. This amount should also be reported Additionally, if the Line 5 result for any nonresident partner ison Schedule P-S KOZ, Column E, Line 15. greater than zero, Worksheet 1 must be completed. Line 19.Add the amounts in the Total Column for Lines 12, 13 and For each line, Lines 1 through 8, add the amounts from each partner16. Enter the result here and on Schedule P-S KOZ, Column B, reporting an amount on a line and enter the result in the TotalsLine 15. If multiple Worksheets 7 were completed, add the Column. If a partnership has multiple Worksheets 7, enter totalamounts from any other Worksheets 7 for each line before reporting amounts in the Totals Column on the first Worksheet 7 only. the result on Schedule P-S KOZ, Column B, Line 15. Line 9.If the entity reports its guaranteed payments as business income, enter the amount of each nonresident partner’s portionColumn B Instructions of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 15 guaranteed paymentsLine 16. Distributions of Cash, Marketable Securities and classified as business income, where Line 5 is greater not enter any amount in Column B, Line 16. The KOZ resident owner is required to determine any income and exemption Line 10.Enter the PA apportionment factor from PA Schedule H,for this income on the filing of a PA individual income tax return Line 5 for each partner with an amount on Line 9. If the entity(PA-40 KOZ). operates wholly within Pennsylvania, enter 1.0 on Line 10. Column C Instructions Line 11.Enter the KOZ apportionment factor from Line 4 ofSubtract the amount in Column B for Lines 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14 and 15 Worksheet 1 for each partner with an amount on Line 10. If thefromthe amounts in Column A for the same lines and enter the entity’s PA operations are wholly within a KOZ, enter 1.0 on Line 11.results in Column C. For Lines 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 16, enter the amounts in Column A in Column C. Line 12.For each partner with an amount on Line 9, multiply Line 9 by the factor on Line 10, and the result by the factorColumnon D Instructions Line 11. This is the amount of guaranteed payments attributableTo determine the amount taxable in total to PA resident owners, to a partner from the operation of business, profession or farmcarry over the amounts in Column C to the non-shaded blocks in located within a KOZ. Add the amounts for each partner with anColumn D (shaded blocks are not applicable to PA resident owners). amount on Line 12 and enter the result in the Totals Column.For Lines 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11, use the amounts in Column D to multiply by each owner’s percentage of ownership or distributive Line 13.If the entity reports its guaranteed payments as rentalincome percentage to determine the distributive income to report on income and the rental property is real estate, enter the amount ofthe Form PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule(s) RK-1 of each resident owner. Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 15 guaranteed payments attrib-For Line 13, use the amount attributable to each resident partner to utable to any KOZ-exempt rental income reported on Schedule P-Sreport the amount on the Form PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule(s) RK-1 of KOZ, Column A, Line 8, where Line 8 of Worksheet 7 for a partnereach resident partner. For Line 14, enter the amount from the Totals is greater than zero. If the entity has more than one real estateColumn for Line 16 of Worksheet 6. property and some properties are located inside the KOZ and some properties are located outside the KOZ, the guaranteed paymentsColumn E Instructions must be prorated based upon the gross rents of the propertiesTo determine the amount taxable to nonresident owners, carry over unless the guaranteed payments are specifically associated with orthe amounts in Column C as appropriate to the non-shaded blocks attributable to the real estate properties located in the KOZ. Enterin Column E (shaded blocks are not applicable to nonresident only the KOZ-exempt portion of the guaranteed payments. Add theowners). For Lines 2, 6, 8, 10 and 12, use the amounts in column E amounts for each partner with an amount on Line 13 and enter theto multiply by each owner’s percentage of ownership or distributive result in the Totals Column. income percentage to determine the distributive income to report on the Form PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule(s) NRK-1 of each nonresident Line 14.If the entity reports its guaranteed payments as rentalowner. For Line 13, use the amount attributable to each nonresident income and the rental property is tangible personal property, enterpartner. For Line 15, enter the amount from the Totals Column for the amount of Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 15 guaranteedLine 18 of Worksheet 7. payments attributable to the KOZ-exempt exempt tangible personal property reported Schedule P-S KOZ, Column A, Line 8, whereSpecialLineHelp8 of Worksheet 7 for a partner is greater than zero. If the entity hasObtain additional information or instructions regarding the filing of PA more than one item of tangible personal property and some prop-Schedule P-S KOZ by calling the Taxpayer Service and Information erties are located and used inside the KOZ and some properties areCenter at 717-787-1064 (business taxes) or 717-787-8201 (individual located or used outside the KOZ, the guaranteed payments musttaxes). You may order forms by calling 1-800-362-2050. be prorated based upon the gross rents of the properties unless the guaranteed payments are specifically associated with or attributableMailing Instructions to the specific items of tangible personal property located and usedMail the Completed PA Schedule P-S KOZ, all related worksheets inside the KOZ. Enter only the KOZ-exempt portion of the guaranteedand other required documents along with the PA-20S/PA-65 PA S payments for a single property. Complete a separate Worksheet 7Corporation/Partnership Information Return to the address provided for each property. in the Form PA-20S/PA-65 PA S Corporation/Partnership Information Return instructions. A PA-20S/PA-65 PA S Corporation/Partnership Line 15.Enter the PA KOZ apportionment factor from Line 2d ofInformation Return should be assembled such that the PA Schedule Worksheet 5 for each partner with an amount on Line 14. CompleteP-S KOZ and related documents are included immediately after a separate Worksheet 7 for each property.Pages 1 through 3 of the information return. 10RETURN TO PAGE ONE PRINT FORM |