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Business Registration Form
City of Newark Check appropriate taxing authority Phone: 740-670-7580
Income Tax Division Fax: 740-670-7581
PO Box 4577 City of Newark Etna Twp. JEDZ1 Email: citytax@newarkohio.net
Newark Oh 43058 Etna Twp. JEDZ2 Pataskala JEDD Website: www.newarkohio.net
Please assist us in completing your account information. If you should have any questions while completing this
form, please contact our office. Mail, fax, or email this completed form with any additional attachments within 10
business days. Thank you for your cooperation.
1. Name Phone
2. Trade Name (DBA) Fax
3. Federal EIN or Soc Sec # Email
4. Address
5. Name and address where tax forms are to be mailed (if different from above)
6. Type of business ownership (check one)
Non-resident sole proprietor (Schedule C) Non-profit organization (Go to question 7)
Partnership Corporation
Other (please specify)
(If sole proprietor, please provide name and residence address of owner on back. For all other entities, please
list names of members, partners, or officers with their addresses, social security numbers, and titles held on
7. Is your company only withholding income tax as a convenience forresident employees?
Yes Date withholding started: (Go to signature line) No (Complete entire form)
8. Nature of business conducted:
9. When does your fiscal year end—must be the same as your federal return (month and day)
10. Give date business and/or withholding began in this taxing jurisdiction
11. Do you have employees working in the taxing jurisdiction at the top of the form?
Yes—If yes, approximate monthly withholding $ 100.00 No
12. Will you be using subcontractors? Yes—If yes, approximate # No
If yes, submit a list of all subcontractors on your letterhead. (Include: Account # , business name,
address, contact name, phone number, and nature of work being performed.)
13. If you operate more than one place of business or own rental property, please give name and/or location of each.
If more space needed, you may submit the listing on your letterhead and reference account # .
Name of Contact Person (Please print)
Contact Person Signature Date