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WHO MUST FILE: Every resident or part-year resident of the City of HOW TO PAY: Payment of any unpaid tax liabilities should accompany the
Massillon, Ohio who is 18 years of age or older must file a City tax filing of the Individual Income Tax Return. Personal check, cash, credit
return, even if no income was earned in 2023 or no tax is due, or if all of card (Visa, Discover or MasterCard only), online payments, money
the taxes were withheld by an employer, or if the resident worked in order, or an official check issued by a bank or financial institution are
another city, village, or Joint Economic Development District where accepted. Payments in cash should be made in person at the Income Tax
income taxes were withheld. Every non-resident who has a business, Department office during normal business hours. If payment is made by
profession or trade operation, or rental property or receives wages, check and the check is dishonored for any reason, the taxpayer is subject
salary, commissions, or other compensation from employment to a penalty (currently $40.00). Payment of tax liability of less than
performed within the City of Massillon and City tax is either not $10.00 is not required.
withheld or the amount of such withholding is less than 2% of such
income must file a City of Massillon Income Tax Return. A taxpayer who
is exempt from filing must complete the exemption box, sign and file the INCOME SUBJECT TO TAX: The tables below are designed to assist in
return. determining items that should be reported as taxable to the City and
items that should not be listed on your tax return. Please use the Box 5
WHEN YOU MUST FILE: The filing deadline is no later than April 18. Medicare wages on each W-2.
Failure to timely file will result in a $25.00 per month up to $150.00
late filing penalty and may result in additional administrative, civil, or The following lists are not all-inclusive:
criminal penalties and interest. A return is considered timely filed when
received in the Massillon City Income Tax Department. A return that
is mailed through the U.S. Postal Service is considered received by Non-Taxable Income
Taxable Income
the City of Massillon Income Tax Department if it is postmarked April Bonuses Alimony
18, or earlier, by the U.S. Postal Service. The cancellation from a Commissions and fees Annuity distributions
postage meter does not constitute a postmark and the day that the Compensation paid in Capital gains
City of Massillon Income Tax Department receives that tax return will the form of property Child support
determine the date of filing. Deposit of mail late in the day on April Director fees Dividend income
18, may result in a later postmark and a late filing penalty. Employee contributions to Gov’t allotments
retirement plans Intangible income
Incentive payments Interest income
Insurance proceeds
EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE: Any taxpayer that has duly requested Lottery/Gaming winnings IRA distributions
an automatic six-month extension for filing the taxpayer’s Profit sharing Military pay
federal income tax return shall automatically receive an Salaries and wages Qualified pension plans
extension for filing of a municipal income tax return. The Severance pay Retirement income
extended due dates of the municipal income tax return shall be Sick pay Social Security benefits
the fifteenth day of the 10 month th after the last day of the Stipends State unemployment
taxable year to which the return relates. To avoid a late filing Stock options Third party sick pay
penalty, it is recommended that the taxpayer attach a copy of Vacation pay Unemployment compensation
the extension to the return. A taxpayer that has not requested Welfare benefits
or received a six-month extension for filing the taxpayer’s Worker’s compensation
federal income tax return may request that the tax
administrator grant the taxpayer a six-month extension of the
date for filing the taxpayer’s municipal income tax return. If the Taxable Forms Non-Taxable Forms
request is received by the tax administrator on or before the
date the municipal income tax return is due, the tax W-2 1099 R
administrator shall grant the taxpayer’s requested extension. An W-2G 1099 INT
extension of time to file is not an extension of the time to pay 1099 1099 DIV
any tax due unless the tax administrator grants an extension Federal Form C and E
of that date.
AMENDED RETURNS: A taxpayer must file an amended City of
HOW AND WHERE TO FILE: Tax returns may be filed online Massillon Income Tax Return whenever an amended federal return is
(www.massillonohio.gov) or mailed to City of Massillon Income Tax
filed with the IRS or when the taxpayer receives a tax refund from
Department, P.O. Box 910, Massillon, Ohio 44648-0910. Tax returns may
be deposited in the drop box provided adjacent to the main entrance another city, village, or other local taxing authority.
doors outside of the building. Tax returns may also be filed in person at the
City of Massillon Income Tax Department on the main floor of the ADDITIONAL RESOURCES and to file online: www.massillonohio.gov.
Massillon Municipal Government Center at One James Duncan Plaza SE in
downtown Massillon.
Office hours (open to the public)
Monday –Wednesday Friday – 8:30am – 4:30pm–
Closed for lunch daily between 11:30am 12:30pm–