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ALL WOOSTER RESIDENTS, and partial year residents age 18 or older, are required to file an income tax return. There are no
exceptions to this mandatory filing requirement.
All non-residents of the City of Wooster who receive compensation for work done or services performed in the City of Wooster
whose employer has not withheld City of Wooster income tax.
Non-residents who own rental property located within the City of Wooster.
Business, contractors, and subcontractors located or doing business within the City of Wooster
Eligible residents can use the E-Z form; otherwise the standard form is required. Please follow the instructions listed and attach all
required documentation.
Non-residents, who received a Wooster income tax return in the mail or filed a 2021 tax return and are not required to file a 2022
Wooster tax return, may complete the non-filing declaration on page 4 in lieu of filing a tax return.
Please file a 2022 extension form (page 4), or a generic form, or a photocopy of your federal extension may be used. This can be filed,
with the City of Wooster’s income tax department no later than April 18, 2023. An extension of time to file your 2022 tax return
does not extend the due date for taxes due for 2022, nor the filing or paying quarterly installments of 2023 estimated taxes. Your
first quarter installment is due April 15, 2023.
Any individual who will owe 2023 Wooster income taxes (less Wooster tax withheld and credit for taxes paid to other cities) of $200.00 or
more is required to file a declaration of estimated taxes, and make quarterly payments on the declaration. There is a penalty of 15% of the
amount not paid timely.
To receive payment vouchers for the second (due 6/15), third (due 9/15) and fourth quarter (due 1/15/2024) for the 2023 tax year,
complete line 17 on the Standard Form 2022 Wooster Individual Income Tax Return (page 5) or line 6 of the Declaration of 2023
Wooster Income Tax Estimate (page 4) or contact the tax office. The taxpayer is responsible for filing and paying any quarterly
estimated tax due. Non-receipt of forms does not relieve the taxpayer of the responsibility to file forms and pay taxes due.
Income (attach one clear copy of each W-2)
Line 1 - Show the total of all wages, salaries and tips received Line 9 - Enter the total of lines 6, 7, & 8.
during 2021. Refund or Amount Due
Line 10 – Line 5 (Wooster Tax) minus Line 9 (Total payments &
Wooster residents for all of 2022 credits). Amounts $10.00 or less are not due and will not be
For employees subject to medicare taxes, your Wooster taxable refunded.
wages would be the larger of, (a) box 5 of your W-2 (medicare Line 11 – If you are filing past the due date, and no extension
wages) or (b) total of all box 18(s) of your W-2 (local wages). add $25.00 for each month your return is late up to 6 months or
Non-residents $150.00
Wooster taxable wages is the same as for residents except that Line 12- Late payment penalty 15% of the tax due paid after the
wages and benefits earned outside of Wooster should not be due date.
included. Line 13 – Interest of .42% of the tax due for each month that
Line 2 - Enter the amount from Worksheet B, Line 5 your tax is not paid by the due date.
Line 3 - Enter the taxable amount from Schedule 1 applicable to Line 14 – The total amount due from Line 10, Line 11, Line 12,
Wooster not reported on line 2. & Line 13. If Line 10 is $10.00 or less no amount is due.
Line 4-Add the amounts in line 1, line 2, & line 3.This is your Line 15 – Amount from Line 10 if over $10.00 you would like
Wooster taxable income. Do not deduct the loss entered on refunded.
line 2. Line 16 - Overpayment from Line 10 applied to your 2023
Line 5 - Multiply line 4 by 1.5% (.015). This is your Wooster estimate (Line 19)
Tax. Declaration of 2023 Estimated Taxes
Payments Line 17 – 2023 Estimated tax due
Line 6 - From your W-2(s), enter the amount of Wooster tax Line 18 – Amount due with your return 1 quarterst 25%, 2 nd
withheld, box 19. Also, include any payments remitted by an quarter 50%, 3 rdquarter 75%.
entity on your behalf and attach supporting documentation. Line 19 – Credit from 2022 overpayment, or previous 2023
Partner credits cannot be greater than 1.5% of the income payments.
reported. Line 20- Amount of your 2023 estimated tax due with your
Line 7- Other city tax withheld or enter the amount from return.
Worksheet A, Column F. Line 21- Total amount due with your return. Add lines 14 and
Line 8 - Enter the sum of your 2021 overpayment that was 20.
credited to 2022 income tax and the amount of estimated
payments made towards your 2022 income tax. If an extension Make check payable to "City of Wooster ".
was filed for your 2022 income taxes, and you made a payment
with your extension include this amount.
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