PDF document
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Do not file draft forms.  Although we do not expect this draft to change 

significantly before we publish the final version, we will not post the final 

version until after year-end.   

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Tax Year 2023 General                         Also filing Form 37?                         If you are a resident and only exempt for 
                                                                                           a portion of the year, it is important that 
Guidelines for Form 10A                       If filing a Form 37, attach the Form 10A     you include a Form 37 tax return for any 
                                              to the completed return and mail them 
                                                                                           income earned after your birthday, or an 
Form  10A  cannot  be  emailed  or            together to:                                 exemption form if no additional income 
electronically filed. Complete forms with         Regional Income Tax Agency               was earned. 
the requested documentation should be             (RITA) 
mailed to the address on the Form 10A.            P.O. Box 95422                           2: Days Worked from Home. Days 
Do not fax your Form 10A.                         Cleveland, Ohio                          worked outside of municipality for 
Separate 10A’s are required for each              44101-0033                               which the employer withheld tax, 
refund claim, examples include:               Please note, your refund review will be      and  instead  you  worked  from 
  o multiple municipalities for the same      suspended  until  the return is received 
                                                                                           home (remote).  
  employer                                    and processed. This includes taxpayers 
  o same  municipality with different         on a filing extension.                       Use this reason if you worked outside of 
  employers                                                                                your normal workplace  municipality  for 
  o Multiple tax years requested              RITA Residents:                              any time in 2023  (from home, other 
                                              Tax returns will be amended to disallow      remote work location).   
  o Joint  accounts in which both             any tax credit  taken  as a result  of  the 
  taxpayers have a request  for a                                                          Tax credit cannot  be  taken on your 
                                              Form 10A calculations. 
  refund from a W-2                                                                        resident municipality tax return for any 
Missing or  incomplete documentation          Tax returns will  be  amended  to report     anticipated refund amounts. Tax returns 
will impede the review  of your refund        work performed in any RITA municipality      will be amended for all RITA residents, if 
request.  Be sure  to submit  legible and     in which the tax was not withheld.           necessary.  
complete documentation based on your          Non-RITA Residents:                          Tax returns are required to be filed for 
‘reason for claim’, along with your W-2.      Tax credit cannot  be  taken on your         any wages earned in alternative work 
The statute of limitations for requesting a   resident  municipality tax return  for any   locations when the tax due  exceeds 
refund from withholding on a W-2  is          anticipated refund amount from RITA.         $10.00.   
three years from the filing deadline .Any     Tax  returns will be filed to  report work   • RITA  may  request a  copy  of
refund requests  made  after the statute      performed in any  RITA  municipality in        any non-RITA workplace  tax 
expires will be denied.                       which the tax was not withheld.                returns. 
o For example:  Tax year  2023  filing                                                     • Wages          earned  in          RITA
  deadline  is  04/18/2023,  therefore  a     Claim Reasons                                  municipalities must be reported 
  request for refund must be received by                                                     on  RITA  Form  37 by RITA 
  04/15/2026.                                 1: Age Exemption                               residents.   
                                              While many municipalities  exempt 
Refund amounts of $10.00 or less are          income earned under the age of 18, visit     Calculation of Days Worked Outside of 
ineligible for refund or credit.              ritaohio.com  for specific rules  for  both  RITA  Municipality  (page 3), travel  log, 
Your account must be current in its tax       your workplace     and  RITA resident        Employer Certification (page 2) and W-2 
filings,  without    any    outstanding       municipality (if applicable).                are all requirements for this claim. 
balances.   You     can     expectDRAFTyour   Residents, if your workplace municipality 
approved refund amount, in whole or in        has an age exemption but your resident       3: Other Days Worked Outside of 
part, to  be applied to any  past due         municipality  does  not,  a  tax  return  is municipality  
balances. Log  into MyAccount  at             required. Any unused portion of the          Use this reason if you worked outside of 
ritaohio.com to review the status of your     workplace  tax may be  available for         the municipality for which the employer 
account.                                      refund/credit.                               withheld tax (other than days worked at 
RITA can only process requests made           Proof of birthdate  (birth certificate, 
for RITA municipalities.         Go to        driver’s license, etc.) is required for the  Tax credit cannot  be  taken on your 
ritaohio.com  and  click on the  RITA         Age Exemption claim reason.                  resident  municipality tax return  for any 
Municipalities link for a  full list of  RITA                                              anticipated refund amounts. Tax returns 
members.                                      If you qualify for an underage exemption 
                                                                                           will be amended for all RITA residents, if 
                                              for the entire tax year, check box No. 1 
Name,       Address,             Social       and  complete  the Claim Summary on 
Security        Numbers           and         page 1. Enter your wages on line 3, and      Tax returns are required to be filed for 
                                              the tax withheld on line 4. Calculation of   any wages earned in alternative work 
Contact Phone Number.                         Overpayment          and        Employer     locations when the tax due  exceeds 
Print your name, address, social security     Certification is not required.               $10.00.   
number  and  contact  phone  number                                                        • RITA  may  request a  copy  of
within the boxes provided.                    If you qualify for an underage exemption 
                                              for only a portion of the tax year,  you       any non-RITA workplace tax
                                              must provide a paystub closest to your         returns.
                                              birthday   or     the  Calculation    of     • Wages          earned  in          RITA
                                              Overpayment  (page  2)  and  Employer          municipalities must be reported
                                              Certification (page  2)  to validate the       on  RITA  Form  37 by RITA
                                              amount of wages exempt from taxation.          residents.


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Tax returns will be filed for all non-RITA     7. Over-the-road truck driver  
residents to report income earned in any       Interstate: A log of your work locations, 
RITA  municipality  for  which  no  income     to support a refund of more than 90% of 
tax was withheld.                              the tax withheld from your principal place 
                                               of work as an  interstate truck  driver  is 
Calculation of Days Worked Outside of          required.  
RITA  Municipality (page  3),  travel log,      
Employer Certification (page 2), and W-        Intrastate: Refunds may be eligible up to 
2 are all requirements for this claim.         90%. 
4:  Employer  withheld at a  rate               
higher than the  employment                    Tax credit cannot  be  taken on your 
                                               resident  municipality tax return  for any 
 municipality’s tax rate.                      anticipated refund amounts.  Tax returns 
Visit ritaohio.com for a list of tax rates for will be amended for all RITA residents, if 
all RITA municipalities.                       necessary.  
Calculation  of  Overpayment (page  2),        Calculation  of  Overpayment (page  2), 
Employer Certification (page 2), and W-        Employer Certification (page 2) and W-2 
2 are all requirements for this claim.         are all requirements for this claim.  
5: Employer withheld too much                  8.  Military  Spouse  Residency 
(over-withheld) resident                       Relief Act  
municipality tax                               Attach copies of Form DD 2058, valid 
To calculate the tax credit extended by        military  spouse    ID      card, service
your resident  municipality,  visit  your      member’s   most recent LES and W-2.  
municipality’s     landing    page        at
                                               You are  only required to complete  the 
 ritaohio.com to review the tax structure.      Claim Summary (page 1).   
On page 2, Line A-4, enter your resident 
municipality.  Line A-5, enter the income      Calculation      of Overpayment       and
taxable to your resident  municipality.        Employer Certification  are not required 
Line A-6, enter the resident tax rate, less    for this claim.  
any allowable credits. Line A-7 and Line 
A-8, enter the tax due to your resident        9. Other  
municipality.  Line A-9, enter the amount      Use this if no other reason matches your 
of over-withholding.                            
Calculation  of  Overpayment (page  2),        Fill out specifics in the space provided. 
Employer Certification (page 2) and W-2        Calculation  of  Overpayment (page  2), 
are all requirements for this claim.           Employer Certification (page 2) and W-2 
                                               are all requirements for this claim.  
6.Withheld by mistake                DRAFT 
It is important to include the full address    10. Refund of overpayment on 
of the physical work location.                 account 
                                               Do  not choose  this  option  if  you  are 
Tax credit cannot  be  taken on your 
resident  municipality tax return  for any     requesting a refund from the tax withheld 
anticipated refund amounts.  Tax returns        on the W-2.  
will be amended for all RITA residents, if     This claim is reserved for:  
 necessary.                                        •    The     unused       portion of
Tax returns are required to be filed for                estimated   payments/1099-G 
any wages earned in alternative work                    after the tax liability was 
locations when the tax due  exceeds                     calculated on the Form 37 or;  
$10.00.                                            •    A          direct        payment
    •     RITA  may  request a  copy  of                (checking/savings account  or 
          any non-RITA workplace tax                    credit card) made in error to a 
          returns.                                      RITA municipality, when no tax 
    •     Wages     earned      in    RITA              liability exists.  
          municipalities must be reported 
          on  RITA  Form  37 by RITA           Contact     RITA 
          residents.                           Tax forms, instructions, and the answers 
Calculation  of  Overpayment (page  2),        to  many  questions  can  be  found  at 
Employer Certification (page 2) and W-2         ritaohio.com. 
are all requirements for this claim.           Phone:    800.860.7482 
                                               TDD:      440.526.5332 

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