City of Fairfield Income Tax Division Non-Resident Refund Request 701 Wessel Dr 2023 Fairfield, OH 45014 Phone: 513-867-5327 Fax: 513-867-5333 Email: Dear Taxpayer, The Non-Resident Refund Request should be used if your request is the result of days worked outside of Fairfield. You must complete the form as well as an itinerary for the entire calendar year. The days worked in Fairfield, holidays, sick days, and vacation days must be verified for accuracy by your employer. This person must have legal authority to sign on behalf of the company and have direct knowledge of your work schedule. The completed form, itinerary, and W-2 showing Fairfield withholdings can be submitted to our office for review at the mailing address, email, orfax number listed above. In addition, please be advised that we will be notifying your resident city, if applicable. Since you are receiving a refund of taxes withheld for your base city of employment, the city of residence may elect to pursue recovery of these dollars. Sincerely, City of Fairfield Income Tax Division |
For Tax Year 202 3 NON-RESIDENT REFUND REQUEST For Days Worked Out of Fairfield Or Taxes Over Withheld by Employer ☐During the year 202 ,3 my employment with __________________________________________ located in the City of Fairfield, required me to perform services both inside and outside the corporate boundaries of the City as follows: Total Days Paid 52 Weeks @ 5 Days per Week or 260 Working Days: (or dates of employment -beginning ________________ thru ________________ ) Number of Working Days Outside Fairfield ____________ Number of Paid Holidays, Sick Days, and Vacation Days _______________ Number of Working Days In Fairfield____________ OR ☐During the year 2023, my employer ______________________________________ over withheld Fairfield city income taxes for the following reason: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Under penalties of perjury I hereby certify that the information provided herein is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Print Employee’s Name Date Employee’s Signature Social Security Number Employee’s Street Address Daytime Phone Number Employee’s City, State, Zip City of Residence You must attacha copy ofyourW-2 showing Fairfield wages and Fairfield income taxes withheld. We will calculate and issue a refund (if any) based on the information provided. You will be notified of your anticipated refund amount via USPS. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EMPLOYER’ S VERIFICATION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The number of days work in Fairfield shown above reflect actual working days at principal place of work. Additionally, no refund of withheld taxes have been paid to employee. Employer’s / Manager’s Signature Date Print Employer’s / Manager’s Name Title Employer’s / Manager’s Phone Number and Extension Please mail, email, or fax completed form and copy of W-2 to: Income Tax Division - 701 Wessel Drive, Fairfield, OH 45014 513-867-5333 |
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