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2023SF Instructions
This Return can be used to file a 2023 Annual Return by the following taxpayers:
You lived in Newark all of 2023
Residents You did not have gambling/lottery winnings, self-employment or rentals.
If you had no taxable income in 2023, file form 23EX. All other taxpayers should use 23LF.
Step 1
For each question, please answer yes or no by placing an X in the correct column.
Step 2
Please enter the information requested.
Step 3
Lire 1. Enter your total wages from your W-2s using the higher of box 5 or 18.
Line 2. Multiply the total wages by 1.75% or 0.0175
Line 3. Enter the total of Newark Tax withheld from your W-2s. (Do not include school tax.)
Line 4. If you paid tax to another city, enter the total wages taxed (usually box 18 of your W-2).
Line 5. Subtract lines 3 and 4 from line 2 and enter the total here.
Line 6. Enter the total of 2023 estimated tax paid plus credit carried forward from 2022.
Line 7. If line 5 is greater than line 6, subtract line 6 from line 5 and enter the tax due.
Line 8. If line 6 is greater than line 5, subtract line 5 from line 6 and enter the overpayment.
If the total on line 5 is less than $10.01, no payment or refund is due.
Note: If the tax due on line 5 is $200.00 or more, you are required to file a 2024 Estimated
Tax Return and make quarterly tax payments. See form 24ET for details.
Copies of your W-2s for each employer that show your Federal wage (Box 1), Medicare wage (Box
5), Newark wage, Newark tax, other city wages, and other city taxes must be attached to your
return. You may need to attach multiple copies of your W-2s for each employer. If your employer
gave you a listing of other city taxes, please attach a copy. If you do not have enough copies of
your W-2s, we will accept photocopies.
State Law requires that you attach a copy of your Federal 1040.
Mail the completed return to the address listed. This return can be folded so that the "Mail to"
address will fit in a standard #10 window envelope.
Your return is due in our office on or before April 15, 2024.
A drop box is available for your convenience on the 4th Street side of the City Municipal Building
located at the corner of 4th and West Main Streets in downtown Newark.