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                                                                                You must attach complete copies of federal forms, schedules, and
                                                                                                                                 supporting statements as filed with the IRS.
                    INSTRUCTIONSYouFORmustJEDDattach1completeLIBERTYcopiesTOWNSHIPof federal forms,-BUSINESSschedules,RETURNand                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Form BR) 
General Instructions
Who files this form?                                                            You must attachsupportingcompletestatementscopies ofasfederalfiled withforms,the IRS.schedules, and
Corporations, partnerships, and S-Corpssupportingfile a BusinessstatementsReturn                                                                                                                                    asExtensionsfiled with the IRS.
General Instructionsas an entity doing business or located in the JEDD.                                                                                                                                             If you need an extension to file, you must request it directly
WhoGeneralIndividuals,filesInstructionsthissuchform?as sole proprietors, rental property owners,                                                                                                                    with the City of Middletown. Extension requests must be
WhoCorporations,and residentfiles thispartnerspartnerships,form?report andtheirS-CorpsincomefileonaFormBusinessIR Return                                                                                             Extensionspostmarked on or before April 15 for calendar year taxpayers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           th                                        th
Corporations,asIndividualan entityReturn.partnerships,doing businessand S-Corpsor locatedfile ainBusinessthe JEDD.Return                                                                                            IfandExtensionsyoubyneedthe 15andayextensionof the 4tomonthfile, youformustfiscalrequestyear taxpayers.it directly
as Individuals,an  entity suchdoing as solebusiness proprietors,or  located rentalin propertythe  JEDD.owners,                                                                                                      IfIfwithYouyouyoumaytheneedfiledCityuseananofaextensioncopyextensionMiddletown.of thetowithFederalfile,ExtensiontheyouExtensionIRS,mustrequestspleaserequestRequestattachmustit directlyora copyany beto 
Individuals,andTheresident2015 filingsuchpartnersdeadlineas solereport proprietors,is Apriltheir15,income2016rentalonforpropertyFormcalendarIRowners, year                                                         yourwith postmarkedwrittencitythe format.City return.on orof AnbeforeAnMiddletown.   extensionextensionAprilto15filetoforExtension isfilecalendarnotisannotextensionrequests yearan extensiontaxpayersmust to pay;beto 
                                                                                                                                                                                                         th                                                th                                        th               th
and Individualtaxpayers.resident ForReturn.partners fiscal yearreport taxpayers,their  income the deadlineon  Form is theIR 15                                                                                    pay;andpostmarkedif youbyifexpect theyou15onexpectdaytoorowebeforeoftotheusowetax,4Aprilmonthusyou15 tax,haveforforyoufiscalcalendartohavepayyearthat toyeartaxpayers.paybytaxpayersthethat by the 
                                         th                                                                                                                                                                                                                th                                        th
dayIndividualof the 4Return.mont                              h after year end.                                                                                                                                     originaloriginalandYoubymaytheduedueuse15 date.adate.daycopyLateof Lateofthepaymentsthe4 paymentsFederalmonthareforExtensionsubjectarefiscalsubjectyeartoRequestpenaltytotaxpayers. penaltyorandanyand 
  The 2015 filing deadline is April 15, 2016 for calendar year                                                                                                                                                      Youinterest.format.writtenmay use a copyAn extensionof the Federalto fileExtensionis not an extensionRequest ortoanypay;
TheFilingThe 2015202deadlines3filing filingdeadlinefordeadlineestimatedisisAprilAprilpayments15,12016,5                          202conformfor4 forcalendartocalendarIRSyear yearth                                 interest.written format. An extension to file is not an extension to pay; 
taxpayers. For fiscal year taxpayers, the deadline is the 15                                                                                                                                                        if you expect  to owe us tax, you have to pay that  by the
                                         th        th                                             th                     th      th                     th                                               thth
taxpayers.daydeadlines:taxpayers. of the 4theForFormonth15fiscalfiscaldayafteryearofyeartheyeartaxpayers,taxpayers,4end., 6 , 9 ,theandthedeadline12deadlinemonthisafteristhethe15 15                               originalFormsif  you  expect due date.to Lateowe paymentsus  tax,  you are subjecthave  to topay penaltythat andby  the 
daydaythe beginningofofthethe4 4  monthofmonththeaftertaxableafteryearyearyear.end.end.                                                                                                                             originalFormsinterest.anddueinstructionsdate.  Latemaypaymentsbe downloadedare subjectfromto penalty our websiteand 
  Filing deadlines for estimated payments conform to IRS                                                                                                                                                            at www.interest. cityofmiddletown.org under Middletown Income Tax, 
                                                   th                                             th                     th      th                     th
Filing Filing Alldeadlines:taxpayersdeadlines deadlines themust 15 dayfor for attachofestimated estimated thecopies4 , 6payments ,of9payments ,all and1099-Misc12conform monthconform formsafterto to IRSOhio       Forms  then download forms.
                                                   th                                             th                     th      th                     th
Revisedthedeadlines:issuedbeginningtoCodeOhiotheof15 residents.718.08thedaytaxableofdeadlines:theJEDDyear.4 , 61,-the9Liberty, and15th12 Townshipdaymonthof April,afterusesJune,the                                 FormsFormsFormsand instructions may be downloaded from our website
Sept.,thesamebeginningstandard& Dec.         ofasthethetaxableInternalyear.Revenue Service in determining                                                                                                           FormsFormsatQuestions?www.cityofmiddletown.organdandinstructionsinstructionsmaymaybebeunderdownloadeddownloadedMiddletownfromfromourIncomeourwebsitewebsiteTax, 
All  whethertaxpayersan individualmust  attachis ancopiesemployeeof all or1099-Miscsubcontractor. forms                                                                                                             atTheatthenwww.cityofmiddletown.org www.cityofmiddletown.orgJEDDdownload1 Libertyforms.TownshipunderunderincomeMiddletownBusiness,tax is administeredIncomeIncomeTax,Tax, 
AllAll issuedtaxpayerstaxpayers to Ohiomustresidents.must attachattach JEDDcopiescopies 1of- Libertyallof 1099-Miscall Township1099-Misc formsusesformsissued.the                                                   bythenthedownloadCity of Middleforms.town.  Please feel free to call us at (513)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Tax Forms.
JEDDissuedsameProvidestandard1to-ownershipOhioLibertyasresidents. Townshiptheinformation: InternalJEDDusesRevenue1theS-Corps- LibertysameServiceandstandardTownshippartnershipsin determiningas theusesInternalthe  Questions?  425-7862 between the hours of 8:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday
RevenuepleasesamewhetherstandardprovideanServiceindividualasK-1s.inthedeterminingForInternalis anall employeecloselyRevenuewhetherheldorServicesubcontractor.ancorporations,individualin determining is an or       ThethroughQuestions?JEDDFriday.1                 Liberty Township income tax is administered
employeelimitedwhetherliabilityanorindividualsubcontractor.companiesis anprovideemployeea listor subcontractor.of corporate                                                              officers                   Theby theJEDDCity1ofMiddletown.Liberty TownshipPleaseincomefeel freetaxtoiscalladministeredus at (513)
Provide  and owners,ownershipincludinginformation: the ownershipS-Corpspercentage.and                                                                     partnerships                                              by425-7862the Citybetweenof Middletown. the hoursPleaseof 8:00AMfeel freeto 5:00PM,to call usMondayat (513) 
pleaseProvide provideownership K-1s.information: For all  closelyS-Corps held corporations,and  partnershipsor                                                                                                      425-7862through Friday.between the hours of 8:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday 
please limitedSpecialprovide liabilityInstructionscompaniesK-1s.    For provideall  closely a list ofheld corporatecorporations, officersor                                                                         through Friday. 
limitedLineand owners,1liabilityEnterincludingthecompaniesAdjustedthe ownershipprovideFederalaTaxablelistpercentage.of corporateIncome (AFTI)officers  as defined by the Ohio Revised Code(ORC) 718.01. All business entities
andcomputeowners,AFTIincludingas if theythewereownershipC corporations.percentage. 
  Special           ForInstructionscorporations use 1120, line 28, Taxable income before net operating loss deduction and special deductions.
LineSpecial1    EnterInstructionsS-Corpsthe Adjustedusually useFederal1120S,TaxableScheduleIncomeK, line(AFTI)18, Income/Lossas defined byReconciliation.the Ohio Revised Code(ORC) 718.01. All business entities
Linecompute1 PartnershipsAFTIEnter theas ifAdjustedtheyandwerelimitedFederalC corporations.liabilityTaxablecompaniesIncome (AFTI)use 1065,aspagedefined5, lineby the1, NetOhioIncome.Revised Code(ORC) 718.01.  All business entities 
compute            NonresidentForAFTIcorporationsas if theysolewereuseproprietors1120,C corporations. linefiling28,                       on aTaxablebusinessincomereturnbeforewill disregardnet operatingtheselossinstructionsdeductionandandusespecial1040,deductions.Schedule C, line 31,
                  S-CorpsForNetcorporationsProfitusuallyor Lossuseuse1120,1120S,lineSchedule28, TaxableK, lineincome18, Income/Lossbefore net operatingReconciliation.loss deduction and special deductions.
          • •       S-Corps usually use 1120S, Schedule K, line 18, Income/Loss Reconciliation. Partnerships and limited liability companies use 1065, page 5, line 1, Net Income.Nonresident landlords filing on a business return will disregard these instructions and use 1040, Schedule E, line 26, Total
          • •         rental real estate and royalty income or (loss.)Partnerships and limited liability companies use 1065, page 5, line 1, Net Income. Nonresident sole proprietors filing on a business return will disregard these instructions and use 1040, Schedule C, line 31,
Line2           ReferNonresidentNettoProfitScheduleorsoleLossXproprietorsinstructionsfilingon theonreversea businessside.return will disregard these instructions and use 1040, Schedule C, line 31,
Line4              NonresidentNetReferProfitto ScheduleorlandlordsLoss Y instructionsfiling on aonbusinessthe reversereturnside. will disregard these instructions and use 1040, Schedule E, line 26, Total
If you            arerentalNonresidenta residentreal estateentity,landlordsandallroyaltyoffilingyouronincomeincomea businessoris(loss.)subjectreturntowillJEDDdisregardtax, withthesecreditinstructionsgiven forandtaxesusepaid1040,to otherSchedulemunicipalities.E, line 26,IfTotal21,you are 
Lineclaiming2      rentalReferpaymentsrealto ScheduletoestateotherandXmunicipalities,instructionsroyalty incomeonyoutheormust(loss.)reversprovidee side.copies of returns filed in those cities. If you are a non-resident entity doing 
LineLinebusiness2 4bothReferReferwithintotoScheduleScheduleand withoutXYinstructionsinstructionsJEDD-LibertyononthetheTownship,reversereverseside.side.use Schedule Y to determine the percentage of your income subject to JEDD 
LineLineIftax.you54 areRefera residentto Scheduleentity, allY instructionsof your incomeon theis subjectreversetoside.JEDD tax, with credit given for taxes paid to other municipalities. If you are 
claimingIf you arepaymentsa residenttoentity,otherallmunicipalities,of your incomeyouismustsubjectprovideto JEDDcopiestax,ofwithreturnscreditfiledgivenin thosefor taxescities.paidIf youto otherare amunicipalities.non-resident entityIf youdoingare 
Declaration of Estimated Tax business both within and without JEDD-Liberty Township, use Schedule Y to determine the percentage of your income subject to JEDD claiming payments to other municipalities, you must provide copies of returns filed in those cities. If you are a non-resident entity doing 
Anytax.businessentitybothanticipatingwithin andthatwithouttheir taxJEDD-Libertyliability at theTownship,end of 20 use24willSchedulebe moreYthanto determine$200 mustthemakepercentageestimatedof yourtax payments.income subjectTaxpayersto JEDD 
must tax. have 90% of their current  year tax liability or 100% of their previous year’s tax liability paid through quarterly estimated tax 
paymentsDeclarationto avoidof Estimatedpenalty andTaxinterest.  Estimated taxes must be paid in full by                                                                                                                              DecemberDecember                         15.15. If you wait until you file your return, you 
AnywillDeclarationbeentitysubjectanticipatingoftoEstimatedpenaltythatandTaxtheirinterest.  tax liability at the end of 2016 will be more than $200 must make estimated tax payments. Taxpayers
Anymustentityhave 90%anticipatingof theirthatcurrent theiryeartax liabilitytax liabilityat theorend100%of 2016of theirwillpreviousbe moreyear’sthan $200tax liabilitymust makepaidestimatedthrough quarterlytax payments.estimatedTaxpayerstax
mustpaymentsDECLARATIONhaveto90%avoidof theirpenaltyANDcurrent andRETURNinterest.year taxPAYMENTEstimatedliability ortaxes100%CALENDARmustof theirbe paidpreviousin fullyear’sby                                                          Decembertax liability15.Ifpaidyouthroughwait untilquarterlyyou fileestimatedyour return,tax                                                                      you
will be subject to penalty and interest.
payments              APRILAPRILto avoid15TH*15TH*  penalty and interest.JUNEEstimated15TH                                                              taxes                            must beSEPTpaid in15 full by                     December DECDEC1531                      15.If you         wait untilAPRILAPRILyou file15*15*your return, you
will be subject to penalty and interest.      File Declaration                  2nd quarter payment    3rd quarter payment   4th quarter payment                  File return 
*TheDECLARATIONfilingAPRILdeadline15TH*ANDfor yourRETURNreturnJUNEis AprilPAYMENT15TH115th5th                                                                         CALENDARSEPT 15                                                       DEC 31                                                                                      APRIL 15*
    File DeclarationAPRIL 15TH*                                                                 2nd quarterJUNE 15THentpaym                                                   3rd quarterSEPTpayment 15                 4th quarterDEC 31 payment                                                                                   FileAPRILreturn15*
DidDid1stFileyouyouquarterDeclarationrememberrememberpaymenttotoinclude:include:2nd quarter payment                                                                           3rd quarter payment  4th quarter payment                                                                                                              File return
 *The1stfiling quartercompletedeadlinepayment completecopiesforofyourcopiesfederalreturnofforms,federalis Aprilschedules,forms,15th                                       schedules,and supportingand supportingstatementsstatementsas filed withas filedthewithIRS?the IRS?
 *The filingcopiesdeadlineofcopiesallfor1099-miscyourof allreturn1099-miscformsis Aprilissuedforms15thtoissuedOhio residentsfor persons/businesses working in Liberty Township, JEDD
 Did you             rememberlist of corporatelisttoofinclude:corporateofficers andofficersowners/partnersand owners/partnersincludingincludingname, socialname,securitysocialnumbersecurityandnumberownershipand ownershippercentagepercentage(if 
 Did you             remembercompletenot included(ifcopiestonotwithinclude:includedoffederalfederalwithforms)   forms,federalschedules,forms)                                               and supporting statements as filed with the IRS?
                  completecopies of allcopies1099-miscof federalformsforms,issuedschedules,to Ohioandresidentssupporting statements as filed with the IRS?
          • •         copies of all 1099-misc forms issued to Ohio residentslist of corporate officers and owners/partners including name, social security number and ownership percentage (if
                    not included with federal forms)list of corporate officers and owners/partners including name, social security number and ownership percentage (if
                      not included with federal forms)

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                                                                    Schedule X – Reconciliation with Return

A.  Enter the amount included in Line 1 of the Business Tax Return related to the sale, exchange, or other
     A. Enter the amount included in Line 1 of the Business Tax Return related to the sale, exchange, or other 
     disposition of an asset described in section 1221 or 1231 of the Internal Revenue Code. This woulddisposition of an asset described in section 1221 or 1231 of the Internal Revenue Code.  This would 
     include the 1231 loss reported on Form 4797.include the 1231 loss reported on Form 4797.
B.   Enter any taxes on or measured by net income included as a deduction in computer Line 1.B. Enter any taxes on or measured by net income included as a deduction in computer Line 1.
C.   Enter 5% of the intangible income included in Line 1 of the Business Tax Return that is not directlyC. Enter any guaranteed payments, or similar payments made to partners, members or other owners that 
     relatedwereto thedeductedsale, exchangein arrivingoratotherthedispositionincome amountof propertyon Linedescribed1.                                in Section 1221 of the Internal
     Revenue Code (usually 5% of Line J).D. Enter 5% of the intangible income included in Line 1 of the Business Tax Return that is not directly 
D.  Add Real Estate Investment Trust distributions allowed as a deduction in the computation of Federalrelated to the sale, exchange or other disposition of property described in Section 1221 of the Internal 
     Taxable Income.Revenue Code (usually 5% of Line K).  
     E. Add Real Estate Investment Trust distributions allowed as a deduction in the computation of Federal 
E.   Enter amounts related to self-employed retirement plans, pension plans and health or life insurance plans for an 
        Taxable Income.
     owner or owner-employee of a non C corporation.
     F. Enter amounts related to self-employed retirement plans and health or life insurance plans for an owner 
F.   Enterorcharitableowner-employeecontributionof a nonin excessC corporation.of the 10% federal limit
G.  Other (explain).G. Enter charitable contribution in excess of the 10% federal limit
H.  TotalH. Otheritems(explain).not deductible (A G).
I.   EnterI. Totaltheitemsamountnotofdeductiblethe capital(AgainH).income that is included on Line 1 of the Business Tax Return. Do
     not include capital gains relating to 1245 or 1250 property – these gains are taxable.J. Enter the amount of the capital gain income that is included on Line 1 of the Business Tax Return.  Do 
J.   Enternottheincludetotal amountcapitalofgainsintangiblerelatingincometo 1245includedor 1250inpropertyLine 1 ofthetheseBusinessgains areTaxtaxable.Return. Intangible
     K. Enter the total amount of intangible income included in Line 1 of the Business Tax Return.  Intangible 
     income generally includes, but is not limited to interest, dividends, copyrights and patents.
        income generally includes, but is not limited to interest, dividends, copyrights and patents.
K.  If Line 1 of the return includes other income except from municipal tax, enter on this line and provide an
     L. If Line 1of the return includes other income except from municipal tax, enter on this line and provide an 
L.   Total items not taxable (I – K).M. Total items not taxable (J – L).
M.  DeductN. Combine DeductLineLineLLinefromMILinefromand MH.LineandEnterI.enterEntertheonnetthePageamountnet1,amountlineas2.anasadditionan addition(or deduction)(or deduction)on Lineon Line2 of page2.1.

                                                                      Schedule Y – Apportionment Formula
StepStep1.1. ComputeComputethethepercentagepercentageofofthetheoriginaloriginalaverageaveragecostcostof theof therealrealandandtangibletangiblepersonalpersonalpropertypropertyownedownedor 
usedor usedby thebytaxpayerthe taxpayerin theinLIBERTYthe City ofTOWNSHIPMiddletown-duringJEDD duringthe taxablethe taxableperiodperiodto the originalto the originalaverageaveragecost ofcostall 
ofofalltheofrealthe realandandtangibletangiblepersonalpersonalpropertypropertyownedownedor usedor usedby thebytaxpayerthe taxpayerduringduringthe samethe sameperiod,period,whereverwherever 
     situated.  Rental expense for real or personal property must be multiplied by 8.
situated. Rental expense for real or personal property must be multiplied by 8.
     Step 2.  Compute the percentage of the gross receipts of the business or profession from sales made and 
Step 2. Compute the percentage of the gross receipts of the business or profession from sales made and services 
     services performed during the taxable period in the City of Middletown to gross receipts of the business or 
performed during the taxable period in the LIBERTY TOWNSHIP - JEDD to gross receipts of the business or 
     profession during the same period from sales and services, wherever made or performed.
profession during the same period from sales and services, wherever made or performed.Step  3.   Compute  the  percentage  of  total  personal  compensation  paid  during  the  period  for  services 
Stepperformed 3. Computein the theCitypercentageof Middletownof total personalto  total compensationpersonal compensationpaid duringpaid theduringperiodtheforsame servicesperiodperformedfor all          in 
thebusinessLIBERTYlocations. TOWNSHIPDo not- JEDDincludetoamountstotal personalpaid tocompensationcontractors.                              paid during the same period for all business 
locations. Do not include amounts paid to contractors.Step 4.  Calculate the total of percentages derived in Steps 1 through 3.
Step 4. Calculate the total of percentages derived in Steps 1 through 3.Step 5.  Divide the total derived in Step 4 by the number of percentages used.  Insert this percentage on Page 
Step1, Line5. Divide4 of thethereturn.total derived in Step 4 by the number of percentages used. Insert this percentage on Page 1, Line 
4 of the return.

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