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SCHEDULE X:SCHEDULE X: Reconciliation with Federal Return as Required by ORC Section 718 Reconciliation with Federal Return as Required by ORC Section 718
a. Capital Losses (IRC 1221 or 1231 property)..............................................$ ________________a. Capital Losses (IRC 1221 or 1231 property) ..............................................$ ________________ n. Capital Gains (IRC 1221 or 1231 property except to the extent the n. Capital Gains (IRC 1221 or 1231 property except to the extent the
b. Expenses attributable to intangible income b. Expenses attributable to intangible income income and gains apply to those described in IRC 1245 or 1250).............$ ________________income and gains apply to those described in IRC 1245 or 1250) .............$ ________________
(5% of total intangible income, excluding capital gains).........................$ ________________(5% of total intangible income, excluding capital gains) .........................$ ________________ o. Federally reported intangible income such as, but not limited to, o. Federally reported intangible income such as, but not limited to,
c. Taxes based on or measured by net income .............................................$ ________________c. Taxes based on or measured by net income .............................................$ ________________ interest and dividends and Other Intangible Income as dened
in ORC 718.01(S) ......................................................................................$ ________________in ORC 718.01(S)......................................................................................$ ________________
d.e. GuaranteedLoss incurredpaymentsby a pass-throughto currententityor formerownedpartners,directlyshareholdersor indirectly by a taxpayer and included in the
taxpayer’sor members..............................................................................................$Federal Taxable Income unless the loss is included in the Net Prot________________of an aliated group r.r.OtherOther(Explain)(Explain).........................................................................................$.........................................................................................$________________________________
f. Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) distributions .....................................$ ________________in accordance with ORC 718.06(E)(3)(b) ..................................................$ ________________ ___________________________________________________
e. Guaranteed payments to current or former partners, shareholders h. Other (Explain) ........................................................................................$ ________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
or___________________________________________________members..............................................................................................$ ________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
f. Real___________________________________________________Estate Investment Trust (REIT) distributions.....................................$ ________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
g. Amounts___________________________________________________paid or accrued to or for health or life insurance for current or former partners, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
m.shareholdersTotal Additionsor members(Enter onofLinenon-C2a, pageCorporation1) ...............................................$entities..........................$ ________________________________ z. Total___________________________________________________Deductions (Enter on Line 2b, page 1) .............................................$ ________________
h. Other (Explain)........................................................................................$ ________________ ___________________________________________________
m.Total Additions (Enter on Line 2a, page 1)...............................................$SCHEDULE________________Y: Businessz.ApportionmentTotal Deductions (EnterFormulaon Line 2b, page 1).............................................$ ________________
STEP 1. ORIGINAL COST OF REAL AND TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTYSCHEDULE Y: Business________________Apportionment________________Formula ________________
STEP 1. ORIGINALTOTAL STEPCOST1OF REAL AND TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY ________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________%
STEP 2. GROSSGROSSRECEIPTSANNUALFROMRENTALSSALESPAIDMADEMULTIPLIEDAND/OR WORKBY 8 OR SERVICES PERFORMED ________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________%
STEP 3. WAGES,TOTALSALARIESSTEP 1 AND OTHER COMPENSATION PAID ________________________________ ________________________________ _______________%_______________%
STEP 2. GROSS4. TOTALRECEIPTSPERCENTAGESFROM SALES MADE AND/OR WORK OR SERVICES PERFORMED ________________ ________________ _______________%_______________%
STEP 3. WAGES,5. AVERAGESALARIESPERCENTAGEAND OTHER(DivideCOMPENSATIONtotal percentagesPAIDby number of percentages used.) Carry________________to Line 3b, Page 1 ................................................................................................._______________%________________ _______________%
4. TOTAL PERCENTAGES _______________%
5. AVERAGE PERCENTAGE (Divide total percentages by number of percentagesINSTRUCTIONSused.) CarryFORtoLINESLine 3b, Page1 THROUGH1................................................................................................._______________%9
1. Attach copy of Federal return and schedules. Enter the Adjusted Federal Taxable Income (AFTI) as dened by the ORC 718.01. AFTI means a C Corporation’s Federal taxable
income before net operating losses and special deductions. Other businessINSTRUCTIONSentities mustFORcomputeLINESthe AFTI1 THROUGHas if they were8 a C Corporation. Generally, this is the line titled “Income
(Loss) AttachReconciliation”copy ofonFederalthe SchedulereturnKandof theschedules.Form 1120S EnterforthesubchapterAdjustedSFederalCorporationsTaxableor theIncomeline titled(AFTI)“Analysisas definedofbyNettheIncomeORC 718.01. (Loss)”AFTIof themeansForma1065C Corporation’sfor PartnershipsFederalandtaxableLimited
Liability Companies.income before net operating losses and special deductions. Other business entities must compute the AFTI as if they were a C Corporation. Generally, this is the line titled “Income
(Loss)2. AllReconciliation”business entitieson themustScheduleuse ScheduleK of theX,Formpage1120S2, to determinefor subchapteritemsSnotCorporationstaxable/deductible.or the line titled “Analysis of Net Income (Loss)” of the Form 1065 for Partnerships and Limited
Liability3. BusinessCompanies.entities with less than 100% of operations located in Evendale must use Schedule Y.
3b. EnterAll businessthe amountentitiesof themustlossusecarryforward,Schedule X,ifpageapplicable. 2, to determineIf reportingitemsnewnotNOLtaxable/deductible.(2017 and after), please see website for the MNP Net operating Loss Deduction Instructions.
Business entities with less than 100% of operations located in Evendale must use Schedule Y.Eective beginning with the tax year 2017, NOL are computed prior to the application of the allocation percentage. Schedule Y, if applicable, must be completed to be considered
3b. Enter the apportionment percentage from Schedule Y, Step 5.a complete tax return. NOL may be carried forward for a maximum of 5 (ve) tax years. See website HB 5 NOL MNP release provided by the Ohio Department of Taxation.
3c. 3c. EnterMultiplytheLineapportionment3a by Line 3b.percentage from Schedule Y, Step 5.
4. Multiply Line 3 x Line 3c OR use MTI amount from calculation (See 3b).3d. Enter the amount of the loss carryforward, if applicable. The loss may be carried forward for a maximum of three years.
7a. 7a. LateLatelingfilingfeefeeforforallalltaxtaxreturnsreturnsandandformsformsisis$25.00$25.00perpermonthmonthofofportionportionthereof,thereof,notnottotoexceedexceed$150.00.$150.00.
7b. Penalty due is 15% of the amount not timely paid.7b. Penalty due is 15% of the amount not timely paid.
7c. 7c. InterestInterestisisimposedimposedononallalltaxtaxnotnottimelytimelypaid. paid. TheTheraterateisisadjustedadjustedannuallyannuallybasedbasedononthethefederalfederalshort-termshort-termraterate++5%. 5%. Please1MFBTFvisitWJTJUthe VillageUIF 7JMMBHFwebsiteXFCTJUFfor the interestGPS UIFrate(s)JOUFSFTUor call SBUF T PS DBMM
UIF 5BY %FQBSUNFOU BU GPS RVFTUJPOT SFHBSEJOH UIF JOUFSFTU SBUF T the Tax Department at (513) 563-2671 for questions regarding the interest rate(s).
7d. Indicates amount of TAX DUE. If this line is equal to NPSF UIBO $10.00, full payment must be received on or before the due date. If this line is $10.00 PS MFTT, the amount is not 7d. Indicates amount of TAX DUE. If this line is equal to more than $10.00, full payment must be received on or before the due date. If this line is $10.00 or less, the amount is not
collectible – enter zero. collectible – enter zero.
8 IfIf LineLine 6c6c isis greatergreater thanthan LineLine 5,5, enterenter thethe amountamount ofof thethe overpaymentoverpayment toto bebe refundedrefunded and/orand/or credited.credited. The overpayment will be credited to next year unless a refund is requested. If The overpayment will be credited to next year unless a refund is requested. If
thethe overpaymentoverpayment amountamount isis $10.00$10.00 or less, the amount will not be refunded. PS MFTT, the amount will not be refunded.
8 AsAs requiredrequired byby OhioOhio Law,Law, estimatedestimated taxtax mustmust bebe computedcomputed andand remittedremitted onon aa quarterlyquarterly basisbasis ifif thethe estimatedestimated amountamount forfor thethe yearyear (Line(Line 10)10) exceedsexceeds $200.00. $200.00. To avoid penalties, To avoid penalties,
estimatedestimated paymentspayments mustmust bebe equalequal toto 100%100% ofof thethe priorprior year’syear’ tax liability, or 90% of the current year’s tax liability. See the schedule below for Declaration and quarterly s tax liability, or 90% of the current year’s tax liability. See the schedule below for 201 Declaration and quarterly
estimated tax payment due dates. estimated tax payment due dates.
APRILAPRIL 1 ,12018 , 20 23 JUNEJUNE 15,15, 20 20123 SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER15,15,20120 23 %&$&.#&3 DECEMBER 15, 20 23 APRIL 15, 2024
File 2022 Income Tax Ret urn RemitRemit2nd 2nd RemitRemit 3rd 3rd Remit 4th quarterly File 2023 IncomeTax Return
with 2023 Declaration and quarterlyquarterlypaymentpayment quarterlyquarterly paymentpayment paymentpayment with 2024 Declaration and
1st quarterly payment. 1st quarterly payment
GA TEWAY TO OP PORTUNITY Income Tax Department | 10500 Reading Road, Evendale, Ohio 45241-2574 | Phone 513-563-2671
EESSTT. . 11995511