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CLEVELAND OH 44113-1503
216.664.2070    800.223.6317


                             ANNUAL RECONCILIATION


Read instructions for lines 6 and 13 to 
ensure Employment wages and Residence 
withholding are reported correctly.

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                                                 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS

WHO MUST FILE - Each employer must file Form W-3 which serves as the transmittal statement for Forms W-2 for 
each employee from whom municipal tax has been withheld during the year. Filers must also submit copies of Forms 1099-NEC. 
Forms W-2 for employees under 18 should be excluded (except:  Montpelier, Munroe Falls, New Paris, Oakwood, Obetz, 
Phillipsburg, Riverside and Somerset have no minimum age, Geneva-on-the-Lake under 15; Grand River and West Milton under 16. 
New Carlisle individuals 16 and 17 years old who earn $2,500.00 or more are subject to the tax). 

Pursuant to Section 718.03(H) of the Ohio Revised Code if an employer reports local CCA W-2 information for any employee, 
the employer is required to file all of the employee’s local W-2 information regardless of whether the municipal income tax is 
administered by CCA or not. This change is in effect beginning with tax year 2016.

DUE DATE - February 29, 2024. 

REPORTING ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA - If you file 250 or more forms W-2, you must file with CCA on electronic media. If you 
have 100 or more Forms W-2 and file using electronic media with the Federal Government, you are required to also file on electronic 
media with CCA. CCA submittal procedures may be found online at the CCA website under Magnetic Media Specs. You may be 
charged a penalty if you fail to file Forms W-2 on electronic media when required. All employers are required to complete and submit 
a written reconciliation (W-3) form.

MAILING - Forms W-2 may be forwarded  in consecutively numbered packages of convenient size, identified by employer’s 
name, federal identification number and the number of packages that will be sent. If more than one package of Forms W-2 are  
to be sent, they shall be grouped by employment municipalities in order to expedite the processing of the year-end report.  

All forms and packages sent by mail are required to be sent First Class mail to 205 W Saint Clair Ave, Cleveland OH 44113-1503.

                                                   SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS

 Confirm name, address and Federal Identification number. Make corrections, if necessary.
1.  Number of Wage and Tax Statements Attached - Show the number of completed Forms W-2 you are transmitting with this Form W-3. 
1a.  Number of 1099 Statements Attached - Show the number of completed Forms 1099 you are transmitting with this Form W-3.
2.  Enter amount of tax remitted to CCA, for each month or quarter end, as shown.
2a.  Enter total amount of employment tax remitted to CCA during 2023. Wages subject to employment tax are reported in Column 6.
2b.  Enter total amount of residence tax remitted (if any) to CCA during 2023. Wages subject to residence tax are not required to be reported.
2c.  Enter total tax remitted to CCA as detailed in 2, above. 
3.  CCA Municipalities - Enter requested information for each CCA municipality where work was performed and wages earned. Revenue    
 Sharing JEDD/JEDZ chart below.
4.  Numerical code assigned to each CCA municipality.
5.  Enter the number of employees by employment municipality. Employees should be counted in the municipality where the majority of    
 their work was performed. 

6.  Enter the total taxable employment wages as defined in ORC 718. Do not include wages on which residence tax has been withheld    
 for that municipality. 
7.  CCA municipalities tax rates.
8.  Enter Amount Due, Multiply Column 6 employment wages by Column 7 tax rate.
9.  Enter total CCA tax withheld according to actual amounts shown on Forms W-2. Attach adding machine tape or other list showing how    
 total municipal tax withheld was obtained. 
10.  Enter total employment tax amount remitted by municipality on Forms CCA-102 and also shown on Line 2a above. 
11.  Enter any amount overpaid and credited from the previous year.
12.  Enter amount due. Column 8 or 9, whichever is greater, less Columns 10 and 11.
13.  Enter residence tax withheld. Do not report wages on the residence tax withheld.
14  Enter residence tax amount remitted for each municipality. Column 14 total should equal Line 2b.
15.  Enter amount due. Column 13 less Column 14.
16.  Total all columns.
17.  Add Column 12 and Column 15 totals to arrive at Net Tax Due. If Box 17 shows a net tax due, remit payment. Make check/money order   
 payable to CCA and write the Federal Identification number on remittance. 

18.  If a negative figure is shown in Box 17, enter preference as credit or refund. No refund or credit will be made for amounts of $10.00 
 or less. If you fail to designate, the overpayment will be treated as a credit. 
                                                 REVENUE SHARING JEDD/JEDZ
        NAME               CODE      RATE          NAME            CODE    RATE      NAME           CODE RATE
        Burton Village/Twp 982       1.0%        High Hills/Cleve  996  2.5%         N. Baltimore   988  1.0%
        Clayton/Clay       984       1.5%        Emerald Park      993  2.5%         Prairie Obetz  981  2.5%
        Cleve/High Hills   995       2.5%        IX Center         992  2.5%         Shaker Sq      994  2.5%
        Cleve/Warr Hts     998       2.5%        Gateway           990  2.5%

                                          KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS.

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                   CCA – DIVISION OF TAXATION                                       1.  Number of W-2 Wage & Tax Statements Attached  . . . . . . . .                                              
                   205 W SAINT CLAIR AVE                RECONCILIATION OF MUNICIPAL 
                   CLEVELAND OH 44113-1503              INCOME TAX WITHHELD AND     1a. Number of 1099 Statements Attached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                     
                   216.664.2070    800.223.6317      TRANSMITTAL OF WAGE AND TAX    2.  City Income Tax withheld and remitted on Form CCA-102 for month or quarter ended: 
                   www.ccatax.ci.cleveland.oh.us             STATEMENTS                    
                                                                                             JAN                               FEB                             MAR
                   February 29, 2024                                                         $                                 $                               $
  FILE CODE        YEAR END       FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NO. EMP CODE                        APR                               MAY                             JUN
                                                                                             $                                 $                               $
                                                                                             JUL                               AUG                             SEP
                          2023                                                               $                                 $                               $
                                                                                             OCT                               NOV                             DEC
                                                                                             $                                 $                               $

                                                                                    2a. Total Employment Tax above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $                             
                                                                                    2b. Total Residence Tax (if any) above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$                              
                                                                                    2c. Total Tax remitted to CCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $                        
                                                        EMPLOYMENT TAX – See number 6 of instructions.                                                                      RESIDENCE TAX
3                         4   5         6               7    8           9                             10           11           12               13                        14           15
                              EMPLOYEES   WAGES                                                                     CREDIT         TAX DUE    TAX WITHHELD                  REMITTED       TAX DUE
Burton                    176                           1.00%
Clayton                   199                           1.50%
Cleveland                 200                           2.50%
Dalton                    252                           1.00%
Edon                      275                           1.75%
Elida                     276                           .75%
Geneva-on-the-Lake        347                           1.50%
Germantown                348                           1.50%
Grand Rapids              356                           1.00%
Grand River               357                           2.00%
Highland Hills            371                           2.50%
Linndale                  420                           2.00%
Marble Cliff              459                           2.00%
Mentor-on-the-Lake        495                           2.00%
Montpelier                517                           1.60%
Munroe Falls              533                           2.25%
New Carlisle              534                           1.50%
New Madison               538                           1.00%
New Miami                 539                           1.75%
New Paris                 541                           1.00%
North Baltimore           548                           1.00%
North Randall             560                           2.75%
Oakwood (Paulding County) 585                           1.00%
Obetz                     587                           2.50%
Orwell                    605                           1.50%
Paulding                  640                           1.10%
Phillipsburg              659                           1.50%
Pitsburg                  661                           1.00%
Riverside                 680                           2.50%
Rock Creek                698                           1.00%
Russells Point            703                           1.00%
Seville                   722                           1.00%
Shreve                    755                           1.00%
Somerset                  762                           1.00%
South Russell             772                           1.25%
Union                     797                           1.50%
Waynesfield               833                           1.00%
West Milton               835                           1.50%
        Revenue Sharing JEDD/JEDZ - complete below

                                                                                                           17       Net Tax Due (Add Column 12 total and Column 15 total) $
                                                                                                                    If Net Tax Due is a negative, indicate                  CREDIT       REFUND
I DECLARE THAT THIS RETURN, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, IS TRUE AND COMPLETE.                           overpayment preference. . . .          @                           @
                                                                                                           Do you authorize your preparer to contact us regarding this return? YES           NO
X                                                                                                                                                                                        @   @
  SIGNATURE                                                    DATE
                                                                                                           Signature of Person or Firm Preparing the Return                                 (Date)
  TITLE (OWNER, PRESIDENT, PARTNER, ETC.)                      PHONE NUMBER                                Address of Preparer

                FOR OFFICE USE ONLY                                                                                                        DO NOT REMOVE!
                                                          W-2 CONTROL COVER SHEET
                            2023                               CCA – DIVISION OF TAXATION

                                                                                                                                      Number of W-2s: 
                                                                    F.E.I.N.                                                                  Number of 1099s: 
                                                                    Batch Date                                           Batch No.                            Tray No. 
  CITY                            STATE         ZIP CODE
                                                                    City                                                             Tax Withheld 

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