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City of Mansfield
Income Tax Division
P.O. Box 577 Mansfield, OH 44901
Phone: 419-755-9711 Fax: 419-755-9751
For the purpose of our records, with regard to Mansfield Income Tax, please complete and return this
Questionnaire promptly.
1. Name: _______________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________
Social Security Number: _______ - _______ - ________ Date of Birth: __________________________
Street Address: ____________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State ______________________ Zip _________
2. Spouse’s Name: ________________________________ Phone Number : _______________________
Social Security Number: _______ - _______ - _________ Date of Birth: _________________________
3. Date moved into Mansfield: ______________________________________________________________
4. Do you: Own Rent
5. If renting, provide landlord information:
Name: ______________________________________________
Street Address: ____________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State ______________________ Zip _________
6. Do you own rental property? Yes No n
Address of rental property. (If more than one, please provide listing on separate page).
Street Address: ___________________________________________________
City ________________________________ State ______________________
7. Are you self-employed? Yes No (If yes list name and address of business).
Business Name: ______________________________________________
Street Address: ____________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State ______________________ Zip _________
Employees? Yes No (If yes please provide your Federal Employer Identification Number).
FEIN : __________________________